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On Comments and

Silent Readership

2015-04-13 20:28:00

I'm trying to word this in a way that doesn't come o extremely whiny and self-serving, but I
think there's an inherent element of that in this. So it's kinda unavoidable.
So, yeah, comments are important to me. I don't know how many ways I can impress that or
how many times I have to repeat that. Comments are important to me, and I hope that you as
a reader of my work recognize that. I know that they maybe aren't as important to other
people, but they are important to me and that's what I ask of people that consume my work.
This is the platform, medium, forum to use, and that's what I'm asking of you right now. Tell me
here. Let me know here. Don't be a silent reader that can go through the eort of
bookmarking and quoting and reccing but doesn't comment. Those other actions they don't
get back to me. They don't let me know you enjoyed this thing I put eort towards creating
(and in some cases it has been a lot of eort, jfc). Or, if they do get back to me, it's accidental
and tainted thus with the bitter knowledge that I am good enough to be enjoyed but still not
enough to be validated???? Good enough to read but not good enough for you to let me
<i>know</i>. It makes me angry tbh. It makes me feel paradoxically used and not good
And like tbh, you should always comment??? Approach every fic expecting to comment.
That's like the baseline for engagement with fic. An "Oh I liked this." That's common courtesy.
And I'm not really interested in arguing over the reasons why people don't comment, but tbh
like the primary reason I have heard are
1) "this is a fandom trend" (No, it's a choice on your part)
2) "im not logged in" (That's bullshit, you have to be logged in to see porn on sncj)
3) "im worried people are gonna be mad at me for commenting wrong" (literally nobody has
ever gotten mad at somebody for their comment, except for "sEQUEL PLS" and "why did x
member top????")
4) "maybe you should write for yourself???" (If I wrote for myself, I wouldn't crosspost to sncj
and I wouldn't post it on my public lj, like)
5) "it's good good for me to comment" (wh AT)
So, in short, this is my stance.
And like if you're too lazy or shy or idk busy??? to comment on my fic after knowing this then
it's at least in a deliberately "lol idc" kind of way. And I know I tried, but you just didn't care :)

April 13 2015, 12:16:24 UTC

I understand where ur coming from. And why u are asking for this.
i have been a silent reader but just know that i really really enjoy ur work. U r one of my
favorite writers. Ur work makes me wanna right my own fanfics. Like.. ughh idk ur just a great
writer. And i sit for hours sometimes and read ur stories
i will be sure to comment more. And thank you for all ur hard work. Plz keep writing <3
dafujoshi (
April 13 2015, 13:45:55 UTC

I'm sorry :( Please don't get mad at me, but I want apologize for I am one of those silent
readers.. TT 3TT one reason that sometimes I don't comment is I am intimidated.. sometimes I
think will you ever reply back if I comment? BUT!I'm really sorry.. and I promise I'll comment from now on.. not just because of what you wrote
up there but because of what I feel/felt when I read your works..
lulai (
April 13 2015, 13:58:05 UTC

I don't mean to sound combative, so please don't take it this way, but are you really okay with
just an 'I liked this'? Because honestly that's the one thing that keeps me from reading fics on
lj is the lack of like/kudos button. I want the equivalent of 'I appreciate your time and eort
into writing this, I enjoyed it' but then don't have to sit and critically consume in my downtime.
latinaeinstein (
April 15 2015, 17:38:37 UTC

yes tbh
like long comments are obviously appreciated more because more eort goes into them,
but this entire post was borne of a discussion (argument???) i had with a twitter friend over
their engagement with fic, specifically refusal to comment on exchange fics or fics in general
since there's no like or kudos here like on a or a03
but taking a stance like that just leaves the writer with nothing, then
and a simple "i enjoyed this thing" will always be better than outright silence on something
that you've dedicated a lot of work on
and literally the only time i've been disappointed in a comment is when they've been
"sequels pls" or "tao is too pretty to top, good call" which is just upsetting for an entirely
dierent reason
heyprettything (
April 13 2015, 23:25:15 UTC

