Final Study Guide Math 304

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Inconsistent-If a system has no solutions

Consistent- One solution or many solutions

Echelon form
1. all non-zero rows are above zero rows
2. Each leading entry is in a column to the right of the 1st non-zero
leading entry of the row above it
3. All entries in a column below a rows leading edge are zero
Pivot Position-The location of the leading entry
Solving matrices

Start with leftmost non-zero column

Move some non-zero entry to the top position
Use the pivot to eliminate all entries below
Move onto the next and repeat 2-3

Inconsistent Last column a pivot column

Consistent Last column is not a pivot column
Unique Solution-There is no free variables
Non-Unique Solution- There is one or more free variables
To show something is in the span of vectors
1. Row reduce
2. Should produce identity matrix and no zero rows
Span is the set of all linear combinations
-Something is in the span of a set if it is a linear combination
is b in the span of something-yes if soln. is unique
Is something is a basis, the span of those vectors you can get to any of
those vectors and those vectors are linearly independent
Basis minimum set of vectors that spans V, also needs to be linearly
Basis for set of linear equations is parametric equations
Basis given a span is set of vectors that are linearly independent

Column space is all of the possible linear combination of a set of

To find the null space augment the matrix equal to zero, if a vector is
said to be in the null space, compute the product of the matrix times
the vector.
Column space entries match the rows, null space must match the
Kernel of such a T is the set of all u in V such that T(u)=0
The range of T is the set of all vectors in W of the form T(x) for some x
in V
Linear Combination-Add up the vectors and scale by arbitrary
1.4 Matrix multiplication
1st matrix Columns 2nd Matrix Rows
Ax=b has a solution set iff b is a linear combination of the columns of
Does Ax=b have a solution
Solve for b with augmented matrix
Consistent if last row is zero , whatever vector b makes last row zero is
not in the span, because it is not a linear combination
Homogenous if has the form Ax=0
Solution space is a line that goes through the origin
A0=0 the origin is always included in the solution space
0 Free Variables-Point soln. Set
1 Free variable-Line Through origin solution set
2 Free Variables-Plane through origin soln. Set
3+ Free Variables- Cant visualize
Non-homogenous soln. Ax=b is consistent

Solution set to Ax=0 is the span of vector

1.7 Linear Independence
Set of vectors in linearly independent iff the vector equation has only
the trivial solution
Form the augmented matrix with Ax=0
If a column is free, it is linear dependent
Also if a row does not have a pivot it is linearly dependent
X0=0 is linearly dependent because it has infinitely many solutions
LD is vector is a scalar multiple of each other
More vectors than entries, (more columns than rows) it has to be
linearly dependent because you cannot have a pivot in every column
1.8 Linear Transformations
Transformation multiply the matrix by some form of the identity matrix

1. Dilution/Concentration-keep direction same and make vectors
longer or shorter
2. Rotation-leaves magnitude the same and rotates the vector
about the origin
3. Shear-Eliminates on element while growing another
Projection- Outputs the shadow of a vector onto the
coordinate planes or axis-flattens out a vector onto an axis
1.9 Matrix of linear Transformation
Find the image of arbitrary vector
Putting something in standard form is recomposing a vector from x1
and x2 form
E1=(1,0,0), E2=(0,1,0), E3=(0,0,1)

Any matrix that can be described by a matrix is linear

If a transform is one-to-one any solution to T(x)=b must be unique
T is onto iff the columns of A span R
T is one-to-one iff the columns of A are linearly independent
If last row is zero it cannot be onto
A is invertible if the is some nxn matrix c such that CA=I=AC
If A is not invertible then we say A is singular
2.2 Matrix Inverse
2.3 Characterization of inferable matrices
a. A in an invertible matrix
b. A is row equivalent to the nxn identity matrix
c. A has n pivot positions
d. The equation Ax=0 has only the trivial solution
e. The columns of A form a linearly independent set
f. The linear transformation is one-to-one
g. The equation Ax=b has at least one solution for each b in Rn
h. The columns of A span Rn
I The linear transformation x-> Ax maps Rn to Rn
j. There is an nxn matrix C such that CA=I
k. There is an nxn matrix D such that AD=I
l. At is an invertible matrix
2.5 Matrix Factorization
2.8 Subspaces

