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January, 2008

I liked how this pointy edging seemed to

call for the glove to extend longer past the wrist
than I’d originally intended, and that suggested
the name to me. This is a simple pattern for a
glove, but the edging is dainty and nice. You
could also add beads to the edging to fancy it up
even a little more.
You may need to adjust the number of
stitches on each finger. Try each one on as you
go to make sure the fit is perfect.

Finished size
Ladies medium glove
Sundara yarns sock yarn, Ice Blue over Sugared
Violet, 1 skein
2 sets US #1/2.5mm circular needles, plus a set
of #1 dpns or another #1 circular needle to hold
the fingers as they are completed.
16 sts = 2" in stockinette stitch

Co 6 sts using figure 8 method (see Notes). Ring
K 1 round. Co 6 sts as before, K 1 round.
(KSB (see Notes), k1) around – 12 sts. (KSB1, k1) around – 12 sts.
K 1 round. K 1 round.
(KSB, k2) around – 18 sts. (KSB, k2) around – 18 sts.
Continue knitting rounds until you reach the Continue knitting rounds until you reach the
length of your thumb. length of your ring finger.
Place sts on spare needles, half on each needle. Place sts on spare needles, half on each needle.
Cut yarn, leaving 6” tail. Cut yarn, leaving 6” tail.

Pinky Middle
Co 6 sts as before, K 1 round. Co 6 sts as before, K 1 round.
(KSB, k1) around – 12 sts. (KSB1, k1) around – 12 sts.
K 1 round. K 1 round.
(KSB, k3) around – 16 sts. (KSB, k2) around – 18 sts.
Continue knitting rounds until you reach the Continue knitting rounds until you reach the
length of your pinky. length of your middle finger.
Place sts on spare needles, half on each needle. Place sts on spare needles, half on each needle.
Cut yarn, leaving 6” tail. Cut yarn, leaving 6” tail.

© 2008 Barclay A. Dunn Page 1 of 3

Index Join little finger:
Co 6 sts using figure 8 method. Work as Rnd 2, and at the same time, k1 st
K 1 round. before midpoint of ring finger tog with first st of
(KSB1, k1) around – 12 sts. little finger, k 14 sts, k last pinky finger st with
K 1 round. next ring finger st, work to end - 52 sts total.
(KSB, k2) around – 18 sts.
Continue knitting rounds until you reach the Cont even for 1 ½” more, working last rnd to
length of your index finger (do not cut yarn). midpoint of rnd (halfway through little finger).
At this point, reorient work so that rnds begin
Assembly here.
Join ring, middle, and index fingers:
Using the yarn from the index finger, cont in the Join thumb:
rnd as foll: K 25 sts, k next st of rnd tog with first st of
Rnd 1: K the last index finger st tog with the thumb, k around thumb to last st, k last thumb st
first middle finger st, k8 middle finger sts, k next tog with next st of hand, k to end – 68 sts.
middle finger st tog with first ring finger st, k 16 K 2 rnds.
ring finger sts, k last ring finger st tog with next Rnd 1: Knit, and at the same time, k2tog in line
middle finger st, k 8 middle finger sts, k last with each of the k2togs of the previous rnd – 66
middle finger st tog with next index finger st, k sts.
to end of rnd - 50 sts total. Rnds 2 and 3: Knit.
Rnd 2: Knit, and at the same time, k2tog in line Rep Rnds 1-3 until 52 sts rem.
with each of the k2togs of the previous rnd – 46 K 7 rnds.
Rnd 3: Rep Rnd 2 – 42 sts.
Rnd 4: Knit.

Row 1: (K5, p2tog, k6) around.
Row 2: (K4, p1, k1, p1, k5) around.
Row 3: (K3, p1, k3, p1, k4) around.
Row 4: (K2, p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, k3) around.
Row 5: (K1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p1, k2, p1, k2) around.
Row 6: (P1, k2, p1, k3, p1, k2, p1, k1) around.
Row 7: (K2, p1) around.
Row 8: (K1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p1, k2, p1, k2) around.
Row 9: Rep Row 6.
Row 10: Rep Row 7.
Row 11: Rep Row 8.
Row 12-32: Rep rows 6-8 seven times more.
Bind off all sts.

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Weave in loose ends, using tails between fingers to close up gaps. For extra durability, weave in tails
across junctions between fingers and at thumb junction.

Cast on using figure 8 method: Wind the
yarn around the ends of two needles like a
figure 8, or like an infinity pattern, until
you have one more stitch on each needle
than called for. It should look like this,
roughly. Knit into the stitches on the top
needle first, and then turn and knit the
stitches on the other needle. Knit one more
half-round to complete the cast-on.

KSB: Using right needle, pick up stitch

below next stitch on left needle and knit a
stitch into it.

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