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Custom Spells



The physical body is no longer an obstacle to the Mages touch. He can

touch, manipulate, or attack objects within 10 feet of him as if he were
standing there. This Rote uses his normal physical abilities; it does not allow
a weak Mage to push down a brick wall (although by transferring his push to
the top of the wall, he might stand a much better chance of doing so).

Correspondence & Mind:

Mind Ward (Quick/Extended)

An area is warded against those who are not thinking of a specific password.
Failure to think of the password (which may be an image, emotion, etc)
causes the trespasser intense mental disturbance until they leave the area.
This effect is temporary unless done in an extended ritual.

Spatial Disorientation

The targets mind is linked to a location the mage is scrying, but the visual
aspect of the remote viewing is highly distorted, rapidly moving, swaying and
swirling causing a massive amount of disorientation as the targets vision is
completely disrupted.
The target is effectively blind and may become dizzy.

Double Pain

The mage increases the susceptibility to pain of a victim. A small cut will feel
like a deep gash, and a greater wound will paralyze the victim in agony. The
wound penalties are doubled for the victim. A Hurt or Injured will give a -2
penalty, Wounded -4 and Crippled -10.
Successes increase duration only.

Mind Blast

The victims nervous system is subject to mental overload. Neurons and

nerve tissue, rupture, disintegrate and burn out causing bashing damage
(unless charged with quintessence). Mortals must spend a willpower point to
roll against this effect. Individuals at a low willpower rating who take damage
may suffer permanent willpower loss and various mental illnesses attributed
with brain damage.
Effect of Successes: 2 bashing damage per success, cannot be soaked.


The individuals thoughts become occupied, distracted and disorganized as

their mind wanders. This effect causes no damage.

Focus (Quick/Extended)

The individuals thoughts become focused and organized. Mundane

distractions do not faze them as they complete their task with diligence.
This can be used on practically any ability roll that requires thinking and


The target of this spells has their nervous system stimulated to heightened
levels, similar to the effects of cocaine. The target becomes twitchy,
recklessly overconfident and their perception of time slows down. The stress
this causes to the brain is similar, but without the addictive effects and a
shorter duration.

Inspiring Aura

The mage amplifies the impact of his words on an individual or crowd,

choosing just the right things to say to a more receptive audience. He gains
a bonus to his Charisma, Manipulation, Leadership or Expression. Points may
be distributed as desired.
Effect: +1 to specified rolls for each success.



What Pain?

The mage causes the brain of himself or another individual to disallow pain
communication, removing dice pool penalties for wounds.

Forked Tongue

The mage gently picks up subtle emotion from the target audience and
radiates an aura of trustworthiness to allow him to manipulate and deceive.
He becomes harder to read socially and is able to disguise his true emotions
with precise skill.


The subjects mind is flashed with feelings of dread and terror. Frightening
hallucinations, both auditory and visual fill their minds causing them to panic
and hesitate. This effect becomes much easier if the target was previous
probed of their worst fears. Repeated use may be mentally damaging to
target as they become insane.

Friend or Foe?

The hallucination causes the individual to visually perceive that everyone has
suddenly shuffled into new places. The more successes, the harder it is to
realize that something is amiss and the longer it lasts.


The target is bolstered with drive and bravado in a powerful surge of

emotion. Their temporary willpower is filled with a single willpower point.
This super-temporary willpower point can be used as a normal willpower
point. This powerful effect is extremely brief and the point disappears as
their emotional state normalizes.
Alternatively, this effect may boost the number of die used to roll willpower.
Not both.

Insanity (Quick/Extended)

The targets mind is permanently corrupted and warped causing varying

levels of mental disturbance ranging from ticks to complete delirium
depending on the resonance used. The target is first drained of temporary
willpower and then of permanent willpower as they fall into the dark clutches
of madness. This effect causes no damage.
Effect of Successes: One temporary willpower loss per success or one
permanent willpower loss per success when out of temporary willpower.

Restore Will (Extended)

The target is sifted of fear and doubt. Fear is replaced with bravery, doubt
with confidence. It is a careful procedure that leaves the subject feeling
noticeably more driven. Depending on the level of successes, some
temporary willpower points may be permanently restored. In the case of
permanent willpower loss, one may be restored at a time up to their previous

Bestow Knowledge (Quick/Extended)

In an instant, knowledge, ideas and thoughts are transferred to the subjects

mind. Things the subject has never known suddenly become realized. This
quick version is temporary as the target slowly forgets the information over
Alternatively, an extended version makes the information permanent. This
could be used for mundane information or for quickly and immediately
teaching abilities that would otherwise take years. The temporary version
does not require the expenditure of experience, while the permanent version

Experience Server (Quick/Extended)

An individual or group of individuals go into a catatonic state. These

individuals experience the thoughts, sight and hearing of the host as if
they were occupying his body. They have no control over his thoughts or
emotions and he can communicate with them mentally.

or ?

Collective Mind

A single individual or group of individuals minds form an extremely intimate
union. What one experiences, thinks or knows, they all do. Knowledge,
mental abilities and attributes are shared between the collective and the
highest is used among all of them. Physical stats are unaffected completely.
How is willpower used in a collective? Individuals who run out of willpower
should be disconnected from the collective mind.
Due to its detrimental effects on the unions stability, emotion is completely
disabled while in this collective mind, although it can be voluntarily enabled
if so desired. This emotionless state subjects the collective to penalties to all
social rolls.
This effect is extremely difficult to maintain unless it is with other Mind
Mages or those with a high willpower. Also, if one mind is probed, all are with
great difficulty. Mind attacks on the collective are spread out evenly among
the whole, possibly becoming negated entirely if the collective is large
enough to absorb it.

Only mundane knowledge and experience is retained after leaving the

collective mind.
Note: This is my favorite spell so far!

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