We The State Issue 28 Vol 3

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Mukundpur zoo to

be centre of
3 international
tourists attraction


Giriraj remarks:
Sonia says
5 narrow mindset,
BJP for
ending row
Kejriwals magic vanishing: AAP chiefs
6 dictatorial
tendencies come
to the fore

Neither tax
terrorism, not
tax haven:
Arun Jaitley

APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12, 2015

he State

Sunil Narine
skips KKR
practice session

Published simultaneously from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

Vol-03. Issue-28. Bhopal. Monday Page-12 Price-5/Online edition available at wethestate.com and wethestate.blogspot.in
POSTAL REGD. MP/BHOPAL/4-323/2013-15

Image means a
lot in film 11

Bhopal to be made smart city, concept of

green and heritage city to be promoted

1 lakh homes in Indore,

Ujjain to get piped gas
supply: Pradhan

hopal Municipal Corporation
(BMC) has decided to take services of 25 professionals and experts
from Ahemdabad Municipal
Corporation (AMC) for making Bhopal a
smart city. There is provision of Rs 2 crore
for this purpose. Mayor Alok Sharma made
this announcement in his budget address.
Not only smart city, the BMC budget has
promoted the concept of green and heritage
Bhopal city. To promote non-motorized
transport (NMT), BMC would revive cycle
track in the city and develop sources for
pedestrian in Rs 10 crore. BMC will conserve heritage structure of Bhopal in Rs 10
crore and Rs 5 crore will be spent on removing electric poles. To improve connectivity,
mayor has come with a project "Link way
bridge" from Ginnori road to Dhobighat for
Rs 5 crore. Grid separator at Lalghati and
Sky walk at New Market would be constructed under a public private partnership.
Three foot over bridges of Rs 4 crore at
Bhopal Talkies, Bus Stand and Chanchal
Square respectively would also be constructed by BMC. The informal transport
system would be formalized in Rs 3 crore to
provide safe and secure journey to citizens
of Bhopal. BMC budget has earmarked Rs 1
crore for conservation of Upper Lake, Rs 30
lakh for Lower Lake, Rs 15 lakh for
Shahpura Lake and Rs 30 lakh for other

Development of food courts
like Indore's 'Chhappan
Dukan' to revive culture
She lounge for women
Global education fare will
be organized
RO water plant at New
Market and MP Nagar
e-library at ISBT and
Sadar Manzil.
Install automatic timer and
dimer switch in the street
Utility duct policy to deal
with problem of digging of
Lift in the BMC's office for
disabled people
Issuing birth and death
certificate without any

lakes of the city. In his speech, Sharma said,

"To stop the flowing of sewerage and murky
water into lakes, we have demanded funds
from the Centre to prepare a detailed project report (DPR). But, we have allocated Rs
3 crore from our budget to save the lakes of
Bhopal." Smart methanisation bio-gas plant
would be set-up to deal with waste and
garbage, he added. Citizens of Bhopal don't
have to deal with papers for payment of various taxes anymore. Smart cards will have
all the information related to taxes, services
and property for citizens of Bhopal. Alok
Sharma presented a budget with ample references to schemes of Modi's choice like
smart card for all citizens, mobile app for
services and complaints, wi-fi zone in MP
Nagar, services on phone, mobile revenue
collection van, e-library scheme, RO water
plants, skywalk and many more. There is a
provision of Rs 1.20 crore for smart card.
Mayor said citizens of Bhopal would avail
services and lodge complaint through
mobile app. The Wi-fi hot spot zone would
also be established at MP Nagar. A new
scheme services on phone' would be started
for residents. Under this scheme, people can
call plumber, electrician and carpenter over
a phone. Mayor said these would be available in each zone for local residents to take
care of their complaints. A mobile revenue
collection van (MRCV) will be started to collect revenues from home.

Nearly one lakh houses in Indore and
Ujjain districts will get piped gas supply within two years as a
CNG mother station
is being set up in the
Minister Dharmendra
Pradhan said here. "In
next two years nearly
one lakh houses in
Ujjain and Indore districts would get piped
gas supply," Pradhan
said after inaugurating the CNG Mother
Station set up by GAIL and HPCL's joint venture, Avantika Gas Limited in Ujjain. CM
Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Union Minister
for Steel and Mines Narendra Singh Tomar
among others were present on the occasion.
The 2,000-km long pipeline passes through
MP and the state would benefit from it,
Pradhan said, adding even vehicles would get
cheaper CNG. Chauhan said that with the
availability of CNG, the prospects of setting
up more fertilisers plant in the state has
become brighter. He said that planning is
underway to supply piped gas in Mahakaushal
and other areas of the state, adding that it
would also help organise the Simhast
(Kumbh) Mela in 2016 in a manner free of
pollution. Tomar said on the occasion that the
CNG mother station in Ujjain would ensure
further development of the area.

Chhtissgarh Explore

APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Raipur airport authorities told Schools to form

at take action to avoid bird hit student groups to

check trafficking
In a step to combat






has instructed principals

A team of Director
General of Civil Aviation
(DGCA), which inspected the
Swami Vivekananda Airport
recently, has pointed out at
heightened bird activity
around the runway and
advised the authorities to
take preventive steps to
avoid a bird hit.
According to sources a
DGCA conducted a detailed
inspection of the airport's
runways to check for fencing
to prevent entry of stray animals into the sensitive takeoff and landing areas. While
the fences were found to be
in order, the team found "too
much bird activity", which
could cause a "hit", said

sources. Sources said, the

DGCA, on the directions of
the Civil Aviation ministry,
had compiled a list of 18 airports in the country that face
'wildlife hazard'.
inspections are being carried out at
all the identified airports
and the authorities are being
advised to take adequate
steps to ensure safety.
Sources said most of airports
have boundary walls but
people residing in nearby villages or colonies break these
to let their cattle enter and
graze on the grass, posing
immense threat to the safety
of the passengers and the
aircraft. Though such activities are against the law and
are a cognizable offence

under Section 10(1B) of the

Aircraft Act, 1934, action is
seldom taken against the
The team has advised
the authorities to take a
proactive role in ensuring
that laws are implemented
and ensure that there are no
illegal slaughterhouses and
garbage in the vicinity of airports. These all lead to
increased bird activity, posing a serious threat to aircraft during approach/take
off, said officials, Confirming
the inspection, Anil Rai,
director, Raipur airport, said
"As far as boundary wall is
concerned, there is no problem and all steps are being
taken to control animal

C'garh govt to form panel for

development of roads in state
An empowered committee headed by the state Chief
Secretary will be constituted
to examine the documents
pertaining to the tenders for
development of road infrastructure in Chhattisgarh.
The decision in this
regard was taken during the
meeting of Chhattisgarh
chaired by CM Raman Singh
at his official residence. The
state government has made
a provision of Rs 5,183 crore
in the 2015-16 budget for the
development of road infrastructure in Chhattisgarh,
which is 43 per cent higher
than previous year. Under
the infrastructure development projects, priority will
be given to upgrade the state
highways into double lane.
Moreover, focus will also be
given on upgrading the roads
connecting district headquarters to block headquarters into double lane. As per
the budget announcement,

to form groups of girls to

create awareness among
other students and keep
an eye on traffickers.
Now, school girls would be empowered to

Sanstha that also rehabilitates trafficked

take a lead in preventing trafficking of

children. This group of 30 youths at pan-

young girls who are lured with promises of

chayat-level keep vigil on middlemen and

lavish lifestyle and later trafficked to

tip off police and NGOs on getting inputs

metro cities. Confirming the move, school

about girls being huddled into buses or

education department secretary Subrat

trains. Like detectives, the young group

Sahoo said that the order has to be imple-

stalks them and give updates on phone sit-

mented with immediate effect. "With

ting at various points. On confirmation,

increasing number of cases of children

they inform police.

going missing and becoming victims to

Many agents and traffickers have

child trafficking, it was realized that tak-

been nabbed in past with the help of this

ing this crucial step at school level was

group. Chhattisgarh has emerged as a

vital to create awareness both among boys

trafficking hub with large number of chil-

and girls," Sahoo said. The groups would

dren going missing. While state has intro-

be responsible to keep a watch on move-

duced Private Placement Agency Act in

ment of suspicious people in and around

2013, police teams are sent to Delhi,

school premises. In case of suspicion, the

Punjab, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir and

group would inform principal and teachers

states of South India to trace missing chil-

in their school to take cognizance of the

dren and crackdown on traffickers. In

matter. School principals have also been

December last year, about 20 traffickers

asked to inculcate lessons of safety and

were nabbed from Delhi and neighbouring

precaution, specially among girls, to

areas while 15 children who went missing

understand difference between a well-

in last few years were rescued.

wisher and one with malicious intentions.

