21 Mar 2015 PDF

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Gentle Reminders

Keep your smart friend(s) in silent mode throughout the workshop

Answer your phone calls outside the hall

Do not
Take photos during the presentation
Video recording during the practical sessions

Presentation materials will be uploaded to our Facebook page


Always refer to CCH web site for officially published OPM information
Keep to the workshop timing, especially practical sessions
There will be roundtable sharing and Q&A at the end of the workshop
Join our training sessions after the workshop to enhance your skills
Keep the toilet dry and clean

Day-1 Agenda


08:00 am 09:00 am



09:00 am 09:20 am

BGF Story


09:20 am 10:00 am

Introduction to OPM


OPM Concept and Case Sharing


Hand Techniques / Skills ()


Head OP - Sub occiput / behind ear lobe


Antui Practice () head and ear lobe


Lunch Break


Case Sharing (Irene)


Neck OP - Cervical
Upper Back - Thoracic
Lower Back - Lumbar


Antui Practice () neck, upper back, lower back


03:30 pm 05:00 pm

Antui Practice () - head to lower back


05:00 pm 06:00 pm

Roundtable Sharing and Q&A


10:00 am 12:00 pm

12:00 pm 01:00 pm

01:00 pm 03:30 pm


Video + explanation

Day-1 Agenda


08:00 am 09:00 am



09:00 am 09:20 am

BGF Story


09:20 am 10:00 am

Introduction to OPM


OPM Concept and Case Sharing


Hand Techniques / Skills ()


Head OP - Sub occiput / behind ear lobe


Antui Practice () head and ear lobe


Lunch Break


Case Sharing (Irene)


Neck OP - Cervical
Upper Back - Thoracic
Lower Back - Lumbar


Antui Practice () neck, upper back, lower back


Scapula (C and 7)


Antui Practice () - C and 7


Roundtable Sharing and Q&A


10:00 am 12:00 pm

12:00 pm 01:00 pm

01:00 pm 03:00 pm

03:00 pm 05:00 pm
05:00 pm 06:00 pm


Video + explanation

Day-2 Agenda



08:00 am 09:00 am



09:00 am 09:30 am

Case Sharing - Ang, Siew Lin, Chien Chien, Eva Chew


09:30 am 10:00 am

Introduction to OPM internal heat sources


Case Sharing Ai Ping


Sacrum (11)


10:00 am 12:00 pm

Pelvic Girdle (V)

Antui Practice () 11 and V


Lunch Break


Behind elbow / palm


Antui Practice ()


Below ankle / knee / foot


Antui Practice ()


02:15 03:00 pm



03:00 05:00 pm

Antui Practice () - full body


05:00 06:00 pm

Roundtable Sharing and Q&A


12:00 pm 01:00 pm

01:00 Pm 02:15 pm

Video + explanation

The Vision of CCH Foundation

Provide helps to all the people who are suffering from

pains and illnesses
Provide a pathway for the next generation to live healthily
Our research efforts will continue to combat with the
pains and illnesses in this world

Objectives Of the Workshop

TO impart Right Understanding on the values of Origin Point Treatment (OPM)

TO promote and disseminate health care education and practices

TO enhance the value of peoples life

TO treat PEOPLE from all walks of life

The Origination of Illnesses

EFFECT (shadow )
Effect is the fruit
Effects / symptoms () are the
results of Body Injury, whether
local or elsewhere

An Effect cannot cause another


CAUSE (origin-entity)
Cause is the seed of the fruit
The Cause of a Body Injury can
bring up many types of Effects


Yuan are the factors influencing he

seed, mostly external to the body,
like sunlight, air, water, soil,
viruses, bacteria, food intake,

A pot of boiling water (fruit) => hot, vapor (symptoms)

How to cool it down and put off the vapor?

Treating the Fruit

Treating the Cause ()

Pouring ice cubes to get immediate

cooling and stop the vapor

Switch off the stove fire (cause) and

the temperature of the boiling water
will decrease gradually, hot and vapor
will disappear subsequently

Treating the Fruit

Two main approaches:


Medicine / drugs - eat Panadol to relief pain, antibiotic for infection, laxative for constipation,
ii. Surgery removal of cancerous tumors, gallstones, intestinal blockages / obstructions, etc.

This approach is harmful to patients with:

Chronic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, insomnia, Parkinson, lupus or autoimmunize, etc.)
ii. Low body heat energy ()

In the process of controlling the disease and easing the symptoms, it will cause many side
effects and further deplete the patients body heat

From OPM perspective, is applicable to Local Injury such as bone fracture, joints
dislocation, etc.

