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1. DEFINITION OF TERMS - See Annex "A" Hereof.
2. SCHEDULE OF DERBIES - The schedule of derbies of the
Association of Gamefowl Breeders of Cagayan(The
"Association" / "AGBC") shall be drawn by the council of the
3. WEIGHT LIMITS - The weight of a stag to fight in derbies of
AGBC shall not be less than 1.7 kg. nor more than 2.2 kg.
For Cocks it shall not be less than 1.8 kg nor more than 2.4
4. PAYMENT OF ENTRY FEE - Unless the council prescribes
otherwise, the entry fee must be paid on or before the
submission of the weights of the stags of an entry,
otherwise, the entry shall be excluded from participating in
the derby.
5. SUBMISSION OF WEIGHTS - The weights of the stags to
fight in a derby shall be submitted at the venue of the derby
or at the place designated by the committee council
between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of the eve of the derby
day thereafter, matching shall follow immediately.
6. COMPUTERIZED MATCHING - The matching of derby
fights shall be computerized. Accordingly, the computer
shall be programmed to match in progression, starting with
stags of the same weights and ending with pair of the
farthest weight GAP, give or take 20 grams for stags
weighing 1.9 kg. or lower and 30 grams for stags weighing
more than 1.9 kg.
7. FIGHT SEQUENCE - Fight sequence shall be programmed
in a manner that the interval between the fights of an entry
approximates that of any other. Accordingly, the first five
fights or more, depending on the number of entries, shall

start with the pairs of lowest weights in ascending order and

the next equal number of fights shall start with the pairs of
highest weights in descending order.
NONCOMPLIANCE - All stags must be legbanded at 9:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. at the day of the derby. Non-compliance shall
have the following effects.
Disqualification of the errant entry from participating in the derby;
The errant entry forfeits its entry fee to AGBC; and the matching
done shall be voided and another shall be done, excluding there
from the errant entry.
9. START OF DERBY - 1:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. shall be the
start depending on the day the derby is held.
the identity of a stag cannot be ascertained because its leg
band is detached or damaged, the errant entry shall suffer
the following penalties:
Loses the right to proceed with the fight;
Forfeits the minimum center bet to AGBC;
Gets zero (0) for a point
The obligation to provide a substitute stag shall
devolve in this order. Rule 38 shall be applied.
1. To the entry leading in points scored in that derby;
2. To the entry leading in total points scored in the circuit;
3. To the derby committee.
11. TAMPERED WING BAND - Automatic expulsion from the
12. DEFAULT; CONSEQUENCES - default shall be penalized
as follows:
For failing to present the stags for legbanding, the entry
shall suffer the penalties provided in rule 8;
From the expiration of the one (1) minute provided in rule
18, a penalty of 1,000 pesos shall be imposed;

After heeling, an entry shall present the stag at the arena

within (1) minute from the time it is summoned for
the purpose, a penalty of 1,000 pesos shall be
imposed for any delay incurred.
13. BAD WEIGHT EFFECTS - bad weight shall be treated as
If the bad weight exceeds thirty five (35) grams based on
the higher registered weight but not more than fifty
(50) grams. The errant entry pays its opponent a fine
of two thousand five hundred pesos (2,500), and the
fight as scheduled shall proceed;
If the bad weight exceeds fifty (50) grams. The errant entry
pays a fine of two thousand five hundred pesos
(2,500) to AGBC and replaces the stag with one
weighing equal or less by not more than thirty five
(35) grams than the actual weight of its opponent.
Rule 38 shall be applied.
If the stags are mutually in bad weight, the matter shall be
resolved as follows:
If the actual weight of each stag exceed its registered weight by
more than thirty five (35) but less than fifty (50) grams, the fight
shall proceed as scheduled;
If the excess weight of one (1) is more than fifty (50) grams, the
entry concerned shall change the stag with one weighing equal to
but not less by thirty five (35) grams than the actual weight of the
other stag. If the entry concern cannot provide the substitute stag
rule 38 will apply.
If the bad weight of each stag exceeds fifty (50) grams the fight
shall be cancelled and neither party earns a point to be indicated
by the letter "X" in the score board/sheet.
14. BAD SHAPE; EFFECTS - the instances and effects of a
stag in bad shape are the following:
If the stag limps on its heeled leg, rule 22 shall be applied;
If the stag manifests any sign of hesitation to fight, such as
raised feathers behind the head or moving away in
the presence of another stag or in disposition, such
as droopiness, shivering, injury or quitting before
being hit by its opponent: or any other similar