The groups would be responsible to

A similar group of youths have been

keep a watch on movement of suspicious

working to combat trafficking in Kansabel

people in and around school premises. In

block of tribal Jashpur district with the

case of suspicion, the group would inform

help of an NGO Jivan Jharna Vikas


Steel city residents support

biodegradable bags

the CGRDC in the next three

years will upgrade toll roads
through Public Private
Partnership (PPP) and 2,000
km long roads through annuity model. Besides, the action
plan for the proposed road

dicussed in the meeting.
Public Works Department
Minister Rajesh Munat,
Chief Secretary Vivek Dhand
and other senior officials
were present in the meeting.


Citizens of steel city have come out

them to take

strongly to support production and use of

stricter action

biodegradable bags and return to tradition-

like imposing

al practice of using shopping baskets and

f i n e s .

bags made from locally available materials


such as jute and cloth, which are less harm-


ful to environment. However, there are


many others who opine that plastic bags


were made for a purpose and the main com-

Anita Sawant said that initiatives and cam-

plaint is against the way plastics are used,

paigns won't succeed until public is aware

not its existence. National Green Tribunal

about the dangers of plastic bags. "In veg-

had asked state government to ban any

etable markets, people insist on plastic

kind of use of polythene. Following this,

bags. They use them to throw kitchen waste

government had brought about a ban on

at home. Cows and other animals eat the

January 1. Bhilai Municipal Corporation's

kitchen waste along with the plastic bags

public relations officer Ashok Pahadiya said

and die. There is no segregation. Plastic

that despite several initiatives and cam-

bags are not kept aside for recycling and

paign against use of plastic bags, general

that is what is causing environmental dam-

public and shopkeepers were not taking the

age," she added.



APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Centre to extend every possible assistance to affected farmers

Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh
has said that Central government stands
by farmers in this hour of crisis. The
Prime Minister has asked all states
including MP to provide immediate relief
to affected farmers and send survey report
on crops to the Centre. He said that
Central government will extend every possible assistance on the basis of survey
report. Singh took stock of crop loss due to
hailstorm at village Khera Tanka in
Gwalior district and consoled farmers
today. He was accompanied by Union Steel
and Mines Minister Narendra Singh
Tomar and CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan.
Expressing grief over extensive damage to crops by hailstorm, the Union Home
Minister said that he has seen a natural
calamity of such magnitude for the first
time. He urged farmers to have patience
and not to lose heart. At village Khera
Tanka, Rajnath Singh inspected crop loss
in the fields of Sarv Devendra, Ram Singh,
Jagendra, Sukhlal, Kundan Singh, Bharat
Singh etc. and consoled them. CM
Chauhan reiterated that there would be
no lack of funds for providing relief to

affected farmers. He said that apart from

all types of relief under provisions of
Revenue Book of Circulars, affected farmers will also be provided benefit of crop
insurance scheme. For this, directives

have been given to collectors to undertake

crop cutting experiment. The CM said that
the state government had distributed Rs.
3300 crore relief to natural calamity
affected farmers last year. This year also,

Mukundpur zoo to be centre of

international tourists attraction

no stone will be left unturned to provide

relief to affected farmers. Chauhan said
that the government has suspended recovery of loans from affected farmers.
Besides, interest will also be paid by the
government for one year. He said that the
state government will provide Rs. 25 thousand for marriage of affected farmers
daughters. They would not be bound to get
their daughters marries at mass marriage
functions for this amount.
He also reiterated that affected farmers will be provided wheat, rice and salt at
Re. one per kg and 4 litre kerosene and
subsidised sugar. The CM urged the Union
Home Minister to make efforts that
Central government relaxes FAQ norms in
procurement of wheat since it would be a
major relief for farmers. Union Steel and
Mines Minister Narendra Singh Chauhan
assured every possible effort for Central
assistance to MPs farmers. Tomar lauded
state governments measures in favour of
farmers. MLA Bharat Singh Kushwaha,
ex-MLA Jawahar Singh Rawat, Zila
Panchayat Vice-President Shanti Sharan
Gautam and large number of farmers
were present on the occasion.

India's anti-tobacco
face Sunita Tomar dies

Rewa to have Rs.

15 crore
eco-tourism park

Public Relations and Energy
Minister Rajendra Shukla along with
Minister of State for Tourism and
Culture Surendra Patwa visited zoocum-wildlife treatment centre coming
up at Mukundpur during his Rewa
visit.. Patwa directed that pace of
bringing wild animals should be accelerated by completing remaining
works. Describing the zoo as an
achievement for Vindhya region and
entire MP, he said that its opening will
boost tourism. PR Minister Shukla
said that white tiger safari and zoo are
major achievements for Vindhya
region. With their opening the region
will become an attraction of international tourists. This will pave the way
for local employment and economic
growth. It was informed that construction of night houses for tigers, white
tigers, lions, panthers, bears etc. has

been completed. Visitor road inside

white tiger safari, management
beyond fencing all around, water bodies and 6350 meter long wall to enclose
100 hectare area have been completed.
Construction work of 5 enclosures,
hospital and administrative building
has also been completed. It is noteworthy that 100 hectare forest area has
been earmarked for establishment of
zoo-cum-wildlife treatment centre,
Of these, 25 hectare area has been
earmarked for construction of white
tiger safari as per approval of Central
Zoo Authority. Construction of zoo is in
last phase. Process is also on to bring
wild animals. Tourist will have opportunity to see 3 white tigresses and one
white tiger, yellow tigers, lions, panthers, antelopes, foxes, swamp deer,
deer and 463 wild animals of other
species in this zoo.

Surendra Patwa inspected ecotourism park being constructed
at a cost of Rs. 15 crore on an
island in Beehar river in Rewa.
The MoS for Tourism expressed
happiness over this achievement of Rewa. He said that the
park will become a tourist
attraction. A target has been
set to complete this Rs. 15 crore
project by year 2016. It will
have a marriage garden,
restaurant and handicraft
shops on mainland while
adventure park and childrens
park will be constructed on the
island. A suspension bridge will
be constructed near old RTO
office to go from mainland to
island. Ministers Shukla and
Patwa visited citys famous
place Rani Talab. They sought
information about lakes development
works. It was informed that
park development, pathway,
wetland, filter plant, light and
other works costing Rs. 4 crore
under Rani Talab Lake
Conservation Project to beautify and develop the lake spread
on 1200 square meters. Boating
facility has also been made

Bhind (M.P.)
Face of India's anti-tobacco campaign Sunita Tomar passed away
at her native village in Bhind district of MP. 28-year-old Tomar
passed away today, said a doctor at Mumbai's Tata Memorial hospital where she was admitted few days ago, amid indication of
relapse of cancer. Two years ago, she had undergone a surgery for
oral cancer at the hospital. She shared her experience in a video,
which was used by the government for its anti-tobacco drive to
warn people against consumption of smokeless gutkha and pan
masalas. Just a few days ago, she had written to Prime Minister
Narendra Modi expressing deep disappointment at BJP MP Dilip
Gandhi's statement in his capacity as chairman of Lok Sabha's
Committee of Subordinate Legislations that there was no Indian
study to confirm that tobacco use leads to cancer. "Recently Dilip
Gandhi, chairman of a parliamentary panel wrote to the Health
Ministry asking for the notification on bigger tobacco pack warnings to be kept in abeyance. I was shocked that people in such high
posts can be so irresponsible. "Bigger warnings can probably save
some innocent lives like mine. You have started to take people
along in your 'Mann Ki Baat' where you recently talked about deaddiction. I hope you will also take up the cause of tobacco,"
Sunita had written in the letter.


