John Stotts Bibliography

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Books by The Revd Dr John R W Stott

1. Men with a Message: An introduction to the New Testament and its writers
The original 1954 edition which was the Bishop of Londons Lent book for 1954, was published
by Longmans Green. This edition is O/P, but a second and illustrated edition, completely
rewritten by Stephen Motyer, is now available (Angus Hudson/Eerdmans, 1994; Candle Books,
1997 & 2001) under the title The Story of the New Testament. First USA edition Eerdmans, 1964
under title Basic Introduction to the New Testament. ELT Special edition 1996 under Men with a
Message and also Candle Books, 1997.
2. Fundamentalism and Evangelism (Crusade Booklet, 1956; published by Eerdmans as a book
in 1959) now O/P.
3. Basic Christianity (IVP, 1958, revised 1971; Eerdmans, 1958, revised 1971). An evangelistic
book outlining the evidence for the deity of Christ and the way of salvation. Translated into at
least 63 languages.
4. Your Confirmation (Hodder, 1958; a rewritten and illustrated edition, with Study Guide, was
published by Hodder in 1991, Baker/Angus Hudson co-edition, 1991 & 1999, and Family
Christian Stores edition, 2001, all under the title Christian Basics). Part of the Christian
Commitment series. Various sub-titles: A Handbook of Christian Faith (Hodder, 1991), A
Handbook of Beginnings, Beliefs and Behaviour (Baker, 1991), Beginnings, Beliefs and
Behavior (Baker, 1999 & FCS, 2001). Also, Hodder/Angus Hudson co-edition under Your
Confirmation A Christian Handbook for adults, 1991. Paperback text only edition published
in 2003 by Monarch (UK) and Baker (USA).
5. What Christ Thinks of the Church: Expository addresses on the first three chapters of the
Book of Revelation (Lutterworth, 1958; Eerdmans, 1958 & 1972) A revised and illustrated
edition was published in 1990 by Word (UK), and by Harold Shaw (USA). Also Angus
Hudson, 1990 & 1995. Paperback text only edition published in 2003 by Monarch (UK) and
Baker (USA).
6. The Preacher's Portrait: Some New Testament Word Studies (Tyndale, 1961; Eerdmans/IVP,
1961 & 1991). April 1961 Payton Lectures at Fuller Theological Seminary. Published in
Christian Classic Series (IVP, 1995) with sub-title Great word pictures from the New
7. Confess Your Sins: The Way of Reconciliation The first volume in the Christian Foundations
series, published under the auspices of the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican
Communion (Hodder, 1964; Word, 1974). O/P in UK. An appeal for secret, private and
public confession, and a reasoned rejection of auricular confession.
8. The Epistles of John: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale, 1964; Eerdmans, 1964;
revised edition, entitled The Letters of John, based on the NIV text published by
IVP/Eerdmans, 1988). A commentary in the Tyndale Series.
9. The Canticles and Selected Psalms (Hodder, 1966) - O/P. One of the 'Prayer Book
Commentary' series, expounding all the Canticles and about 50 Psalms. An illustrated and
modernized edition entitled Favourite Psalms first published in 1988 by Word (UK) and
Moody Press (USA). Reprinted and published by Candle Books (1994). Paperback text only
edition of Favourite Psalms published in 2003 by Monarch (UK) and Baker (USA).

