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This chapter explains about the background of the study, statements of
the problem, purpose of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key
1.1 Background of the Study

Literary work is the reflection of society. Through literature, the authors tried
to reveal the condition of community life or their ideas that they have
experienced. In addition, the literature work presents a portrait of life with social
issues regarding the society, after having intensive precipitation in the imagination
author; it becomes to experience the social life in the form of literature work.
According to Lombardi (2010), literature is a term used to describe written or
spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from
creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most
commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of
poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
Although the written medium is obviously the main concern in the study of
literature or texts, this field of inquiry is also closely related to other media such
as the stage, painting, film, music or even computer networks (Klarer: 2004). Film
can be enjoyed for pleasure as entertainment for the whole family. Besides, film
as entertainment, it is also as a media of mass communication in influence the
viewer while sitting in a movie theater or in front of the television. The effect of
television on character development, moral behavior, fears, and aggression, they
said, must be considered to be unknown (UNESCO, 1961). The behavior of

human relates to a psychological aspect. According to Stangor (2011), Psychology

is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a popular major for
students, a popular topic in the public media, and a part of our everyday lives.
Many films raised the real story that could give effect to the audience. For
example, domestic films could have a positive influence on the audience. The film
was a Laskar Pelangi. This film can provide some positive things. One of them is
motivation. Where in this film depicted how the motivation of children to attend
school. In this research, researchers wanted to analyze the motivation in movie.
According to Passer and Smith (2009), motivation is a process that inuences the
direction, persistence, and vigor of goal-directed behavior. Almost without
exception, those men and women who become capable of high levels of
achievement in a particular field of expertise are strongly motivated to do so
(Howe; 2005). It means that the motivation could be influential in what we must
do in our expertise, like the motivation of three main characters in 3 Idiots movie.
The film of 3 idiots is chosen in this research because this film talks about
how to get the dream in life. 3 idiots movie has received some awards. '3 Idiots'










(, ten awards at 16th Nokia Annual Star Screen Awards

including best film (, six awards at Filmfare
award including best film ( and 3 Idiots was chosen as
The Best Popular Film 57th National Film Awards (
Then, the newest one "3 Idiots" has been nominated for the 37th Japan Academy









( Ranchoddas, Raju and Farhan are three main

characters in 3 Idiots movie. Farhan Qureshi (R. Madhavan), Raju Rastogi

(Sharman Joshi), and Rancchoddas "Rancho" Shyamaldas Chanchad (Aamir
Khan) are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial
College of Engineering, one of the best colleges in India. While Farhan and Raju
are average students from modest backgrounds, Rancho is from a rich family.
Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer, but has joined engineering
college to fulfill his father's wish. Raju on the other hand wants to uplift his family
fortunes. Rancho is a wealthy genius who studies for the sheer joy of it. The
researcher was interested in analyzing the motivation of Rancho, Raju and Farhan
in get their dream.
The film of 3 idiots can be a source of motivation to the viewers because
this film shows Rancho, Raju and Farhan effort to get their dream. From the
statement, the researcher can conclude that Rancho, Raju and Farhan motivation is
interesting to be analyzed. Therefore, the researcher chose this topic to be
analyzed in his thesis untitled Analysis of Three Main Characters Motivation in
Getting the Dream in Their Life on 3 Idiots Film .

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the problems are formulated as
1. What are the factors that motivated three main characters to get the dream
in their life on 3 idiots film?
2. How do the three main characters endeavor to get the dream in their life on
3 idiots film?
1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of study are as follows:

1. To identify three main character motivation to get the dream in their life.
2. To find out three main character effort to get the dream in their life.
1.4 Significance of the Study
This thesis written to gives some information and contribution to other
students who want to analyze effort in motivation of education. It is also a
reference for anyone who likes studying film in his life to improve his knowledge
about the study of literature.
By reading this thesis, the researcher hopes the readers can understand more
about film analysis especially about the efforts in motivation of education. And
the result of this study can be used a reference in doing similar researches. It also
gives essential inputs for the development literature.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is the story about the education in school, where
three main characters had finished their education. However, it is limited to the
effort to get the dream in their life.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To clarify the terms in this study, the researcher gives their definitions as
1. Main Character is the individual who contributes the most to the story. In
3 Idiots Film related to Rancho, Raju and Farhan.

2. Motivation is a special kind of cause that energize, direct and sustain a

persons behavior (Rubin and McNeil (1983).
3. Dream







4. Film is a general term for a particular motion picture or motion pictures in
general (Quinn,2006).

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