Cgarh govt seeks land in capital

for construction of museum


APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Cgarh to
provide 2 lakh
drinking water

that the museum would require a sizeable plot of land and

The Chhattisgarh government has sought land from the

the ministry would take a decision based on the availability

Centre in the capital for construction of a museum which

of land at suitable locations. A Chhattisgarh state official

would showcase tribal culture and heritage of the state.

confirmed that a proposal had been sent to the Urban

Sources said that the Urban Development ministry is

Development Ministry for construction of the museum. "It is

actively considering the proposal for setting up of the muse-

at the proposal stage and once the land is allotted, complete

um and where land can be provided for it. "The ministry is

details can be worked out," a senior official said. Officials

considering the proposal of Chhattisgarh government for

said that the Urban Development ministry has also received

construction of a museum, however, the final decision may

a request from the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose INA Trust

require the cabinet's approval," a source said. Officials said

for setting up a memorial for Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

Chhattisgarh government has
set a target to provide domestic

Fabindia fallout: Cgarh

cops to comb trial rooms
for hidden cameras

water connections to around 2

lakh households in a year under




Water Programme (NRDWP), it

was officially announced here.
"Around 1.7 lakh tap connections
were provided in the state under
the NRDWP while a target to provide domestic water connection to
two lakh households in an year
has been set," a government official said. As per Chhattisgarh CM

In wake of the Fabindia incident in

Raman Singh's directives, officials

Goa, all district SPs in Chhattisgarh

have been working on a compre-

have been directed to inspect trial

hensive plan to provide drinking

rooms of garment stores and bath-

water on a large scale, he said.

rooms of hotels to check for hidden

cameras. "A day after a hidden camera

The state government has made a

was found in a trial room in the

provision of Rs 862 crore in its

Fabindia outlet in Goa, all SPs are

budget for the 2015-16 fiscal to

asked to check out the trial rooms at

provide clean drinking water in

apparel outlets and bathrooms in






Chhattisgarh which is 14 per cent


Srivastava, ADG, CID. The officer said

higher than the previous year's

he has written to SPs asking them to

allocation, he said. With summer

conduct surprise checks at the trial

heat on the rise, district collectors

rooms of all garment stores and bath-

and public health engineering offi-

rooms of hotels and malls. "They have

cials have been asked to look after

been asked to take strict action if cameras are found at these places," he said,

public drinking water facilities in

adding they are asked to conduct a reg-

all districts, the official said.

ular as well as a surprise check at

Moreover, they have been directed

these places and ensure that these

to purify water in overhead tanks

places are safe for women. The responsibility of women's safety lies with

rooms), the ADG said. The directions

ted a hidden camera that was pointed

as well as maintain hand pumps,

police and such inspection are needed

were issued after an incident at

towards the trial room she used, that

the official said.

to be carried out at trial rooms and

Candolim village near Panaji wherein

led to a case of voyeurism being filed

other places (inside malls and show-

Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani spot-

and the arrest of four employees.


APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Organic farm area rise in MP didn't

benefit farmers: Assocham
Industry body Assocham has said that
area under organic farming in MP has
increased to over 26 lakh hectares in 2014
from 4.32 lakh hectares in 2010 but farmers
have not been able to reap its benefits.
"Total area under organic farming in MP
has increased from 4.32 lakh hectares in
2009-10 to over 26 lakh hectares in 2014.
But, farmers have not been benefited by it
as the certified organic farming area under
cultivation remained at just 1.48 lakh
hectares," an Assocham study, released by D
S Rawat, national secretary general, said.
Besides, the state government has not been
able to implement its draft policy for organic farming that was formulated way back in
2010. As a result, the certification process of
organic farming has not gathered pace, the

study noted. Organic farming provides

livelihood to 1.7 lakh farmers in MP alone
but their income have not increased due to
poor certifying facilities. While in other
states, incomes of farmers practicing certified organic farming have increased 10-fold,
the study said.
"Fruits and vegetables account for a
lion's share of about 40 per cent in the
entire organic market and the state produces a huge amount of it but unfortunately most of its remains outside the purview of
organic produce," Rawat said. "Clocking a
compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of
15 per cent, global organic food and beverage market is expected to be more than double to USD 161 billion by 2018 from an estimated value of about USD 80 billion in
2013," he added.

CM calls for debate to Giriraj remarks: Sonia says narrow

make crop insurance
mindset, BJP for ending row
scheme pro-farmers

CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan has advocated holding a national level
debate on making crop insurance scheme farmer-friendly and practical.
"The crop insurance scheme should be made practical and farmer-friendly
to help those who suffer crop damage due natural catastrophes," Chauhan
said. The CM said he will request the Centre to relax its rules of awarding compensation to natural calamity-hit farmers on the lines as it has
been done by the state government in order to render relief to maximum
number of farmers. "The current rules of Government of India for awarding compensation to natural calamity-hit farmers restrict the scope of
relief to a large number of farmers. In MP, we have changed that by bringing amendments in the Revenue Book rules 6-4. Thus, we are able to cover
almost all categories of damages," he said. Chauhan also informed that he
has apprised Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the issue, who in turn has
assured to look into the matter. He said crops under more than four lakh
hectare have been damaged in the recent untimely rainfall and hailstorm,
and affected over 4 lakh farmers in the state. The crop damage survey this
year is being done in a more transparent manner by officials of three
departments, Revenue, Panchayat and Rural Development, Chauhan
said. The survey list will be displayed at the Panchayat office and if any
discrepancy is found or reported by anyone, survey would be carried out
again in that particular case, he added.

Sonia Gandhi has dismissed
Singh's "racist" remarks as
stemming from a "narrow
mindset" even as party members staged protests while
the BJP sought the matter to
be closed as he had
expressed regrets. Gandhi,
who visited MP to meet
farmers whose crops have
been damaged in the recent
untimely rains, expressed
remarks. "What did he say," she
asked reporters in a brief interaction
during her visit, and after having
been told, conveyed her disdain.
"It is not appropriate to respond
to or comment on people with such
narrow mindset. This is my answer,"
Gandhi said. Singh, who is union
minister of state for micro, small
and medium enterprises, had told
reporters in Patna on Tuesday that
he wondered if former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi had married a nonwhite Nigerian woman, would the
Congress still have accepted her as
its president. Singh, who has caused
embarrassment to Bharatiya Janata
Party earlier also, had to express
regret over his remarks with the
party leadership conveying its displeasure to him. Sources said party
president Amit Shah had spoken to
Singh on Wednesday and pulled him
up over the comments. Congress
leaders have strongly denounced