10. Men Made New: An exposition of Romans 5-8 (IVP, UK, 1966; IVP, USA, 1966 & Baker,
1984) - O/P in UK.
11. Our Guilty Silence: The Church, the Gospel and the World. The last book in the Christian
Foundations series, published under the auspices of the Evangelical Fellowship in the
Anglican Communion (Hodder, 1967 & 1973; Eerdmans/IVP, 1969) Also, IVP Christian
Classic series, 1997. An examination of the four main hindrances to, and essentials of, biblical
12. One People: Clergy and Laity in Gods Church (Falcon, 1969; IVP, 1970 - both O/P. Revised
edition Revell, 1982). This 1982 edition had sub-title Helping your Church Become a Caring
Community The 1968 Pastoral Theology lectures in Durham University on the relation
between clergy and laity in Gods church.
13. Christ the Controversialist: A study in some essentials of evangelical religion (Tyndale,
1970; IVP, 1970) Also IVP Christian Classic series, 1996, with sub-title The Basics of Belief
14. Understanding the Bible (Scripture Union and Gospel Light, 1972. Revised Scripture Union
1976 & 1984. Also Zondervan, 1979, 1984 & 1999 and Family Christian Stores Edition,
2001). Reissued in 5 vols under Scripture Union Key Book series 1978. An introduction to
the Bible's purpose, setting, history, authority, interpretation, message and use.
15. Your Mind Matters: The place of the mind in the Christian life (IVP, UK and USA, 1972).
16. Balanced Christianity: A call to avoid unnecessary polarisation (Hodder/IVP, 1975). Now
17. Christian Mission in the Modern World (Falcon/IVP, 1975 and IVP 2nd edn 1977) - O/P in
UK. A study of five words ('mission', 'evangelism', 'dialogue', 'salvation' and 'conversion') in
the forefront of contemporary debate. The 1974 Chavasse Lectures at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.
18. The Baptism and Fullness of the Holy Spirit (IVF 1964 as a booklet and IVP, USA, 1964 in
book form; revised IVP, UK 1975 and USA, 1976 under the title Baptism and Fullness: The
Work of the Holy Spirit Today). A biblical study of the promise, fullness, fruit and gifts of the
Holy Spirit, in the light of the charismatic movement.
19. The Lausanne Covenant: An Exposition and Commentary (Worldwide Publications, USA,
1975. Also published as Explaining the Lausanne Covenant by Scripture Union, UK). This
'Covenant' was composed and adopted at the 1974 International Congress on World
Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland. This material was later included in Making Christ
Known edited by JRWS, Paternoster (UK) and Eerdmans (USA), 1996.
20. Focus on Christ: An Enquiry into the Theology of Prepositions (Collins, UK and USA, 1979;
Zondervan, 1981 under the title Understanding Christ) A devotional study of the Christian's
personal relationship to Christ. An illustrated edition entitled Life in Christ was published in
1991 by Kingsway (UK) and Tyndale House (USA). Also Candle Books, 1996. Paperback
text only edition of Life in Christ published in 2003 by Monarch (UK) and Baker (US).

21. The Bible: Book for Today (IVP, UK and USA, 1982; re-published in USA in 1991 by
Discovery House as You Can Trust the Bible: Our Foundation for Belief and Obedience, and
also Gods Book for Gods People, IVP, USA, 1983).
22. I Believe in Preaching (Hodder and Eerdmans, 1982. In USA, Between Two Worlds: The Art
of Preaching in the Twentieth Century). A defence of and call to expository preaching as the
churchs greatest contemporary need. Reprinted by Eerdmans with the sub-title The
Challenge of Preaching Today, 2001.
23. Issues Facing Christians Today (Marshalls, 1984; Revell, 1985 - in 2 vols. as Involvement:
Being a Responsible Christian in a Non-Christian Society (vol I) and Social and Sexual
Relationships in the Modern World (vol II). There was a separate publication of 4 chapters
from this first edition, namely: Abortion, Marriage & Divorce, The Call for Christian
Leadership and Same sex partnerships, Marshalls (UK) & Fleming (USA). A revised edition
was published in UK & USA in 1990; in USA under the title Decisive Issues Facing
Christians Today: Your influence is vital in todays turbulent world An appraisal of
contemporary social and moral questions. A fully revised 3rd edition entitled New Issues
Facing Christians Today published by Marshalls in 1999 in UK; and by Baker Books in USA
in 2 vols. entitled Major Issues for a New Century: Human Rights & Human Wrongs (Vol I)
and Our Social & Sexual Revolution (Vol II). A 4th edition revised and contributed to by Roy
McCloughry and with a chapter by John Wyatt, re-titled Issues Facing Christians Today,
anticipated from Zondervan in late 2006 or 2007.
24. The Authentic Jesus: A response to current scepticism in the church (Marshalls, 1985 &
1992; IVP USA, 1985).
25. The Cross of Christ (IVP, UK and USA, 1986). The implications of his death for him and for
26. Essentials: A liberal-evangelical dialogue (Hodder, 1988) - co-author David L Edwards.
(IVP, USA, 1989) under the title Evangelical Essentials
27. The Contemporary Christian: An urgent plea for double listening (IVP, UK and USA, 1992.
In USA, sub-title Applying Gods Word to Todays World ) A call to double listening - to the
ancient Word and to the modern world, in order to relate the one to the other.
28. Evangelical Truth: a personal plea for unity (IVP, UK and USA, 1999. In USA, sub-titled a
personal plea for Unity, Integrity and Faithfulness) Republished by IVP, UK as the 2nd vol in
the Global Christian Library.
29. The Birds our Teachers: Biblical lessons from a lifelong bird-watcher Also sub-titled as
Essays in Orni-Theology. (Candle Books in UK, 1999; Doubleday Books - WaterBrook Press,
USA, 2000)
30. The Incomparable Christ: Based on the AD 2000 London Lectures in Contemporary
Christianity (IVP, UK and USA, 2001)
31. Calling Christian Leaders: Biblical models of church, gospel and ministry (IVP, UK, 2002,
and under the title Basic Christian Leadership (same sub-title) by IVP, USA, 2002). Studies
in 1 Corinthians, chapters 1-4.

