We The State Issue 27 Vol 3

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Raman Singh,

2 kin made crores

in PDS scam,
alleges Congress


he State

Forensic science
3 lab to be set
up at Bhopal

Atal Bihari
Vajpayee: A
giant in Indian

85 EOIs worth
Rs. 1051 crore
signed between 8
buyers and

MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05, 2015

Australia crush
New Zealand,
claim historic
fifth Cup title

Published simultaneously from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

Vol-03. Issue-27. Bhopal. Monday Page-12 Price-5/Online edition available at wethestate.com and wethestate.blogspot.in


Kapoor turns
down Nach
Baliye 7?

POSTAL REGD. MP/BHOPAL/4-323/2013-15

Adopt humanitarian approach

during procurement: CM

I will provide relief to affected

farmers from state budget: CM

silos. He congratulated departmental staff to


M Shivraj Singh Chauhan has said

complete this work 6 months earlier than

that the state government will adopt

schedule. Chauhan said that food processing

humanitarian approach during pro-

units will be promoted in the state to help

curement of wheat on support price from

farmer get proper prices for their produce.

farmers in view of natural calamity of hail-

Food and Civil Supplies Minister Kunwar

storm. Discussions about quality of wheat are

Vijay Shah said that Central government has

also being held with Central government.

lauded MP for better construction of steel

Chauhan was addressing farmers after inau-

silos. He said that steel silos being construct-

gurating a 50,000 MT capacity steel silo at

ed at 8 places in the state will be completed

village Mugaliya Kot in Bhopal district on

by June 30. The Minister said that farmers

Saturday. State government has constructed

will be provided proper facilities at Krishi

the silo at a cost of Rs 30 crore under PPP

Upaj Mandis as well as storage sites. Bhopal

mode with the cooperation of LT Foods

MP Alok Sanjar and MLA Rameshwar

Limited. The CM said that 24 districts of the

Sharma also spoke on the occasion.

state have been affected by untimely rains

Principal Secretary Food and Civil

and hailstorm. Survey work is on in these

Supplies Ashok Warnwal informed that steel

districts at a rapid pace. He said that farmers

silo is modern storage technique. Another

will be given full compensation against loss-

steel silo in the state will be inaugurated in

es. He said that special attention is being

next 15 days. CMD of Dawat Industries Vijay

paid in the state to basic facilities like irriga-

Arora informed that atmosphere in the state

tion and power to make agriculture prof-

is conducive to establish industries and state

itable. The CM said that earlier 7.5 lakh

government is making available all basic

hectare was under irrigation in the state,

amenities o industrialists willing to set up

which has now been increased to 30 lakh

units here. Arora informed that this plant

hectares. Referring to scientific and safe stor-

has been set up without any subsidy from

age of food grains, the CM said that 2 years

state government. At Mugaliya Kot steel silo,

ago, number of gunny bags had fallen short

35,000 MT wheat will be stored through coop-

during procurement. Under such circum-

erative societies of Bhopal district and 15,000

stances, it was considered to construct steel

of Raisen district.

Bhopal: Chief Minister Shivraj

Singh Chauhan has promised every
possible assistance to the farmers of
the state affected by unseasonal rain
and hailstorm. He said natural calamities are never invited. They just occur.
The debate on crop loss and relief to
affected farmers is above politics, he
said. The CM said irrigation has
increased manifold from 7.5 lakh to 30
lakh hectare. The arrearage has also
increased from 85 lakh hectare in 200304 to 107.11 lakh hectare in 2014-15.
We ensured water in every field upto
the tail end. Nearly 4 lakh hectare area
suffered crop loss and affected four
lakh farmers. Major area remains
unaffected despite severe calamity. The
State Government is with the affected
farmers who suffered heavy crop loss.
In the history no state government in
the country ever distributed such a
huge relief like MP which provided a
relief to them to the tune of Rs. 2600
crore for Rabi and Rs. 600 crore for loss
of soyabean crop. He said Congress
government never gave relief to farmers in such hard times. MP is the first
state to have distributed crop insurance of Rs. 20187 crore to 14 lakh farmers. We have made the practical
parameters of ensuring insurance
amount to the eligible farmers. The CM
said he will approach the Government
of India for making the farmer a unit of
giving insurance amount by effecting
requisite amendments. He observed
that insurance companies collect premium from the farmers and when they
are in need they return only premium
amount. The CM said developmental
works would be deferred to give relief
to the farmers as development can stay

but not the farmers' lives. He said we

are giving relief for loss of even Isebgol
crop. For loss of vegetables, the relief
amount is Rs. 26 thousand per hectare.
We are amending RBC-6-4 to give maximum relief to farmers. For loss of fruit
bearing trees the amount of relief is Rs.
500 per tree and for beetle leaves it is
Rs. 30 thousand per hectare. This time
survey team will include officials from
Agriculture, Revenue and Panchayat
and rural development. This will be
joint survey. The survey list will be displayed at the Panchayat buildings.
Objections regarding erratic survey
will also be responded quickly. We
have even increased relief for the loss
of cattle heads.We are giving interest
free crop loans. Cost of farming has
been reduced. So far as bonus is concerned, farmers are being asked to give
suggestions as to what format should
be decided for bonus amount. He said
that farming should be linked to food
processing. Conventional farming
should be replaced with modern methods. Regarding payment of power bills,
he said that why farmers honestly paying the bill should suffer due to those
irregular in paying the bills. Benefits of
crop insurance scheme would be
ensured. Short term loan will be converted into medium term loan and the
interest amount for the period will be
paid by the government.

Chhtissgarh Explore

MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Raman Singh, kin made crores

in PDS scam, alleges Congress
The Congress on Wednesday
claimed that Chhattisgarh CM
Raman Singh, his close relatives as
well as personal staff made several
crores worth of "ill-gotten wealth"
through the alleged scam in the
state's public distribution system
(PDS). Party spokesperson Abhishek
Manu Singhvi cited "documentary
evidence", though unverified, to
point out that over Rs.34 crore were
sent to the CM's house on June 8,
2014, as "payment of ill-gotten
wealth". Based on daily entries purported to be from a diary of Shiv
Shankar Bhatt, of the State Civil
Supplies Corporation, the Congress

postulated "unprecedented corruption"

by Raman Singh, his wife and her
close relatives, state ministers as well
as the CM's personal cook, courier and
aides. The PDS rice scam is a tale of
"ministers, CM, CM's close relatives,
CM's close personnel and staff completely immersed neck deep in corruption," Singhvi told the media here
where he distributed copies of the
diary entries. "But it is also a tale of
suppression of truth, of not allowing
an independent agency to inquire, of
not allowing a CBI inquiry or an independent inquiry by a sitting Supreme
Court or high court judge," he added.
Linking the Chhattisgarh scam with
the education board scam in MP,

Singhvi described the two as an "unprecedented web of nepotism", adding that they
made a "mockery" of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi's "exhortations on corruption
or anti-corruption".
AntiCorruption Bureau arrested 12 employees of
the State Civil Supplies Corporation following a recovery of Rs.3.5 crore and several documents that named government officials and
ministers as beneficiaries of the alleged
scam. However, the Congress described the
arrest as a "cover-up action" where the
"smallest of the small fries" were made
scapegoats. Among the seized documents
from these employees was the diary that
mentioned people with names similar to that
of the CM, his wife and her relatives.

