Phi Theta Kappa (Alpha Delta Mu) Meeting Minutes

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Phi Theta Kappa (Alpha

Delta Mu) Meeting Minutes.

Minutes Recorded By:
Dalleane McNichols.
Meeting called to order
By Whom: Nicole Schoenstein Date: 1/26/10 Time: 12:36 P.M.

Officer Role Call:

Present (P), Absent (A), Late (L)
Nicole Schoenstein (President) P Tammy Medica (Vice President) P Dorothy Doyne (Treasurer)
A Dominique Leotta (Public Relations) P Dalleane McNichols (Secretary) P SGA
Representative N/A Carolyn Coulter (Advisor) P.

Excused Absences:

Member Role Call:

Please refer to the attached attendance sheet.

Secretary’s Report: Dalleane McNichols.


Advisor’s Report:

Vice President’s Report: Tammy Medica


SGA Representative’s Report

SGA Senate Happenings:

Approved Activities:

Treasurer’s Report: Dorothy Doyne


President’s Report: Nicole Schoenstein

Unfinished Business:
The Operation: Healthy Food Bank project is back in action. The plan is to show the
“FOOD, INC.” film at the Eagle Theatre in Hammonton. The goals of this project are to educate
people about the importance of eating a healthy diet and to raise money for a greenhouse for our
local food bank.
Nicole stated that before we set a date for the event, we need to obtain a license to show
the film, which will cost $200.00. The cost of the DVD with roundtrip shipping is 21.00. The
company that owns the rights to the license will send us the DVD two weeks before our event
(we have to use their DVD.) Nicole asked if anyone would make a motion for her to pay out-of-
pocket $221.00 for the DVD and license and then be reimbursed by the club at a later date.
Tammy Medica made a motion to approve this and two-thirds a majority of the members and
officers present voted to approve this expenditure.
Regarding what day to host the event, Nicole asked the members and officers for input as
to what days were most convenient for them. The majority of the members and officers present
agreed that a Friday or a weekend would be best. Nicole will speak with the theatre’s owner,
Rose Mineo before our next meeting and will express to her what dates are convenient for our
club. At our next meeting Nicole will present all dates the theatre has available in March.
Regarding Phi Theta Kappa’s 92nd International Convention, Nicole expressed that early
bird registration will end on February 8th. Each member wanting to attend will save $50.00 if
they register by February 8th. If we register between February 9th- March 15th it will cost
$329.00 per person. Registering after March 15th will cost $379.00 per person.
A Triple/Quad Occupancy hotel room with a cot will hold 5 members and will cost
$282.63 per night. Booking a roundtrip flight with South West will cost approximately $300.00
per person.
Members who are interested in attending the convention have been asked to bring
Carolyn Coulter $75.00 deposit which will be reimbursed in full should we make enough money
through fundraising. She will then register us.

New Business:
Nicole announced that the Phi Theta Kappa club is desperately in need of an SGA
representative , due to the fact that our former representative has stepped down from her position
due to being accepted into a competitive nursing program at Stockton college. A representative
from each club must attend SGA sentate meetings or else activity requests we submit will be
tabled. Further, if our representative misses too many senate meetings, our club could be
disbanded. Member Michael Nee volunteered to attend the first SGA Senate meeting this
Thursday, January 28th. He further expressed that me might consider becoming our new SGA
representative, but he will first need to see if he likes the position or not.
Members were invited to attend a masquerade charity ball which will be held this Friday
in Cranford, New Jersey, hosted by the Iota Xi Phi Theta Kappa chapter. Tickets can be
purchased online at a price of $15.00 dollars and at the door $20.00 dollars per person. This
event will be attended by our president Nicole, treasurer, Dorothy Doyne, and another member
of the club.
Our chapter, Alpha Delta Mu, has become a Five Star Chapter for the 2009-2010 year.
This program, which reflects the scholarly ideals of Phi Theta Kappa, serves as a blueprint for
developing a strong chapter and for earning local, regional, and international recognition. A letter
will be sent to our college president about Phi Theta Kappa Chapter club recognition, we will be
presented an award at the Regional Convention in February, and our chapter will be listed as a
five star chapter on

Open Forum (questions, comments, concerns, ideas):


Special Recognition:

Announcements and Adjournment:

Adjournment time: 1:30 P.M.

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