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Scrivener Editorial Workflow

Bridging the Gap between MS Word & scrivener

THe problem

Scrivener & MS Word are usually at odds

You either use one or the other.

Once you compile to Word for your editor - sadly

you can never return to Scrivener.

Or can you?

What if you could use both programs in a way that

compliment each other?

THe problem

Scrivener & MS Word are usually at odds

You either use one or the other.

Once you compile to Word for your editor - sadly

you can never return to Scrivener.

Or can you?

What if you could use both programs in a way that

compliment each other?

THe solution

A workflow that utilizes the strengths of each

Without sacrifices in eciency or productivity

Editorial workflow
What youll learn:

How to compile your manuscript for an editor

How to bring the edited manuscript back into Scrivener
- including comments & changes
How to preserve multiple versions of your manuscript
How to quickly track your changes in Scrivener
How to document the entire life cycle of your project

Recommended Tools
This workflow will make heavy use of Snapshots

Snapshots tool

Comment tool

Step 1: Rough draft

A carefree sketch of what the manuscript will be

Start with a new template

Recommend keeping a work log file

Take snapshot of rough draft.

What now?

Snapshot #1

Taking Snapshots
3 quick ways to take snapshots
1. Use the Snapshot Icon available for the toolbar
2. Click on the + button in the Snaphots Panel of
the inspector
3. Go to Documents > Snapshots > Take Snapshots
of Selected Documents.

Step 2:Compile for editor

File > Compile

Under Format As - Choose:

Standard Manuscript Format

Under Compile For - Choose:

Microsoft Word 97-2004 (.doc)

send to editor

Send MS Word Doc To Editor

editor sends back

The editor makes changes and adds comments with

the Track Changes feature turned on.

Then sends the manuscript back to you

What now?

Now what?

Are we stuck in MS Word To do the rest?

Are we finished with Scrivener at this point?

What now?


We will
we stuck
to Scrivener
in MS Word
right To
The Rest?
be going

Are we finished with Scrivener at this point?

before leaving word?

Before leaving MS Word & heading back to Scrivener

- Save a version of the manuscript with the editors
comments and changes as a pdf

Choose File > Save As > Change Format to PDF

now, Back To Scrivener

Back in Scrivener

Click on the Research Folder

Back in Scrivener

Click on the Research Folder

Choose File > Import > Files

Back in Scrivener

Locate the PDF version of your manuscript with

markups and select it.

Choose Import

Back in Scrivener

Now we can see the manuscript complete with all

comments and changes.

Back in Scrivener

Now we can see the manuscript complete with all

comments and changes.

Press the split screen button

Back in Scrivener

Now we can see the manuscript complete with all

comments and changes.

Press the split screen button

select the chapter / scene your working with in the

binder for one screen.

Back in Scrivener

Now we can see the manuscript complete with all

comments and changes.

Press the split screen button

select the chapter / scene your working with in the

binder for one screen.

Then make sure you select the header bar of the

other screen to select it.

Back in Scrivener

Now we can see the manuscript complete with all

comments and changes.

Press the split screen button

select the chapter / scene your working with in the

binder for one screen.

Then make sure you select the header bar of the

other screen to select it.

Now select the edited pdf manuscript for the other

part of the screen.

Step 3: Copy Comments

Create a new comment in the exact same place in

Scriener, using the Comment feature.

Repeat this for all the editors comments in the

Word document.

What now?

Snapshot #2

Snapshot #2

Once all the comments are added to Scrivener take a second snapshot before actually making
any changes.

Choose Document > Snapshots > Take

Snapshot with Title

Or click on the Snapshot icon in the toolbar

This allows you to easily see the context of the

comments which might not always make sense
after the changes are made

Snapshot #2

Now youll notice we have 2 snapshots. Our rough

draft and now one with the Editors comments.

Back To MS Word

Step 4: Make Changes

Next its time to go back to MS Word to accept any

changes that the editor suggested and make any
edits of your own.

Do this for the entire document.

Back To Scrivener

Step 5: Copy & Paste Changes

Once finished making the changes - copy & paste

the corrected scene into its corresponding scene
in Scrivener, replacing the text that was there.
You can do this without worrying because of the
snapshot we took in the previous step.

Copy & Paste Changes

You can get rid of the comments by selecting each

comment (Click & hold down Cmnd to select

Then click the minus button to delete

What now?

Snapshot #3

Snapshot #3

Now take another snapshot after all corrections /

edits are made.

Step 6: Send back to editor

Time to compile again and send a new version

back to the editor for further approval.

Once you receive approval back from the editor

that everything looks good and it is ready to know what to do now, right?

What now?

Snapshot #4

Snapshot #4

Thats right, once you have a publish ready

manuscript - take one last snapshot and title it
publication [ manuscript name ].

But what if you dont get approval yet and there are still
more changes to be made.?

Then repeat steps 3-6 until you have a version

everyone agrees on.

This process might go through several iterations.

Comparing with snapshots

At any given time you can see how your

manuscript has evolved by comparing the various
versions of your snapshots.

Comparing with snapshots

At any given time you can see how your

manuscript has evolved by comparing the various
versions of your snapshots.

Select the first version of your draft and click

Compare - this will highlight the changes that were
made to the manuscript since that snapshot

Comparing with snapshots

At any given time you can see how your

manuscript has evolved by comparing the various
versions of your snapshots.

Select the first version of your draft and click

Compare - this will highlight the changes that were
made to the manuscript since that snapshot

You can see the text that was added in blue and the
text that was deleted in red.

Add contracts or any other extras to your Scrivener
Project too.





Workflow review
Step 1: Rough Draft
- Take Snapshot #1
Step 2: Compile - Send to Editor
- Editor returns Word Doc w/ Markups
Step 3: Copy Comments Into Scrivener
- Take Snapshot #2
Step 4: Make Revisions in Word Doc
Step 5: Copy & Paste Revisions into S.
- Take Snapshot
Step 6: Send To Editor For Approval
- Approval or More Revisions
- If Approval - Done -Take Snapshot
- If Revisions - Repeat steps 3 - 6

Workflow review
Step 1: Rough Draft
- Take Snapshot #1
Step 2: Compile - Send to Editor
- Editor returns Word Doc w/ Markups
Step 3: Copy Comments Into Scrivener
- Take Snapshot #2
Step 4: Make Revisions in Word Doc
Step 5: Copy & Paste Revisions into S.
- Take Snapshot
Step 6: Send To Editor For Approval
- Approval or More Revisions
- If Approval - Done -Take Snapshot
- If Revisions - Repeat steps 3 - 6

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