Nearly 1 lakh workers migrated Din in Chhattisgarh House

from Cgarh since 2012
over "saffronisation" process

Nearly one lakh workers migrated from Chhattisgarh to

other States in the last three years in search of higher wages,
the Assembly was informed. "As many as 95,924 people moved
out of the State for earning more wages since 2012," Revenue
Minister Premprakash Pandey said in a written reply to a query
of Leader of Opposition in Assembly T S Singhdeo (Congress).
The migration figures stood at 22,149, 27,830 and 45,945 in
2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 respectively, he said. The highest
number of migration between 2012-15 was recorded in JanjgirChampa district (29,190) followed by Balodabazar (23,005),
Mahasamund (16,378), Bemetara (10,180), Rajnandgaon
(9,419), Mungeli (6,346), Raigarh (625), Bilaspur (456), Balod
(145), Jashpur (118) and Korba (62). However, no migration was
reported from the other districts, he added.

Over 4,000 Chhattisgarh schools

have no toilets: Minister

schools with no toilet



facility is in Balodabazar


district which has 667

the Assembly that more

such schools, followed by

than 4,000 government

Jashpur (422 schools),

schools did not have toi-

Surajpur (396 schools),

lets as on February 19

Jagdalpur (338 schools),

this year. In a written


reply to the question

schools), Bijapur (288

raised by Congress leg-



islator Brihaspat Singh,








Minister Kedar Kashyap said, "Toilets were not con-

Kabeerdham (167 schools), Dantewada (164 schools),

structed in as many as 4,068 government schools,


including 2,821 primary, 761 middle schools as well

Ambikapur (119 schools), he said. Other districts

as 486 higher secondary schools, as of February 19,

with schools which have no toilets are Korba (26

2015". "It is not possible to give any deadline about

schools), Janjgir (33 schools), Bilaspur (27 schools),

when construction of toilets will be completed in

Mungeli (90 schools), Rajnandgaon (28 schools),

schools which lack such a facility", Kashyap said. As

Bemetara (54 schools), Dhamtari (81 schools) and

per statistics, the highest number of government

Kondagaon (42 schools), he said.






The Chhattisgarh Assembly
witnessed pandemonium with
the Opposition Congress slamming the BJP Government over
its decision allowing the state
service employees to attend RSS
camps, alleging it was part of
"saffronisation" process. While
the Congress members walked
out of the House shouting "saffronisation will not be allowed" and
"stopsaffronisation", the BJP
members countered them by
shouting 'Jai Sri Ram'. Raising
the issue during Zero Hour, Amit
Jogi and Satyanarayan Sharma
(Congress) sought a discussion on
the issue.
"The State Government has
allowed its employees to join the
RSS. It is a question of faith in
the Constitution. How can the
State Government call the RSS a
non-political outfit?" Jogi asked.
Supporting Jogi, Sharma and
other Congress members said it
was a very serious matter and

'saffronisation' of the administration would not be allowed. As

they kept on demanding a discussion on the issue, Speaker
Gaurishankar Agrawal said he
had received their proposal for
discussion and he will consider it.
Unhappy with the ruling,
Congress members sought an
immediate discussion but the
Speaker turned down their
demand, following which they
walked out from the House
shouting slogans.
Countering the Congress legislators, BJP MLA Mahesh
Gagda and others then started
shouting 'Jai Sri Ram'. The
Raman Singh Government had
last month revoked the ban,
imposed before Chhattisgarh was
formed by bifurcating MP in
2000, on Government employees
participating in the activities of
RSS, the ideological mentor of
BJP. However, the ban on
employees participating in political activities is still in force.


BJP state executive announced

Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) MP president and
MP Nandkumar Singh
Chauhan declared the
new state executive here
on Saturday. Chauhan
declared the names of
new state office bearers
and working committee
remaining working committee has remained
unchanged. There are
eleven vice presidents in
the new state executive
including three women,
one organizational general secretary, four general
secretaries, eleven secretaries including four
women, one treasurer,
besides a dozen leaders
have been named in the
panel for debates on
news channels. The vice
presidents named in the
new state body include
Dilip Singh Bhuria,
Raghunandan Sharma,
Rakesh Singh, Usha
Thakur, Anju Makhija,

Ajaypratap Singh, Vijesh
Arvind Menon remains
the organizational general secretary while the
named in the new state
Gotiya, Banshilal Gurjar,
Arvind Bhadoriya and
Manohar Untwal.
named in the new state
body include Ganesh
Singh, Madan Mohan,
Tapan Bhowmik, Padma
Shukla, Rajo Malviya,
Sampatiya Uike, Neeta
Tiwari, Sandhya Rai and
Vinod Panthi. Chetan
Kashyap has been named

as the treasurer in the

new state body, Govind
Arya state office incharge,
Bhushan Singh state
office secretary, Rajendra
Singh Rajput state office
Vajpayee state media incharge
khoche is the new state
co-media-in-charge. The
spokespersons named in
the new state body
include Vijendra Singh
Raghuvanshi, Vishwas
Vijaywargiya and Roop
Pamnani. While the
panel for debates on
news channels include
Prahlad Patel, Rakesh
Sharma, Govind Malu,

HC rejects dismissed IAS official

Arvind Joshi's bail plea
could have been done before filing
this bail application since there
was no hurdle for him to take such

Prakash Mirchandani,
Rajo Malviya, Rajneesh
Agarwal, Sukhprit Kaur,
Shailendra Thakur, Raj
Nagpal Gupta. One new
member Dhruv Narayan
Singh has been included
in the state executive
committee while the
other members remain
same. BJP national vice
president and MP organizational in-charge Vinay
Sahastrabuddhe has congratulated the newly
appointed office bearers.
The newly constituted
state executive is balanced and integrated and
Attention has been
paid to provide representation to all the regions of
the state besides all sections of the society have
been accommodated in
the new state body,
Sahastrabuddhe said.

MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Admissions to M. Ed.,
B.P. Ed and M.P. Ed
to be online

Online exam for 2-year B.P. Ed, M.P. Ed and M. Ed for year 201516 will be held online on May 3. Entire process and guiding principles2015 are available on Higher Education Departments website
www.highereducation.mp.gov.in. Applicants will have to get themselves
registered through MP Onlines website www.mponline.gov.in from
April 11 to 26. Documents should be got verified till April 28, 2015 at
prescribed help centres. List of help centres is available on MP Onlines
website. Online admission test will be held on May 3. Students not getting registered and lacking verification will not be allowed to appear in
admission test.

