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Knowledge Dump
Red Hat & other flavours


Nested RHEV-H 3.x and VMware ESXi 5.5

I was trying to setup a RHEV laboratory in my ESXi but I wasnt unable to approve my host.

In RHEVM appeared an error in the GUI like this one (check your Events tab):
Command returned failure code 1 during SSH session 'root@x.x.x.x'
But in RHEVM logs there was another latent issue, checking /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log :
20140427 12:17:20,814 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.InstallerMessages] (VdsDeploy
20140427 12:18:48,555 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.InstallVdsCommand] (pool4th

So in order to enables nested virtualization of RHEV-H in VMware ESXi 5.5u1 we have to add 2 new
values in our vmx file:
featMask.vm.hv.capable = "Min:1"
vhv.enable = "TRUE"
After adding them I was able to approve the host without any further issues.

This entry was posted in ESXi, RHEV, VMware and tagged esxi, rhev, vmware on May 5, 2014
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Upgrading RHEV-M 3.3 to RHEV-M 3.4 Beta

In order to update RHEV Manager from 3.3 to 3.4 beta we can follow this procedure:
yumconfigmanager enable rhel6serverrhevm3betarpms
yumconfigmanager enable rhel6serverbetarpms
yumconfigmanager enable rhel6serverrhevhbetarpms
yum update rhevmsetup y
yum update rhevmdwh rhevmreports y
yum update rhevhypervisor6 y
If upgrading rhevm-reports fails is due to this bugzilla:

As a workaround first we need to upgrade jasper reports server and install openjdk dev rpm and rerun engine-setup once more:
yum update jasperreportsserverpro y
yum install java1.7.0openjdkdevel.x86_64 y
This entry was posted in RHEV and tagged rhev, rhevm on April 28, 2014
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How to upgrade our RHEV-H hypervisors with

Once weve installed RHEVM and our RHEV-Hs how should I upgrade the hypervisors?

In order to do so, on the RHEVM machine, we need to install the isos images of RHEV-H:

yum install rhevhypervisor6.noarch

NOTICE: If youre unable to install this package add the following channel:


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rhnchannel add c rhelx86_64server6rhevh

And well notice that/usr/share/rhev-hypervisor/ contains the iso images of RHEV-H:

ls /usr/share/rhevhypervisor/

Once its installed, we can put our RHEV-H into maintenance mode, and will see this option:

Host is in maintenance mode, you can Activate it by pressing the Activate button. If you wish to
upgrade or reinstall it click here.

And just click here and select which RHEV-H iso image are you going to use:

And that would be it, let RHEVM install the upgrade and the node would be automatically rebooted
with the newer version of RHEV-H.

This entry was posted in RHEV and tagged rhev, rhevm, upgrade on March 12, 2012
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Single Sign On in RHEV3 using GDM and Active



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As per my previous post we should have Active Directory up and running in our RHEV-M.

So how about setting up SSO on our RHEL guests? In order to do that we should follow this simple

First of all we need to install our rhev agent that is found in a special channel and winbind client:

rhnchannel add channel=rhelx86_64rhevagent6server

yum install rhevagent rhevagentgdmpluginrhevcred sambawinbindclients

Next of all we need to activate AD authentification on our guest, for example (RHEVM is our test

User Account => Winbind
Winbind Domain => RHEVM
Security Model => ads
Winbind ADS Realm => RHEVM
Winbind Domain Controller => ad.rhevm.test
Template Shell => /bin/bash
Join Domain

=> Joined domain RHEVM.

If is not working double check your configuration files and DNS resolution:


And finally, just in case, check that winbind is properly working, we could check some users/groups
for example:

wbinfo t
wbinfo u


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wbinfo g
getent passwd "RHEVM\testuser"

As a last step, check that we can login/sudo with an AD user on this guest:

su 'RHEVM\testuser'
ssh 'RHEVM\testuser'@localhost

Finally restart GDM daemon and rhev-agent service:

service rhevagentd restart

pkill f gdmbinary

And try to Single Sign On through GDM! It should work!

If it doesnt work put in debug mode rhev-agent and try to figure out why is not working:

vi /etc/rhevagent.conf
service rhevagentd restart
tail f /var/log/rhevagent/rhevagent.log

This entry was posted in RHEV and tagged ad, rhev, sso, winbind on February 11, 2012
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Well, I need to improve my broken engrish, so

Did you know that Red Hat open sourced RHEV?And the result was oVirt!

So thats it! You can check out their website, wiki and GIT sources:

The only thing that Ive noticed missing in comparison to RHEV is the USB redirection drivers as so
far they didnt open sourced that lets wait for it

This entry was posted in RHEV and tagged ovirt, rhev on January 26, 2012
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