Singh's remarks and demanded that

Prime Minister Narendra Modi
should dismiss him and apologise to
the nation. Former union Minister
Kapil Sibal accused Modi of being
silent on Singh's controversial
remarks. He said that it was part of
BJP's strategy that "intemperate
comments" were made, then someone from the party conveys disapproval but Modi remains silent. He
also took a dig at BJP over the
party's good governance pitch.
"People of the country will decide if
there will be Giriraj or Ramraj," he
said. Congress spokesperson Sanjay
Jha accused the BJP of being "casual and indifferent" on the issue and
said Singh was a "repeat offender".
"Despite his previous observation on
the campaign trail in 2014 where he
asked all non-Narendra Modi supporters to leave India and go to
Pakistan, he was rewarded by a post
in the cabinet. "If Modi remains

silent this time as well, he is

providing ammunition to
many others in the party who
are prone to making pedestrian remarks against Congress
leaders," Jha told IANS.
Congress workers protested in
New Delhi against Singh's
remark. Holding posters and
shouting slogans against
Singh, they demanded that
Modi should act against the
minister. In Bengaluru, where
the BJP's three-day national
executive committee meeting
is underway, hundreds of
cadres and supporters of the ruling
Congress protested on Thursday,
demanding that the minister be
The Congress cadres took out a
rally from their party office, shouting slogans against Giriraj Singh,
garlanding his portrait with
footwear and burning his effigies. In
Bihar, a Congress leader filed a
court case against Giriraj Singh.
"I have filed a case in the chief
judicial magistrate's court against
Giriraj Singh for his racist remark
against Sonia Gandhi and for insulting and hurting the sentiments of
women," said Sanjay Kumar Singh,
a Congress leader from Muzaffarpur
district. BJP leaders, however, said
the issue should be treated as closed
after the minister expressed his
regret. Party general secretary Ram
Madhav said the matter had "ended"
with Singh's clarification about the
controversial comment.


APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Kejriwals magic vanishing: AAP chiefs

dictatorial tendencies come to the fore

This is the real face of Arvind Kejriwal. After singing the songs of internal
democracy within political parties (including his own), going to town demanding
transparency in running a political organisation, extolling the importance of
ethics in forming governments and crying for transparent means of funding the
political system; we are witnessing the real side of Kejriwal.

side, which has dark and cynical personal views about his own colleagues;
a side which does not mind trying to poach
the legislators of another party for forming
his government and has no qualms in
receiving funds for his party from companies, who have no offices at the addresses
they give. One cant say how much political
ethics Prashant Bhushan, Yogendra Yadav,
Anand Kumar and Ajit Jha possess; they
who stand expelled from the National
Executive of Aam Aadmi Party for raising
their voice against certain issues related to
transparency in their organisation. It is
however clear that Arvind Kejriwal does not
possess the moral fibre or the ethical compass that is required to clean up the politics
of this country. He is another quotidian polluter of this countrys already polluted political system. The phenomenal rise of Aam
Aadmi Party in a very short span of time
and its steep downfall in public perception
within two months after taking over Delhi is
a classic case study for those interested in
political analysis. It is horrifying to imagine

a situation where individuals like Kejriwal

and parties like AAP emerge on the national scene. It is high time that serious political forces emerge to tackle this insurgency

of non-serious, inexperienced, unnecessarily

experimental and immature individuals
and parties. The degeneration of values in
our political system in the last few decades

has been very fast. The common mans

anger with the current methods of doing
politics has reached to a level, where they
now reject time tested political parties in
favour of political start-ups and believe
their impractical theories of change. The
Lok Sabha election of May 2014 and Delhi
assembly election of 2015 are examples of
this psyche in our electorate. The people of
India had rejected Congress in May 2014
and trusted the Bhartiya Janata Party, hoping that Modi will be able to fulfil some of
the dreams he sold. In only eight months of
Modis rule peoples hopeful mindset have
changed because of the absence of any
meaningful delivery by the BJP-led government at the Centre. Chants of Modi-Modi
quickly turned to Kejri-Kejri in Delhi. But
in less than two months time the electorate
is realising that the perception they had of
AAP was inaccurate and unfounded. A
party, which occupied the common voters
mind space by promising to keep intact the
basic values of politics at any cost, is unable
to hide its real face any longer.

Milk production up at 65,000 litres/day in Chhattisgarh

ilk production is estimated to have
reached 65,000 litres per day in
Chhattisgarh with the expansion of dairy
cooperative committees in the state.
"Chhattisgarh's average milk collection per
day has reached over 65,000 per litre. It has
become possible through 627 dairy cooperative
Chhattisgarh State Cooperative Dairy
Federation president Rasik Parmar said.
The federation has so far expanded its work
in 15 districts of the state. As many as 370
new dairy cooperative societies were set up
in the past two years taking the total of
number of cooperatives to 627 from 257.
More than 16,000 farmers have been directly associated with the federation through
these cooperatives, Parmar said. Moreover,
55 more committees are proposed to be set
up in the new fiscal 2015-16 with a target to
enroll over 4,000 members, he said. "With
the increase in number of committees, collection of milk per day has been increased.
Currently, the average milk collection has
reached 64,785 litres," he said. Besides, the
federation's products with brand name

'Devbhog' have received encouraging

response from the customers, he added.
FIR against 10 rice millers for non-compliance Chhattisgarh government would
recover about Rs 70 crore from a total of 27
rice millers in Raipur district and lodge FIR
against ten of them for failing to deliver
custom-milled rice within stipulated time.

"Revenue Recovery Certificate (RRC) has

been issued for recovery of about Rs 70
crore from 27 rice millers who have failed to
return rice in lieu of paddy provided to them
for custom milling in given timeframe in the
kharif marketing year 2013-14," Raipur
Collector Ram Singh Thakur said. Besides,
orders have also been issued to lodge FIR

against ten of them, he said. The rice

millers were earlier issued notices for not
depositing rice and an investigation was
also done in this regard, but even after that
they failed to comply, the collector said. The
government has directed tehsildars to
immediately recover the dues from the rice
millers, he added.


APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

Bhopal airport registers

decline in passenger traffic
Raja Bhoj International Airport, Bhopal
showed a decline in passenger traffic by -11.2%
between April 2014 and January 2015. On the
other hand, Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Airport,
Indore registered a 19.4% growth in passenger
movement and topped the list of 15 non-metro
domestic airports in the country. These facts
have come to fore in a recent survey conducted
by Airports Authority of India (AAI) at all 15
domestic airports across the country. While
Indore airport tops the list of domestic airports
in passenger movement category, Raja Bhoj
Airport is placed at a distant ninth position.
Indore airport also registered highest number
of freight and aircraft movement too. In freight
movement category, Indore recorded 40.6%
growth while Bhopal registered 8.1% growth in
the same period. Also, in aircraft movement
category Indore has registered a 7% increase
despite suspension of some flights by SpiceJet,

while Bhopal has shown a decline of -31.4%.

Incidentally, Swami Vivekananda Airport,
Raipur stood third in all the three categories
after Jammu airport. Airport manager, Indore
Vivek Atre said, "Constant increase in all the
three categories mentioned above is because the
city has attracted many businessmen and deal-

ers from across the globe, especially after the

Global Investors' Summit (GIS). He said what
is noticeable is that passenger traffic went up
even after suspension of three flights by
SpiceJet owing to operational reasons in
November last. Currently 20 flights operate
from Indore, daily.