Forensic science lab to

be set up at Bhopal

special treatment", the court said

in response to Arvind's plea that
he suffers from blood cancer which
requires bone marrow transplant
within three months. Earlier,



Prosecutor Pankaj Dubey opposed

Joshi's bail saying that he has
amassed 3,151 per cent wealth disproportionate to known sources of
his income. He contended that
Arvind amassed ill gotten wealth
of Rs 43,20,23,416, which is a huge




The MP High Court has reject-

approach is required for considera-

ed the anticipatory bail applica-

tion to grant bail to the applicant.

tion of IAS officer Arvind Joshi

While the court has already reject-

who was dismissed from service

ed the bail application of the co-

for allegedly amassing wealth

accused dismissed IAS officer

beyond known sources of his

Tinoo Joshi who is the applicant's

income. Turning down his bail

wife on October 30, 2014," he con-


plea, Justice G S Solanki said that


Home & Jail Minister Babulal Gaur has said that

23rd Forensic Science Conference focusing on crimes
against women is a laudable initiative. He informed
that apart from effective initiatives to curb crimes
against women, the state government has also established womens helpdesk in every police station where
only women police officers have been deployed.

the applicant is "involved in a con-

Arvind had been absconding

spiracy to create a forged docu-

since August last year and the

ment in regard to insurance poli-

Lokayukta police made 35 futile

cies and other documents related

bids to arrest him. Besides, the

to investment".

trial court in Bhopal had issued

The court observed that "it is

arrest warrants against him 15

revealed from the order sheets of

times, Dubey told the court. The

trial courts that despite warning,

Lokayukta police had raided the

he (Arvind) was not present in the

official residence of the Joshis and

court at the time of hearing of his

unearthed huge wealth amassed

bail application. Therefore, the

by the couple in December 2010,

possibility of his fleeing from the

ten months after the Income Tax

justice cannot not be ruled out".

department carried out searches

"The bone marrow transplantation

at their Bhopal residence.

Union minister of state for home Kiren Rijiju said

that forensic expansion programmes could help
reduce large-scale pendency of criminal cases and also
tackle crime against women in a time-bound manner.
Gaur and Rijiju was addressing the valedictory function of the 23rd All India Forensic Science Conference.
The Union minister also laid the foundation stone for
the new Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL)
in Bhopal. The new laboratory that would be con-

structed by the National Building Construction

Corporationat a cost of Rs 53.72 crore, would have
divisions for digital forensics, forensic DNA, narcotic
drugs, toxicology and ballistics among others. At least
300 forensic science experts participated in the twoday conference themed on 'Role of Forensic Science in
countering crime against women'. The conference was
organised by the directorate of forensic science services (DFSS) of the union home ministry. Gaur further
said that forensic science is very significant in criminal justice delivery system.
He said that forensic science techniques need to
be upgraded and made less time consuming and less
costly. The Home Minister said that physical evidences are vital for criminal investigation. Important
decisions have been taken on the basis of physical evidence from ancient times till date.


Cgarh to provide 2
per cent housing
quota to transgenders

In perhaps the first such step in the country,
the Chhattisgarh government is all set to provide
2 per cent special housing quota in its schemes
for transgender people. The move, which comes
more than a year after the epic ruling of the apex
court recognising transgender people as the third
gender, is likely to benefit over 3000 transgender
people in the state. In it's ruling, the apex court
had also directed the governments to provide
transgender people with quotas in jobs, education
and basic amenities in line with other minorities.
Incidentally, this year Chhattisgarh had elected
the country's first transgender mayor, Madhu
Kinnar (35). Madhu won the mayoral polls from
Raigarh, beating her BJP opponent by more than
4,500 votes in the recent MC elections in the
state. Confirming the grant of 2 per cent quota to


MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Goitre major cause of

health concern in Cgarh
While the widespread prevalence
of goitre, a common iodine deficiency
disease (IDD), has become a major
Chhattisgarh, a recent survey has
raised serious doubts on the quality of
iodised salt being distributed by government
Distribution System (PDS). A survey
conducted in four districts of the state
by health department and UNICEF, in
collaboration with Pt JNM Medical
College last year, has revealed that
iodine content in the iodised salt
(Amrut Namak), distributed in PDS,
was less than 15 PPM, the prescribed
limit of Government of India. In fact in
Jashpur, nearly 50% of the 98 salt
samples collected from the PDS fell
short of the prescribed iodine limit of
15 PPM. Similar was the situation in
the other districts of Raigarh, Surguja
and Bilaspur where 28.4%, 30.8% and
31.8% of PDS salt samples respectively had iodine content less than the government's prescribed limits. According
to the report, even the iodised salt sold
in open market in these districts had
lower iodine content.
The survey, conducted among children between 6-12 years of age, also
revealed that Jashpur had the highest prevalence for IDD. Goitre prevalence was found to be over 5% in all
districts. Of total 10,967 children
(2,700 children from 30 schools from
each identified district) were examined for goitre. The diagnosis was
entirely based on the inspection and

palpitations of the neck. As per the

report of the clinical examination of
the children, prevalence rate of goitre
was highest in Jashpur (16.1%) and
lowest in Bilaspur (5.3%). Data
revealed that goitre was higher
among males in Bilaspur (6%),
Surguja (9.6%), and Raigarh (17.7%)
whereas it was higher in females in
Jashpur district (17%). Iodine deficiency, based on urinary iodine excretion levels, revealed that iodine
intake was lowest in Jashpur (11.5%)
followed by Raigarh (64.1%), Bilaspur
(65.2%), and Surguja district (71.9%).
Interestingly, the survey team found
that majority households of these
identified districts were getting salt
from Public distribution system
(PDS). Chhattisgarh government had
introduced a scheme of distribution of

iodised salt through PDS, the

Chhattisgarh 'Amrut Namak' brand
of iodised salt for those below the
poverty line. During survey it was
observed that procurement of edible
salt through PDS was highest in
Raigarh (96.6%), followed by Jashpur
(89.6%), Bilaspur (55%), Surguja
(54.2%). The data also revealed that
the overall awareness on benefits of
iodised salt was poor in all families
across all districts. The report has
recommended that government regulatory system needs to ensure availability of adequately iodised salt at
consumer level for all in state to
achieve universal salt iodisation. The
report points out that low iodine content in the PDS salt could be due to
bulk procurement and long and faulty


Chhattisgarh Housing Board, AK Saxena said

orders have been received from the government
in this regard. He said from now on transgender
would have the special quota in all housing
schemes announced by the government. He said
in case no transgender applies for the housing
scheme, the quota would be later converted to the
general category. Raigarh Mayor, Madhu Kinnar,
appreciated the move for quota in housing and

1000 posts of specialist doctors

lie vacant in Chhattisgarh

Medical officers and all 27 posts of

More than 1,000 posts of specialist

Chief Medical and Health Officers are


doctors lie vacant in Chhattisgarh,

vacant till 31 January this year." The

Chhattisgarh government had last year also

state health minister Amar Agrawal

minister said that in-charge officers

told the assembly. Agrawal said 1,201

have been deputed wherever BMO and

posts of specialists doctors were sanc-


tioned till January 31, of which 192

against the sanctioned 6,105 posts of

posts were filled while 1,009 remain

ANM, 5,539 posts have been filled and

vacant. In a written reply to the House

566 posts are vacant, he said. He said

operations of their undeveloped organs for con-

on a question from Congress legislator

out of 1,197 sanctioned posts of phar-



Brihaspat Singh, the health minister

macists, 985 posts have been filled,


said as against 3,257 posts of staff

while 212 posts are vacant. Singh also

Relation, Rajat Kumar said a proposal to the

nurses, 2,011 posts have been filled

sought to know how many primary

effect has been sent by the Social welfare depart-

while 1,246 posts lie vacant. Singh also

health centres and sub health centres

ment to the health department and its modalities

sought to know the number of posts

are being run from its own buildings.

