Shabbat Announcement, February 1, 2010

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Parshat Yitro February 6, 2010 22 Shevat 5770

Rabbi Frand Thoughts on the Parsha

Torah Not Just A Case of Politics strife). However when they came to
Artscroll, 394
a love based on a specific
Making Strange Bedfellows Sinai, they camped in unity as it is reason or agenda. One can fall
Hertz, 288
Parshas Yisro contains the written (singularly) 'Israel in love with a person based on
Artscroll, 1154 narration of the receipt of the encamped opposite the mountain.' their money or beauty, but
Hertz, 302 Torah. This section is the The Almighty said, 'Since they when the ulterior motive for
Torah reading on the first day despised strife and loved peace establishing the relationship
Mevorchim Chodesh Adar of Shavuous. The pasukim and camped as one person, the disappears, the love
Molad Sunday Feb. 14 time has come for Me to give them disappears. If, on the other
2:27:12 am say, "In the third month from
Rosh Chodesh the Exodus of the Children of My Torah.'" hand, the love and unity is
Sunday & Monday Israel from Egypt, on this day, The Avnei Nezer points out that NOT based on any specific
they arrived at the Wilderness Rashi makes a very similar trait or reason but is based on
Times of Sinai. They journeyed from comment in last week's parsha the people themselves, that is
Rephidim, and arrived at the (B'Shalach). The pasuk says, "And love of a different magnitude.
Candle lighting 4:59 pm Wilderness of Sinai and There can be unity among
behold Egypt traveled after them
encamped in the Wilderness (noseah achareihem)" [Shmos people for different reasons.
Mincha 5:00 pm
and Israel encamped there, 14:10]. Again, the pasuk uses the Sometimes there is unity
Hashkama 8:00 am opposite the mountain. singular form of the verb noseah. among people because they
[Shmos 19:1-2]. There too Rashi comments "with have the same agenda. The
Youth 8:30 am thing that binds us together is
Rashi comments that the one heart, like one man." In other
Parsha Shiur 8:30 am common purpose. Basically,
verbs for they arrived (ba-u), words, the Egyptians achieved this we hate each other, but if we
Main Minyan 9:00 am they journeyed (va'yis-u), they apparent level of unity in their have a common purpose, we
arrived (va'yavo-u), and they pursuit of Israel. can put aside our differences
Beit Midrash 9:15 am encamped (va'yachanu) are However, the Avnei Nezer and unite to achieve a
Gemorah Shiur 4:00 pm all plural. Suddenly, when the suggests, there is a significant common agenda. There is an
pasuk states: "Israel change of emphasis from the Rashi expression "politics makes
Mincha 4:55 pm encamped there" the, Torah in B'Shalach to the Rashi in Yisro. strange bedfellows."
Shabbat Ends 6:08 pm uses a singular verb In B'Shalach, when speaking about
(va'yichan). In a famous the Egyptian pursuit of Israel, Rashi Fundamentally, these groups
Sunday, 7:30/8:30 am comment, Rashi notes that uses the expression "b'lev echad have totally opposite
February 7th the encampment at Sinai was k'ish echad" [with one heart, like philosophies of life, but on one
"like one man with one one man] and here in Yisro, when issue there can be unity and
Mon., & Thurs., 6:35 am common purpose. For
heart" (k'ish echad, b'lev speaking about the encampment at
Tues., Wed., & 6:45 am echad), although until that Mt. Sinai, Rashi uses the inverse example, we have many
Fri. point every encampment had expression "k'ish echad, b'lev differences with the Catholic
been with some complaint or echad" [like one man, with one Church, but when it comes to
Second the question of government aid
dispute. heart]. Why is Rashi not consistent
Shacharit 7:45 am for parochial schools, we do
Minyan (Daily) The Tanna of the School of in explaining the idea of unity?
share a common agenda. On
Eliyahu is even more explicit: The Avnei Nezer gives a beautiful this issue, we are on the same
Mincha (week of 5:10 pm "Great is peace and unity for answer. The Mishneh says "Any side and we can work together
Feb. 7th) in connection with all the love dependent on a tangible
matter is destined to become in unison.
Late Maariv 8:15 pm travels we find 'They
traveled', 'They nullified; any love independent of The Egyptians formed this
camped' (plural – indicating tangible matters is destined to latter kind of coalition amongst
Latest times for multiplicity of opinions and last." [Avos 5:16] People can have one another. They all had one
Shema/Shmoneh Esrei
February 6th 9:34/10:26 am
Kiddush Seudah Shlishit
February 13th 9:30/10:23 am Is sponsored by Is sponsored by
Next Shabbat– Mishpatim- Great Neck Griffel Family
Synagogue In memory of her mother
Candle lighting 5:07 pm Sally Fox z”l
Mincha 5:10 pm
26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shabbat Announcements Parshat Yitro 5770
goal – to recapture the escaping Jews, their former slaves.
This is articulated in the expression "b'lev echad" [with one
heart]. They had a common desire which created a unity that
made them be "k'ish echad" [like one man]. This is a very
tenuous type of unity.
This is contrasted with Israel's encampment opposite the
mountain that Rashi describes beautifully as "k'ish ecahd, b'lev
echad". There, the unity was created because of commonality
of the people themselves. Everyone felt they were brothers
with each other. This was real unity, not merely superficial unity
to achieve a common agenda. This sense of identity of "k'ish
echad" of course led to an identity of purpose as well – "b'lev GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE
ecahd". FOR HAITI
As an addendum, I would like to share the following beautiful
insight that I recently heard. Consider the five consecutive BRING THEM HOME is a new musical
paragraphs recited on Mondays and Thursdays following the
Torah reading. Each of the first four paragraphs begins with the
video produced to aid the devastated
words "Yehi Ratzon m'lifnei Avinu B'Shamayim..." [May it be people of Haiti following the Jan. 12th, 7.0
the will before our Father in Heaven..." We pray that it should earthquake. Donate a desired amount
be His Will to reestablish the Bais HaMikdash; it should be His and download this memorable
Will to have mercy upon us; it should be His Will to sustain the
scholars of Israel and their families; and it should be His Will production with vocals recorded last
that we hear good tidings, and so forth. Suddenly, this poetic week by Chazzan Shimon Craimer of the
symmetry is broken in the fifth paragraph, which does not Riverdale Jewish
begin with the words "Yehi Ratzon" but begins with the words
"Acheinu kol Beis Yisrael" [Our brethren, the entire House of Center. The song was written and
Israel]. Why the change? arranged in London by Andrew Gross
Rav Chaim Sanzer teaches a fantastic lesson. In the fifth and Motti Cohen, with new lyrics by
paragraph, the words "Yehi Ratzon" become superfluous. Rav Barry Libin.
Chaim Sanzer explains that if we can already speak in terms of
"Our brethren, the entire House of Israel" with a love and unity
that we consider each and every Jew as our sibling, there is no Refer to the link below to view the video,
greater fulfillment of "May it be the Will of our Father in hear the music and donate what you can.
Heaven" than this. The words "Yehi Ratzon" become To view or download go to:
superfluous. Great is peace when Israel encamps as one man
opposite the mountain. This is the ultimate fulfillment of the Will
of the Almighty.
In order to help the relief effort in Haiti,
we encourage you to contribute to any of
the organizations with infrastructure
already in place to do the most good.
Our recommendations?

