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Demographics Variables
1. Gender:
a. Male

b. Female

2. Age:
a. <25 years
c. 31-35 years
3. Marital status:
a. Single

b. 26-30 years
d. Above 36 years

b. Married

4. Education qualification:
a. School level

b. Diploma

c. Graduation

d. Post graduation

5. Annual income
a. Below Rs 50,000

b. Rs 50,000 1,00,00

c. Rs 1, 00,001 - 1, 50,000

d. Above Rs. 1, 50,000

6. Occupation
a. Agriculture


7. Bore well drilled (feet)?

b. Textiles

c. Others

a. Below 150feet

b. 150-300 feet


d. Above 500 ft.

8. Use bore water for your occupation?

a. Always

b. Sometimes

c Not always

9. Do you agree bore well help you in drought periods?

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

10. Water and economy are inextricably linked.

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

11. Reliable and sufficient water supplies are critical for business development and
reduced investment risk.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

12. The bore water supply and its quality is a critical business risk issue.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
13. At present situation, Bore water is clear key to eradicate poverty
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
14. Essential in places where there are no other sources of water for consumption it could
be used as the only alternatives.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree


15. Ground water can be used to irrigate crops from our own bore instead of using our
valuable drinking water?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

16. Urbanization of land and availability of water formerly allocated to industry (due to a
decline in the textile industry and creation of New Tirupur Area Development
Corporation Limited) has eased agricultural water scarcity in some pockets.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
17. Irrigate crops during dry seasons when rainfall low?

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

18. Crops patterns affected because of bore water?

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
19. Raises the living standards of people since it will see to it that there is always enough
food all year round.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

20. After the treatment and assessment from the drinking water guidelines it could be
used for live stock watering.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

21. Drip irrigation has generated significant benefits in terms of resource savings: cost of
cultivation, crop yields and overall farm profitability.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

22. Drip irrigation creates scope for expansion of crop area.

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

23. When land was limited, expansion of drip irrigation resulted in water saving.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree


1=Very High 2= High
Sl. no

3= Neutral 4= Low 5= Very low

Standard of living
Critical infrastructure
Social inclusion
Job creation


31. Less expenditure for bore well and had direct economic growth in textiles industry.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

32. Textile industries are one of the major consumers of water and disposing large
volumes of effluent to the environment.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
33. Textiles industry mostly relies on water resources.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

34. Adopt economical practices for the use of water in textile industries.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

35. The productivity and production capacity of people and economic sectors, such as
textile industry depend on peoples health and secure water availability.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

36. Water availability is one of the major limiting factors for these industries because
good quality of water is needed for textile dyeing and bleaching.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
37. The flourishing economy of the dyeing and bleaching industry meant that the
government was unwilling to clamp down on the industrys over-extraction.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
38. Competition from other countries and the global financial crisis has resulted in weak
demand for garment exports.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

39. Over 50% of the small-scale textile units in the Tirupur area have shut down
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

40. Reduce the economys vulnerability to rainfall variability.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

41. Huge economic gains that can be made through improved water resources
management and through improved water storage capacity.

a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

42. A countrys overall development strategy and macroeconomic policies including

fiscal, monetary and trade policies- directly or indirectly affect demand and
investment in water-related activities.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

43. To boost macroeconomic, Government, Private and Civil society should awareness of
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

44. The scarcity of good quality water threatened the survival and growth of a textile
industry that was showing exponential growth.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

45. Noyyal River not a Perennial River; people should depend on alternative source such
as /bore well.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

46. Without bore well, Tirupur cant be as dollar city, Banian city, and Small Japan
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
47. Irrigation infrastructure has a major impact on the returns to investments in education.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

48. Moreover, acidic effluents make the soil acidic and unfit for traditional crops (e.g.
rice, turmeric and sugarcane are replaced by sorghum and coconut).
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
49. With increased effluent loading, the soil became white, porous and fragile, rendering
it unfit for agriculture.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

50. Many villages totally depends on rainfall for agriculture and was less affected.
a. Strongly agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

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