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Sbado 28 de mar.

de 15
noun UK /mpu/ ( PLURAL shampoos) US
[C or U] a liquid used for washing hair, or
for washing particularobjects or materials:an anti-dandruff
shampooa carpet shampooDirections: wet hair, apply shampoo and massage into
a rich lather. [C] an act of washing something, especially your hair, with
shampoo:My hair/The rug/The dog needs a shampoo.She went to the hairdressers for
a shampoo and set.
More examples


verb [T] UK /mpu/ US

to wash something with shampoo:Duncan shampooed my hair and then
Tracy cut it.

domingo 29 march
noun [C]


an unpleasant person who behaves violently

Translations of thug
in Spanish

bestia, gamberro

Lunes 30 march
noun [C] UK / US
a very young child, especially one that has
not yet begun to walkor talk:a newborn babya six-week-old babya
baby boybaby clothesbaby foodSandra had a baby (= gave birth to it) on 29 May.Owen
is the baby (= the youngest person) of the family.A2 a very young animal:a
baby elephant/monkey DISAPPROVING an adult or especially an older child who
is crying orbehaving like a child:It didn't hurt that much - don't be such a
baby! MAINLY US a word you can use when you are talking to someone
you love such as your wife, husband, partner, etc.:Oh baby, I love carrot,
sweetcorn, etc. a type of vegetable that
is specially grown to stay small INFORMAL Someone's baby is something that
they have a specialinterest in and responsibility for:I don't know much about
the project - it's Philip's baby.
More examples

to treat an older child as if he or she were a much younger child:The boys were
now ten and twelve and didn't want their mother to baby them.

Martes 31 de mar. de 15

noun [C] UK / US

a very young child, especially one that has

not yet begun to walkor talk:a newborn babya six-week-old babya
baby boybaby clothesbaby foodSandra had a baby (= gave birth to it) on 29 May.Owen
is the baby (= the youngest person) of the family.A2 a very young animal:a
baby elephant/monkey DISAPPROVING an adult or especially an older child who
is crying orbehaving like a child:It didn't hurt that much - don't be such a
baby! MAINLY US a word you can use when you are talking to someone
you love such as your wife, husband, partner, etc.:Oh baby, I love carrot,
sweetcorn, etc. a type of vegetable that
is specially grown to stay small INFORMAL Someone's baby is something that
they have a specialinterest in and responsibility for:I don't know much about
the project - it's Philip's baby.
More examples

to treat an older child as if he or she were a much younger child:The boys were
now ten and twelve and didn't want their mother to baby them.

noun [C] UK / US

a baby pig:The sow had eight piglets.

Mircoles 1 de abr. de 15

noun [C] UK /pp/ US

a baby of particular animals, or a puppy :a seal pupan otter pup

Jueves 2 de abr. de 15

noun [C] uk ( also fledgeling) /fled.l/ us

a young bird that has grown feathers and is learning to fly
adjective [before noun] uk ( also fledgeling) /fled.l/ us
new and without experience: The current economic climate is
particularly difficult for fledgling businesses.
Lunes 6 de abr. de 15

a hole in one
in golf, an occasion when someone's ball goes into the hole the
first time they hit it

Martes 7 de abr. de 15

tee off
verb UK phrasal verb with tee /ti/ US
to hit a golf ball off the tee, or to begin a game of golf by doing this:We'll tee off
at ten o'clock.

MIERCOLES 8 de abr. de 15 +

verb [I or T] UK /pt/ US
to hit a golf ball gently across an area of short and even grasstowards or into
a hole:Palmer putted the ball straight into the hole.You need to use a special club for

noun [C] UK /pt/ US
a gentle hit across short grass that sends a ball towards or into
ahole:She won the competition with an impressive six-metre putt.

Jueves 9 de abr. de 15

noun [C] uk / us /-k/
bunker noun [C] (SHELTER)
a shelter, usually underground, that has strong walls to protect the
people inside it from bullets or bombs
bunker noun [C] (GOLF)
( US also sand trap) in golf, a hollow area of ground filled with sand,
that is difficult to hit a ball out of
lunes 13 de abr. de 15

noun [C] UK /mr..n/ US /-n/
marathon noun [C] (RACE)
a running race of slightly over 26 miles (42.195 kilometres):the London/New
York marathonShe did/ran her first marathon in just under three hours.
More examples

marathon noun [C] (LONG ACTIVITY)

an activity that takes a long time and makes you
very tired:The election broadcast, a nine-hour marathon, lasts until seven o'clock in
the morning.

adjective [before noun] UK /mr..n/ US /-n/
marathon adjective [before noun] (RACE)

related to marathons (= running races):a marathon runner

marathon adjective [before noun] (LONG TIME)

used to describe something that takes a very long time and makes you
very tired:I had a marathon session marking 55 tests yesterday.

Martes 14 de abr. de 15

verb UK /d/ US /d/ (-gg-)
jog verb (RUN)
[I] to run at a slow, regular speed, especially as a form ofexercise:"What do you
do to keep fit?" "I jog and go swimming."He was walking at a very quick pace and I had
to jog to keep up with him.

jog verb (PUSH)

[T] to push or knock someone or something slightly, especiallywith your arm:A
man rushed past and jogged her elbow, making her drop the bag.

jog verb (MOVE FORWARD)

[I + adv/prep] to move forward slowly with a lot of shaking ormovement up and
down:The horse and cart jogged down the rough track towards the farm.We were
getting more and more uncomfortable as we jogged along in the back of the truck.
jog sb's memory
Phrasal verbs
jog along

noun [S] UK /d/ US /d/
a run that you do at a slow, regular speed, especially as a form ofexercise:I
haven't done much exercise all week, so I think I'll go for a jog thismorning.

Mircoles 15 de abr. de 15

noun [C] UK /wm.p/ US /wrm-/
something that you do to prepare yourself for
an activity,especially gentle exercises before a physical activity:A warm-up

is important before a run so as not to strain any muscles.Let's do a few warmup exercises.

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