The American Joint Distribution

Committee or the American Jewish
World Service, are two of these
organizations. On our website
GNS.ORG are links to these
Great Neck Synagogue organizations to simplify your donations.
Shabbat Activities Program The funds will go to provide immediate
aid with food, water, emergency medical
Dale Polakoff, Rabbi
Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi
supplies, and long-term sustainable
Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus housing solutions for the people affected
Michael Bleicher, Rabbinic Intern by this catastrophic natural disaster.
Zeev Kron, Cantor
Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus
Mark Twersky, Executive Director Thank you for your support.
Howard Silberstein, President
Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board
Sally & Seymour Olshin Adult Education Program
Am Hasefer

February 9, 2010 7:45 p.m. BOOK REVIEW: Dara Horn

All Other Nights W.W. Norton, 2009
Presented by the author;

On Passover, 1862, Jacob Rappaport, a Jewish soldier in the Union army, is

ordered to murder his own uncle in New Orleans, who is
plotting to assassinate President Lincoln. What follows is Dara Horn’s gripping and masterful epic
about great moral struggles of the Civil War, as seen through the eyes of a Jewish family with loyalty
to both sides.

Dara Horn, named one of the Best Young American Novelists by Branta Magazine, was the winner of the 2006
National Jewish Book Award for Fiction. Her last novel, The World To Come, was praised as “compelling and
luxuriously layered” (L.A. Times) and “Rich, complex and haunting” (The New York Review of Books) and nothing
short of amazing” (Entertainment Weekly).

Great Neck Synagogue Hunger Initiative

We want to help make your Purim more meaningful!
Fill a bag with canned foods to help someone who is hungry

