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Ashley Q. Paraggua
Grade 9 St. Francis



n the early years, there was a war

between vampires, wizards,
werecats and mermaids. They said
that there was a prophecy that will
forever stop their war. The prophecy says that
there will be one from each clan that will be
friends forever and face many challenges and
when they surpass it, there will be peace.
Vampires are known to drink blood from their
prey and give their prey pain by just looking
at them. Wizards are known to put curses to
their enemies. Werecats are known to bite the
heads off of their enemies. While the
mermaids are known for their ability to control
water, ability to transform into human form
and for their voices that could be heard up to
6km. but unknown to humans, these
creatures lives peacefully with them.
Jane was a vampire. Kyle was a werecat and
he is known as a bully at Ridgewood high
together with his friend Ethan, but Ethan is a
wizard. Kyle pulled Jane to an alley and there
he shouted and bullied Jane. Jane suffered
that every day but it didnt last long because
there was a girl named Abbie that came to
that school and she always became the savior
of Jane. As you can see, Abbie is a mermaid.
But she only uses her powers for good. She
also doesnt want to see anyone getting hurt.
Abbie and Jane became best friends that
easily but Ethan and Kyle didnt want them to
be that close because the jealous werecat and
wizard hates to be ignored by girls. This two

guys actually hates being ignored by any girl

in any classification, geek or famous, ugly or
One day, it was sunny; Jane was walking on a
dark street when she was grabbed by Kyle.
Kyle then pulled Jane to an abandoned
building and started to beat her. After
punching and kicking her a few times, he then
tied her to a chair and Ethan came holding a
wooden knife. Jane immediately reacted when
she saw the knife. Kyle punched her in the
face but it didnt calm her down, she just got
angry and ripped the rope used to tie her
hands. The boys just keep on teasing her. And
they eventually tried to run but Abbie came
holding a bucket of water. She then poured
the water on the floor and created a water
monster. The two boys were at a complete
shock. And when they finally realize that Jane
is a vampire and Abbie was a mermaid, they
freaked out. They started to shout but sadly
no one can hear them. Then, after being
scared for a while, Kyle turned into his
werecat form and Ethan brought out his wand
and was ready to cast a spell at the girls. After
a while of looking at each other, Jane calm
down and return to her human form and ran
away. Abbie then warned the boys that if they
ever try to do that thing to Jane or tried to
hurt her in some way, she will never hesitate
again to kill them, then, she left leaving the
two boys shocked.

Abbie then tried to find Jane, but she cant see

her. She cant find her anywhere. She decided
to go home and have some sleep and talk to
Jane at school tomorrow. At her house, she
also tried to call Janes cellphone but she
never pick up.
*Tomorrow morning*
In the morning, Abbie woke up early to go to
Janes house to see if shes okay before going
to school. After eating breakfast, she then
took a bath, brushed her teeth and changed
her clothes and went straight to Janes house.
She then arrived at her best friends house
but no one answered. She tried to call Janes
phone but its no use. She then thought that
maybe Jane was already at school.
*At school*
Abbie tried to find Jane but she was nowhere
to be seen. She then ran to the boys usual
place, when she was there she saw Kyle and
Ethan talking to a group of girls. She ran to
them and asks if she could talk to the two
boys. The boys then say their goodbyes to the
group of girls and went with Abbie. They
talked at the back of the school. Kyle asked
Abbie to why she wants to talk to them; she
asked them about what happened yesterday
after Jane and her left. They said, they went to
a club nearby to have a couple of drinks and
they said they saw the most beautiful girl who
is wearing a black dress and a pink lipstick.

They also said that when they tried to come

near the girl, she ran outside the club and
never returned which is strange because
every girl that these two boys ran into at that
club is just immediately falling in love with
them, like they put them under a spell. Abbie
then asked them if the girl has brown curls
and has red eyes and a tattoo of a rose at her
hand. The boys said yes.
This confirms that after what happened at the
alley yesterday. Janes vampire form has
awakened and was controlling over her body.
She then realizes that when this thing
happens to a vampire, their taste for human
blood would increase and it would be a
bloodbath. So, she did something she never
wanted to regret, she asked the boys help in
finding Jane. The boys said no. Abbie then
threatened the boys that if they dont help her
find Jane, she will drown them in the sea. The
boys got afraid so they said yes.
They first planned how to search for Jane.
Then, they went to last place, the boys saw
that beautiful girl. After not seeing her
anywhere, they then decided to ask help to
their own kind. But sadly, their kind doesnt
want to find Jane especially because shes a
vampire. They also punished Abbie, Kyle, and
Ethan. They threw them to a faraway land and
there they saw a big castle. At first, they
hesitated to knock at the gate but were then
forced to because their hunger is killing them.