said that it would go a long way in providing





announced to pay for the "sex change" of transgender people. Under the proposal, which is still
to be implemented, the government had in principle decide to pay transgender people the cost for








were being worked out. Once the same finalised,

the scheme would be implemented, as per the
government's earlier announcement, he said.





sanctioned for Block Medical Officers

pharmacists as on January 31 in the

The minister said that 174 primary

(BMO), Chief Medical and Health

state and how many of these were

health centres and 1,429 sub-health



vacant. Agrawal informed the House

centres do not operate from their own

Auxiliary Nurse Midwifes (ANMs), and

that "all 163 sanctioned posts of Block





MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Cong MLAs call off protest; to reach out to farmers


and that his party MLAs will awaken it to

Failing to get an assurance from the MP

ensure that farmers get relief and compen-

government on their demand for relief to

sation. On being asked that out of more than

rain and hailstorm-hit farmers, Congress

55 Congress MLAs, only 30 participated in

MLAs formally called off their agitation but

the protest, he said they didn't take part as

pledged that they will now reach out to vil-

they were too religious and are observing

lages to mount pressure on the government

Navratri fast. The former state CM said that

and ensure that farmers hit by the recent

the protest was not called off following the

rains and hailstorm get due compensation

notice served to MLAs to vacate the assem-

under the second phase of their protest.

bly premises by the assembly security offi-

AICC general secretary Digvijay Singh

cials. Congress MLAs had trooped into the

offered lemon juice to leader of opposition

well of the House and squatted minutes

Satyadev Katare and MLAs to break their

after the one-day session of assembly to pass

indefinite hunger strike.

second supplementary budget for the cur-

"The BJP government was insensitive to

rent fiscal was adjourned sine die on March

the problems of the farmers. Now, our MLAs

24. The Congress MLAs' demands included

will head for villages to ensure that the

compensation for rain and hailstorm-hit

farmers get compensation for their damaged

farmers within a fortnight, waiving off their

crop," Singh, told reporters at the main gate

to access the damage to the crops. The lower

farmers to survey their damage crops, he

electricity dues and suspension of recovery

of the Assembly. He alleged that rampant

rank officials of the revenue department,

alleged. Singh further said the state govern-

of loans from them, Rs 150 per quintal

corruption was plaguing the survey going on

patwaris are asking for commission from

ment has turned worthless and autocratic

bonus for wheat.

Death of MP Governors son: 500km auto rickshaw

race in MP to
Autopsy inconclusive, family
does not suspect foul play
An autopsy has failed to identify the cause of death of MP
Governor Ram Naresh Yadav's son
Shailesh, an accused in the the
multi-crore Vyapam scam in MP,
according to UP police, even as his
family said they do not suspect any
foul play. Police said viscera samples have been preserved. "The
postmortem report says that cause
of death could not be ascertained.
Viscera and heart of Shailesh have
Superintendent of Police (SSP)
Yashasvi Yadav said. Police had
said that prima facie the death
appeared to be due to brain haemorrhage or heart attack. Police
maintained that the death
appeared to be natural. A section of
media and some Congress leaders
have raised suspicion over the
death of Shailesh Yadav. But
Shailesh's elder brother Kamlesh
Yadav, who is an Uttar Pradesh
Congress member, told reporters,
"It is a natural death. The matter will be
clear when the final report comes. We don't
suspect any foul play." Governor Ram
Naresh Yadav, who is ailing, was being
taken in an air ambulance from Bhopal to
Lucknow to attend the last rites of his son.
A team of doctors was accompanying
Yadav and he will be admitted to Sanjay
Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Sciences (SGPGIMS) Lucknow for treatment. Ram Naresh Yadav, 86, who himself
has been named as an accused in the scam,
was admitted to Bansal Hospital a few days
back following respiratory problems. The
Governor is likely to remain in Lucknow till

the 13th day post-death rituals, sources

said. Ram Naresh Yadav has challenged in
the High Court the inclusion of his name as
an accused and sought immunity.
Shailesh's name had cropped up in the
multi-crore scam for allegedly fixing the
recruitment of 10 candidates as Grade III
In his statement to the Special Task
Force (STF) probing the Professional
Examination Board (PEB) scam, Veerpal
Yadav had alleged that he handed over a list
of 10 candidates and Rs three lakh to his
friend Vijay Pal, who gave the money and
names allegedly to Shailesh at Raj Bhawan.

Thirty colourfully decorated autorickshaws will eccentrically race 500 kilometers from Khajuraho to Kipling Camp
at Kanha (MP) on November 3 to be the
first to reach an elephant called Tara and
raise 1 million pound for the purpose of
arresting the dwindling population of elephants. The fund-raising adventure was
announced by Prince Charles, heir to the
British throne, and his wife Camilla, the
Duchess of Cornwall, at a reception at
their London residence Clarence House in
the presence of the Indian High
Commissioner Ranjan Mathai and his
wife Gita. Ninety per cent of the world's
Asian elephants have been wiped out in
the last 100 years.
Charles and Camilla are joint presidents of the Elephant Family charity,
which was established by the latter's late
brother Mark Shand, a conservationist
who rescued Tara in India and wrote a

bestselling book about it called 'Travels on

my Elephant'. Elephant Family was
founded by Shand in 2002 to save the
Asian elephant, especially those in India,
from extinction. Shand had an unusual
attachment for Tara. After his death,
Camilla touchingly wrote in the UK's
Times: "They say elephants never forget.
Tara never forgot him and neither will
we." An Elephant Family booklet said:
"The race will not merely be a test of
speed, but of agility, wit and character."
The rickshaws will speed past the erotic
Bandhavgarh National Park before arriving at Kipling Camp. There will be a team
of two in each rickshaw. In June, the rickshaws that will participate in the contest
will roam around. On June 28, the fleet
will be auctioned at Sotheby's to racers
and backers and drivers. The money
raised from the auto rickshaw race will go
to the Elephant Family.


MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Atal Bihari Vajpayee: A

giant in Indian politics

In the six decades he was in electoral politics, the now ailing Atal Bihari Vajpayee, presented the
Bharat Ratna, catapulted from one who lost one election after another to a colossus who eventually
became India's only non-Congress prime minister to last a full five years in office. In the short but
tumultuous period he presided over the destiny of the world's largest democracy, Vajpayee - the
consummate politician - stunned the world by making India a declared nuclear state in 1998 and then
almost went to war with Pakistan before making peace in the most dramatic fashion.

n the process, Vajpayee's popularity came to match that of

Indira Gandhi - a woman he
admired for her guts even as he hated
her politics. He also became the country's best known national leader after
Indira Gandhi and her father
Jawaharlal Nehru - until Narendra
Modi stole the show in 2014. Always
seen as a moderate in a party where
some other leaders espoused
Hindutva ideology, the bachelor
politician was often called the "right
man in the wrong party". uccess didn't come easily for Vajpayee, who was
born on Christmas Day in 1924 in
Gwalior into a family of moderate
means. His father was a teacher.
Vajpayee would later recall his early
brush with poverty.
Vajpayee did his Masters in
Political Science, studying at the
Victoria College in Gwalior in MP and
at the DAV College in Kanpur in
Uttar Pradesh, where he first contested - and lost - elections on behalf
of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, the
Bharatiya Janata Party's predecessor. By then he had embraced the
Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh
(RSS). But even as he struggled to
win electoral battles, his command
over Hindi, his ability to agree-to-disagree, and his envious oratory
brought him into limelight in a manner that it could never fade away. His

first entry into parliament was in

1962 through the Rajya Sabha. It was
only in 1971 that he won a Lok Sabha
battle. He was elected to the Lok
Sabha seven times in all - and to the
Rajya Sabha twice. Vajpayee spent
months in prison when Indira
Gandhi imposed Emergency Rule in
June 1975. When the Janata Party
took office in 1977, dethroning the
Congress nationally for the first time,
he became the foreign minister. The
lowest point in his career came when
he lost the 1984 Lok Sabha election,
that too from his birthplace Gwalior.
And the BJP he led ended up with
just two seats in the 545-member Lok
Sabha. In no time, Vajpayee was
eclipsed by his long time friend L.K.

