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Teacher(s) Peter Dunoon, Nirmala (Nirmala) Balasubramanian, Khushnawaz (Khush) Havewala

Subject group and discipline Language and literature: English

Unit title

MYP Year

Growing up and conquering our fears:

Grade 6 Unit duration 6 weeks (1 hour)

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept

Related concept(s)


Language and literature


Global context
Point of view

Personal and cultural expression

Our growth is an inevitable aspect of our development

as individuals, but our growth is also shaped by our
experience and our relationships with those around
us, both positive and negative.

Statement of inquiry
Individuals and their identities are influenced and shaped by their interaction with others, how people "see" them and their perception of themselves.
Inquiry questions

What are the elements in "personal growth?" How

does an individual grow personally?

What are the elements that constitute the concept of

"identity?" What shapes an individual personal
A: Analysing
identify and comment upon significant aspects
of texts
identify and comment upon the creators
justify opinions and ideas, using examples,
explanations and terminology
identify similarities and differences in features
within and between texts.
B: Organizing

Middle Years Programme Unit planner

Conceptual How much does being challenged and

challenging ourselves play in personal growth?
How do we grow as an individual and how much
power do we have over this change?


What are the biggest "challenges" for the characters

in the text, "The Liberation of Gabriel King?"


What does "challenging ourselves" mean to an

Summative assessment
Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and
statement of inquiry:

Students will examine character studies within the text

"The Liberation of Gabriel King." As a part of this
examination, they will examine their own fears, and
seeking strategies to overcome these. During their
summative assessments, students will choose a
character from the book and attempt to relate the
experience of this character, to their own experience
while growing up.

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employ organizational structures that serve the

context and intention
organize opinions and ideas in a logical manner
use referencing and formatting tools to create a
presentation style suitable to the context and
C: Producing text
produce texts that demonstrate thought and
imagination while exploring new perspectives and
ideas arising from personal engagement with the
creative process
make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic,
literary and visual devices, demonstrating
awareness of impact on an audience
select relevant details and examples to support
D: Using language
use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence
structures and forms of expression
write and speak in an appropriate register and
use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation
spell (alphabetic languages), write (character
languages) and pronounce with accuracy
use appropriate non-verbal communication
Approaches to learning (ATL)
Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Learning process

Knowledge & Skills:

Learning Experiences

Knowledge & Skills TBD

Knowledge & Skills TBD
* Concept Mapping and brainstorming skills;

Middle Years Programme Unit planner

Students will be made aware of MYP Language A Criteria A, B, C; D

Task specific clarifications will be give for summative assessments;
Students will develop a "glossary" of terms [vocabulary list] through the course of the unit unit;
Students will be given guidance and structure prior to writing tasks;

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Identifying the difference between Fiction and Non

Fiction texts;
* Research and information skill development;
Summarization skill;
Character profiling;
Developing an understanding of author's "intent;"
* Simple, compound and complex sentences;
* Use of commas in lists;
* Topic Sentences and beginning to understand
paragraphs and sequencing of paragraphs;
* Descriptive writing and introduction to imagery;
* Developing paraphrasing skills;
* Research writing will demonstrate clear understanding
of MLA citation format for bibliographies and in-text
citations, where appropriate;
* Identifying aspects of "character," theme and plot;
* Developing comprehension skills;
* Close reading of descriptive passages;
* Recognizing the use of imagery, metaphor and simile;
* Reading out aloud in front of the class;
* Discussion of the characters and themes in the book
in association with the unit concept and lines of inquiry;
* Presenting in front of the class on themes/characters
in the book;