We are collecting canned food, cereal, pasta

Saturday night Feb 27th

& Sunday morning Feb 28th
before the Megilla reading

Leave your donations in the coat room lobby

Food will be donated to local food pantries



Please join us at 11 am, on Tuesdays,

as Amit Yagoubi will be giving a new class for women, based on
Orchos Tzadikim
(The paths of the Righteous).
At 12:15 pm we have a lunch and learn program with a video broadcast from Shira Smiles
(the video starts about 12:45). . Anyone wishing to sponsor in honor or in memory of a
loved one, please contact the Shul office. The cost for these programs will be as follows:
$10 Amit Yagoubi, $15 Lunch and Learn.
Join us in the Weinstein Torah & Technology Center at 8 pm.
Mazal Tov to Ralene & Andrew Adler on the birth of a
SUNDAY BREAKFAST granddaughter, born to their children, Nicole & Michael Adler.
Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by Adina & Mark Abraham in
Mazal Tov to Abby & Rabbi Yaacov Lerner on the birth of
memory of his father Shalom Yitzhak ben David z”l.
their granddaughter, born to their children Zahava & Elichai
Starting Feb. 6, a monthly minyan will begin. It will include Mazal Tov to Jill & Greg Haft on the Bar Mitzvah of their son
explanation of the tefilot and the readings, through moderated
discussion and interactive dialogue during the service, and a
Isaac. Mazal Tov also to grandfather Manny Strulovic.
continuation of the dialogue, with a more formal focused discussion, Mazal Tov to Mark Gersten on the birth of a grandson, born in
following the service. The minyan will take place beginning at 9 am on Israel to his children Fay & Bezalel Gersten.
the second floor of the NSHA wing. For more information contact Mazal Tov to Goldie & Howard Lorber on the Bar Mitzvah of
Amy Fox Griffel or David Werber. their grandson Benjamin in Israel.
All daily classes will resume at their regularly scheduled times this
Purim is Sun., Feb. 28th. AMIT's Mishloach Manot program is open for
Purim 2010. We’re using the Happy Purim website. If you have not
PURIM COSTUME CLOSEOUT received your code or need a paper order form contact Debbie Goldberg
On Thursday, February 4th, from 10am - 12pm, in the Great Neck at 482-6050 or email at or Sara Shapiro at
Synagogue Lobby, Tricia Moslin will be selling Purim costumes. All 829-4390 or email at The deadline for online
proceeds will go to Great Neck Synagogue. orders is Sun., Feb. 7th. The deadline for paper orders is Wed., Feb. 3rd.
We need people to help us with packing and delivery. Please help us raise
COMBINED SISTERHOOD MEETING money to educate children in Israel. They need our help!
Please join us on Thurs., Feb. 11th at 10:00am at the Temple Israel
library for a meeting of the combined Sisterhoods of Great Neck to OHEL DINNER
plan the upcoming Combined Sisterhood Luncheon this Spring which The guests of honor at the 40th Annual OHEL Dinner, Feb. 21st, will be
will be hosted by Temple Israel. See you there! Gloria & Harvey Kaylie. OHEL is deeply proud of its long-time mutual
friendship with GNS. Please join OHEL as it recognizes Gloria & Harvey
SAVE THE DATE Kaylie and celebrate OHEL’s landmark anniversary. Our community
The Sisterhood presents: An Evening with American Friends of Magen benefits directly from the wonderful services provided by OHEL on a
David Adom, Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 7:30 pm, at the home of regular basis. For info please contact Norman B. Gildin (718) 972-9338
Rita and Lew Gordonson, 85 Emerson Drive. Learn about MDA's E-Mail:
lifesaving work and hear a former Overseas Volunteer relate his