Advani. Although they were the best

of friends publicly, Vajpayee never
fully agreed with Advani's advocacy
of Hindutva. When Hindu mobs
razed the Babri mosque in 1992, his
was a lone voice in the Hindu nationalist pantheon who didn't sound
happy. When Hindu hardliners celebrated, Vajpayee was full of personal
remorse and called it the "worst miscalculation".
It was precisely this persona of
Vajpayee - one merged in Hindutva
yet seemingly not wholly willing to
bow to it - that won him admirers cutting across the political spectrum.
This trait made him the prime minister when BJP's allies concluded they
needed a moderate to steer a hardlin-

er party widely seen as pro-Hindu.

Vajpayee proved to be an astute
politician, at times seen as a statesman. He combined the compulsions
of politics with his BJP's rightwing
ideology but would seldom budge
from the USP of his high ethical
pedestal. His first stint as prime
minister in 1996 lasted 13 days,
from May 16 to 28. The second one
ran for 13 months, from March 19,
1998. But he learnt his lessons from
failures to preside over a National
Democratic Alliance (NDA) that
took office on Oct 13, 1999, and
completed a five-year term. His was
the first multi-party coalition in
India to do so. His government tested
a nuclear device in May 1998, a little
over a quarter century after the first
such explosion when Indira Gandhi
was prime minister. In doing this,
and despite global censure, he thrust
India into the nuclear club - until
then restricted to a privileged few. It
was an action that finally resulted in
the path-breaking India-US nuclear
deal of 2008. In 1998, Vajpayee
launched a widely acclaimed diplomatic initiative by starting a bus
service between New Delhi and
Lahore in Pakistan. Its inaugural run
in February 1999 took Vajpayee to
Pakistan. The service was suspended
after the 2001 terror attack on Indian
parliament that nearly led to war

between India and Pakistan. The

freeze between the two countries,
including an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation on the border for nearly a
year, was finally cracked in the spring
of 2003 when Vajpayee, while in
Kashmir, extended a hand of friendship to Pakistan.
That led to a historic summit in
January 2004 with then president
Pervez Musharraf in Islamabad, a
remarkable U-turn after the failed
summit in Agra of 2001. Vajapyee
was not known as "Atalji", a name
that translates into unyielding, for
nothing. He could go against the
grain of his party if he saw it deviate
from its path. There were times when
Vajpayee would withdraw into a
shell, due to disagreements with
party colleagues, at times forcing
them to mollify their icon.
Vajpayee wrote several books and
Hindi poetry. He was a master of
pauses, an expert at evading replies,
often shrugging off tough posers with
a huge laugh, a cold stare or a long
pause. When he stepped down in May
2004 after an election that he was
given to believe he would win, it
marked the end of a long and eventful
political career. Almost since then,
Vajpayee has suffered from frail
health, so much so that the Bharat
Ratna was taken to his house and
given to the bed-ridden Atalji.

NII to promote science education in colleges under Science Setu programme


Immunology (NII) today signed
Memorandum of Understanding
with various Delhi colleges for participation
of its Scientists/ faculty in teaching of undergraduate students in these colleges under a
programme titled as Science Setu. This followed a speech by the Prime Minister on the
last Teachers' Day, wherein he had called
upon Indian scientists to actively involve
themselves in teaching in schools and colleges. Subsequently the Ministry of Science
& Technology had sent a communication to
theNational Institute of Immunology (NII)
through the Department of Biotechnology
(DBT) on which the NII had taken a follow
up action. NII held consultations with the
teaching community of various colleges and
as of now 10 Delhi University Colleges
agreed to be partners in the Science Setu
programme. NII has formally signed MoUs

with them today. More colleges are likely to

be recruited. The programme generated a
great deal of goodwill and excitement among
the academic community, and will benefit
both NII and the partner institutions. Under
this programme, every permanent faculty
member of NII is expected to spend at least
12 hours per year in an undergraduate college. NII intends to commence this programme w.e.f. the new semester starting
from July 2015 or even earlier during the
summer vacation at the colleges as per the
needs of individual partners. A quiz was
also organized for undergraduate students
to mark the occasion and the winning and
runners up teams were awarded prizes.
Apart from the faculty and the staff of NII,
principals, teachers and students from the
partner colleges also participated in significant numbers in the launch function of
Science Setu.


MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

17 New Mega Food Parks Dr. Sangam Kurade

elected FISME President
to provide big boost to
food processing sector
New Delhi
To give a major boost to the food processing sector
by adding value and reducing food wastage and loss
at each stage of the supply chain with particular focus






Industries is implementing Food Mega Food Parks

Scheme in the country since the year 2008. Financial
Assistance upto Rs. 50.00 Crore is provided for setting
up Mega Food Parks for creation of modern infrastructure facilities for food processing along the value
chain from farm to market. Total 42 Mega Food Parks
have been sanctioned by the Government for settingup in the country.
Currently, 25 projects are under implementation,

around Rs. 4000 crore in 500 food processing units in

Expression of Interest (EoI) was invited on all India

the Parks and an annual turn-overof Rs. 8000

basis on 10.02.2014 with the last date of 31.07.2014 to

crore.These Parks, when fully functional, will create

fill up vacancies. Ministry received 72 proposals and

employment for about 80,000 persons and benefit

after going through a stringent and transparent

about 5 lakh farmers directly and indirectly. The

process of scrutiny, 17 suitable proposals from 11

timely completion of these Mega Food Park will pro-

States of the country have been selected and approved

vide a big boost to the growth of the food processing

for implementation. This step of the Government will

sector in the concerned state, help in providing better

create huge modern infrastructure for food processing

price to farmers, reduce wastage of perishables, add

sector and provide impetus to the growth of the sector.

value to the agricultural produce and create huge

These 17 newly selected Mega Food Parks are likely

employment opportunities especially in rural areas.

to attract investment of around Rs. 2000 crore in mod-

These will also help in stabilizing prices of food prod-

ern infrastructure, additional collective investment of

ucts and contain inflation in the country.

