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82nd Fighter Group Association

Marc Buonaguidi

Steve Powell
John Netzer Parliman
Nancy Medley Manduano
Harley C. Vaughn
W.S. Will Hattendorf
George C. Marvin
John C. Hendrix
R.M. Monty Powers, Jr.
Donald T. Foley
John J. Kane
Leo Fisher

1270 W 75th Street

Marathon, FL 33050

William T. Mason
Olen L. Medley
Richard Ostronik
R.E. Dick Gadbury (Emeritus)
G.L. Jerry Powell
Darren Buonaguidi

The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

Pilots and Crew in attendance in Tulsa

Presidents Report
By Marc Buonaguidi
The Tulsa Reunion
Another successful reunion!
Thanks to those that were able
to attend, and those that could
not attend were missed. Tulsa
is a wonderful town with artdeco buildings and good beef!
We attended an Oktoberfest
Thursday night and were
entertained by Oompah bands,
good beer, sauerkraut,
bratwurst sausages, and
pretzels. Fridays trip to the
Oklahoma Air National Guard
included watching the taxi and
take-off of twelve F-16 fighter

jets, a nice lunch at the chow

hall, and a walk through the
local Air and Space museum.

Executive Meeting
At the executive meeting we
agreed to the proposal of
closing the memorial fund and
refunding memorial donations
back to the donors. The donors
also have the option of having
their donations rolled into the
general account.
We also discussed the idea of
having the current officers
remain in office through 2016 if
needed. This would ensure
consistency of leadership in the
event no other members are
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The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

interested in running for office

in 2016.
To share the responsibility, we
decided to allow two officers to
have access to the Association
Banking statements. This will
help with tracking income and
expenses, and also help next
years reunion hosts by having
multiple sources of guidance
for event budgeting and

discussed at the Executive

meeting. The memorial fund
will be closed and the donors
will have the option of having
their donation refunded or
rolling their donation into the
general fund. A letter will be
sent to each of the donors. The
current officers will remain in
office, unless challenged,
through 2016.
We also discussed the reunion
for 2015 which is being held in
Salt Lake City, Utah. My wife
Mary and I volunteered to host
the 2016 reunion in San Diego,
and that was passed by the
members as well.

A beautiful day in a beautiful


The reception BBQ Friday night

was a big hit! Great food, good
cocktails, and lots of friendly
chat. We held a silent auction
with several items that had
been donated. It was a very
popular event and we raised
over $300.00 for the

The banquet was homerun for
the Association! The food was
excellent. I had the tenderloin
and it was cooked perfectly and
delicious. Prior to dinner
service, the Oklahoma National
Guard color guard presented
the flag. After presenting the
flag, a National Guard member
gave a very moving description
of the Table of Remembrance.
The Table of Remembrance is a
table set for all four branches
of the Military, but left empty
in honor of those that are not
able to join us.
Following dinner, we had the
honor of having General
Ferguson, the Commanding
Officer of the Oklahoma
National Guard, as our guest
speaker. He gave a very sincere
thanks to the pilots in the room
who had fought a war as young
men with heart and
determination as their most
powerful weapon.

Member Meeting
The member meeting we voted
on and passed both proposals
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The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization



On Thursday night we had what

seemed to be an intruder enter
the Hospitality room. I spoke
with him immediately and
learned he had no connection
to our group. He had found out
about our event through the
internet and found his way to
the hotel. I made it clear that

this was a private event and

politely asked him to leave.
As a general rule to prevent this
situation from happening again,
I would ask that no
unregistered guests be allowed
access to any of our events
without my personal approval.

It was a wonderful event with

wonderful people. Tulsa was
beautiful, the people were
friendly and the skies were
clear (mostly). It is an honor to
be associated with all of you,
and I feel very lucky to have
had a father that served with
such great men.

Memorial bricks

Members relax by a campfire conserving their energy for the reunion

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The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

82nd Fighter Group Association

Annual Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 0900 by President Marc Buonaguidi.
Present, in addition to approximately 30 members were the following members of the Executive Committee:
Leo Fisher, Marc Buonaguidi, Dick Ostronik, Olen Medley, Nancy Medley Manduano, John Netzer Parliman,
John Kane, Jerry Powell, Bill Hattendorf, Will Hattendorf, Hank Phillips and Lute Thompson.
Secretarys Report: Nancy Medley Manduano presented the minutes from the 2013 annual meeting. A
motion was made by John Parliman to accept as written and motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer's Report: The Treasurers Report was presented and reviewed by John Parliman. Corrections were
made on the Financial statement from July 2012-June 2013-June 2014 Financial Report is attached. The dues
are less to date and post cards asking for tuition will be mailed out to members in March. The Memorial fund
checking account has been closed after all bills were paid. This fund is 3 years old and is felt this organization is
small and 4 other memorial funds currently exist honoring the 82 FG: Wright Patterson Museum, March
Airfield, the 82 FG has their own hangar at March Field, Riverside ,CA . The Air Force Academy as of this month
completed the walkway of the New Orleans Museum by placing bricks with names of 82nd FG members on a
specific walkway. John Parliman proposed to send letters to the donors of the memorial fund telling of the
termination of the memorial fund. The donors will be asked if they wish to donate the money to the group or
have money returned to donors since is felt enough memorials already exist. Will Hattendorf made motion to
terminate funding this memorial and accept treasure's report and Olen Medley seconded the motion which
was unanimously carried.
Nominating Committee: No election is needed at this time as all current officers are willing to continue in
office unless any objections noted. There were no objections.
Next Reunion: Steve and Peggy Powell plan to host the next reunion to be held September 9-13, 2015 in Salt
Lake City, Utah at the DoubleTree Hotel. The 388 Fighter Squadron is located there and plan to exhibit the new
Lightning II or F-35's. Steve asked for ideas for next year in Salt Lake and a city tour was requested. Some
members requested organized activities to be planned. San Diego was discussed as possible location for 2016
The motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 was made by President Marc Buonaguidi.

