Crout LU Pivoting

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// File: crout_pivot.c
// Routines:
// Crout_LU_Decomposition_with_Pivoting
// Crout_LU_with_Pivoting_Solve
// int Crout_LU_Decomposition_with_Pivoting(double *A, int pivot[], int n) //
// Description:
// This routine uses Crout's method to decompose a row interchanged
// version of the n x n matrix A into a lower triangular matrix L and a //
// unit upper triangular matrix U such that A = LU.
// The matrices L and U replace the matrix A so that the original matrix //
// A is destroyed.
// Note! In Crout's method the diagonal elements of U are 1 and are
not stored.
// Note! The determinant of A is the product of the diagonal elements //
of L. (det A = det L * det U = det L).
// The LU decomposition is convenient when one needs to solve the linear //
// equation Ax = B for the vector x while the matrix A is fixed and the //
// vector B is varied. The routine for solving the linear system Ax = B //
// after performing the LU decomposition for A is
// (see below).
// The Crout method with partial pivoting is: Determine the pivot row and //
// interchange the current row with the pivot row, then assuming that //
// row k is the current row, k = 0, ..., n - 1 evaluate in order the
// the following pair of expressions
L[i][k] = (A[i][k] - (L[i][0]*U[0][k] + . + L[i][k-1]*U[k-1][k])) //
for i = k, ... , n-1,
U[k][j] = A[k][j] - (L[k][0]*U[0][j] + ... + L[k][k-1]*U[k-1][j]) //
/ L[k][k] //
for j = k+1, ... , n-1.
The matrix U forms the upper triangular matrix, and the matrix L //
forms the lower triangular matrix.
// Arguments:
// double *A
Pointer to the first element of the matrix A[n][n]. //
// int pivot[] The i-th element is the pivot row interchanged with //
row i.
// int n
The number of rows or columns of the matrix A.
// Return Values:
// 0 Success
// -1 Failure - The matrix A is singular.
// Example:
// #define N
// double A[N][N];
// int pivot[N];
// (your code to intialize the matrix A)
// err = Crout_LU_Decomposition_with_Pivoting(&A[0][0], pivot, N);

// if (err < 0) printf(" Matrix A is singular\n");

// else { printf(" The LU decomposition of A is \n");
#include <math.h>


// required for fabs()

int Crout_LU_Decomposition_with_Pivoting(double *A, int pivot[], int n)

int row, i, j, k, p;
double *p_k, *p_row, *p_col;
double max;

For each row and column, k = 0, ..., n-1,

for (k = 0, p_k = A; k < n; p_k += n, k++) {


find the pivot row

pivot[k] = k;
max = fabs( *(p_k + k) );
for (j = k + 1, p_row = p_k + n; j < n; j++, p_row += n) {
if ( max < fabs(*(p_row + k)) ) {
max = fabs(*(p_row + k));
pivot[k] = j;
p_col = p_row;


and if the pivot row differs from the current row, then
interchange the two rows.
if (pivot[k] != k)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
max = *(p_k + j);
*(p_k + j) = *(p_col + j);
*(p_col + j) = max;


and if the matrix is singular, return error

if ( *(p_k + k) == 0.0 ) return -1;


otherwise find the upper triangular matrix elements for row k.

for (j = k+1; j < n; j++) {
*(p_k + j) /= *(p_k + k);


update remaining matrix

for (i = k+1, p_row = p_k + n; i < n; p_row += n, i++)
for (j = k+1; j < n; j++)
*(p_row + j) -= *(p_row + k) * *(p_k + j);

return 0;
// int Crout_LU_with_Pivoting_Solve(double *LU, double B[], int pivot[], //
double x[], int n) //
// Description:
// This routine uses Crout's method to solve the linear equation Ax = B. //
// This routine is called after the matrix A has been decomposed into a //
// product of a lower triangular matrix L and a unit upper triangular //
// matrix U without pivoting. The argument LU is a pointer to the matrix //
// the superdiagonal part of which is U and the subdiagonal together with //
// the diagonal part is L. (The diagonal part of U is 1 and is not
// stored.) The matrix A = LU.
// The solution proceeds by solving the linear equation Ly = B for y and //
// subsequently solving the linear equation Ux = y for x.
// Arguments:
// double *LU
Pointer to the first element of the matrix whose
elements form the lower and upper triangular matrix //
factors of A.
// double *B
Pointer to the column vector, (n x 1) matrix, B.
// int pivot[] The i-th element is the pivot row interchanged with //
row i.
// double *x
Solution to the equation Ax = B.
// int n
The number of rows or columns of the matrix LU.
// Return Values:
// 0 Success
// -1 Failure - The matrix A is singular.
// Example:
// #define N
// double A[N][N], B[N], x[N];
// int pivot[N];
// (your code to create matrix A and column vector B)
// err = Crout_LU_Decomposition_with_Pivoting(&A[0][0], pivot, N);
// if (err < 0) printf(" Matrix A is singular\n");
// else {
err = Crout_LU_with_Pivoting_Solve(&A[0][0], B, pivot, x, n);
if (err < 0) printf(" Matrix A is singular\n");
else printf(" The solution is \n");
// }
int Crout_LU_with_Pivoting_Solve(double *LU, double B[], int pivot[],
double x[], int n)
int i, k;
double *p_k;
double dum;


Solve the linear equation Lx = B for x, where L is a lower

triangular matrix.
for (k = 0, p_k = LU; k < n; p_k += n, k++) {
if (pivot[k] != k) {dum = B[k]; B[k] = B[pivot[k]]; B[pivot[k]] = dum; }
x[k] = B[k];
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) x[k] -= x[i] * *(p_k + i);
x[k] /= *(p_k + k);


Solve the linear equation Ux = y, where y is the solution

obtained above of Lx = B and U is an upper triangular matrix.
The diagonal part of the upper triangular part of the matrix is
assumed to be 1.0.
for (k = n-1, p_k = LU + n*(n-1); k >= 0; k--, p_k -= n) {
if (pivot[k] != k) {dum = B[k]; B[k] = B[pivot[k]]; B[pivot[k]] = dum; }
for (i = k + 1; i < n; i++) x[k] -= x[i] * *(p_k + i);
if (*(p_k + k) == 0.0) return -1;
return 0;

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