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There are many ways in which you can attract an audience, the obvious
popularity of an actor/actress, for example Pirates of the Caribbean
Johnny Depp, and the age restrictions, if a film is restricted to 18+ then
they have immediately reduced the audiencesAnother
able way
to view
film. is
in whichthis
an audience

One way in which we attracted

our target audience was through
relating them and the characters
together, giving the audience
something to relate to, so in our
film the two characters Aiden
and Samuel can be related to,
because there is nothing

Genre can sway people to and

from films, like males
stereotypically wont watch
romance. This applies to our film
because our film is a thriller and
therefore will attract the thriller
aspect of the audiences, linking
back to previous posts,
conventions of thrillers include
victims, violence and dark
scenes, and these all attract

How Did Your Attract

Your Target

Another aspect on how we attracted

audiences, is through the use on thriller
conventions, or more accurately,
subverting conventions. For example, a
male victim, this subverts the
stereotype and convention of the
blonde female. Another subverted
convention is violence, we only
implemented the violence whereas on
some thrillers they actually show it, this

attracted to our Product is through

the use of gender, our film is based
around male characters, this will
attract males more because they can
relate to the characters in the film,
but females way also like this
because they way like a certain
actor, and therefore feel obliged to

Another way in which an audience

is attracted is the violence aspect,
a lot of people like the violence
aspect in films yet we want to get
the lowest age rating so more
people can watch it, therefore we
imply the violence is there i.e.
show a knife and then a body, thus
implementing the violence and yet
we are not showing it, therefore
we get the best of both worlds, or
audiences in this case.

Linking back to the males not liking romance and that

the genre can attract certain audiences, these
statistics of off Pearl and Dean show that for Fast and
Furious 6 the audience was 62% male, this is because
they are mainly male characters and that it is based
around cars and violence, this proves my point on
that genre and the gender affect the audience


The aspects of our film that helps attract the audience is the use of mystery, the way the killer of Aiden
isnt spoon fed to the audience makes the audience more intrigued to know who did it and why. Another
aspect is the location, it isnt too extravagant like a mansion, therefore this makes the audience relate to
the situation the characters are in. Finally the characters are off a youth age, meaning our target
audience (16-24) links brilliantly in with our film.

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