Treating the Cause ()

The recommended treatment approach in OPM is to treat the Cause in order to eradicate the

At the same time, maintain consistent body heat energy (blood temperature @ 37 degree Celsius)


Treating the Fruit first and follow with the Cause or concurrent

Applicable to life-and-death situations such as bleeding, internal organ infection caused by

accumulation of fluids, etc.
It is also advisable to go with first for some cases like constipation, urinary tract
infection or stones, damaged cells, etc. which are not life-and-death but need quick restoration

Concept of OPM

Almost all kinds of illnesses / sicknesses / diseases are caused by (1) BODY
INJURY and (2) insufficient HEAT ENERGY
OPM is not a curative medical procedure; it just catalyses our body system to
strengthen its self-healing ability. Complemented with sufficient HEAT
ENERGY, our body system will function orderly to restore BODY INJURY (
/ ) and subsequently improve sickness symptoms (FRUITS).
OPM will not bring any side effects, but enhance our physique (/).
There could be a lot of variances in the healing process with OPM, the most
important point is the patient must comprehend the CONCEPT () of OPM
correctly, and practise with perseverance

Whats in OPM?
1. An tui ()
Deep massage on the Origin Points follow by (Shu huan) ()
Location of the Origin Points
Hand techniques / Skills ( )
Antui postures
2. Maintain Body Heat Energy with:
External sources:
i. Wen fu () - Warm dressing
ii. Right Exercise and Right Amount of Exercise

Replenish internal heat energy through:

i. Eat wen (Warm) and re (Hot) foods
ii. Cut down liang (Cool) and Cut off han (Cold) foods
iii. Use CCHs food chart as reference
iv. For critical illness, no Cool and Cold

3. Healthy Lifestyle
Adequate sleep and rest

Positive emotions

Origin Points (Entire Spine + Seven Areas)

Entire Spine

Cervical vertebrae (Neck)

Thoracic vertebrae (Upper Back)
Lumbar vertebrae (Lower Back)
Sacrum (11)
Seven Areas
Sub occiput / behind Earlobe (head)
Around scapula (C and 7)
Pelvic Girdle (V)
Below Ankle
Between Metatarsal (hand)

Behind the Elbow

Between Metacarpal (toe)

Human Anatomy

Some Guidelines for Antui

1. Where to An tui (how to find the origin pain points)?:
Pain at the font, look for the origin pain points located horizontally at the Back of the body
Pain at the side, look for the origin pain points located along the Spine
Pain at the back, look for the origin pain points located One Palm Up along the Spine
2. Upon An tui on the located origin pain points, acute reactions may occur:
difficulty in breathing
feeling like fainting, nausea
heart throbbing, irregular heartbeat
numbness or shiver

If the above acute reactions occur, it could indicate that the patient has severe existing body
injury relating to the located origin pain points

3. To counter the acute reaction

Stop the Antui
Provide warm ginger soup or ginseng slice / drink
Apply heat pad for case of numbness or shiver

Framework for the Practical Sessions

1. Sis Lenny will share and reiterate the importance of OPM concept () and demonstrate the
correct Hand techniques / Skills ( )
2. For every area of Origin Points, we will start with a success case, then Sis Lenny will show you:
The location of the points
The Hand techniques / Skills ( ) to use and
The correct postures
After this, we will proceed to play the video (in Mandarin)
3. Gather at your assigned bed to practice antui and stick to the time allocated to you (5 minutes
per participant), there will be one facilitator allocated to guide you at your assigned bed
4. PowerPoint slides will be displayed to refresh your learning during the practical session
5. Feel free to ask and talk to our passionate facilitators, they are more than willing to share their
experiences with you
6. There will be times allocated for practice and roundtable sharing / Q&A (4-6pm) before the
workshop ends

Sub Occiput / behind earlobe (Head)

Sub occiput / behind earlobe (Head)

Sub occiput/behind Earlobe()

Stroke, Parkinsons disease, mental
depression, etc.