New Delhi
Committee of Federation of Indian
Micro and Small & Medium
Enterprises (FISME) has unanimously elected Dr. Sangam
Kurade as President for the year
2015-16 during the executive
meeting held recently in New
Delhi. A reputed food technologist
and the promoter of a successful
business unit based in Goa- Zuari
Foods and Farms Pvt Ltd, Dr.
Kurade has been an executive
member of FISME and the Vice
President of Goa Industries
Association before assuming the
post. A Masters in food technology
from the University of Hawaii, an
MBA in Business Marketing at
the Pacific Western University, he
completed his PhD in Food
Technology from the University of
Tennessee. Setting up like a typical high-tech start-up at micro
scale to manufacture world class
button mushrooms in 1994, he led
the growth of the enterprise from
a 100 kg/day production facility to
the one producing button mushrooms 7000 kg/day. A consistent
innovator, he experimented with
mushroom compost using sugarcane baggase and innovated with
alluvium from nearby river for

casing mixture setting up a sustainable, eco-friendly facility

where nothing goes to waste. Even
the spent compost is converted
into rich bio-fertilizer. For his successful innovations he was conferred ICARs Mushroom Grower
Award-2014 also. Besides his long
association with industry bodies
such as FISME, GIA and Goa
Chamber of Commerce, he has
been associated with National
Institute of Food Technology
Management (NIFTEM), all agrofood processing state institutions
and committees set up by
Government of Goa and also
Bureau of Indian Standards
Committee for Foods & Spices,
Govt. of India as Member. Dr.
Kurade will assume charge from
first April 2015.

Open transformers, dangling cable wires

spell danger for people in Raipur
Open transformers at low heights and
dangling cable wires at busy patches of
Raipur spell danger for people on road and
yet officials are oblivious. The transformers
which were repaired are left open with naked
wires. The webbed and hanging electric
wires tied to poles have also become an
obstruction for movement of commuters particularly in areas like Shankar Nagar,
Anupam Nagar, Saddu, near Rajbandha
Maidan, Moudhapara and Purani Basti.
These are few areas under threat while
many other narrow lanes, congested and




Changorabhata, Gudiyari,
Malviya Road, Pandri, Mowa Road also
have transformers at very low height lying
open. Anti-social elements make best use of
illegal use of electricity during festivals like

they ensure and make efforts against illegal

for emergency purposes. Even if they hang

dents in the past when wires touching the

Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga puja and other

utility of electricity, the issue of open trans-

down, the thickness and hardness is strong

roof of homes in congested areas have

family functions, which hardly gets reported.

formers was a cause of concern and residents

enough not to risk life," the officer said. He

claimed life of few children last year but

Officials in electricity department of Raipur

could directly get in touch with electricity

added that cables would be arranged on the

remain in the complaint diary of the depart-

Municipal Corporation and Chhattisgarh

department to get the problem solved.

poles so that they don't get webbed and lie

ment. "One blow of wind will make the

State Power Distribution Company Limited

"However, those which are opened for repair

low. A resident of Shankar Nagar, who didn't

webbed wires get tangled with trees and

informed that open transformers and dan-

work are always closed back by workers.

want to be named, said that despite several

branches, causing electricity failure and

gling wires were being fixed on a stretch in

With dangling cable wires, it's not much of a

complaints, wires hang loosely, which can

injury to people," Ranjeet Singh of Anupam

Shankar Nagar. An official said that though

threat as we leave marginal cable as an extra

lead to short circuit. There have been inci-

Nagar said.


MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

85 EOIs worth Rs. 1051 crore signed

between buyers and sellers


Hungary and Dubai. States entrepreneurs

The 8th Reverse Buyer-Seller Meet (MP

are displaying plastic and packaging materi-

Exportech-2015) held by MP Laghu Udyog

al, spices and organic products, processed

Nigam with the cooperation of Central and

and unprocessed food product, herbal prod-

state governments concluded here. As many

ucts and medicines, textile yarn & fabric,

as 75 foreign buyers and 110 representatives

engineering and machine products (electri-

of 17 countries participated in the meet. In

cal products, fabrication, casting, fixtures &

all, 85 Expressions of Interest (EOIs) worth

fittings, power & transformer equipments,

Rs. 1051 crore were signed between buyers

insulation condensers and heat exchangers).

and sellers, which will convert to work

Entrepreneurs to
participate in Hanover
Trade Fair-2015

orders in coming days. Samyak Industries,

Jabalpur received Rs. 1.50 crore order from
Mega Splits Limited, Bulgaria for Kranti
brand rice. Chief Guest and Principal

Industries Minister Smt. Scindia has

Secretary Industries Mohammad Suleman

invited states micro and small entrepre-

said that the Exportech has created an

neurs to Hanover Trade Fair-2015 to be

atmosphere of enthusiasm between buyers



held in Germany. Smt. Scindia said that

dors and high commissioners of various



given at one place through single window

entrepreneurs interested in taking part in

countries, they urged him to hold such meets

Yashodhara Raje Scindia said that efforts

system. Representatives of SAARC and CIS

this fair display of their products in MP

in their countries. Definitely, this will help

are being made to provide maximum facili-

countries, Africa, Latin America, Eastern

Pavilion in this exhibition may contact

states units get opportunity to export their

ties to foreign investors in MP. Labour laws

Europe and Asian countries and importers

Commissioner Commerce and Industries,

products. Special guest and Commissioner

have also been amended due to which

took part in the meet mainly Afghanistan,

MD of MP Laghu Udyog Nigam and Vice-

Industries V.L. Kanta Rao said that this is

investors can obtain only 2 permissions

Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Bhutan, Nepal,

President of CII MP C.P. Sharma.


Advance reservation period for

booking reserved train tickets
increased from 60 to 120 days

The Ministry of Railways

has decided to increase the
Advance Reservation Period
(ARP) for booking accommodation in trains from 60 days to
120 days (excluding the date of
journey). Accordingly, w.e.f. 1st
April 2015 the booking in trains
from train originating stations
will open and remain available
for 120 days. For instance, as on
1.4.2015, for trains leaving on
28th July 2015, the reservation


instead 17. Similarly, all clearances are

and sellers. During meetings with ambassa-




can be obtained for journey

28.7.2015. There will, however,
be no change in case of certain
day time Express trains like Taj
Express, Gomti Express, special
trains etc, where lower time
limits for advance reservations
are at present in force. There
will also be no change in the
case of the limit of 360 days for
foreign tourists.

Mega Chhattisgarh coal mine

to boost Gujarat power output

The Centre has alloted Gare Palma Sector I coal mine in Chhattisgarh, having annual
capacity to produce 55.50 million metric tonnes (MMT) of the fuel, to a Gujarat Governmentrun power company. Gare Palma Sector I is one of the biggest mines in the country and it has
been allotted to Gujarat State Electricity Corporation by the Union Coal Ministry.
Chhattisgarh government spokesman said the mine's annual production capacity is enough to
run power plants of 8,000 MW for the next 30 years. "At present, our total installed capacity
of coal-based plants is 3,930 MW, for which we get 17.37 MMT of coal. Within the next three
years, we have planned to set up two new plants, one at Sikka (Jamnagar district) having
capacity of 500 MW and another at Vanakbori (Kheda district), having capacity of 800 MW," he
said. "Thus, if we add that 1,300 MW, our total installed capacity of coal-based plants will reach
5,230 MW. To achieve that capacity, we will need additional 25.82 MMT of coal. Luckily, Gare
Palma Sector I mine will give more than required coal to take our total capacity to 8,000 MW
in future," said the government spokesman.


MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Experts from Europe to impart

green guidance to Kolkata SMEs




UKs Aston

University with the help of international experts in operations management are on a mission to introduce green and
lean initiatives in Indian small and medium-sized enterprises. As part of a Rs. 5.5 crore project funded by jointly funded
by both the universities SMEs would be trained on best practices in the supply and value chain processes. The idea is to
improve small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) performance by implementing a green supply chain management model which is based on sustainability. This will
reduce wastes and costs, improve performance with minimal
or no damage to the environment. Professor Prasanta K Dey
of Aston Business School in Birmingham said their efforts
are aimed at elimination of wastes, reducing cycle time, reengineering the manufacturing process, improving supply
chain effectiveness, enhancing competence of process and
manpower by training, energy saving, incorporating reverse
logistics systems, reducing resource consumption and
enhancing green productivity.
It is estimated that there are around 3.6 crore micro,
small, and medium scale enterprises in India and we are not
imparting some ground-breaking technology but just sharing ideas on how to do it, he said. To start with ten SME
units have been selected in the state of West Bengal initially with whom the experts will work for a period of 18
months. An ambitious target of a 20 per cent improvement
in their performance has been set up. We will also guide
them in inventory management and demand forecasting.
Information and communication technology can also be a big

they did a research comparing the environmental perform-

for monitoring performance. The Indo German Chamber of

enabler in this. Recycling and reduction of waste is another

ance of SMEs in India and UK and found that Indian SMEs

Commerce and the Federation of Small Medium Industries

important focus area, Dey said. Prior to the ongoing project,

have more environmental targets but fewer methods in place

is supporting the project.

Sugar mills can be future power

houses: Industry official

capacity boilers to pro-

power companies. "15

The country's 550 odd

duce power. Uttar

MW of electricity per

sugar mills can produce

Pradesh is leading on

mill is estimated to be in

at least 2,500 MW of

this front with 37 mills

surplus category which

electricity if they install

producing electricity fol-

can be sold," he said.

high-power boilers

lowed by Maharashtra,

Dhanuka said state gov-

which will involve an

Chhattisgarh and Bihar.

ernments need to come

investment of Rs.150

"Most of the energy gen-

forward to help sugar

crore for each mill, an

erated from the 33-kg

mills become "power

industry official said

capacity boilers is con-

generating houses" by

here. "The sugar mills

sumed locally by the

providing tax holidays

can produce 2,500-3,000

mills to run their opera-

and other incentives.

MW of power from

tions," he said.

"Already state govern-

bagasse (a sugarcane

According to Dhanuka,

ments are promoting the

byproduct) if they install

who has himself imple-

use of bagasse and buy-

120 kg (capacity) high-

mented the project of

ing the electricity pro-

pressure boilers," former

extracting power from

duced. Clearance is easy

president of Indian

bagasse, each of the

to get as this process to

Sugar Mills Association

mills is producing about

extract electricity from

(ISMA) O.P. Dhanuka

25 MW of power. Of this,

the sugar byproduct is

told IANS. He said now

10 MW is consumed to

eco-friendly and saves

around 100 sugar mills

run mill operations and

the nation's coal

have installed 33 kg

15 MW is supplied to

reserves," he said.



MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Australia crush New Zealand,

claim historic fifth Cup title


fourth wicket. But four-time World Cup

butions from skipper Michael Clarke (74 in

World Cup, notched up his 58th fifty. Smith

Australia became the first team to clinch

champions Australia got the ascendancy

72 balls), Steven smith (56 not out) and

scored his seventh ODI fifty and stitched a

five cricket World Cup titles crushing tra-

eventually by bowling out their neighbours

David Warner (45). New Zealand hopes

partnership with the 33-year-old that took

ditional rivals New Zealand by seven wick-

for a bare 183 in 45 overs. Admirably sup-

soared when Australia lost opener Aaron

Australia home. Shane Watson remained

ets in the final of the 11th quadrennial

ported by inspiring fielding, Australia

Finch (0) in the second over of the inning.

not out for two. on the first ball of the 34th

tournament at the majestic Melbourne

seamers Mitchell Starc (2-20), Mitchell

The right-hander gave a return catch to

over, Smith pulled pacer Tim Southee for a

Cricket Ground (MCG) here on Sunday.

Johnson (3-30), James Faulkner (3-36) and

left-arm pacer Trent Boult.

boundary to trigger wild celebrations in the

New Zealands hopes of trouncing their

spinner Glenn Maxwell (1-37) were all over

But opener David Warner scored a

Australian camp and among an applauding

trans-Tasman big brothers and 2015

the Black Caps, who lost the final seven

stroke-filled 45 in 46 deliveries to diminish

crowd in the MCG stadium.Earlier, New

World Cup co-hosts in the latters back-

wickets for barely 33 runs.

the pressure on the home team. After he

Zealand won the toss and had a nightmar-

yard fizzled out as they were reduced to

The low total meant that Australia

fell to Matt Henry, Smith and Clarke con-

ish start losing skipper Brendon McCullum

39/3 in the 13th over. Grant Elliot (83) and

needed only to bat sensibly to capture their

solidated the innings by playing risk-free

(0) in the very first over. The right-handed

Ross Taylor (40), however, sought to defy

fourth title in the last five editions. And

cricket. Clarke, who will retire from One-

batsman had his stumps shattered by left-

the odds with a 111-run stand for the

they did, getting over the line with contri-

Day International (ODI) cricket after this

arm pacer Starc.

Top performers of 2015 World Cup

Top 5 runs-scorers Top 5 wicket-takers 5 individual scores 5 bowling figures

Martin Guptill
Kumar Sangakkara
Brendan Taylor
AB de Villiers
Shikhar Dhawan

Mitchell Starc
Trent Boult
Umesh Yadav
Morne Morkel
Mohammad Shami

Martin Guptill
237 *
Chris Gayle
David Warner
AB de Villiers
162 not out
Tilakaratne Dilshan

Tim Southee
Mitchell Starc
Trent Boult
Mitchell Marsh
Imran Tahir

After Dhoni, Clarke

calls for changes in
ODI field restrictions
Australian skipper Michael Clarke has said he would like to see five
fielders outside the 30-yard
circle instead of the current
four during powerplays to
allow bowlers more protection
during field restrictions in
One-Day International (ODI)
cricket. Currently only four
fielders can be placed outside
the 30-yard circle during powerplays which helps batsmen to score
at a brisk pace. His sentiments are similar to Indian captain
Mahendra Singh Dhoni who felt that the current ODI rules are
loaded heavily in favour of the batsman. Clarkes comments add more
fuel to growing calls by several experts who demand a change in the
rules. The 2015 World Cup has seen a rise in match scores as new
rules have facilitated batsmen to score freely.



