End of Diploma Evidence For Learning Outcomes

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End of Diploma Evidence for Learning Outcomes

Candidate Name: Alejandro Chiriboga

Date: 10th April,


Candidate Number: 0017

Complete the following table detailing in which part of your blog, you have
evidence showing you have achieved the 8 learning outcomes. You may
put links to those posts/ pages.
Links for evidence shown above:
http://ach63cas.blogspot.com/2014/11/end-quimester-1.html : End Q1
http://ach63cas.blogspot.com/2015/04/cas-hours.html : End Q3
Learning Outcome
Increased awareness of your
own strengths and areas for

Guitar Lessons: I didnt expect
myself to be able to learn guitar so
fast and specially to be able to play
along other musicians. When I
started to write songs I discovered
that I was capable of much more
and that if y kept learning my
guitar skills I could keep improving
my own musical material.
Elderly Home- Females and Males
CSP Group: at first I thought I
wasnt going to be able to treat old
women, this means brushing their
hair, helping them to eat, etc.
However I managed to do this and
without any problems.

Reforestation CSP Group: It

completely changed my way of
knowing towards service, it gave
me an awareness towards my
actions and how I can improve my
service towards the environment
through reforestation.
Band Practice: I didnt expect my
self to play along other musicians
at start and I was completely able

to during practice.
Football: I thought my physical
state was good enough to play an
entire match, however I wasnt able
to which gave me an awareness
towards my health, making me
realize that I have to improve my
Gym: It gave me awareness
towards my physical state as well, I
was terrible compared to the rest
of the people and I definitely
needed an improvement.
Gym: When I first started going to
the gym I felt terrible because
everyone there was in far better
shape than I, however with time I
learned that perseverance and a
constancy due to ambition can lead
to great results.
Environmental Care: For this term,
a new group of children was
introduced to my CSP group. I
found out that I was capable of
having the same leadership with
another completely different group
of people that I wasnt previously
used to.
Trumpet: Since I play the guitar
very well I decided to take my
musical learning to the next level.
The trumpet is known to be a very
hard instrument to play and within
two hours I managed to at least
maintain my sound levels equal. I
didnt expect to be so perseverant
with my learning.
Undertaken new challenges

Guitar Lesson: A clear new

challenge for me was playing live
on stage, both in the school and
with friends. It is completely
different as in playing alone, I had

to overpass my nerves and just do

it. Another challenge would be to
learn different chords according to
genres, like jazz and blues.
Elderly Home Females and Males
CSP group: To help the elder eat
and to help them in the bathroom.
This happened for both males and
Reforestation CSP Group: To plant
trees under extreme weather
conditions (fog).
Football: To play official matches
against other teams. To last a
complete 90 minute match.
Gym: To put my body under a
complete diet, to lift a heavier
weight each time according to my
physical state and development.
Gym : A new challenge for me was
to force my body into lifting and
experiencing new pains. The main
challenge in the gym is to get in
better shape by growing muscle
and so by increasing your lift.
Another challenge was to maintain
to a diet, which involved leaving all
junk food behind and adapt to a
healthy meal. This required lots of
Environmental Care: As me
awareness of capable great
leadership, my new challenge was
to take a new group of children and
organize them for the CSP trip to
the Greenhouse.
Trumpet: The new challenge here
was to change from a string
instrument to a wind instrument,
which at star was really painful and

Planned and initiated activities

Guitar Lessons: For each lesson the

teacher planned what I was going
to practice, however I had to plan
what I was going to with my band
and what songs we were going to
rehearse and play on stage. For my
initiated activities I learned how to
play blues, jazz, rock, etc.
Elderly home Males and Females
CSP Group: For males CSP group I
had to plan each activity, this
involved bringing books for the
elders to read and dividing
students according to their roles
etc. We as a team also had to plan
the meals we were going to take.
For the females CSP group, I also
had to plan the activities, this
involved hair brushes and nail paint
in order for the students to treat
the women. I also had to plan the
meal plan.
Reforestation: I had to plant a
minimum of 10 trees, however I
ended up planting far more trees.
Band Practice: I had to plan the
dates in which we were going to
practice and where exactly we were
going to perform. Band practice all
ways ended up on a jam session,
which ended with us gaining new
material for our songs.
Football: We had different activities
every day, however in each day we
ended up playing football. Some
days we did physical training and
other days we did Skill practice.
Gym: I had to plan my daily routine,
and do the exercises according to
the plan. For example, Monday is
all ways chest, therefore I had to do
chest inclined press etc.
Gym: There is a current routine for

