White Intentions

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White Intentions

by azn_desire
posted December 19, 2005 thru December 24, 2005
part one
Oppa, it was Sunday today. The park was sprinkled with beautiful leaves which crunched underneath
the soles of my shoes. However, I tried not to step too hard, for I did not want to disturb you. There were
only a few ducks swimming in the pond today, did you notice? Probably not, you seemed preoccupied
today. You allowed the soccer ball to pass you by many times, unlike last week. I tried to figure out your
perplexities from your facial expressions, but I failed. Although I did note that you had a chocolate ice
cream cone again.
The weather is shifting; soon it will be too chilly to enjoy ice cream. Perhaps next week you should order
a refreshing drink instead. I had fun today; I enjoy the fresh air once in awhile. Remember, well meet
again next Sunday. Ill be sitting on the bench facing the pond.
Oppa, you forgot. Today was Sunday was it not? Yet somehow you were not at the park. Did you
somehow miss me? No impossible, I was sitting there, on the wooden bench facing the pond. I saw the
soccer game commence without you, I think your team won, I cant recall. The weather is beginning to
grey, similar to the barks upon the trees, and the ducks have left. Is that also the reason why you were not
present today? No, even during the coldest winters in the past you were there to meet me. Did you
perhaps fall sick upon the grasp of the demon which stole your attention last Sunday? The park was so
cold today Oppa, so cold. Next Sunday, you must come next Sunday. I will knit you a scarf to keep you
warm, and then you dont have to leave like the ducks. Sunday, I will be sitting on the bench in front of the
pond with a scarf for you.
Oppa, Im sorry I was unable to keep you warm. I forgot- I am unable to knit. However, I suppose a
scarf wouldnt have been appropriate for the weather which we had today anyways. You were even able
to enjoy your chocolate ice cream without shivering from Mother Natures whispers. You must have
cleansed yourself of that evil which deterred you from coming to the park last Sunday. I saw, you were
able to play your best today. Yes, it was a good game today. When I was watching I became ecstatic and
my heart beat turned erratic. I wanted to cheer and yell in excitement at the top of my lungs along with
you as the game came to a thrilling end. But I was unable to. I assume I became elated to a point where
my happiness overwhelmed my body. No need to worry though, a nearby citizen was kind enough to give
me a drink to calm me down.
Today was one of the best Sundays which we had in awhile. Ill be waiting for you next Sunday; I
suppose you know where to meet. See you then.
Oppa, I cant exactly say I was surprised by the sight which you had presented me with today. Yet I
cant say I was entirely pleased either. I finally understand why you didnt meet me that one Sunday. The
disease which you have caught is indeed serious. I had observed it with much fascination today. They
way which it had distracted you from your soccer game and kept you from eating your chocolate ice
cream. Worst of all, that malicious illness caused you to fall into such sickness that you had to wear a
scarf! This, this evil disease must have been what caused the leaves to have been whisked away along
with the little ducks! Oppa, you must not heed to this devil in disguise, or soon you shall also disappear
from the park on Sunday afternoons.
No, I will defeat it for you! Next Sunday, next Sunday I will confront this hideous infection and cure you.
Maybe then the leaves and ducks will come back to greet me and never again will you forget to meet me
at the park. I would have cured you today but I had to leave early. A nice lady had come up to me to
inform me that I didnt look too well. I hadnt realized it but indeed I felt a bit dizzy. I thought it best to
return to my room before I was also infected by the disease. Not to worry Oppa, you only have to endure
this suffering for one more week. Come to the park next Sunday and bring your ailment along with you, I

shall rid it and you will be free again.

Oppa, Im sorry I am unable to meet you again. But it was worth it wasnt it? Now you will be able to
play soccer to the best of your abilities and eat all the chocolate ice cream you desire. The trees will
blossom with beautiful green leaves, and the ducks will return to their home in the pond in front of the
bench where I would wait for you each week. Scarves would be discarded as the sun would penetrate
though the darkness which the disease once caused. Rejoice Oppa for you are well again! Laugh with me
as I celebrate a job well done. Every Sunday I will think of you as I lie in my white cotton bed. I was
hoping to have been able to stay in my old room, for there I had a window which had a slight view of the
park. Unfortunately, the landlord said that I was better suited to a room without windows. It is awfully white
though, almost piercing to the eyes.
Well that is not the matter; I will have plenty of time to adjust to my new surroundings. What is important
is that you will think of me as well correct? After all, I was the girl who saved your life. You cant ever
forget me; no you shall recall my presence every Sunday afternoon, for I was the one who cured you from
that evil illness which they call Charlene. Now Im afraid it is time to bid you farewell for I was told pens
and paper are not items which I can handle. Goodbye my dearest Oppa, goodbye.
part 2
Asperger Syndrome: Individuals with AS can exhibit a variety of characteristics and the disorder can
range from mild to severe. Individuals with AS show marked deficiencies in social skills, have difficulties
with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. They often have obsessive routines and may be
preoccupied with a particular subject of interest. They have a great deal of difficulty reading nonverbal
cues (body language) and very often the individual with AS has difficulty determining proper body space.
Often overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells, and sights, the person with AS may prefer soft clothing,
certain foods, and be bothered by sounds or lights no one else seems to hear or see. It's important to
remember that the person with AS perceives the world very differently. Therefore, many behaviors that
seem odd or unusual are due to those neurological differences and not the result of intentional rudeness
or bad behavior
Schizophrenia: A severe mental illness characterized by persistent defects in the perception or expression
of reality. A person experiencing untreated schizophrenia typically demonstrates grossly disorganized
thinking, and may also experience delusions or auditory hallucinations. Although the illness primarily
affects cognition, it can also contribute to chronic problems with behavior or emotions. Due to the many
possible combinations of symptoms, it is difficult to say whether it is in fact a single psychiatric disorder
(Many symptoms of AS are similar to Schizophrenia)
Social Behavioral Observations Reports
November 6, 2005
Patient #203
- mild symptoms of Asperger Syndrome observed
- experiencing difficulty with social skills - social worker has started to work with the patient
- consistent and placid behavior - not a threat to one self or society
- pending release of patient from institution with weekly visits and continuation of work with social