(MP & CG)

Will stand firm

against Land
Bill: Sonia
Neemuch: Congress will stand firm
against the "anti-farmer "Land Acquisition
Bill and continue to protest against it, party
president Sonia Gandhi said here, reaffirming her commitment to the cause of the farmers. "The current Land Bill is anti-farmer. We
will strongly protest it and are firm on it,"
Sonia, who had been leading the Opposition
onslaught against the legislation said. "At
present Congress is not in power but the
party will struggle for them (farmers) and
will not compromise on the issue," she
asserted. The Congress president demanded
that the land acquisition law enacted by the
erstwhile UPA government and supported
by the BJP in 2013 be implemented. Sonia,
who visited a number of villages battered by
unseasonal rains and hailstorms that led to
large-scale destruction of crops in MP,
demanded that the BJP governments at the
Centre and the state help the farmers without any discrimination. "I ask the Narendra
Modi and Shivraj Singh Chouhan governments not to discriminate and help the
farmers," she said after surveying the damaged crops and meeting farmers in Neemuch

End of legacy: Money order Flipkart to generate

2 million jobs
goes telegram way
this year

New Delhi
A 135-year-old legacy comes to an
end! Like in the case of the telegram,
India Post has quietly discontinued
the traditional money order service,
which was an integral part of the
department since 1880, facilitating
pan-India door-delivery of funds to a
payee from over 155,000 post offices.
In an era of instant communications,
the traditional money transfer facility
has made way for an electronic version, which was introduced in October
2008, thanks to the proliferation of
mobile telephony and data communications in the country through the
internet - 18 months after they led to
the demise of the telegram.
"Yes, the traditional money order
as we know it has been discontinued,"
said Shikha Mathur Kumar, deputy
director general for finance with India
Post based in the national capital.
"What we have now are electronic
money orders, or eMO, and instant
money orders, or iMO, systems,"
Kumar said. "Both these are much
faster and simpler means to remit
money." The iMO system, according to
India Post, provides instant money
order service for amounts ranging
from Rs.1,000 to Rs.50,000. An
instant, web-based system, money can
be remitted by designated iMO post
offices - where an electronic version of
a form is filled along with an identity
proof. Once the money is transferred
electronically, along with one of the 33
standard messages that can be chosen
by the remitter, the payee can visit the
post office and receive the money on
producing a proof of identity. The
money can also be be credited to the

savings bank of a payee. In the case of

eMO, money is paid at the door-step of
a payee - from Rs.1 to Rs.5,000 - within a day, along with 21 standard messages. It is booked at an authorised
post office and delivered pan-India
from all delivery post offices. This can
also be tracked on the India Post website. But for many, especially the senior citizens, the end of the traditional
money system - which was withdrawn
from April - did evoke a sense of nostalgia and, to an extent, some sadness
as well.
"I would send money through
money orders to my family in a village
MP," recalled K. Abdul Hussein, a
retired printing manager, now settled
in Mumbai. "My folks back home
would wait for it. In fact, the village
postman was an important man. But
what happens now," he wondered.
When the new, electronic system of
Abdulhussein told IANS that the move
was expected. "People today have two
bank accounts - a salary account and a
personal account. Then there are
mobile phones. Everyone has it. So the

old system had to go." A similar sentiment was shared by R.R. Pandya, a
retired 80-year-old banker in Mumbai,
who also recalled having regularly
sent funds through the traditional
money order system to his parents in
Gujarat. "They were more comfortable
dealing with the friendly neighbourhood postman. You had this option of
sending money with messages. So,
during marriages, we would send
Rs.11, Rs.21, Rs.51 - along with congratulatory messages." For Kanai Lal
Ghosh, a retired teacher in Kolkata,
yesteryear memories and contemporary India's reality present contrasting
pictures. "I'd send funds only by way of
money orders to my parents. Now my
son does it instantly, from his mobile
phone. I presume old ways are redundant now."
According to information provided
by India Post, the money order system
was transferred from the official treasury department to the Posts and
Telegraph Department in 1880 to save
people the ardour of long journeys they
had to often undertake to pay revenues
and rent. This was when Rai Saligram
Bahadur, the second guru of the
Radhasoami faith, was the postmaster-general of the North-Western
Provinces, based out of Allahabad. He
was the first Indian to hold that post
and money order was one of the many
firsts he brought to the table. From a
mere 283 such transactions at that
time, it grew to 108 million by the time
the service was in vogue for 100 years
in 1980. The numbers dropped to
around 95 million when the eMO and
iMO schemes were launched and even
further now, officials said.

New Delhi
E-commerce major Bangalore based firm Flipkart has announced
that it will generate 2 million jobs in the year 2015 in logistics and
warehousing sector. The fast pace of development of the e-commerce ecosystem in India will contribute towards the generation of
employment across sectors. More than half a million jobs are estimated to have been created in the e-commerce space last year. The
marketplace model has opened up opportunities in metros and
non-metro cities. With Jaipur and Baroda that have already
become the ancillary industry hubs (cataloguing and packaging),
50-60 per cent of the employment is expected to be created in tier II
and III cities. As sellers have played and are expected to play an
important role in creation of jobs across India -- sellers of home
products, apparels, mobile accessories and small appliances are
expected to generate the maximum employment.
The growth and expansion of their businesses will generate a
minimum of 20-25 jobs per seller this year. 30,000 sellers and over
three crore customers are already registered with Flipkart.
Further, in order to open up the e-commerce marketplace model to
the Indian micro industries, it has tied up with various government bodies like FISME, DGET, NIFT, Ministry of Labour, and
DC Handlooms. In addition Flipkart also proposed a range of
training programmes for small and medium enterprises across 20
cities in association with Ministry of Labour to train and guide
people upgrade their skills. They aim to upgrade the number of
cities covered to 40 in the next 6 months.


APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

Groups form front to protest

against Gujarat anti-terror bill
Calling the Gujarat Control of
Terrorism and Organised
Crime Bill, 2015 as a "draconian law", various human
rights groups have formed a
joint front named 'Gujarat
Jan Andolan' to protest
against Gujarat's controversial anti-terrorist bill. "This
government has introduced
this bill to gag democratic
rights of the citizens and
every dissenting voice.
Therefore we have formed
'Gujarat Jan Andolan' to
protest against this black and
draconian law," city-based
lawyer and member of the
front, Rajesh Mankad, told
reporters here. On March 31,
Gujarat Assembly had passed
the Gujarat Control of
Terrorism and Organised
Crime Bill 2015 (GCTOC) for
the fourth time with a majority in the absence of Congress
MLAs, who had staged a walk
out in protest. The antiGCTOC front comprises citybased organisations like Jan

Sangharsh Manch, Darshan,

Democracy as well as religious
groups like Jamaat-e-Islami
and All India Milli Council,
Mankad said. "This law is as
unconstitutional and draconian as the Maharashtra
Control of Organised Crime
Act (MCOCA) since it will give
all power to the police.
Statements made by the
accused in custody before a
police officer would be given
legal validity under this law,"
Mankad said. All India Milli
Rizwan Tarapuri alleged that
BJP-led government has tried
to implement the agenda of

the Rashtriya Swayamsevak

Sangh (RSS). "Gujarat has
always been a laboratory for
the RSS and BJP to test as
well as implement their antisecular agenda. The BJP-led
state government is again trying to test another move in the
form of this bill in Gujarat,"
Tarapuri said. "If they succeed
in passing this bill in Gujarat,
then there is every chance
that they may introduce such
bills in other states of the
country," Tarapuri said. Citybased activist Dwarkanath
Rath representing Members
of Secular Democracy said
that the BJP-led Gujarat state
government wants to sup-

press voices of dissent and has

hence introduced this bill.
"Farmers have been protesting
Acquisition Bill as well as the
Corridor (DMIC). So the BJPled Gujarat government has
introduced this draconian law
which would enable the police
to keep any person in custody
for 180 days and where
phones of any person can be
intercepted at will," Rath said.
"After reading GCTOC
provisions, it is clear that the
bill has been introduced with
the intention of suppressing
all those protesting, in the
garb of controlling organised
crime," Rath said. Gujarat
Jan Andolan is also set to
make an appeal to Gujarat
Governor O P Kohli and
President of India Pranab
Mukerjee not to sign this bill,
he said. City-based activist
and lawyer Shamshad Pathan
said that the anti-GCTOC
front would also approach the
court if the bill became law.