conditions; the stag shall be replaced with one

weighing equal to or less by not more than 35 grams
than the actual weight of its opponent;
If the actual weight of the stag is less by more than fifty (50)
grams than its submitted weight and the actual
weight of its opponent, the replacement provided in
14.2 shall be followed;
If the stag's appearance has been drastically altered (for
instance, the neck feathers were cut to simulate the
likeness of a vulture, or the feathers were dyed with
colors different from what is natural to the stag), the
errant entry shall suffer the consequences provided
in rule 8 or 10, as the case maybe, if the infraction
was discovered before or after the start of the derby
fights. Bad shape shall be determined by the derby
committee at the pit or elsewhere, depending upon
its discretion.
To Test if a stag hesitates to fight, it shall be leashed
to a cord held at its end by the stag's handler while the
referee holds another stag at a distance close enough to
provoke a reaction from the stag.
15. ASSIGNING REFEREES - the number of derby fights shall
be apportioned among the referees who shall officiate by
16. NO CHOOSING OF REFEREE - no participant may choose
a particular referee to officiate a particular fight nor object to
the assignment of one made in accordance with the rules.
17. COMPENSATION OF REFEREE - referee shall be paid on
a per-fight basis, and his compensation rate shall be fixed
by the council according to his reputation, talent, experience
and other merits. But in no case shall his total
compensation be less than what he is paid for a similar
service in any other competitive venue.
18. TIME LIMIT TO LIMBER - ample time shall be allowed an
entry to limber its stag before being summoned to heel for a
scheduled fight. Thereafter and within one (1) minute from

receiving notice to heel, it shall forthwith present the stag for

weighing and proceed to knife the stag.

Members will not be allowed to pay in check unless check is

endorse by a AGBC Member.

19. WEIGHING SCALE - only the weighing scale of the

association will be used as an official weighing scale.

25. WARM-UP - After the center bets are squared, the handlers
shall be allowed two (2) minutes (timekeeper should push
the button) to warm up their fighting stags. Thereafter, they
shall release their stags upon the signal of the referee.

20. WEIGHING AND HEELING - weighing and heeling shall be

done in the place designated for the purpose by the derby
21. CENTER BET LIMITS - Unless otherwise determined by
the association, the center bet laid for an entry shall not be
less than five thousand five hundred pesos ( P5,500) nor
more than eleven thousand pesos (P11,000).
Where there is a disparity in the center bets laid, best effort
to try and square the bets within two (2) minutes shall be
made no "Logro" would be allowed to square the bets.
22. LIMPING; EFFECTS - if a stag limps on its heeled leg, it
shall be reheeled within seven fights or one (1) hour,
whichever comes first, counted from the original fight
schedule of the stag. If the stag still limps on reheeling, it
shall be replaced with another weighing not more than
actual weight of the opponent nor less by thirty-five (35)
grams, and the fight shall be similarly rescheduled.
paraphernalia to be used for heeling shall be subject to
inspection and reasonable procedures for neutralizing any
harmful matters there may be in them by authorized
personnel of AGBC. Double bladed knives are not allowed.
fees center bets. Solicited bets (Pagos), fines, penalties and
all moneys due or payable to or thru the association may be
paid in cash or check. Only AGBC Members will be allowed
to pay in check and the amount of the check drawn must
not be more than the account to be settled. Non-AGBC

26. NO SIDE BETS IN THE PIT - No person shall call or take

side bets inside the pit.
27. PERSONS IN THE PIT - The number of persons in the pit
shall not exceed five (5), including the handlers and the
28. FIGHT DISTANCE - the stags shall be allowed to fight for
not more than ten (minutes) counted from the time a stag
makes a pass over or hits the other, or when they hit each
other simultaneously, and ends upon the referee arriving at
a decision on the outcome of the fight rendered within the
period, provided that a carreo in progress of execution
when the time is up shall continue to determine if a winner
may be declared or the fight ends in a draw.
29. TIMER AND STAND-BY GENERATOR - the time device to
measure the fight period shall be provided by the
owner/operator of the venue or derbies of the association,
and also a standby lighting system for immediate use in the
event of a brownout.
30. REFEREE'S AUTHORITY - from the start of a fight and
until a decision thereon is reached, the referee has full
control and authority over the arena and the proceeding
therein the exercise thereof and whenever in his judgment
or circumstances so required, he may call for the assistance
of the persons in the arena.
31. INTERVENTION IN BAD SHAPE - From the moment the
stags are released to fight the referee must be ready for a