experiences. For information, please contact Event Co-Chairs Rita
Gordonson 466-4578 or Carol Buckmann 487-7095. PESACH SCOPE MAGAZINE DEADLINE
The deadline for all articles and advertisements for the Pesach issue of
GREAT NECK SYNAGOGUE SISTERHOOD MEETING SCOPE magazine is February 8, 2010. Please email all submissions to
Please join us on Wednesday evening, February 17th at 8:00pm in the
Braun Youth Center for a Sisterhood meeting to plan upcoming events
at Great Neck Synagogue. See you there! Saturday, 22 Shevat
Arnie Flatow for Morris Flatow
HUNGER INITIATIVE Norman Lee for Helen Rose
Food drop offs on Fridays at 18 Birchwood lane has resumed. Drop off
Diane Seidle for Louis Melnick
hours are between 10 am and 12:30pm. Kindly place your food in the
cooler. Please give generously!!
Rita Silverman for Dora Pentol
Sunday, 23 Shevat
QIGONG CLASSES Sheila Bachman for Max Bachman
The GNS Men’s Club and Sisterhood are co-sponsoring Qigong classes. Philip Hanfling for Yehuda Schneider
Join Master William Wong Chin of Higher Mountain Healing Arts Pauline Loewenstein for Jacob Loewenstein
every Wednesday at 7:30pm, to learn how these techniques can
Albert Safdieh for Irene Lipstein
provide lasting benefits. For individuals, $15 per session/$48 for 4
Tuesday, 25 Shevat
sessions (paid in advance), For couples, $25 per session/$80 for 4
sessions (paid in advance). Please make checks payable to GNS
Y Mark Abraham for Yitzchak Shalom Abraham
Men’s Club. A Miriam Bader for Lena Bader
David Birnbaum for Andor Jack Birnbaum
The Scholars Kollel of Great Neck is proud to announce its newest
H David Goddard for Norman Goldberg
program, which started January 8. Davening will begin at 7:45 am, on R Louis Goldstein for Minnie Goldstein
Friday and will be followed with "Breakfast with Rabbi Frand." Rabbi
Frand's Thursday night shiur will be shown in its entirety. Z Elizabeth Katzwer for Johanna Schwarz
Abraham Krieger for Tonia Krieger
E Sally Olshin for Morris Olshin
Please join us at 11 am, Amit Yagoubi is giving a class based on a book I Wednesday, 26 Shevat
Diane Rein for Helene Fink
Orchos Tzadikim- The ways of the Rightous. Originally published in
Yiddish, Orchos Tzadikim (The paths of the Righteous) has become one T Ruth Seif for Hadassa Dolinsky
of the more famously learned seferim on self-improvement and mussar. Lillian Singer for Sarah Kitay
Although the book was anonymously published, it's structured and easy Thursday, 27 Shevat
to follow formulas have inspired many to reach the potential that Sharon Herman for Joseph Adler
Hashem intended them to. As with most mussar and self-improvement
Gerald Marcus for Harry Marcus
works, little that we don't already know is presented. However, the
routine of life often traps us to forget and disregard precisely the
Uri Rosen for Miriam Aldouby
common knowledge that would do us so good to remember. Join us as Morris Seidman for Mala Seidman
we learn about different character traits from pride, anger, envy, and Friday, 28 Shevat
finally culminating in fear of heaven. As we work on ourselves, we will Frank Bachrach for Ludwig Bachrach
change the world. At 12:15 pm we have a lunch and learn program Oded Daskal for Dov Daskal
with a video broadcast from Shira Smiles (the video starts at about Shulamid Gavronsky for Israel Kopelowitz
12:45). Anyone wishing to sponsor in honor or in memory of a loved
Howard Lorber for Ronald Lorber
one, please contact the Shul office. The cost for these programs will be
as follows: $10 Amit Yagoubi, $15 Lunch and Learn.

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