VJT6000 User Guide V1.3 (Re-Saved)

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VJT6000 Series User Guide

Page 1

VJ Technology LTD
User Guide

V JT 6 0 00
C o m p r e s s io n
M a c h in e s

Version 1.0

VJT6000 Series User Guide

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This Machine has been
shipped EMPTY of oil.
DO NOT operate this machine
until it has been filled with
hydraulic oil.
Requirement: 7 litres, Tellus 32
hydraulic oil or equivalent.

Refer to Section 7 of this manual for the

correct Oil Fill and De-airing procedure

Version 1.0

VJT6000 Series User Guide

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1. Overview ................................................................................................................... 5
2. Main Screen Contents ............................................................................................. 8
2.1 System Overview .............................................................................................. 8
2.2 Test Status ......................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Test Specifications ........................................................................................... 9
2.4 Sample Specifications .................................................................................... 10
3. Using VJT6000 series .......................................................................................... 11
3.1 Specifying the test before it begins. ............................................................. 11
The Name of the Test ........................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Operating Parameters ............................................................................. 12
3.1.3 Stopping Conditions ............................................................................... 12
3.1.4 Tare Conditions ....................................................................................... 13
3.1.5 Sample Type and Dimensions.................................................................. 14
3.2 Test Control Operations ................................................................................ 15
3.2.1 Automatic Test Mode .............................................................................. 15
3.2.2 Manual Test Mode .................................................................................... 17
3.3 Storing, Viewing and Printing Results ......................................................... 19
3.3.1 Detailed Results......................................................................................... 20
3.3.2 Summary Results ...................................................................................... 20
4. Calibration and Setup............................................................................................ 21
4.1 Transducer Calibration .................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Zero and Span Adjustments ..................................................................... 21
4.1.2 Linearisation Adjustments ....................................................................... 23
4.1.3 Printing Out the Results ......................................................................... 23
4.2 VJT6000 Series Equipment ........................................................................... 24
4.3 Logged Data Management .............................................................................. 25
4.3.1 Clearing The Logs ..................................................................................... 25
5. Advanced Options ................................................................................................. 26
5.1 Raw Data Setup ................................................................................................ 26
5.2 Automatic Control Tuning ............................................................................... 27
5.2.1 PID Control ............................................................................................... 27
5.2.2 Equipment ................................................................................................ 28
6. Serial Port Specifications ..................................................................................... 30
6.1 Starting or Stopping a Test ............................................................................. 30
6.2 Reading Test Status......................................................................................... 30
6.3 Reading Test Results....................................................................................... 30
7. Hydraulic Set-up & Maintenance .......................................................................... 31
7.1 Oil Fill And De-airing Procedure ..................................................................... 31
7.1.1 Filling The Machine With Oil..................................................................... 31
7.1.2 De-airing Of The Hydraulic Piston ........................................................... 32
7.2 Daily Maintenance ............................................................................................ 33
7.2.1 General ....................................................................................................... 33
7.2.2 Piston Dust Cover ..................................................................................... 33
7.2.3 Piston Cover Activating Arm .................................................................... 34
7.2.4 Hydraulic Oil............................................................................................... 34

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8. Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 35
8.1 Identification Hydraulic ................................................................................ 35
8.2 Identification - Electrical.................................................................................. 37
8.3 Common Faults ................................................................................................ 39
8.3.1 Fast pump not working ............................................................................. 39
8.3.2 Loss of calibration data ............................................................................ 39
8.3.3 Receiving Test Data From VJT6000 Series To A PC.............................. 40

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VJT6000 Series User Guide

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1. Overview
A summary of the range available within the VJT6000 series
and what is possible with the concrete compression
The VJT6000 series of digital compression machines covers both manual and
automatic machines in a range of capacities to BS1881, EN12390. The most
commonly offered machines are:

digital manual machine, capacity 1500kN

digital automatic machine, capacity 1500kN
digital manual machine, capacity 2000kN
digital automatic machine, capacity 2000kN
digital manual machine, capacity 3000kN
digital automatic machine, capacity 3000kN

Other capacities are available, contact the office for details.