Middle Years Programme Unit planner

Students will be expected to self assess throughout the course of the unit, using the Language A Criteria and
through understanding of the task specific clarifications;
Students will be required to demonstrate understanding of Glossary Terms through the practice and use of
these within other contexts;
Students will be involved in research skills sessions throughout the unit;
Prior knowledge will be assessed through the introduction to the unit;
A brief questionairre and research activity will further assess prior knowledge;
Teaching strategies
Discussion/brainstorming to assess prior knowledge of the concept of identity and student knowledge/
understanding of the setting;
Examination of the concepts of fiction/non fiction and other types of documents that may/may not reflect
Research into racism in the USA world [Library visits];
Regular scene summaries/synopsis/extension of scenes to gauge student understanding of the text;
in class group interpretive performance of scenes or parts of the play;
Thematic connections and transferring those in the play to 21st century examples of the same themes and
issues - especially those that question concepts of identity;
Writing additional scenes/extensions of chapters;
Focus on how differing literary and linguistic devices manipulate the themes;
Brainstorming and gathering data on student prior knowledge/interest;
Research methodology and information skills [including need for Bibliographic recording and
Group work;
Vocabulary development;
Formal instruction on writing structure - PEE;
Reading practice - esp in front of an audience;
Creating a class glossary/vocabulary lists of "new" words as we progress through the book;
Presenting assessments in varied forms - either oral/visual/multimedia or written form;
Choice of activities from which students can select

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Describe how you will differentiate teaching & learning for this unit?
1. Same readiness level in case of group activity for the first unit
2. Reprint of book in larger font size with blank pages inserted between two printed ones
3. Vocab list of forthcoming chapters given in advance
4. Chapter summary map - Who, What, When and Where, Why
5. Poster to show the main fears pictorially with a brief write-up instead of PEE
6. 4 chapter-based questions instead of 1 text-based PEE
7. 25% extra time [80 min summative- 20 min extra; 90 min summative- 25 min extra (rounded from 22.5)]
Learner Profile
Inquirers: Students will be required to reflect on their own fears and imaginations;
Knowledgeable: Students will demonstrate prior knowledge as well as developing their own knowledge of both "truth" and connect this with the past as well as relating this
to their lives as contemporary teenagers;
Thinkers: Students will reflect on their perceptions of "truth," and investigate their own experience of discovering "truths" within their lives.
Communicators: Students will present oral book reviews on sections of the book "The Liberation of Gabriel King."
Open minded: Students will demonstrate open-mindedness in considering experiences that may not be part of their own experiences.
Risk takers: Students may not always be confident in public reading or performance, but will develop these skills;
Reflective: Students will reflect on their perceptions of truth and relate these within the context of a variety of readings;
International Mindedness
Students will read and consider a number of texts, including "The Liberation of Gabriel King", relating similarities and differences between their own context and that of the
File: M1_Unit_1_LiberationofGabrielKingChapterQuestions.docx
File: M1Unit1GabrielKingChapter1and2.docx
File: M1LiberationofGabrielKingQuestionsChapters6-12.docx
File: M1_Liberation_of_Gabriel_King_Homework_Chapters_3-5_Due_Aug_30.odt
File: M1LiberationSummativeAssessment2.docx

Middle Years Programme Unit planner

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File: M1_Unit_1_LiberationofGabrielKingChapterQuestions.docx
File: Itwaslongago-firstweekactivity-M1__1_.docx
Others to be attached;
Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry
Prior to teaching the unit
Read the text
Identified global context, key concept and related
formulated a statement of inquiry and relevant
identified resources/references
fixed the unit dates and assessment dates

Middle Years Programme Unit planner

During teaching
Students are becoming aware of issues of racism
and bullying
giving vocab lists in advance helps
students enjoy reading aloud

After teaching the unit

Differentiation given in summative task 2 and not 1.
It clearly shows that students who needed and
received differentiation scored higher on each
criterion in summative task 2
Students found it more effective to have
photocopies of the book in larger font and with blank
inserts so they can make notes next to the text
Students had an animated discussion on things
that shape their identity and on their fears which
aided their unit on empathy in Advisory class as they
realised the similarities they share with their
Unit 2 - Poetry is based on the same theme and so
is led into by this unit.
Unit 1 (Growing Up and Our Identity) in MY1 is
vertically aligned with the Unit 1 in all grades of MYP.
Moderation was helpful

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