November 13, 2005

Patient #203
- symptoms of Asperger apparent - greater than usual
- completely isolated herself from social interaction
- signs of depression observed - therapist arranged to see the patient once a week
- release of patient suspended - further investigation into increasing depression and Asperger
syndrome needed

November 20, 2005

Patient #203
- patient displayed unusual erratic behavior
- patient experienced seizure during observation period (most likely a simple partial seizure)
episode lasted about 45 seconds
- antiepileptic was given to sedate patient
- behavior displays symptoms of Asperger Schizophrenia suspected
- no depression noted - therapy sessions will continue in order to determine source of mood
swings (although may be medical)

November 27, 2005

Patient #203
- disorder of patient cannot be yet fully diagnosed
- symptoms displayed fall between those of sever Asperger Syndrome and Undifferentiated
Schizophrenia (most likely Schizophrenia, however needs to be further analyzed for confirmation)
- patient underwent a seizure - episode lasted about 1 minute and 20 seconds (unable to
determine if partial or complete)

- seizure observed from last reporting period will be re-examined for linkage
- social worker report shows no progression with patients social behaviour
- mental therapy will be continued - patient condition has become complex
- increased supervision on patient requested as behaviour is inclining to an unstable state

December 4, 2005
Patient #203
- extreme violent episode displayed by patient
- erratic and severe mood swings
- mental disorder diagnosed as Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
- moved to isolation department (as requested in court order)
- medical Schizophrenia treatment initiated
- therapy sessions increased to twice a week
- must be carefully supervised may attempt to hurt herself or others as the patient is still highly unstable
- social behavioral observation periods discontinued
- further court orders to come after trial
ok sooo all my medical garble is prolly not 100% correct (well except for the preamble i googled that)..
heck its prolly not even 50% correct but it is at least able to explain the situation of the girl right?
anywho ill wait for yer replies .. ill post up a full explanation in detail afterwards.. i like making you guys
and keep in mind this is purely from the doctors prespective.. he is merley an observer and he may now
know as much as he thinks
thanks fer reading =D
First off, it is difficult for us to diagnose the girl with Aspergers syndrome or Schizophrenia. However, I
that she falls more towards having Aspergers.
The girl is hypersensitive towards the setting around her - in each letter she writes to her oppa she

the setting in great detail. Most apparently "The park was sprinkled with beautiful leaves which crunched
underneath the soles of my shoes. However, I tried not to step too hard, for I did not want to disturb you."
From the begining we are given the implications that the girl is not all that "normal"
"I tried to figure out your perplexities from your facial expressions, but I failed" - A symptom of Asperger's
where the person is unable to interpret body language and facial expressions
There were also a few clues given that the girl was actaully already admitted to a mental institution
"I forgot- I am unable to knit" - she did not actaully forget she was most likely not allowed to use knitting
Also, 2 times within the text she said that a kind stranger helped her. These were not strangers, but
the nurses from the hospital who were observing her.
The most obvious hint that she indeed has Aspergers syndrome is her obsessive need for routine as seen
the repetitivness of her sunday visits to the park "sitting on the bench in front of the pond"
Also i suppose you all have figured out that the landlord was probably another nurse or the doctor and
the illness names Charlene was indeed Oppas girlfriend at the time.

It is left unknown was to wether she actually killed Charlene or not. That can be left to your own
However, her Asperger's syndrome is quite exterme as people daiagnose with Aspergers are usually able
live within society. So, perhaps there is something else within the girl's phyche that is out of the norm. But
we can't determine anything more than is supported by the text so lets juss leave it as it is =)
thanks a bunch for reading
if you still have any questions or comments feel free to leave a note

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