Oh my god, I sincerely had no idea you felt this way. I absolutely adore your stories, and I
have been a silent reader. Just didn't think my opinion would matter, somehow? But you can
bet I'm gonna comment on every fic I adore! You're an amazing writer, and you deserve to
know that.
amnavore (
April 14 2015, 00:36:10 UTC

i know i've said this before but i literally only made my account so i can comment on your
specific fics because ur my favorite writer. but i've been busy and haven't read fics in so long
and so now i promise i'll go back and read all of yours and comment on them all. :) i should
have been more active, im sorry.
exolover333 (
April 14 2015, 01:50:59 UTC

your so cute! I'm sorry for not really commenting. I've read most of your fics and they are so
amazing kinda feel like I don't deserve or am worthy enough? Anyways your a wonderful
writer who I hope continues to write. I'm kind of shy but I will comment from now on
mutantbic (
April 14 2015, 10:42:53 UTC

I comment on the fics that I have read of yours because I see that you reply. (and you
appreciate the absolute fuck out of the comment haha) I always say thank you to the people
that comment on my fic and I think that it should just be that way...
I mean it's fine if an author wants to just dump fic and log o... but I really want to hear what
people have to say about what I write. I like reading other peoples stu. The few who leave
comments, I'll go and look at their profile and read their stu so hopefully i can return the
Maybe I'm just dierent. I know it's frustrating but I empathise about the feedback. If we
wanted to just write in a vacuum then I'd have a bunch of shit writing in a notebook that my
grandkids find one day and say "wow i never knew gran was such a perv!"
Anyway, I'm gonna go and read some and action my resolution to comment more on fics even
though i feel anxious about bothering ppl... :)
littlemeringue (
April 14 2015, 11:12:18 UTC

I've been a silent reader too and would like to apologize, it's because i somehow always get
the feeling that my opinion is not needed/doesn't matter? (but i know it's just my own
insecurities talking). As a writer I know how frustrating it is when only 2% of people who read
a fic actually bother to comment. I will be more diligent in the future!

fairyminseok (
April 15 2015, 17:48:14 UTC

/loud obnoxious old man voice

torontok (
April 15 2015, 17:51:57 UTC

Edited: April 15 2015, 17:54:23 UTC

You articulated pretty much all my issues with silent readership (man I wish there was a way to
share LJ posts).I pm ended up locking my fics on LJ for this reason, I have to guilt trip people
into commenting.I don't think people understand how much time and eort writers pour into
our stories and when you've spent literally months driving yourself crazy and sacrificing sleep
for a fic and people can't take five minutes to type up a "Good job, I enjoyed this" it's
simultaneously infuriating and really demoralizing.I go back to read comments on old fics all
the time when I have severe writer's block because it's like reminding myself that people like
what I put out there and to have a little more faith in my abilities.
markerlimes (
April 16 2015, 04:40:53 UTC

Edited: April 16 2015, 04:41:43 UTC

Honestly speaking, I think you hit it right on the head of the nail with that first line:

I'm trying to word this in a way that doesn't come o extremely whiny and self-serving, but I
think there's an inherent element of that in this. So it's kinda unavoidable.

You managed to hit both, congrats. Sadly, that's about the only two points you hit correctly out
of this entire self-serving and bratty rant.
Let me tell you why: you're complaining that your readers love you (enough to post or tweet
or rec it, but not enough to comment).
Isn't it enough that people are reading your fic to begin with? Let's get this straight, no one
(and let's repeat for emphasis), no one is obligated to read your fic- let alone comment on it
with some sort of false flattery that you guilt trip them into.
You are not obligated to write fic, just like readers are not obligated to read your fic. No one
owes anyone anything in this situation.
If someone recs your fic and doesn't comment, don't get oended because it comes o as
super entitled- which I supposed to a degree, you completely are. Or else you wouldn't have
posted something like this and we wouldn't be having this unnecessary conversation in the
first place.

