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Philip C.

12850 Lookout Ridge Lane
Pine Grove CA
95665 Cell: 408 425 1215 Home: 209 296 2276

Experienced Technical Consultant

Process Engineer

Expertise: Ultra High Vacuum, Materials, Processing Chemical analysis

In solving intractable engineering problems


2004-2006 Graduate student at San Jose State University in MS Chemistry

Program – Research Fellow NASA AMES in NanoTechnology published paper on
High Sensitivity Gas Sensor Using MPC-CNT composite. Paper published in Journal of
Nanoscience and Nano Technology Aug 2005.
1976-1981: Completed Double Bachelors in Chemistry and Molecular
Biology Cal State University Northridge. Post Graduate Courses: Astrophysics, Inorganic
Chemisty, Solar Photoelectric Photometry at San Fernando Solar Observatory. All Sky
Survey of stellar emission photometry and light pollution.


1993-Present – Consultant Entropy LTD LLC

Process Engineer and Chemist. UHV specialist.
Laser refurbishing services, debrazing and cleaning services. Laser Damage studies,
Advanced surface analysis, AFM, TOF SIMS, DYNAMIC SIMS, TEM, RBS, GC MS
and Narrow Band Photometric imaging UHV system design.
Viscous Flow system design Chemical Cleaning to UHV Specifications services.
Developed Advanced manufacturing/processing techniques for He Ne lasers,
Argon Ion Lasers, CO2 lasers and diode lasers. Cleaning lines for X ray, hi intensity
lamps, lasers, optics and semi conductor companies. Spectroscopic investigations of
gaseous contaminants with development of narrow band emission photometry for
quantitative analysis.
Several UHV systems designed, materials investigations for semi conductor, bio
technology and laser companies resulting in substantial product improvements.
Skilled at implementation of advanced surface and bulk techniques to resolve
manufacturing, lifetime and performance issues of multiple products.
Multidisciplinary background enables rapid evaluation of process/manufacturing
issues with rapid deployment of necessary process changes to effect positive and long
lasting change.


• 40-50% to < 1.5% warranty reduction Nitrogen Laser Production.

• Product Lifetime 10X increase via advanced polymeric optical sealing
• Advanced viscous flow processing station. 100x reduction of volatile residuals
increasing Laser energy by 15% enabling OEM shipment increases by 90%
• FLIR Based Laser Absorption Station increased yields 80%
• Designed Diffraction based Bore straightness measurement system
• Established Mass Spectrometric and Spectro Photometric standards for vacuum
processing of lasers, discharge devices. Performance increased 6X
• Established TOF SIMS/FTIR/AFM/TEM baselines for laser/optics processing.
• Determined Materials Investigation Criteria for CLBO frequency doubling
• Improved Qualification CLBO 2 x production increase
• Advanced bulk and surface analytical approach to resolution of
manufacturing issues.

2001- 2003 – Senior Application Engineer for MEMSCAP – Developed

marketing and application strategy for MEMS optical components (VOA, Optical
Switch) including technical publications and white papers during development of optical
mems business. Involved with customer interfacing, component scheduling and delivery.
Worked extensively with customers developing sales. Worked closely with
manufacturing to fine tune production needs to meet customer specifications.

1998-2001 – Senior Engineer Wavesplitter Technologies. Developed processes

for splicing optical couplers. Designed experiments to improve yield and component
quality. Statistical process and control implementation. Materials investigation and
failure analysis.
Developed fusion coupling process with 85 % yield capability. Designed fusion
torch and incorporated photometric measurement to determine optimal position for
coupler in torch.

1994-1999 – Entropy LTD – Process development and control for various

manufacturing concerns including semiconductor, laser manufactures.
LaserScope – Technical liason and lead engineer to bring CO2 laser technology to
San Jose facility from New York. Designed vacuum processing station for process of
CO2 lasers.
Critical review and analysis of CO2 laser technology with accurate determination
of potential problems and solutions for building a more cost effective production facility.
Astec Semi conductor – resolved $500,000 wafer warranty disposition issue
within 8 weeks. Involved electronic testing, surface and bulk analysis and extensive
testing. Determined best method to evaluate and release wafers into production with
minimal loss of revenue.
Conductus – Designed vacuum process station along with control electronics.
Tasked with developing a 5 year plus vacuum container for Super Conducting RF
amplifier. Military contract to company.

Evergreen lasers involved with Improving optical sealing process and with
Brewster window specifications.
Laserscope – Improved

1997 -2002– Zygo Lasers, Lightwave Micro Systems, Wavesplitter Technologies

Telecommunications Senior Engineer/associate scientist/senior process engineer –
Technical recommendations for improving power, lifetime and stability of He Ne Lasers.
Worked on processes to enhance power handling capability and reducing damage
suseptability via chemical annealing processes.

1994-1996 – Uniphase lasers Laserscope– Improved lifetime and performance

stabilility for single mode , high power and multimode products. Vacuum processing
improvements along with improving contamination control.

1989-1994 – Engineer Design and Feasibility group Spectra Physics. Process

development and improvement for argon ion lasers. Including component quality,
developing chemical cleaning line. Brazing and many other aspects of the manufacturing
Build laser process and re processing facility to improve warranty recovery.
Including optical alignment, windowing and brazing operation. Mass spectrometric
analysisl. Developed chemical cleaning facility to reduce contamination responsible for
degrading laser performance.
Manufacturing and R&D engineer for key laser processing improvements over 3
year span.
Involved with improving optics processing, cleaning and polishing. Coating
design. Team member tasked with improving laser lifetimes (air cooled metal ceramic
and He Ne ).
Designed laser processing stations improving capacity by 30 % reducing need for
$1,000,000 investment for new processing station.
Improved air cooled testing and processing to achieve a 98% plus yield.
Improved metal ceramic testing and processing to achieve a 94% plus yield.
Improved lifetimes (doubled) and reduced warranty returns by over 60 %.
1987-1989 – Research Associate for National Solar Observatories.
Worked on data collection telescopic observations and photography of solar events.
Interfaced with solar physicists for solar physical studies of solar surface (*photosphere
and chromospheres)


Principle investigator for mirror stability program for Ring Laser Gyros. Responsible
engineer for UHV station with gas analysis and gas mixing capabilities. Responsible for
all RLG gas analysis and Fill
Designed two manufacturing vacuum processing stations. Developed optical
spectroscopic leak detection technique for failure analysis of field returned RLG’s
Optical Spectroscopic detection of CO as potential source for UV in He Ne discharge.
Developed and published stoichiometric defect mechanism theory for UV mirror
Designed and assisted in build of ring down reflectometer to measure ultra low loss
optics. Worked extensively with R&D engineering to develop optics processing
techniques to reduce UV damage susceptibility being promoted to principle investigator.

1979-1981 – Chemist at Metals Technology Labs Northridge CA ICP and

Emission Spectroscopy – Obtained $3 per hour raise by re certification of their ICP metal
inspection instrument for titanium alloys

1976-1979 –Toxicology Technician at Analclin Labs GC/MS Wet Bench


References available upon request.

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