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There is a selection of distance piece accessories to accompany the compression

machines ranging from 20 to 100mm, but the recommended combination of distance
pieces that will give the greatest flexibility is:1 x VJT6020-30
30mm height
1 x VJT6020-50
50mm height
1 x VJT6020-80
80mm height
1 x VJT6020-100
100mm height
Ball Seat

Calibration Load Cell (not

included with machine)

Lower Platen (supplied

with machine)
30mm & 100mm Distance
Pieces in situ

Your concrete compression machine is capable of carrying out compression tests in

either Automatic or Manual Control modes. The following tests can be executed:
Compression Tests. Loads can be applied over a LOW range from 0 to 400
kN through a HIGH range up to 2000 kN (or to the maximum capacity of the
machine) at a configurable ramping rate.
Flexural Tests. Loads can be applied in finer detail in the range 0 to 100 kN
also at a configurable ramping rate.
Fine Time Tests. Loads can be applied over the full LOW and HIGH ranges
in up to 5 stages. Each stage includes a configurable ramping rate and a
period during which a specified load is maintained.
The instrument has been designed to be capable of:
Maintaining the load ramping rate selected (in Automatic mode)
Monitoring the effectiveness or error of the selected ramping rate
Holding the Maximum load obtained before the sample fails
Calculating the failure stress on the concrete sample under those conditions.
In addition, it stores results from the last 200 tests and can be connected via its built-in
serial port to a Printer or PC to retrieve those results. The instrument also accepts
commands via the same serial port to Start or Stop a test as well as to retrieve Status
It provides all the facilities necessary to Calibrate the transducers used and to provide
linearisation compensation if required.

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It is fully configurable in its operation, allowing you to fine tune its performance to
match the compression frame in use, the alarm conditions and many other
This guide expands on the specifications presented above to review:
Chapter 2 describes the contents of the display. What is shown on the screen and
how these fields vary with various test operation and configuration actions.
Chapter 3 guides you through the test procedure:
Test identification
Sample details
Operating Parameters
Stop conditions
Manual or Automatic Control
Taring Stage
Following through the Status reports
Aborting a Test
Storing, Reviewing and Printing Results
Chapter 4 shows you how to calibrate your transducers and to configure all other
instrument parameters that affect its operation
Chapter 5 shows you how to make use of the Advanced configuration options to fine
tune the Automatic control program so that the error during load ramping is kept as
small as possible.
Chapter 6 documents the commands available via the instrument's serial port to
control a test and to obtain status and results information.
Chapter 7 gives details of the oil fill and de-airing procedure that must be done before
the instrument can be used, and daily maintenance that must be carried out to keep
the instrument in the best possible working order.
Chapter 8 is a troubleshooting section which identifies the main hydraulic and
electrical components and gives solutions to some common problems that can occur.
The instrument itself provides further instructions available by pressing the key HELP
from any of the screens. Press the same key again to remove it.

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2. Main Screen Contents

This is what you see when the instrument powers up and
from where most options are accessed.

Each VJT6000 series machine is tested prior to dispatch and the contrast settings will
remain set. Should you need to change the contrast, press the 8 key on the keypad
and adjust the brightness accordingly.
Normally the screen is split into 4 sections, namely: System Overview, Test Status,
Test Specifications and Sample Specifications.

2.1 System Overview



This field describes the transducer range currently in use. It is applicable for
Compression tests. The load at which the LOW range ends and the HIGH range
begins is configurable (see Chapter 4) by default this is set at 400kN.
This picture represents the oil flow valve, white if the valve is open, black if closed.
When a test is NOT running, or during the Tare Stage of a Manual mode test (Chapter
3), or during Transducer Calibration (Chapter 4), you control the valve by pressing the
key 6 to open or close it alternatively.
This picture represents the Fast pump, white if the pump is stopped, black if running.
When a test is NOT running, or during the Tare Stage of a Manual mode test (Chapter
3), or during Transducer Calibration (Chapter 4), you control the pump by pressing the
key 5 to start or stop it alternatively.





This field describes the mode of operation for a running test. When a test is NOT
running, it shows the mode last used (Chapter 3). A test is started in either Automatic
mode by pressing the key AUTO or Manual mode by pressing the key MAN.
This field is the instantaneous error between the actual load applied during ramping
and the load demanded by the rate used. It grows in either the positive or negative
direction up to a maximum configurable band (Chapter 4). Note that it is also possible
to configure the instrument so that this field is NOT displayed.

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VJT6000 Series User Guide

181.3 (kN)

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This is the current value of the selected transducer and the Units (usually kN) used. It
will change as load is applied and the transducer reacts.

It is also possible to magnify this section of the screen by pressing the key 4. You
would normally do this while a test is running so that the information is clearer. Press
the same key again to return to the complete screen.

2.2 Test Status



dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss

This field describes the current operation of the test. The following stages exist:
When not running
The initial stage, when reading is zeroed
When controlling the rate at which load is applied
Peak Hold
When the sample begins to fail. The field below is
frozen to indicate the point at which this began
When the test has been completed successfully
When the test has been manually stopped.