Headache, migraine, dizziness, eyelid

twitching, eye pain, protruding
eyeballs, sore eyes, facial distortion,
inarticulate speech, painful bite,
numbness, pain and burning feeling
of the tongue, tic douloureux and
facial palsy, acute deafness, tinnitus,
cervical vertebrae pain
Problems with the eyes, ears, nose,
jaws & teeth
Other illness of the head presenting
with cold symptoms (cold, fever,
insomnia, dementia, nasal allergies,
acne, brain tumors, mouth cancer,
and nasopharyngeal cancer)

Red dot: Origin Point

Green arrow: Direction
of massage

Entire Spine
Entire Spine
Cervical vertebrae

Thoracic vertebrae
Lumbar vertebrae

Cervical Vertebrae ()
Neck pain when
turning head, painful
swallowing, sore
throat, shoulder
pain, collarbone pain
Problems with the
neck, throat,
shoulder till

Red dot: Origin Point

Green arrow: Direction
of massage

Thoracic vertebrae ()

Upper back pain (shoulder blade pain,

Para scapular pain, thoracic spine
pain), chest tightness, posterior
shoulder pain, Thoracic diseases:
Asthma, cough, heart diseases
(myocardial infarction , palpitation,
heartache) breast cancer, lung cancer,
gastric, calf muscle pain and charley
horse (cramp) etc.

Problems with the upper back, chest,

back shoulder & calf

Note: Other disorders presenting with

cold symptoms of chest and upper
back should be treated by a heat
source pack (warm dressing) on the
origin pain point)

Red dot: Origin

Green arrow:
Direction of

Lumbar Vertebrae ()
Flank pain, hypochondriac
pain, lower back pain
(lumbar vertebrae pain,
circumferential waist pain
or side pain), upper hip pain
(include sacrum pain)
Problems with the lower
back till Sacrum highest

Lumbar vertebrae

Note: Should be treated by

heat source pack on the
origin pain point

Highest point of Sacrum

Red dot: Origin Point

Green arrow: Direction
of massage

Sacrum ()
Hip pain (include sacrum
pain), abdomen pain, suprapubic pain, pudendum and
coccyx pain
Problems between the
Sacrum highest point to hip
stripes, abdomen

Sacrum highest

Red dot: Origin Point

Hip Stripes

Green arrow: Direction

of massage

Pelvic Girdle (V)

Pelvic Girdle (V)

Pelvic Girdle (V)

Red dot: Origin Point

Green arrow: Direction of

Anterior View

Posterior View

Groin pain, leg pain (thigh pain, knee & back of knee pain, cannot bend
knee, front, inner and outer sides of the lower leg, heel tendon pain,
ankle joint pain and both sides anklebone pain)
Lower limb problems between hip stripes and groin till along the lower

Lower Back / 11 / V

Red dot: Origin Point

Green arrow: Direction of

For all disorders presenting with cold

symptoms appearing in the hypo gastric
region (pain and distension)
Hepatic carcinoma (liver cancer), diarrhea,
bloating, pancreatic cancer, constipation,
hemorrhoids, leucorrhoea, menstrual pain,
colorectal cancer (large-bowel cancer),
cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, fibroids,
vaginitis, micturition, urethral diseases,,
abdomen & lower limb prurigo, prostate
cancer, etc.
Manipulate the Lumbar, Sacrum & Pelvic
origin points, and treat with a heat source
pack (warm dressing) on the origin pain point

Around Scapula (C and 7)

Around scapula

Around scapula ()
Problem with acromial, shoulder
ago, armpit, side chest under
arm, upper arm till elbow bone
Shoulder pain, armpit pain, side
chest pain and upper arm pain

Treating the origin pain point on the
infraspinatus muscle on the shoulder
blade, should be treated by a

heat source pack (warm

dressing) on the origin pain

Red dot: Origin Point

Green arrow: Direction
of massage

Below Ankle

Below Ankle

Below Ankle
Heel pain (posterior plantar pain)
o Manipulate origin point located in the posterior and upper
margin beside the inner-anklebone

Foot pain (the instep, inner and out instep pain) and
middle part of the sole of the foot pain
o Manipulate origin point located in the anterior and lower
margin of the pain-side around the bottom-front region of the

Note: only a very few patients have complications caused

by outer-anklebone problems
Index finger method

Red dot: Origin

Green arrow:
Direction of

Elbow method palm face up

Between Metatarsal (Foot)

Between Metatarsal

Between Metatarsal
Problems with anterior plantar
pain and toes
o Manipulate the origin point
located in the lumbricalis between
the metatarsals

For disorders presenting with
cold symptoms appearing of foot
(such as eczyma, plantar hidrosis,
skin fissure, fungus infection, gout
arthritis, etc), treatment is to
manipulate OPM and treat with
warm source pack (warm dressing)
on the origin pain point
Red dot: Origin Point
Green arrow: Direction of massage

Behind Elbow

Behind the Elbow

Behind the Elbow

Problem with elbow till hand

Elbow pain (tennis elbow and golfers elbow),

brachium/ forearm pain, wrist rotational pain,
tenderness in the wrist, thumb metacarpal bone
pain, and thumb numbness, dorsal metacarpal

Manipulate the origin pain point of the posterior elbow,

located around the humerus and lateral side of the
triceps tendon

Index finger method

Note: Should be treated
by a heat source pack
(warm dressing) on the
elbow origin pain point.