(MP & CG)

Medha Patkar's
resignation won't
impact AAP: State

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Convener
Alok Agrawal has said the resignation of its

'Maoists encouraging farmers

to grow cannabis in Odisha'

former leader Medha Patkar won't impact it

politically as she was not active in its affairs
after she lost in the Lok Sabha elections last
year. "After joining AAP, Medha fought Lok
Sabha polls from Mumbai north-east seat.
But, after that she became active in National
Alliance of People's Movements. She was not
active either in MP and or at any other places
in party's affairs. Therefore, her decision to


assistance of police, forest and

The Odisha government




may have successfully con-




tained the Maoist mlitants

Rs.2,500 crore in the last four

in some pockets of the state

years, an official said. "The

but the government is yet

government is taking steps to

to plug the cannabis culti-

destroy the ganja cultivation

"AAP has reduced itself to 'tamasha'," she



in the state. It has engaged

had said in Mumbai after resigning. Agrawal

believe, is a major source of

local people to inform about

denied that AAP has been bifurcated in two

funding for the ultras.

such cultivation and action is

groups - Kejriwal and anti-Kejriwal after

"Whenever we get informa-

being takan against the viola-

ouster of Yadav and Bhushan from the

tion about ganja (ganja)

tors under the law," Rout told

National Executive and amid the ongoing tur-

cultivation, we destroy the

the assembly. He said 6.6 mil-

bulence within the party.


lion illegal plants have been

He said the party was progressing under





quit won't impact AAP politically," Agrawal

said. Patkar resigned from AAP recently after
senior leaders Yogendra Yadav and Prashant
Bhushan were expelled from the party's
National Executive for anti-party activities.


destroyed in eight districts by

Kejriwal and the National Executive and

Director General of Odisha

Jan 31. In the 2013-14 finan-

they have been pressing for issues of public

Police Sanjeev Marik said.

cial year, 9.05 million plants

concern in MP as well. The leader said that



were destroyed, 4.57 millionin

AAP will stage a protest against the proposed

Maoists are directly and

2012-13 and 2.16 million in

hike in the power tariff on April 12 in Bhopal,

indirectly involved in the

2011-12, Rout said. Even

adding that they will hand over a memoran-

cannabis cultivation and

though the police and excise

dum to CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan against

are encouraging the farm-



the impending hike. He said that three power






ers to do so. The state government has

terror among the village communities,

destroying the illegal cultivation from

distribution companies have petitioned the

decided to take a multi-disciplinary

another officer said. Clandestine cultiva-

time to time, this is yet to be wiped out.


approach to destroying cannabis cultiva-

tion of cannabis is rampant in eight dis-

Now, cannabis is being grown in dense

(MPERC), seeking around 25 per cent elec-

tion in the state, involving the police, the

tricts - Angul, Deogarh, Sambalpur,

hilly areas, where police face difficulties

tricity tariff hike in domestic and agriculture

excise department and the narcotics con-

Boudh, Kandhamal, Rayagara, Gajapati

in destroying the crops. Sources said

sector which was totally unfair. Agrawal said

trol bureau to chalk out and implement

and Malkangiri, an official said. In fact,

traders from neighbouring states like

Excise Minister Damodar Rout has

it would become extremely uphill for farmers

an action plan on this. Cannabis cultiva-

Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and

admitted that there are large tracts

to bear the hike in power tariff as they have

tion is happening in the state's interior

Chhattisgarh are encouraging farmers

under cannabis cultivation in some dis-

suffered heavy crop loss due to the recent

pockets, particularly in tribal-dominated

to cultivate cannabis, which provides

tricts. The excise department, with the

untimely rains and hailstorm in the state.

districts where Maoists have unleashed

better returns than paddy.





APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Slim chance of RBI rate cut: Experts

Financial industry experts on Monday
ruled out any relief from high interest rates
in the upcoming monetary policy review by
the apex bank scheduled for April 7. The
Reserve Bank of India is scheduled to
announce its first bi-monthly policy review
for 2015 on April 7. Governor Raghuram
Rajan is expected to hold rates this time
around. The focus would be currently on the
external factors and the US Federal
Reserves plans for the rate hike in the US,
Jagannadham Thunuguntla, head, fundamental research, Karvy Group told media.
The RBI is widely expected to leave the repo
rate unchanged at 7.50 percent at its first
monetary policy review of the new fiscal on
Tuesday, after two unscheduled rate cuts
made this year.
Gaurang Shah, vice president, Geojit
BNP Paribas said that the ability of RBI
governor to for rate cut is also restrained by
unseasonal rains which has extensively
damaged crops. The fact that we are wit-

nessing unseasonal rains at such time which

is very critical from cutting and harvesting
point of view, the fear of food inflation creeping up cant be ruled out since the damage is
very extensive; this may also limit the rate
cut expectation any time soon.
According to Devendra Nevgi, chief executive of ZyFin Advisors the language of the
RBI in its outlook statement would be key
signal for any future rate cuts. The language that the RBI uses in its outlook statement would also be another key trigger for

the markets. Global issues like the financial

outcome in Greece would also be of key
interest to the Indian markets, Nevgi told
media. The last times interest rate cut has
still to be translated by the banks to lower
interest rates so that consumer demand can
pickup. It would be interesting to see how
added.Meanwhile, Vinod Nair, head fundamental research, Geojit BNP Paribas
Financial Services said that though RBI is
likely to keep rates intact there is scope to

New Delhi
Japanese automobile major Honda Cars India on
Monday reported that its fourth generation Honda City
has become the fastest mid-size sedan in India to achieve
the 1 lakh sales mark in just 15 months. According to the
company, with a strong sales momentum throughout the
year, Honda City registered 101,299 units of cumulative
sales since its launch in January 2014. City brand has
been the face of Honda in India, enjoying strong leadership and popularity in its segment ever since its launch,
said Jnaneswar Sen, senior vice president, marketing
and sales, Honda Cars India. While retaining the traditional set of sedan buyers, the new City has been able to
attract a large number of young buyers. Thirty percent of
the customers have bought the City as their first car,
Sen added. The vehicle was first introduced in India in
January 1998. The previous three generations of the
Honda City have a cumulative sales of 4.3 lakh units.

Honda City
1 lakh
sales mark
Neither tax terrorism, not
tax haven: Arun Jaitley
New Delhi
India will neither promote tax terrorism nor can it become a tax haven,
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on
Monday, assuring a fair compliance window to those with ill-gotten money overseas to come clean, and a moderate tax
regime to obviate such practices.
Addressing the annual session of the
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII),
the finance minister also promised to
introduce the bill on pan-India goods
and services tax in the ensuing parliament session and a recast of laws that
process in bureaucracy.
In the speech that addressed a host
of issues pertaining to the corporate sector, as also some of the contemporary
matters faced by his government, Jaitley
conceded that the present Companies
Act was posing irritants and that the
previous law proposed on land acquisition was anti-rural India. Were not a

tax haven. We dont expect to be one.

India isnt so vulnerable that every
demand is termed tax terrorism, Jaitley
said with his comments coming in the
wake of tax notices served on foreign
funds for periods before 2012-13 and on
companies for acquisition deals made
overseas. On the issue of black money
stashed by Indians abroad, the finance
minister said even though the
Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets

surprise the market through cash reserve

ratio (CRR), Statutory liquidity ratio (SLR)
and assessment of future outlook. According
to Nair, a 25 basis points cut can be expected by June, as the recent inflation numbers
does not favour for a rate cut now. A reduction in CRR will be a continuation of RBIs
effort to release more liquidity to persuade
Banks to bring down lending rates. RBI will
be very keen to understand the performance
of NPA restructuring in Q4 before lowering
the rate, Nair added.
The CRR has been kept at 4 percent
since 2013, while RBI had brought down
SLR by 50 bps in February 2015.
Meanwhile, Tuesdays scheduled review, is
coming after the first full budget presented
by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley proposing
changes in the RBI Act, follows two previous
unscheduled rate cuts since January which
brought the repo rate down from 8 percent
by 50 basis points to the existing one. The
interest rate cuts this year came after nearly two years.