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The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

Treasurers Report


Total Receipts $ 1,620.45



JULY 1, 2013 JUNE 30, 2014

Supplies $ 417.33

Beginning Balance (all accounts): $11,088.95

Postage 158.90


Newsletter/Memo 359.71

Donations Regular $ 100.00

WWII Museum Brick Program 7,751.31

Memorial 295.00

Total Payments 8,687.25

Total 395.00

Ending Balance (all accounts): $ 8,938.61

Dues Associate $ 15.00

Individual Account Balances:

Honorary/Heritage 60.00

Memorial $ 4,916.46

Family 600.00

Operating $ 4,022.15

Sustaining 265.00

Respectfully Submitted,

Total 940.00
Reunions Profit 2013 $ 285.45

John Parliman, Treasurer

Total 285.45

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The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

Keeping in Touch
Messages from Members & Inquiries
Newsletter 90
We have had numerous contacts through the reunion and commemorative brick program notes, the website,
Face Book messages and phone calls that are excerpted below. Keep them coming. We love hearing from you.
Katie Kroger 96th, called to say she enjoys getting the newsletter & appreciates all who are helping to keep the
82nd going. She helped her home town restore the old courthouse to a museum & also helped at the Veterans'
Day observance there.
Hope Swanson, 96th, called to say she attended many reunions with her husband, misses everyone, is very
pleased that the 'youngsters' are keeping it going and really looks forward to the newsletter.
Al Schneider, 97th, called to say he thinks of everyone and is just not able to attend the reunions at this time.
Blythe Pratt, 97th family member, has shingles but is otherwise doing well and hoping to attend next year.
Bob Carpenter, 95th, said he and Pat are well, unable to attend the reunion this year; but hoping to next year,
Sylvia Ostronik talked with George Rivest, 97th, who conveyed that he and Grace would not be attending this
year. We wish them well and hope to see them in Salt Lake City.
Matt O'Toole sends hugs to all. His web design work prevented him from attending this years reunion. Maybe
next year Matt.
Jerry Powell, 97th, is doing well after a tumble. He is looking forward to the Salt Lake City reunion next year
which will be in his backyard. The bigger news is that he and Nan were married this past February.
Lois and Mel Roalsvig, 97th, report they visited Nona Isaacson, 96th, and enjoyed both conversation and Pinot
Fran Kane, 96th, emailed she was holding down things in NH and missed being with us.
Donna Deforge Face Booked that her husband, Alvah, and mother in law Claire, 97th, were at the reunion in
spirit, carrying their challenge coins and sending cheers.
Tim Turner, son of Mary and Amos Turner, 82nd notified us of the death of his mother. He also mentioned with
pride that his son, Clayton, graduated from the Air Force Academy and served as a Captain.
The family of Charles R Thompson, Jr., 96th, writes that they are very appreciative of the job the 82nd did,
cherish the many tales he conveyed including being on the Queen Mary and that they are proud of all of you
who served.
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The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

The following requests for information came through our Face Book page. Contact John Parliman if you have
any information you would like to share with their family members.
Rick Bergman wants to know if William Bill Franke was in the 82nd.
Natalie Brandon wants to know more about Lt Gerald L Rounds, 97th, Cedar City, UT.
10/4/07. We can tell you, Natalie, that he was a Flying Sergeant when he left March
Field in the fall of
1942 and that he went overseas on the Queen Mary.
Leslie Donohue Shilling wants to know if anyone remembers her dad, Sylvan Rene 'Buster Vidrine,
95th pilot. We can tell you, Leslie, that he was deployed after the fall of 1942 and that he was not an active
member of the association since his name does not appear in either the March Field deployment list or the
folded wings listing of the association membership. We are trying to find more about him.
Chris Hillman, grandson of Harold 'Harry' Hillman, a crewman, posted a brochure from the 2nd 82nd
Overseas Reunion. He would like any info people have about Harry. We can tell you, Chris, that he was a
Sergeant with the 97th when he left March Field, Riverside, CA in the fall of 1942 and went overseas on the
Queen Mary.
Kensey Russell wants to know about his grandfather, crewman Victor A Walker. He posted some
fantastic photos from N Africa and Italy handed down from his grandfather. Anyone with info please contact
John Parliman. We can tell you, Kensey that he left March Field, Riverside, CA in the fall of 1942 as a Staff Sgt
with the 97th Fighter Squadron which means he initially was a Flying Sergeant and that he went overseas on
the Queen Mary.
It is so gratifying to see new contacts through social media from family members. We hope they will join us in
perpetuating the memory of their 82nd family members by attending reunions and becoming members.
Membership is $25 annual. They can contact Nancy Medley Manduano at, secretary.
The link to the 82nd Fighter Group Facebook is
Folded Wings since Newsletter 89
Fred Graham, 96th

July 2014

Rosalie Heller, 97th

July 2014

Jake Hendrix, 95th

October 2014

Charles R Thompson, Jr., 96th

May 2014

Mary Turner, 82nd

July 2014

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The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

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The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

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