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COMM 105: Business Communications

The Final Exam Section 1,2,3

The Communication Process

Focus on the audience

Show that you understand the receiver is as important as the sender

The Adapted Strategic Approach


If you memorize anything, it should probably be this

Whenever you deal with a communications problem, use this framework!
Heres a situation, you are x and you have to do x, write a response
Demonstrate who you are speaking to and why
Formal, Direct, Active voice is often what you do, but there are exceptions
How rich is the channel? Is it one way or two way?

Ethical Communication is Honest Communication

Steps in the Writing Process
Research: Evidence-Based Management

Before beginning your analysis, drawing conclusions, or making recommendations, you must
have and understand the correct facts. We are often wrong, or partially wrong, about what we
think we know.

Critical Analysis: so what?


Look at slides there a lot of shit

Blair (2011): Argumentation and Rational Persuasion


There is a distinct difference between the two they can be the same, but not necessarily

Effective Supporting Premises


Point, proof, explanation

Persuasive Appeals


Elements of Effective Persuasion

Plain Language

The approach that is used is plain language, clear communication

The objective is to be clear, concise, and comprehensible


There are barriers to giving and receiving feedback

o E.g. identity trigger

Negative Messages
Westerman & Westerman (2013): Whats fair?

How does feedback fit in with peoples conceptions of justice in an organization?

Gibbs Reflective Cycle


Think about reflection memo

Kassing et. al (2012): Dissent expression:


If employees express dissatisfaction to employers, it is good

o It means theyre engaged

Purposes: types of public speaking

Methods of delivery
Fiske, Cuddy, and Glick (2006)

Warmth & competency

Gender differences (Tannen)

Pollach & Kerbler (2011)

CEOs do different things depending on geography

Corporate Identity (Rubin, 2013)

Organizational authenticity

Relationship between identity and reputation


How you act will represent you through communications

Public Relations Defined


Talk about audiences, constituents, etc

Its not just about your customers, its about anybody that can influence your organization
o Especially in the age of social media

Issue development life cycle: monitor issues in environment

Crises management: responding to unforeseen events
Apply the framework and the approach

The communication framework

Know how to make the documents (e.g. memo, resume format)


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