(Imposition of Tax) Bill of 2015 had been

tabled by him in the Lok Sabha last
month, there was room for changes and
welcomed suggestions in this regard. A
very reasonable compliance window will
come for those who indulged in such
misadventure in the past. The new bill
calls for 300-percent penalty on the
quantum of black money abroad along
with rigorous imprisonment of up to 310 years for perpetrators.
At the same time, the bill also has
some amnesty provisions to bring such
money back from abroad, allowing people to declare such assets within a prescribed time period, pay tax on it and
retain the remaining amount. It provides for tax to be charged at 30 percent
of the undisclosed assets outside India
as also a penalty of 100 percent of such
tax, taking the effective rate of tax and
penalty to 60 percent, leaving room for
people to retain 40 percent of such
declared assets.

Anushka Sharma to
endorse Code by Lifestyle

Anushka Sharma has
been roped in as the
brand ambassador by
Lifestyle International
Pvt Ltd for brand Code
by Lifestyles womenswear range. She says
the brand reflects her
comfortable yet trendy
style. Code by Lifestyle
understands the style

aspirations of urban
Indian women well. I
have a personal sense of
style which is comfortable and trendy and I
feel the philosophy of the
brand is similar, the
NH10? actress said in a
Highlighting Code
by Lifestyles vibrant
spring summer collection, Anushka shot for
the brand campaign that
is set to be rolled out this
month. Featuring the
actress in a stylish
avatar, the campaign
aims to emphasise the
brands key philosophy,
Create your Code.
epitomises the Code
Woman with her confident persona and individualistic style.



APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Saina loses in Malaysia Open semis

Kuala Lumpur









crowned World No.1 started


in perfect fashion to clinch

down in her womens sin-

the first game in dominating

gles semi-final to reign-

style. Though the Chinese

ing Olympic champion Li

matched Sainas shots till 6-

Xuerui at the $500,000

all, the Hyderabadi stamped



her authority to take flight


and quickly seal the first

here on Saturday. The

game. The second game was

Chinese beat the third

a neck-and-neck fight till 18-


17, in favour of Xuerui, who

marathon match that

held her nerve to win the

lasted an hour and eight

last three points and push

minutes with the top

the match into the decider.

seed prevailing 13-21,

The third game was an even

21-17, 22-20 at the Putra

more hotly contested one.

Stadium. With the win,

Saina held the advantage at



12-17 but the former World












record to 9-2 against

points to close the gap.

Saina, also ending the

Thereon, both shuttlers did

Indian challenge at the

not allow the other more

tournament. Xuerui will

than a points difference.

take on reigning World

But at 20-all, the most cru-



cial point of the match,

Marin in the final, who

Xuerui showed the killer



attitude to smash the next

Chinese Shixian Wang

two points and enter the

21-17, 24-22 in the other



Sunil Narine
again skips KKR
practice session

BCB to compensate PCB for postponing tours

The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB)
will compensate its Pakistani counterpart for postponing two tours in 2012.
BCB president Nazmul Hassan said that
they want to end the matter by paying
Pakistan their due for missing the two
tours, adding that the amount could
range between $100,000 and $300,000.
The announcement comes after a threemonth impasse between the two boards
after the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)
set conditions for their upcoming tour to
Bangladesh. We have no more conditions with them. They first demanded 50
percent revenue and then said this is
their home series. I told them this is our
home series. They kept repeating that

we didnt tour Pakistan. I replied that I

dont like listening to this in every meeting, Hassan was quoted as saying by
Since the start of the year, the two
boards have made claims and counterclaims on whether the tour is a home
series for Pakistan or Bangladesh. The
Pakistan government had cleared the
tour in March. ICC has a rule for teams
that dont tour a country after agreeing
to it. I asked them to let us know how
much we are supposed to pay for that
tour. It could be between $100,000 to
$300,000, Hassan said. Whether they
use it for plane fare or not, is their concern. We will make the one-time payment for missing that tour.

Kolkata Knight Riders star spinner Sunil Narine, who

underwent a repeat test for his suspect bowling action in
Chennnai, skipped the Indian Premier League (IPL) teams practice session for the second consecutive day on Saturday. Narine,
who checked in the city on Thursday after his test at the
International Cricket Council (ICC) accredited centre, Sri
Ramachandra University for his suspect action, was missing on
the turf as his teammates led by skipper Gautam Gambhir
slogged hard at the Eden Gardens nets. He has skipped the nets
not because he is barred or anything like that. Since its an
optional practice, and probably he is jet lagged. So he chose to
give it a miss, a KKR official said. Both the KKR official and a
Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) office bearer refused to comment about the outcome of the test, whose report is yet to be submitted to the BCCI. The West Indies cricketer was banned during
2014 Champions League Twenty20 for suspect bowling action. He
has been cleared by the ICC after he underwent a test at the
University of Loughborough last month. But the BCCI insisted
that he undergo another test in Chennai. KKR have been on the
warpath with the BCCI on the issue, and threatened to pull out
of the IPL if Narine was not allowed to play.

Kings XI Punjab gunning for ultimate glory

Boasting an array of dazzling stroke makers
and heady mix of experience and exuberance, Kings XI Punjab, having finished runners-up in the last edition of the Indian
Premier League (IPL), are raring to go one
step better this time. Having faltered to
deceive in earlier editions of the cash-rich
cricket league, Kings XI emerged as the
team to beat in the last edition, riding on the
sustained explosive performances from
Australian dasher Glenn Maxwell and South
African David Miller. Beside the presence of
seasoned campaigners like aggressive bat
Virender Sehwag and pacer Mitchell
Johnson, the exciting Indian contingent of
Wriddhiman Saha, Axar Patel and Manan
Vohra made the Kings a force to reckon with.
However, Maxwell, who played a key role in

Australias world cup triumph, will continue

to be the key. Armed with a repertoire of
unconventional shots, Maxwell is known for
taking the attack to the opposition irrespective of the situation. In addition he can bowl
right-arm off-spin, bat anywhere in the middle-order and like most Australians is a fantastic fielder. Led by the assuring captain-

coach duo of George Bailey and Sanjay

Bangar, the Kings have enough firepower in
both the batting and bowling departments
that make them one of the contenders for
the title. With Sehwag and Vijay the only
Indians to have cracked two IPL tons each
at the top and the likes of Saha, Bailey,
Miller, Maxwell and Shaun Marsh in the

ranks, the Kings arguably have the best batting line-up. Spearheading the bowling
attack, lanky Australian pacer Johnson will
have able support in Sandeep Sharma and
Shardul Thakur, who with 48 wickets has
emerged as the joint highest wicket taker in
this years Ranji trophy. Known for his discipline spin bowling, Kings would look up to
left armer Axar Patel, who in the last season
played a pivotal role snatching 17 wickets in
as many matches. In Gurkeerat Singh
Mann, Manan Vohra and Rishi Dhawan, the
Kings have three promising youngsters
while they can always rely on Sri lankan
Thisara Perera, who emerged as a prolific
all-rounder in limited-overs cricket lately.
His aggressive batting style and ability to
pick crucial wickets make him a crucial



APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Akshay Kumar starts shooting Anupam Khers acting school

for Singh Is Bliing
announces repertory

eteran actor Anupam

Khers acting school
Actor Prepares has
announced a repertory from
April 18 to May 2. The actor
took to micro-blogging website
Twitter to show his excitement
about the announcement. So
Happy & Proud to announce the
Repertory Co. of our school
@actorprepares. We produce
Actors NOT strugglers :),
Anupam tweeted. The repertory
will include six plays The
Merchant Of Venice by William
Shakespeare; Gimpel The
Fool, a short story by Isaac
Bashevis Singer; Panchi Aise
Aate Ha by Vijay Tendulkar;
and Teen Behenein, Barah
Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar has started shooting for Prabhudhevas
upcoming directorial venture Singh Is Bliing in Patiala. The sequel to the
2008 blockbuster Singh Is Kinng, will once again have Akshay donning a turban. He will have actresses Lara Dutta and Amy Jackson sharing screen space
with him. In Patiala, started the day with Wahegurus blessings at the
Gurudwara and now its time for day 1 of #SinghIsBliing!, Akshay, 47, posted
on Twitter. The action-thriller, which is expected to release on October 2, will
mark Prabhudheva and Akshays second outing after Rowdy Rathore.
Meanwhile, Akshay will next be seen in Gabbar is Back. Directed by Krish, the
action drama, which also stars Shruti Haasan, is set to hit theatres on May 1.