Vidyut Jammwal
wont be part of
Sujoy Ghoshs next
Jammwal, who is
most popular for his
work in Commando,
has confirmed he wont
be part of filmmaker
Sujoy Ghoshs next
project, which will be
based on the novel
Suspect X, also featuring Saif Ali Khan
and Kangana Ranaut.
I didnt see myself in a film of
this genre. Id met Sujoy a few times but I
hadnt signed any contract or committed
myself to the film. It (the story) sounded
interesting, but it just wasnt for me. Sujoy
is a great director with an amazing sensibility and Id like to work with him in the
future, Vidyut said in a statement.
The actor has two films in the pipeline for
release Yaara, directed by Tigmanshu
Dhulia opposite Shruti Haasan, the shoot
of which is almost complete; and
Commando 2?, which will be produced by

Vipul Shah and will start soon. Talking

about Yaara, he said: Im really excited
about it. Its been a tremendous experience
playing characters that span age groups
across every aspect. The vibe on the sets is
so positive and everyone is very upbeat
about the film. Working with Tishu sir
again has been a phenomenal experience
and Ive gained such nuanced learnings
from him are hard to explain in words.
Vidyut hopes the sequel to Commando
takes the franchise forward.

Katrina unveils her statue

at Madame Tussauds

musuems sculptors and artists to

decide a dancing pose and outfit for
the figure, having given a sitting in
Mumbai where all the measurements required to create an accurate
likeness were gathered. A team of 20
artists worked on the figure, which
cost around 150,000 pounds to

(MP & CG)

Kareena Kapoor
turns down Nach
Baliye 7?
ctress Kareena
Kapoor has reportedly turned down an offer
to judge a forthcoming
dance reality TV show
Nach Baliye 7?, saying
she has no plans to venture into the small
screen. According to
sources from the makers
of Nach Baliye, its producer Ekta Kapoor is on
a lookout for the fourth
judge for the show. And
she had her eyes on
glamourous Heroine
Kareena. Kareenas
team got back saying
that currently she wants
to focus on films and she
doesnt want to do TV at
this point of time in her
career, said a source.

ctress Katrina Kaif has

became the latest Indian to
be featured at the Madame
Tussauds museum here. The museum is marking 15 years since its
first Bollywood statue was created.
Katrina was at the museum for the
unveiling, reports bbc.com. Katrina
collaborated closely with the

MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

Earlier there were also

talks that Kapoor was
planning to zero in on
Vidya Balan to complete
a quartet of judges on the
reality show.
Meanwhile, author
Chetan Bhagat has
already been signed for
the Star Plus show,
which will go on air in
May. Her sister Karisma
has judged the show in
the past, and Kareena
made an appearance on
the reality TV show to
promote her film back
then. On the professional
front, Kareena is prepping up for Salman Khan
starrer Bajrangi
Bhaijaan and Abhishek
Chaubeys Udta Punjab.

in PVPs
Bhatia is most likely to
replace Shruti Haasan,
who recently walked out of a yetuntitled Tamil-Telugu bilingual
being produced by PVP Cinema.
The film also features actors
Karthi and Akkineni Nagarjuna.
Shruti pulled out of the project
citing dates issue. After Shruti
walked out of the project, the

Tamannaah, and shes almost

confirmed. The official confirmation should be out very soon, a
source from the films unit said.
Shruti, who is currently busy
with four projects in her kitty,
was paired with Karthi in the
movie. On Friday, the makers
sent a legal notice to Shruti for
exiting from the project. If
Tamannaah comes on board, it
will be her third project with

Karthi after Tamil actioner

Paiyya and Siruthai. Being
directed by Vamsi Paidipally, the
film is set to be the remake of
Intouchables. According to
sources, Nagarjuna is essaying
the role of a patient, and Karthi
as his caretaker. Meanwhile,
Tamannaah will soon starting
shooting for Telugu project
Bengal Tiger with Ravi Teja.



MARCH 30 TO APRIL 05 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Special Purpose Vehicles to

implement Smart Cities Project

New Delhi

Given the challenges of building

smart cities, a Special Purpose

Vehicle (SPV) will be created for each city

to be included in the Smart Cities scheme,
said M.Venkaiah Naidu, Minister of Urban
Development. Speaking on the smart cities
initiative at a Conclave organized by a
media group here, Naidu said that efficient





resources is one of the objectives of the

Venkaiah Naidu elaborated that the
present deficit in physical, social, economic
and institutional infrastructure will be
bridged to make the cities more livable and
drive the economic growth. He said that

ment are fulfilled through adequate

this infrastructure deficit will be bridged by

employment and livelihood opportunities.

retrofitting of identified areas of a city and

ment. Stating that present conditions in

will be applied to places and projects to

Venkaiah Naidu stressed that ICT

redevelopment of areas which are not

urban areas are in a bad state, any

enable efficient utilization of limited

solutions would play an important role

amenable to retrofitting to enable such

improvements in infrastructure and other

resources like land, water, power etc.

in improving urban governance and

areas conform to the norms of smart city. In

amenities would make a difference to the

Venkaiah Naidu said that building smart

enhancing the efficiency of resource use.

addition, pan-city schemes like efficient

quality of living, Venkaiah Naidu said that

cities does not mean putting in place glossy

The Minister said that Smart Cities and

public transport systems including ring

the objective of smart cities building is to

skyscrapers. It is all about imparting a

the New Urban Development Scheme for

roads, e-governance initiatives etc. will also

enable such changes in a sustainable man-

human face to urban development so that

500 cities would be launched next

be undertaken under brownfield develop-

ner for long term results. Smart solutions

the aspirations of socio-economic advance-


Edu policy: States raise concern

over no-fail rule till Class 8
New Delhi
Some states have
expressed concern over
the controversial no-fail
policy up to Class-VIII,
saying it has led to a
sharp fall in academic
exercise, at a high-level
meeting on the proposed
Policy, consultations for
which are expected to be
over by December. At a
meeting of state education ministers and secretaries
Education Minister Paras Chander Jain
argued that automatic class promotion has
led to a situation where a student neither
fails up to Class VIII and nor gets promoted
after that. Automatic class promotion up to
Class VIII under the policy has led to sharp
fall in academic exercise and students are
unable to cope up with examinations in the

upper classes failing in the process, Jain

said at the meeting, chaired by Human
Resource Development Minister Smriti
Irani. Some other states including Assam,
Nagaland, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan are
understood to have voiced similar concerns.
Reforming the school examination system is
one of the themes for consultations on the

new education policy. Talking to reporters,

School Education Secretary Vrinda Sarup
parried a question on the government's
stand on the issue, saying the thematic
groups are gathering views which may be
complementary or different from that issue.
"Essentially, everybody is talking about
quality of education. It is a structured dis-

cussion, not to say this has to be reverted.

Quality has wide dimensions," she said.
Last year a panel headed by then Education
Minister of Haryana Geeta Bukkal had recommended re-introduction of class promotions in its report. The controversial policy
came into effect with the enactment of the
RTE Act allowing students to get promoted
up to Class VIII regardless of their academic performance.
The participants were hopeful that the
new education policy would address the
issue comprehensively. The draft report of
the education policy would be put up before
various stakeholders and the Central
Advisory Board of Education following completion of the consultation process. Around
2.5 lakh consultation meetings would be
held at the village level, about 6,600 meetings at the block level, 626 deliberations at
the district level and 3,500 meetings in
urban local bodies. The government has set
up a task force to monitor the consultation

Owned Printed and Puplished byM.M. Baig. Printed at lucky, 267, Pragati Nagar, Shahanshah garden, Bhopal (MP) and published from H.No. 101, A Sector Indrapuri BHEL, Ward No. 63, Dist. Bhopal- 462021, M.P.
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