timely intervention should bad shape happens to any of the

32. EXECUTION OF THE CARREO - If at any time during the
fight period. One or both stags cease fighting, the referee
shall immediately execute the carreo or confrontation
procedure in the manner of the traditional "3-up-3-down".
Carreo should be done by the referee, holding the back
feather of the gamefowl only.
practicable. The referee shall execute the carreo at the
center of the Arena.
34. STRAY STAG - If at any time during the fight period a stag
strays from the arena, it shall be retrieved by the referee in
order that the fight may continue in the arena, the fight there
at shall be allowed to continue to its logical conclusion,
unless a carreo intervenes and a clear opportunity presents
itself to relocate the stags at the arena.
35. DECLARATION OF WINNER - To be declared the winner, a
stag must make two (2) pecks or one (1) hit directed at, but
not necessarily touching, its opponent, and the latter neither
pecked nor hit back during the carreo procedure.
36. FINALITY OF DECISION - The decision of the referee
rendered in the accordance with the rules shall be final and
binding upon all parties concerned.
If the Referee's decision is disputed, the derby committee
shall resolve the same after viewing the video tape and to
make a determination on whether or not the referee
followed rule 35.
In the performance of his task, good faith on the part of the
referee and regularity in his actions are presumed.
Therefore, short of a clear showing that he violated any
rule, his decision stands valid and final in the meantime that
the derby committee considers the disputed decision, the

referee shall cease to function, unless the derby committee

directs otherwise. In the event that it will be clearly
established that the referee violated any rule specifically
rule 35, the derby committee can overturn any disputed
referee's decision based on this rulebook as a guide.
37. RECORDING OF FIGHTS - as much as possible, every
derby fight of the association shall be recorded in video
tape or similar devices.
substitution case where a matched entry cannot provide the
substitute stag, the obligation shall devolve in this order.
To the entry leading in points scored in that derby;
To the entry leading in total points scored in the circuit, to the derby
committee. Where there are 2 or more entries obliged to provide
the substitute stag, the matter shall be resolved by lottery/toss
stag in a substitution case must be AGBC wing banded and
acceptable to the derby committee and leg banded
immediately upon such acceptance.
40. Re-Scheduled Fight - a fight that needs to be re-scheduled
shall proceed after 7 fights or 1 hour whenever comes first,
counted from its original schedule.
41. DISTRIBUTION OF POT MONEY - unless otherwise
proclaimed by the council before the start of a derby, the pot
money, after deducting 10% thereof for the association,
shall be allocated and distributed as follows:
Eighty (80)% for the champion;
Twenty (20) % for the runner up;
Handler & gaffer prices will be taken out from the 80% price or
whatever the board will decide.
42. NO-BEARING FIGHTS - all scheduled fight whether
bearing or none bearing must be fought unless both derby

participants will mutually agree not to fight anymore.

However, the no fight no score rule will applied.
otherwise provided, all fines, forfeitures, and other charges
shall accrue to the operating fund of the association.
44. TICKET TO ENTER COCKPIT - no person shall be allowed
entry into the venue of derbies of the association without
first obtaining a ticket for the purpose, except derby and
security personnel and accredited side-bet callers
("Kristos") properly identified and wearing the prescribed
Each entry is entitled, free of charge, to four (4) wrist
band/passes for free entry and additional three (3) tickets
for his guests, or their substitutes for the heeler, handler
and other personnel of the entry and must be registered at
the venue any further need for tickets shall be paid for.
The president shall have at his disposal such number of
tickets as are necessary for the use, free of charge, of
personalities whose presence will, in his opinion, serve the
interest and goodwill of the association.