Red dot: Origin Point

Green arrow: Direction of massage

Between Metacarpal (Palm)

Between Metacarpal

Between Metacarpal

Problem with palm till fingers and thumb.

Eczema, palmar hidrosis (sweaty palm), palm pain, numbness or
tingling of the fingers, manuum, rheumatoid arthritis.
o Thumb: Manipulate the origin pain point, located in the
musculus abductor pollicis brevis between the first matacarpal
bone and large multangular bone.
o Fingers: Manipulate the origin points, located in the lumbricalis
between the metacarpals.
Note: For disorders presenting with cold symptoms appearing of
elbow, wrist and hand (such as eczyma, palmar hidrosis, fungus
infection, rheumatoid arthritis,etc) should treating with a heat
source pack (warm dressing) on the origin pain point).

Index finger: Line 1

Middle finger: Line 1&2
Ring finger: Line 2 & 3
Little finger: Line 3

Index finger method

Red dot: Origin Point

Thumb method

Green arrow: Direction of massage

Special Point - Legs

Knee pain (patella bone pain)
o Manipulate the origin point located of
the inner or outer side of the
quadriceps femoris muscle around the
knee upper margin

Should treating with a heat source
pack (warm dressing) on the origin
pain point)

Thumb method
Red dot: Origin Point
Green arrow: Direction of massage

How to Use Ginger

1.Clean old ginger with brush

Dry ginger

2.Sliced and sun-dried


3.Stir fried in low heat for at

least 20 minutes




Boil ginger
soup (Ginger
Grind into

Normal: Each dose 5gm+ 100cc warm water ~ 3 times daily


Critical: Each dose 10gm+ 200cc warm water ~ 3-5 times daily
Wound, cut


25-50 gm dry ginger or fresh ginger slices 250-500 gm
5-10 bowls water (1000-2000cc) boil until 1.5-3 bowls. Taking in 2-3 times


150-30 gm dry ginger or fresh ginger slices 1500-3000 gm
8-16 bowls water boil until 3-6 bowls


Ginger soup easier to be absorbed but preparation is time consuming. Ginger soup
is recommended for weak or critical illness patients
Ginger powder more convenient but absorption is less effective

Too spicy

Ginger soup if too spicy may add brown sugar, dried longan or licorice. Sweet food is
Cold , therefore is not encouraged or reduce to minimum

Recommended Ways of Drinking Ginger Soup

If there are symptoms after ginger soup, it indicates body injuries;
common symptoms are constipation, sore throat, gastric

Origin point

An tui the respective origin points relating to the symptoms , treating with
heat pad (warm dressing)

Antui + internal & external heat

pad treatment

If symptoms still exit, reduce ginger dosage


Accurate An tui + ginger soup + warm treatment

Start from mild, continue and increase dosage (gm) after body gradually
accepts and absorbs the heat energy from ginger soup


Ginger soup
new user

Avoid to start with heavy dosage (gm), some people may have symptoms
Antui origin points with pressure from mild gradually to heavy


Fast: Body-energy sufficient, recovery quicker

Slow: Body-energy deficient, longer time recovery
Feed with ginger soup drops into patient mouth to replenish body heat

Thick ginger soup one cup each time, small quantity but takes many
times in a day

Do not overdose which can lead to discomfort


OPR Origin Point Resuscitation

Start OPR once
patient collapsed!


Antui on the
Head Origin Points
3-5 minutes,
follow by upper
back Origin Points


Body movement?
Face drop one-sided,
twitching of
Patient is very weak,
An tui pressure must not be too
heavy and too long
Apply warm dressing at the same


Heart Attack
Antui on
Upper back Origin
Points, start from
the left side, then
on the right side;
for around 1
minute. Then
follow by Head
Origin Points


Apply warm dressing

on patient, drink
strong dose of
ginger/ginseng soup

Adjust room temperature to

the level comfortable for
breathing, must not be too
cold or too hot

Origin-pain-point for heart are

mostly located on the left, so an tui
on the left first, then follow on the
right side

Dont panic but DO NOT antui if the patients body heat-energy is near to
exhaustion. Supply both internal & external heat sources. Feed patient with
100cc ginger (strong dosage) / ginseng soup by drip into his/her mouth using
straw. Avoid body contact. Apply warm dressing and monitor patient for 8
hours. If still show no recovery signs, stop the rescue operation

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