Subspace-subset of vectors of Rn that

Contains the zero vector
If X is in V, then X multiplied by any scalar is also in V
St of all linear combinations is the Span

Span of a any set of vectors is a valid subspace

Is something is a basis, the span of those vectors you can get to any of
those vectors and those vectors are linearly independent
Basis minimum set of vectors that spans V, also needs to be linearly
Basis for set of linear equations is parametric equations
Basis given a span is set of vectors that are linearly independent
Column space is all of the possible linear combination of a set of
-Span of those vectors
Coloumn space if Ax=b has a solution



Properties of determinants
Cramers Rule

Adjuct of A for finding inverse of A


Vector spaces and Subspaces

Vector Space-A set of non-empty vectors on which multiplication

and addition can be performed

There is a zero vector 0 in V such that u+0=0
For each u in v there is a vector u in V such that u+(-u)=0

Subspace of vector-a subset of H of V that

1. The zero vector of u is in H
2. H is closed under vector addition

3. H is closed under multiplication


Null Space, Column Space, Linear Transformations

Basis colums space is made up all the pivot columns-look back at

original equation before row reducing
Null space is setting equal to zero and solving characteristic
Kernel is a subspace of domain
Range is a subspace of co-domain


The pivot colums of A for the basis for ColA


Coordinate Systems

The coordinate vector V depends not only on the chosen basis, but
the order in which the basis elements appear

Dimensions of a vector space


Rank of A= Dm ColA = number of pivots in A


Change of Basis

5.1 EigenValues and EigenVectors

Eigenvalues Det(A-I)
Eigenspace solve A-(=n)I for each eigenvalue
5.2 Characteristic Equation
5.3 Diagonization
P is the resulting vector from finding the unique solutions D is the
eigenvalues used.
Nxn matrix A is diagonizable if and only if A has n linearly
independent eigenvectors
5.4 EigenVectors and Linear Transformations

Find the matrix T relative to b and d

5.5 Complex EigenVectors
6.1 Inner Product, Length and Orthoganility
Dot product Length between vectors

-Unit vector=


distance between two vectors

x y
-Express means you dont multiply it out
6.2 Orthogonal Sets
Determine if a set of vectors are orthogonal Multiplying each
component and adding should equal zero

Orthogonal Projection

u1 iu1

You actually multiply it out

All of the sets should equal zero
Orthogonal Basis takes the form (n1*u1)+(n2*u2)
Orthogonal Projection you actually multiply out u1 through and
gives you a vector (y hat)
6.3 Orthogonal Projections
-Let w be a subspace spanned by-write y as a sum of a vector W
and a vector orthogonal to W

u1 iu1

z y y

6.4 Gram-Schmidt Process

6.5 Least Square
Given: A basis Find: coordinates for the vector in terms of basis E.
-Find c1 and c2 such that is solves the equation
When Cant I use Scaling?
How much from chapter 4?
Difference between Diagonizable, invertable, Transpose,
When to use what method for determinant, inverse, transpose
Will determinants be simply covered by EigenValues and EigenVectors
Image Under-Multiply two matrices
Augmented matrix means it has the solution in it
All values for something in an augmented matrix (consistent linear
-Values that dont create a zero row (with value at the end)
-Unique Solution would have a pivot in every column
-A row of all zeros has infinitely many solutions
Is it a linear combination, row reduce to find if it is a consistent system
and if it is unique
To span something it needs to have a solution, pivot in each row
Linear dependence corresponds to one unique solution
Norm-The measure of the size of the vector x. Measures the error,
distance between the points. Measures the gain of the matrix.
Vector space- a set of objects (vecotrs in the space V) together with a
field of numbers F.
Having a rank as large as possible is said to be full rank, otherwise it is
rank deficient

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