Image means
a lot in film
industry: Kangana
Actress Kangana Ranaut, who has
played varied roles on the silver screen, says the image
of an actor drives a
celebritys career in the
world of showbiz.
Image means a lot. It
is everything in the
business that we are
in. The kind of roles
which you get, people
identify with your
roles, and it then
leads to the kind of
brands you get,
Kangana said. The
National Award winner
expressed her views at
the launch of film critic
Anupama Chopras book The
Front Row: Conversations Of
Cinema here on Tuesday. Overall the
business is completely based on the kind of image that you
have, she added. Kangana made her Bollywood debut with
2006 release hit Gangster and since then she has carved a
special place by delivering exceptional performances in films
like Fashion and Queen.

and Vivash. Established in

2005, Actor Prepares offers
keen artistes a chance to undergo an intensive professionallevel course for specialised
training in acting. Students are
trained by in-house faculty
members via practical, theory
classes, games, exercises and
extensively filmed practicals.
Additionally, national and
international celebrities keep
coming on board as visiting faculty and share with students
their invaluable on-the-job
included Slumdog Millionaire
director Danny Boyle and international actor par excellence
Robert De Niro.

Perky Alia to
Cadbury Perk

ively and youthful Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt has

been roped in to endorse chocolate brand Cadbury
Perk. She says its new campaign Jiyo Lightum
Light, reflecting her own philosophy of enjoying the
lighter moments of life. Mondelez India Foods
Private Limited (formerly Cadbury India Ltd.)
announced Alias appointment as brand ambassador in a statement on Thursday. In the commercial, the Highway actress will be seen in a
playful and a mischievous avatar, bringing to life the Jiyo Lightum Light
campaign. Super excited to be the
face of Perk, Alia said in a statement. Its a brand that reflects
my own playful personality. When
the Mondelez India team told me
about the new brand campaign, I
couldnt wait to get on-board and as
expected, I had a really fun time shooting for
the TVC. Perk is all about enjoying the
lighter moments of life and my character in
the TVC brings this to life. It was quite
refreshing for me to honestly just be myself
on the shoot day light-hearted and
perky. The campaign is created by
Ogilvy and produced by Tubelight Films.
The ticklish storyline of the commercial
begins with a shot of the 22-year-old enjoying a Perk bar with her girlfriend. The first
bite of the chocolate sparks her naughty side
and she goes on to play an innocent prank on
two men in the vicinity. Alia was considered a
natural choice for the brand as she brings
the Jiyo Lightum Light tagline to life so effortlessly, said Prashant Peres, director, Marketing
Chocolates, Mondelez India Foods Private

I never keep
audience in
mind: Kalki

he economics of filmmaking
may have assumed a
Bollywood of recent times, but
actress Kalki Koechlin, who will
next be seen in Margarita With a
Straw, says she neither thinks of
commerce, nor about audiences
while doing a movie. Asked how
she looks at the commercial
aspect of her forthcoming movie,
Kalki said: I never keep commerce and audience in mind. I
believe in my script, and work
hard. I dont think this film is for
the Mumbai audience or festival
audience..(if thats the case)
then you (an actor) will fail. I
work from my heart. I love intelligent cinema and it should grip
me. Directed by Shonali Bose,
Margarita With a Straw is slated for release on April 17. The
movie has done its share of
rounds at international film festivals, and Kalki says the team has
response.In the film, Kalki plays
a girl with cerebral palsy, and it
narrates her struggle with the
normal activities in her life.
Kalki calls it a brilliant story.



APRIL 06 TO APRIL 12 , 2015

(MP & CG)

Govt reviewing norms to hike

compensation for crop damage: FM
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has said
government is reviewing the norms to raise
the compensation limit to farmers in case
of drought or heavy rains damaging the
crops. Demands in this regard have been
made by various states. "I am seriously
reviewing those norms with the expenditure department of the Finance Ministry
and you will very shortly hear about that,"
Jaitley said. Responding to a question on
change in compensation norms to farmers
affected by severe weather conditions like
hailstorm or drought, he said, "I am personally in favour of increasing it. We will
make a significant increase in that."
Speaking at the conclusion of the National
Executive meeting of BJP here, he said
compensation to farmers affected due to
crop damage was provided by the central
government on the basis of old norms.
According to the official data, crop damage
due to unseasonal rains and hailstorms
has been reported in 106 lakh hectares in
13 states, including Rajasthan, Punjab,
Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, MP and
Maharashtra, in the current rabi season.
The government recently set up an informal group of ministers, headed by Home
Minister Rajnath Singh, to look into the
issue of raising cap of financial assistance

given to farmers whose crops have been

affected due to unseasonal rains and other
natural calamities. Also, the Centre had
asked state governments to render immediate assistance to farmers from SDRF
(State Disaster Relief Fund) which has

funds to the tune of Rs 5,270 crore for utilisation during the fiscal. The states had
also been asked to submit a memorandum
in case the expenditure was more than the
available funds. As per SDRF norms, the
state governments can give input subsidy

Centre extends food law

deadline by 6 months
The Centre has given six
months' more time to the
states for rolling out the
National Food Security
Act (NFSA), Union Food
Paswan has said. The
already been extended
twice for implementing
the food law, was ending
on April 4. Only 11 states
and Union Territories
have so far implemented
Security Act which was
passed by Parliament in
September 2013. The rest
25 states/UTs have not
implemented it yet. "The
central government has

further given six months'

time to the states to
implement the NFSA,"
Paswan told reporters
here. The deadline has
been extended for the
third time so that the
remaining states adopt
and implement the law

within six months, the

minister added. The law
aims at providing legal
entitlement to 5 kg of subsidised foodgrains per
person per month at Rs 13/kg to two-thirds of the
country's population. The
Centre had given stern

warning to remaining
states that it will stop
supply of subsidised APL
foodgrains if they fail to
meet April deadline. At
present, the Centre is
allocating foodgrains to 11
states/UTs as per the new
food law, while the rest
are getting foodgrains
quota as per earlier PDS
norms. Despite extension
of the deadline twice, only
11 states/UTs -- Punjab,
Himachal Pradesh, MP,
Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Delhi and Chandigarh
have so far implemented
the Act, some of them
fully and others partially.

to farmers at the rate of Rs 4,500 per

hectare for rainfed areas, Rs 9,000 per
hectare for irrigated areas and Rs 12,000
per hectare for perennial crops. The total
cultivable area in rabi season is 600 lakh

India's first National Skill Development

University to open in Raipur
New Delhi
India's first National
Skill Development
University will open in
Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
This was announced by
the Minister of State
(Independent Charge)
for Skill Development
and Entrepreneurship
Rajiv Pratap Rudy. "The
government is in the
process of formulating a
skill development policy
under the initiative of
Prime Minister
Narendra Modi which would be finalized in the next three months,"
said Rudy. According to a recent report, the skilled workforce in
South Korea is 96 per cent, 80 per cent in Japan, 75 per cent in
Germany and 70 per cent in Britain. Compared to this, the skilled
workforce in India is only two per cent. Rudy asserted that the government's focus is more on skill development so as to generate more
employable manpower. The current capacity of the skill development programs is 3.1 million, however India has set a target of
skilling 500 million people by 2020.

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