The gates soon opened and the guards of the

castle brought the three to the hall of the
palace, and were later met by the king and
his son, Prince Luke. The three of them bowed
as the king and prince walk. The king then
motioned them to stand up and ask them the
reason why they were there. Kyle tried to
answer but before he could even start Abbie
said that they were there in search of a
vampire friend.
After a few minutes of chatting with the king
and prince, the king then ordered one of his
guards to show their visitors their room. And
dress them well, because they will join in the
royal dinner to meet the princess and the
soon to be wife of the prince.
After getting ready, Abbie was wearing a
bluish pink gown with blue heels. Kyle and
Ethan were wearing a tux. Kyle was wearing a
black tux while Ethan wore a white tux.
*At the dinner*
The king and prince were already there.
Abbie, Kyle and Ethan bowed down before
taking their seats. After a few minutes, a
guard announced that the princess of
vampires is coming so the prince excuse
himself and pick up the princess. When they
were all seated, Kyle immediately ran to the
princess and hugged her, while the other two
stood up shocked. The prince then pushed
Kyle but Jane the princess, hugged Kyle. Soon,
the dining area was full of drama.

After quite a few minutes, the prince ordered

the guards to throw Abbie, Kyle and Ethan in
the dungeon. Jane protested. She doesnt
want them to be locked up. Sadly, Jane
doesnt have the power over the king and
prince and was also imprisoned in her room.
Jane started to plan her way out to save her
friends. Abbie also has a sharp memory so
she remembered everything the king told her
about the palace. Kyle being a werecat, can
hear people talking outside their cell. They
asked Ethan if he could make a double spell
that will duplicate them by two.
As time passed, Kyle could hear the king
talking to the prince that their marriage
should be early as possible, and they decided
that it will be tomorrow before the night falls.
A few more minutes, Ethan said he was done
making the potion. All of them poured it on
each of them then there was a collision inside
of the cell they were staying. Some guards
ran to their cell but were tackled to the
ground by the doubles. Their doubles switch
places with them and wished them good luck.
Abbie remembers the place, so, they planned
their way out of the castle. Once the plan was
set, they went to sneak up to Janes room. Her
room was huge and shes nowhere to be
found again. Suddenly, they heard footsteps
coming over their way. They freaked out but
calmed down when they saw Jane. They then
told her their plan and left the castle. But, as
they ran out of the castle, they looked at Jane

and it seemed that she wasnt the real Jane

because this girl standing in front of them has
black hair, black eyes and she seems to be
human. They asked her what happened to her
but she cant even say a word. The king
mustve cast a spell over her. And they were
right; the king put a curse to her that if she
ever leaves the castle, she will be human.
They continued to run until they reached a
forest. They stayed there for a few days
before thinking of a plan to get Jane to be
vampire again. But thats not their only
problem because Ethan and Kyle want to
leave the two girls behind because they were
on a great mess because of saving Jane.
Abbie didnt complain about it. They watched
the two boys leave the forest.
Soon, Jane and Abbie left the forest and found
a town just about 5km north of the forest.
They then found an inn to stay until they
figured out a cure to get Janes power back.
But of course, Abbie being a mermaid is also
getting hungry and needs to eat while Jane
being human, who isnt used to being hungry
every time also needs to eat. So, they went to
a restaurant and ordered food but as soon as
they finished eating they realized that they
dont have money to pay the food they
ordered. The owner of the restaurant was now
very angry to Jane and Abbie because they
cant pay because they dont have any
money. But then, three boys came and paid
for the food the two girls. Then they pulled

the two girls outside and told them that they

will help Jane get her powers back if only
Abbie would marry their prince. Abbie asks
their names and they said that their names
are: the one with a brown hair and green eyes
is Jace, the blonde haired guy with red eyes is
Sam and the one with a grayish hair is Harry.
And their princes name is James.
They then put Jane and Abbie to sleep. They
also went to their castle. Then Jace went to
their prince saying that they already found
him a mermaid bride, the prince immediately
told the boys to give the two girls special
treatment, it means that they should give the
girls a quick makeover. They did what their
prince told them to. They dress Abbie a pink
floral gown and Jane with a purple pearl gown.
Then they brought the girls to the dining area
to join the prince in his dinner. At the dining
area there were two boys sitting at the table
together with the prince. When the Harry
called the princes attention, the two boys
sitting with the prince look at them to and to
their surprise it was Jane and Abbie, Kyle
stood up and run to Jane, hugged her tight,
the prince was shocked and then he
questioned Ethan, Ethan said that it is
complicated but the prince demanded
answers. Kyle explained everything to prince
and he said he will help Jane retrieve her
power if only Abbie would marry him whom
Abbie declined and she said that she will
never marry him unless Jane has her power

The prince totally agreed to them. He then

sent Jace to talk to all his constituents and tell
them to find the great white witch. Some of
his constituents accepted the job. Then Sam
told them where to find the white witch, he
said that they will only see the greatest white
witch if they travel across the Death Valley,
the ocean of lost souls and the cave of doom.
Then they left. The prince, Jace, Sam, Harry,
Jane, Abbie, Kyle and Ethan just waited.
*After a month*
Jane had her power back. Then her friends
fought the army war and defeated them
against all odds. After that, Jane and Harry got
married. Abbie and Prince James got married
and had a daughter named Louise. Kyle,
Ethan, Jace and Sam found their own mates.
And their Friendship bloomed and became
strong in time.
True friends are hard to find. So, when you
found yours, never let them go.

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