Ideally speaking, you like writing, but maybe you don't and you just do it for the comments
and love that everyone on the planet owes you because "god dammit i worked so hard and
deserve it so much!!!!1"
In that case, I'm just gonna say: get over yourself.
Stop trying to educate people on "common courtesy" when you express none of yourself in
the time you spend so wrapped up in your own problems and treat your friends that actually
take the time to support you, frankly, like shit.
ganlanshu (
April 16 2015, 04:54:40 UTC

+1 to all of this
teddyescher ( today
Anonymous today
Anonymous today
modelpress ( today
Anonymous today
Anonymous today
Anonymous today
Anonymous today
Anonymous today
asisharada ( today
Anonymous today
exothermc ( today
Anonymous today
Anonymous today
asisharada ( today
April 16 2015, 05:16:48 UTC

took the words right out of my mouth.

yeolie (
April 16 2015, 05:40:43 UTC

lmfao you are such a joke omg

fic is a fun fandom activity. it isn't a chore. it doesn't matter if someone is too busy, or too lazy,
or just plain doesn't want to leave you a comment. maybe people didn't find the fic interesting
or engaging enough to comment? maybe it's merely a decent enough mindless read that they
don't mind linking bored friends. either way a fic rec has way more impact that a little
comment? fic recs spread the fic for other ppl to enjoy while comments do what? bloat your
already inflated ego?

are you writing for the sole purpose of comments? if so, maybe you should find another way
to ~validate~ your existence. and this is just a thought, but shedding douchey behavior like
this post might help!!!
you should be thankful for ANY form of feedback readers choose to give you whether they're
recs, quotes, mentions, or even just a view count. they took time out of their lives to actually
read your fic and yet you want to spit in their faces like this? do you send thank you letters to
your favorite authors? to your favorite tv show cast members? to the musician you stopped to
listen to on the street? i'm going to guess the answer is no. and yet you expect people to
leave you feedback.
Are you also saying you welcome any comments? would you be happy if i told you your fic
reads like you glued a thesaurus to your hand and that my eyes glazed over?
stop being a whiny lil bitch and start being thankful
beyoce (
April 16 2015, 05:45:51 UTC

April 16 2015, 05:56:06 UTC

Anonymous today
Anonymous today
Anonymous today
exothermc ( today
asisharada (
April 16 2015, 06:04:20 UTC

i understand that comments are really great forms of validation, and i don't fault you for
wanting them, it's hard to believe any author /doesn't/ want and appreciate comments. but
honestly they aren't a right, and they aren't something people owe you.
it's accidental and tainted thus with the bitter knowledge that I am good enough to be
enjoyed but still not enough to be validated???? Good enough to read but not good enough
for you to let me know. It makes me angry tbh. It makes me feel paradoxically used and not
good enough?????
this entire paragraph... i mean you really shouldn't think of it this way. there are so many
reasons as to why people wouldn't leave comments, in fact with how livejournal is dying out
it's pretty great that people still take time out of their day to leave you one. comments are

basically things to let you know that people enjoy your fic -- and that's exactly what recs,
quotes, tweeting about your fic lets you know too. you shouldn't feel used! people aren't
asking you to write them fic. i mean, ultimately you should be writing fic for yourself? i mean,
wanting feedback/appreciation as part of it isn't wrong, but if that's all you're writing for then
your fandom experience is bound to be miserable. honestly what greater validation do you
need aside from the fact people read and enjoy your fic. it's not a number game.
i don't know you, or the context of what makes you feel this way, but as it is this post comes
o as fairly irrational and entitled. :/ i really think you should really adopt a new perspective,
because the one you have know isn't particularly healthy to have.
fashcndy (
April 16 2015, 06:05:04 UTC

i'm curious. are you open to direct comments and critique on your writing style, plot,
characterization, etc?

twoyoons (
April 16 2015, 06:06:28 UTC

Edited: April 16 2015, 06:06:48 UTC

sinisterkids (
April 16 2015, 06:08:27 UTC

probably still relevant (

parkourdeer (
April 16 2015, 06:21:09 UTC

WHINE WHINE. pissbaby. POOPY DIAPER???11// whine whine pissbaby poopy diaper
pero like! lloriquea lloriquea pisbeb paal de mierda???//
April 16 2015, 06:28:37 UTC

"personal attacks" lmao nice one cocky piece of shit shouldnt even write if u just want
validation fucking phony ass bitch clean ur asscrack out before farting on the writing
community xoxo
April 16 2015, 06:37:24 UTC

exothermc (
April 16 2015, 06:39:58 UTC

reading this i feel so enlightened... i realized that words hold so much meaning and i should
treasure them! thank you for writing this and i hope you write even more... i'm honestly so

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