a weekly period, which involves

Monday: Back and arms, Tuesday:
Chest and arm, Wednesday: Legs
and shoulders, Thursday: arms.
Each muscle group has different
Environmental care: For this CSP
group I had to plan the big
fundraiser and also take a big part
in the trip to the greenhouse as a
Trumpet: In order to properly
improve I had to plan a schedule to
practice the instrument in my own
time, therefore being able to have
a minimum of 3 hours per week of
practice and still have time to play
the guitar.
Worked collaboratively with

Guitar Lessons: In a jam, as a guitar

player and a musician, you have to
work along other musicians; this
involves maintaining in time and
not failing to play inside the
pattern of chords, it is a trust
Elderly home Males and Females
CSP group: Apart from the fact that
I had to work collaboratively with
my schoolmates, I had to work
specially with the elders, this
applies for both males and females,
because in order for the treatment
to work, I had to be extremely
collaboratively with the elders
otherwise it wouldnt function.
Reforestation CSP Group: I had to
help my schoolmates dig and plant
the tree, it was a group work and
we all had to work together.
Band Practice: This is probably one
of the hardest ones because you
have to be able to listen and be

very opened minded towards the

rest of the band members. In order
for a jam session to work or a song
practice we have to be on time and
a mutual understanding must take
Football: As in all teams, you have
to work with your team in order to
win/ achieve a goal. IN a football
match or practice you have to work
collaboratively with others.
Gym: There will be moments in
were people ask you to help them
doing an exercise such as lifting a
weight, team work is also required
at the gym.
Gym: In the gym, when you re
training to lift something really
heavy and you cant do it by
yourself, you have to help others
and others help you to be able to
do the exercise. A good thing about
my gym in particular is that
everyone is as friendly as possible
and everyone is striving for
Environmental Care: In our CSP trip
we had to fill a total of 200 bags, at
the end we finished filling up a
total of 700 bags. This could had
only be done with all of the group
working as a team.
Trumpet: In order to improve my
skills I have to work collaboratively
with the trumpet teacher otherwise
neither of us will improve, he at
teaching and me at playing.
Shown perseverance and
commitment in your activities

Guitar Lessons: I have misses only

one guitar lesson because I was
really sick, other than that Ive
been punctual on every other
lesson. Apart from the fact that I
love playing guitar, I felt I had to go

to every class in order to improve,

and when Im on my house I
practice like an hour minimum
every day.
Elderly home Males and Females
CSP Groups: I had to go to super
maxi to buy the food we were going
to use for the elders, also
commitment was clearly shown
simply by helping the elders in
everything they needed, specially
while going to the bathroom.
Reforestation: Apart from the
horrible weather, the freezing
hands and the blinding fog, I
managed to plant more trees than
expected and achieve my goal.
Band Practice: I didnt skip a single
band practice and in my house I
tried to create new songs and riffs,
potentially good material for the
band during my own time in order
for the band to work.
Football: I didnt miss a single
lesson, and whenever I had a match
I would be on time and ready to
play in whatever role our director
Gym: The gym does not work
without a commitment, this means
diet, and not missing a single day
at the gym, this includes Fridays.
Gym: When you enter the gym,
there must be a personal
commitment. The gym only works
by attending on a constant basis
and by following the weekly
routine. If I miss my routine, it
would be really hard to get back
and so there must be perseverance.
Environmental Care: Without
perseverance we would have been

able to fill 700 bags with dirt, grow

between 100-150 Pencos and
properly direct a fundraiser. This
proves a personal commitment
towards my CSP group.

