Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

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Satuan Pendidikan

: SD

Mata Pelajaran

: Science


: IV

Materi Pembelajaran

: Human Skeleton

Alokasi Waktu

: 1x60 menit

Standar Kompetensi :
Memahami hubungan atara struktur rangka tubuh manusia dan fungsinya
Kompetensi Dasar :
Mendeskripsikan bagian-bagian serta nama-nama rangka tubuh manusia serta fungsinya
Indikator :
Siswa dapat mendeskripsikan nama-nama dalam rangka tubuh manusia
Siswa dapat mendeskripsikan fungsi rangka tubuh manusia
Siswa dapat memahami hubungan antara struktur rangka tubuh manusia dan fungsinya
Media Pembelajaran :
Media audio visual (video)
Materi Pembelajaran :
Human Skeleton
Human skeleton made by strong bones and joints which well organized
We have 206 bones
The function of human skeleton are: protecting our vital organ, supports our body, and give a
shape to our body.
Bone of human skeleton divided into two main parts:

1. Axial skeleton
It has function for protect our vital organ, such as brain, lungs and heart
Axial skeleton consists of the skull and bony thorax.
*skull, its our bones in head, it has function for protecting our brain and support our
face (wedge-pelipis, forehead, chick, jaw, eye nose)
* Bony thorax consist of sternum + rib cage and spine
Rib cage has 12 pairs of bones (7 pairs labeled true these bones are connected to
the sternum, while 5 other false sets do not. Three of those connect to non sternum
and the two are deemed to be floating, which means they only connect to the spine).
The function is to protecting our lung and heart from any damages.
Spine has 33 small bones, its start from the bottom of the brain ends at the start of our
bum. Spine consists by:
Neck bone has a function for support our face and protecting our throat, esophagus
and vocal cord. We have 7 bones in neck bone.
Dorsal spine has a function for protecting our spinal cord, it produce our blood. We
have 12 bones in here.
Lumbar bone has a function for protect the vertebral column (keseluruhan tulang
belakang), it has 5 bones
Sacrum (tulang kelangkang) it is responsible for support our upperbody when we
seating or standing. We have 5 bones
Body bone has a function for support the bones around the pelvis. We have 4 bones
here. The scientist says that without body bone we cant seat comfortly.
2. Appendicular skeleton
It allows our movement to occur through the joints of our arms and legs. Without it
we would be unable to move around. Appendicular consists of our hands, legs and
Hand. In our hand we have the humerus, radius, ulna and metacarpals
Legs. Femur (the hardest and longest bone), patella, tibia (we must keep it safely,
because it is so hurt when something hit tibia, because of that the football player
always use a shield on their tibia), fibula, metatarsals.
Pelvis, its the largest bone in human skeleton. It has function for protecting uterus (an
organ of the female reproductive system that is responsible for the development of the
embryo and fetus during pregnancy) and bladder-kandung kemih (part of our body
where urine is stored until it leaves your body).

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