32. People my Teachers: Around the world in eighty years, with photographs by the author
(Candle Books, UK, 2002; Kregel, USA, 2004)
33. Why I am a Christian: This is my story (IVP, UK and USA, 2003)
34. Through the Bible Through the Year: Daily Reflections from Genesis to Revelation
(Candle Books, UK, 2006; Baker Books, USA, 2006)
35. The Living Church: Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor (IVP, UK and USA, anticipated 2007)
----------------The Bible Speaks Today Expositions by John Stott
(all published by IVP in UK and USA)
36. The Message of Galatians (1968) - sub-titled Only One Way (The first volume in the BST
37. The Message of 2 Timothy (1973) - sub-titled Guard the Gospel
38. The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (1978) - sub-titled Christian Counter-Culture
39. The Message of Ephesians (UK, 1979; USA, 1980) - sub-titled God's New Society
40. The Message of Acts (1990) - sub-titled To the Ends of the Earth
Published in USA as The Spirit, the Church and the World (1990)
41. The Message of Thessalonians (1991) - sub-titled Preparing for the Coming King
Published in USA as The Gospel and the End of Time (1991)
42. The Message of Romans (1994) - sub-titled God's Good News for the World
Published in USA as Romans: Gods Good News for the World (1994)
43. The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus (1996) sub-titled The Life of the Local Church
Published in USA as Guard the Truth (1996)
----------------Books published in English but not in UK or US
44. The Lordship of Christ in South Africa Published by Africa Enterprise, Pietermaritzburg,
1990. The substance of six lectures given in some major cities of South Africa during 1988;
some of which formed part of the text of The Contemporary Christian.
45. The Church in the New Millennium: Three Studies in the Acts of the Apostles
Published by Zapf Chancery, Eldoret, Kenya, 2002.

Books published in languages other than English and never translated into English
46. The Whole Christian (in Korean). Originally published by Christian Medical Fellowship,
1980. IVP, Korea, 1986.
47. People Called to be Different (in Spanish), (Llamados a ser diferentes), IINDEF, Costa Rica,
48. Problems of Christian Leadership (in Spanish), (Los Problemas del Liderazgo Cristiano),
Ediciones PUMA, Lima/AGEUP Lima, 1994. Also under title Desafios del liderazgo by
Certeza Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1992.
49. A New Vision for the New Millennium (in Chinese), Campus Evangelical Fellowship and
China Lutheran Seminary Publishing House, Taiwan, 2000.
----------------Books written/compiled by Timothy Dudley-Smith about JRWS
A Authentic Christianity: From the writings of John Stott, chosen and introduced by
Timothy Dudley-Smith (IVP, UK, 1995 and IVP, USA, 1996)
B John Stott, a comprehensive bibliography, compiled by Timothy Dudley-Smith (IVP,
UK, 1995 and IVP, USA, 1996)
C John Stott The Making of a Leader, Biography vol I (IVP, UK and USA, 1999)
D John Stott A Global Ministry, Biography vol II (IVP, UK and USA, 2001)
----------------Two Festschrifts produced for JRWS 70th Birthday
E The Gospel in the Modern World - A tribute to John Stott, ed Martyn Eden & David F.
Wells (IVP, UK and USA, 1991)
F A.D. 2000 and Beyond - A Mission Agenda, A Festschrift for John Stotts 70th Birthday,
ed Vinay Samuel & Chris Sugden (Regnum Books, 1991)

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