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Can one person influence entire culture?

Yes one
person can influence an entire culture. In to kill
mocking bird, atticus influences the town of
Maycomb by defending Tom Rob, a African
American, in his trial. By acting as Toms defense
Atticus, an influential member of his community, is
standing up for an oppressed group in his society.
And everyone in Maycomb sees this.
Is it possible for conflicts to be useful? Yes it is
possible for conflicts to be useful because conflicts
are caused by mistakes and you can learn through
them. If you never had conflicts nothing would
every change. For example, MLK introduced a
conflict of race inequality and from his actions and
his voice, changed the way African Americans could
live in a positive way. Without this conflict, race
inequality could still exist today. All and all, conflicts
can change you and an entire culture for the better
as seen through MLKs actions.
Can a misunderstanding between cultures be a
main cause of conflict?
Yes. A person acts according to the values and
norms of his or her culture; another person holding
a different worldview might interpret his or her
behavior from an opposite standpoint. This situation
creates misunderstanding and can lead to conflict.
In the crucible, many of the adult figures believe
that Abigail and her friends were disturbed by the
witch. What they didnt know is that the ritual that
they were discovered doing had nthing to do with
witch craft and that it was just a way to make your
wishes come true

Is it important to stand up for someone or

something you believe is right? Yes, it is important
to stand up for someone or something you believe
is right because if you dont, then no one will. In to
kill mocking bird, atticus defends tom robinson
because he believes that people are innocent until
proven guilty no matter what race they are. All and
all, standing up for your belifs or for someone
defines you as being a person of pride, who values
Man vs Man is a conflict between 2 people. The
conflict could be direct opposition or conflict
between two or more characters. In to kill a
mocking bird an example of human vs human is
scout vs her teacher.

Human vs society refers to a type of conflict in

literature. In this type of conflict, the leading
character struggles against practices, customs and
ideas of other people. The individual normally
stands up against the society he/she lives in. An
example of this is Boo vs the society of Maycomb In
the beginning of the book we are introduced to Boo
Radley as a six and half foot tall man who leaves
"tracks" and eats raw squirrels, has bloodstained
hands and a long jagged scar that runs across his
face That specific passage is showing that the
children of Maycomb were raised being told that
Arthur "Boo" Radley was pretty much a monster.
This is Boo versus the society because society has a
certain view of him and that is not who he really is.
In reality Boo Radley is actually a nice person. Boo
is a nice person because he leaves things for Jem
and Scout to find. Also he fixed and folded Jems
pants when they had gone into his yard.

Conflicts create long term effects on situatios in

stories. In to kill mocling bird, racism is a big
conflict. The conflict of racism leads to scout and
jem receiving hate for there father who is defending
an African American, Tom robinson

Charaters can impact the lives of many because

when people start reading books they find
themselves feeling the emotions, thoughts, beliefs,
and internal reponses that the character is feeling.
For example, Atticus a well know person in the town
of maycomb, efends Tom Rob and African
americaqn , atticus impacts our lives by showing us
that we are all equal no matter what race we are.

Conflict: a strong
disagreement or
argument between,
people, groups, etc.

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