Engaged with issues of global


Trumpet: There are three parts to

play the trumpet properly: 1Breathing properly, 2- Knowing
what to play along the wind levels
3- Tuning. I am still in my breathing
process however in order to strive
for excellence I have learned how
to play all of the chords on my own
Guitar Lessons: Playing guitar, from
my point of view, is really
important because it maintains a
culture. To learn guitar, you have to
learn prior skills, which are carried
along the decades, this skills and
techniques are part from history,
and it is important that this skills
and techniques are not lost
throughout the ages.
Elderly home Males and Females
CSP groups: In Ecuador, some
families are so poor they can no
longer take care of their
parents/elders and they send them
to a charitable elder home. We as
students went to help on whatever
the nuns needed help, and I saw
other students from other schools
there as well. It is of extreme
importance to help this because
from my point of view, the elders
should be the ones with the
greatest amount of respect, love
and caring.
Reforestation: It is known that
deforestation is a big deal
worldwide and in Ecuador
organizations are uniting in order
to build the forest back again. We
helped this case and I a willing to
do it again for the rest of my life.

Band Practice: In our songs we

expresses our fears and our issues,
most of these are the reflection of
the problems in my country such as
the government, and through our
songs we reflect a matter of
importance and awareness towards
this and we help art expand and
Gym: This is a way to maintain fit.
Obesity rate has increased
drastically over time, and the gym
is a way to reduce this. We should
enforce physical activity among
young people, such as the gym or
any other sport.
Environmental Care: This CSP
group is all about the environment
and currently in my country there is
a huge threat to the plant species
we are growing in our greenhouse.
Our goal is to educate the children
of our countries issue and slowly
start addressing this issue in a very
positive and effective way.

Considered the ethical

implications of your actions

Trumpet: I am a huge fan of music;

I am very opened minded to new
music and old. However I believe it
is important to learn instruments,
which are loosing its popularity,
and I believe we must maintain the
tradition of acoustic music playing.
Guitar Lessons: Ethics has a lot to
do with musicians, the songs
expresses political, economical and
social functions. Music portrays
different cultural ideas and it is
important to learn about them and
to defend what you belief is
ethically right.
Elderly home for Males and
Females groups: I think it is ethical
to treat the elders with respect and
love and that is what I did, I tried

to be as helpful as possible and

with maximum amount of respect.
This people are no less than I no
matter their ethnicity and
background and one thing I tried to
portray to the rest of my
schoolmates was that we are all
equal and that we should treat
them with the complete respect
and love they deserve.
Reforestation: I cleaned my mess
after I finished my job, this means
putting my chips bag on a proper
recycling bin. And not doing this
only during the treat but outside as
Band Practice: To respect the band
members and to be ethical on our
Football: Respect the team
members and be honest and clean
during the matches.
Gym: Treat the rest of the gym
members with respect, specially
the ones that are just starting.
Gym: I find it ethical to be healthy
and to try to have a better life by
keeping a discipline in your body
and your life.

Developed new skills

Environmental Care: It is very

ethical to try to heal an
environmental problem in my
country, I believe it is ethical to
teach the new generation of
children a perhaps not global issue
but a cultural and environmental
Ecuadorian issue.
Guitar Lessons:
To be able to play with other
musicians both in a jam and in
Learned how to play blues,
jazz and rock freely, on an

improvisational level.
Learned background history
about music, which is not
taught in school.
Be able to learn by my selfnew songs and teach myself
new skills.

Elderly home Males and Females

CSP Groups:
To cook for and feed an
elderly person.
To be patient and
To be collaborative with the
rest of the people helping.
Reforestation CSP Group:
To plant trees this means
using a shovel and digging a
The proper use of the roots.
To work as a team.
Band Practice:
To be able to listen others and
be extremely open towards
other ideas.
To be patient and disciplined.
To work under strict
To work as a team
To be perseverant and
To be disciplined
To be perseverant and patient
To be friendly and helpful.

New physical skills and

management of weights
and exercises.
A control on a daily

bases on a healthy diet.

Strength and health.

Environmental Care:
To prepare myself for the
unexpected by receiving a
completely different group of
How to properly fill dirt bag
and make it ready to
introduce the seed.
Planting a seed and taking
care of it in order for it to
Planting a plant.
How to blow air intro the
How to play the chords of the
How to tune the trumpet.
How to clean the compressed air of
the trumpet.
CAS Coordinator Signature:
CAS Coordinator Name:


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