48. DIVIDEND - will be given to members who joined all the

scheduled derbies for the stag season, in the event a
member fills more than one entry and completes the entire
leg. He will be entitled to as many dividends as to the
number of the entries provided that he uses the same entry
who fails to join two (2) consecutive annual stag derbies
shall be automatically dropped from the roster of members
unless a written explanation is submitted to the board
stating the reasons for the failure to participate. Said letter
of explanation must be submitted two (2) months prior to
the scheduled annual stag derby. The board will deliberate
on the matter before the dropped member is reinstated
back as regular member.
50. AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD - disputes in the application
of these rules and controversial matters affecting the
derbies of the association which are not otherwise provided
herein shall be determined by the board whose decision
thereon is final and binding.

45. EXIT PASS - no entry shall be allowed exit from the cockpit
premises without first obtaining a pass from the person
designated by the association.
46. NUMBER OF ENTRY OF MEMBERS - any member can
field as many entries on the first leg of the circuit but must
choose and use only one official entry for the 2 nd leg up to
the remainder of the stag derby circuit for the determination
of the cumulative points of over-all champion.
47. CHANGES IN THE RULES - any changes that may be
made by the council in the derby rules shall be furnished
each member and posted in conspicuous places at the stag

Rules Observed/Implemented in AGBC Sponsored
Derby Fights

No fight no score


Releasing of rooster over and beyond the marked

area in the pitting line is not allowed. A penalty of
three thousand pesos (3,000.00) will be imposed for
the violation of this rule. The amount will go to the
opponent of the one who committed the violation.


Refusal to fight a scheduled fight without any valid

reason shall incur the following penalty.
1. Payment of Eight Thousand Pesos (P 8,000.00)
P3,000 will go to the opponent
P 5,000 will go to the organization to pay for the
substitute rooster to be fought.
2. Outright expulsion of membership status from the
organization (AGBC)
3. For non-members lifetime ban from all AGBC
sponsored derbies.
4. Refusal to fight specifically includes derby
participants who will not fight their scheduled fight
and just leave the derby venue because they don't
have a chance to win anymore the Champion's
5. The obligation to provide substitute cock/stag shall
devolve in the following order (Sec. 10 AGBC Stag
fight derby rules)
a. To the entry leading in points scored in the
b. To the entry leading in total points scored
in the circuit.
c. To the derby committee.

IV. Handlers wearing slippers will not be allowed in the

pitting area.
V. If T-shirts are given in the derby, the handler who will
release the rooster in the pitting area must wear the Tshirt. Violation of this rule will incur a penalty to be
decided upon by the Executive Committee in that derby.
VI. Releasing of stags/cocks must be done in a proper way.
No improper action like abrupt or ungentle man's way of
sudden / abrupt thrust of the stags/cocks in the face of
the other handler before the release is not allowed.
Corresponding / appropriate penalty / sanction will be
determined / imposed by the derby committee.

VII. If a matched entry for valid reasons cannot be fought on

the scheduled date, the concerned participants must
fight one additional gamecock in the next scheduled
derby for purposes of computing the score of the day
prizes of that particular derby and the cumulative score
for the Breeder of the year prize. Otherwise, said
participants forfeit their chance to earn a point.

AGBC Rules on Wing Banding

1. For new and old members an amount of one thousand five
hundred pesos (P1,500) will be collected as membership fee and
banding fee.
2. Atleast four primary feathers will qualify for wing bonding.
3. Minimum of 20 heads and maximum of 70 heads in excess an
additional of twenty pesos (P20.00) per head will be collected.
4. For new members, before the start of the banding season a
deposite of one leg pot money (P5,500) will be collected. If you will
participate in any leg of the derby you can use it as your pot
money. If not, it will be forfited in favor of the Association (AGBC)
unless a reasonable explanation in writing is given and presented
to the council at least (1) month before derby schedule subject for
5. For old members who did not participate in the said previous
derbies, before the start of the banding season a deposite of one
leg pot money (P5,500) will be collected for the next stag derby,If
you can not participate in the said derby it will be forfited in favor of
the association (AGBC) unless a reasonable explanation in writing
is given and presented to the council at least one (1) month before
derby schedule subject for approval.

6. For present and active members your FAILURE to participate in

any leg of the derby , a fine of two thousand pesos (P2,000) will
be collected and it will go in favor of the association (AGBC)
7. The members will be divided into two groups. Group A and
Group B, you will recieved a noticed or text message one week
before the banding schedule. Failure to present your stags on your
group schedule will forfit your priviledge for the banding committee
to go to your place, but you can still avail of the wing banding on
the last day of the banding provided that you will bring your stags
at the designated place or at the AGBC Office.

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