This is the Maximum detected load applied to the sample before it begins to fail. It is
frozen while a test is running, and released by starting a new Test.
These are the current clock settings. The internal battery maintains the clock running
even when the instrument is switched off. To set it, press the key 1 and follow the
instructions given on the screen shown.

2.3 Test Specifications

All these fields are configured as described in Chapter 3.





% Fail



Each test is identified by a 6 character number which you can enter as required. The
value shown is that defined for the last test used but increments automatically.
This is the load at which the error between the measured and the required load
ramping will begin to be displayed. In Automatic test mode, it also marks the
beginning of the Ramping test stage.
This is the rate of increase of load required.
This field shows the percentage of load decrease from the Maximum required to be
detected in order to stop the test automatically.
This is the Tare value currently in use. It will vary with each test as the Taring stage
proceeds. The field therefore provides an indication of idle load on the frame.

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2.4 Sample Specifications

All these fields are also configured as described in Chapter 3.

Sample Type

There are 7 types of samples that can be used. Standard Cylinder, Standard Cube,
Non Standard Cylinder, Non Standard Cube, Beam Block, Gravel (ACV) and
Capped Cylinder. This field shows the name of that type currently in use.

Diam x Height

Each sample has certain dimensions which you can enter and are shown by these
fields. Note that some dimensions for Standard Cube or Cylinder are fixed by the


This is the sample area calculated using the above dimension.


Stress (mPa)

This field is continuously calculated from the Maximum load value shown on the
Current Status section of the screen and the dimensions entered above.

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3. Using VJT6000 series

This section guides you through the test procedures for both
manual and automatic control, and details the procedure for
storing, reviewing and printing results.

3.1 Specifying the test before it begins.

From the main screen, press the key DP to display the options for the tests available.
Choose the type of test to be carried out, Flexural, Compression or Fine Time. Use
the arrow keys to highlight the test required then press the ENTER key.

3.1.1 The Name of the Test

The Reference is a 6 character number automatically incremented by the instrument

for every new test to speed up the identification, although you can reset it to whatever
number meets your needs. This number is tagged to each test so that it can be
identified among all other test results logged. If you wish to change this field, use the
arrow keys to highlight Reference then press the ENTER key to select the
Reference field.

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3.1.2 Operating Parameters

For the Flexural and Compression tests, you need to provide the following
information, this is entered by selecting the appropriate field from the menu shown in
section 3.1.1:
Base is the load (in kN) at which the automatic ramping starts and the error
begins to be calculated. Normally this happens soon after the Taring stage is
completed at low loads.

Rate is the increase (in kN/Second) in load required for the new test. In
Automatic test mode, the instrument controls the load applied using this ramp
as a guide. In Manual mode, you must adjust the load using the Speed
control pot. In either case, the error measured by the instrument is the
difference between the actual load on the sample and the load that should
exist given the rate of increase configured here.

For a Fine Time test, you also need to configure:

Stage select 1 of 5 stages. Each stage consists of a Target Load level to be

reached, the Rate at which the instrument will increase the applied load until
the level defined above is reached, and a Holding Time during which the
applied load will be maintained before proceeding to the next stage.

Rate is the increase (in kN/Second) in load required for the stage selected
above. In Automatic test mode, the instrument controls the load applied using
this ramp as a guide. In Manual mode, you must adjust the load using the
Speed control pot. In either case, the error measured by the instrument is the
difference between the actual load on the sample and the load that should
exist given the rate of increase configured here.

Hold (in minutes) is the period to hold the applied load when the Target Level
below is reached, before moving onto the next stage.

Level is the load (in kN) to be reached at the rate defined above.

3.1.3 Stopping Conditions

For the Flexural and Compression Tests, you also need to configure a failure
condition, this is entered by selecting the appropriate field from the menu shown in
section 3.1.1:
Failure is the percentage drop in load from the Maximum detected value while
the test is running. As soon as the load falls below this margin, the test is stopped
and its results logged. A new test can then be carried out.
For a Fine Time test, the Test will stop either when all Stages have been completed
or when a Stage has been configured with a Holding Time of 0 minutes.

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3.1.4 Tare Conditions

From the Set-up menu shown in section 3.1.1 use the arrow keys to highlight the
Tare field then press the ENTER key.

Drop Time is the time (in seconds) allowed for the platen to drop after the
initial daylight closing operation.

Stop Level is the force (in kN) above which the fast pump is automatically

Maximum is the maximum force (in kN) that will be allowed to be tared. If this
level is exceeded when a test is tared, the test will be aborted.

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3.1.5 Sample Type and Dimensions

From the Set-up menu shown in section 3.1.1 use the arrow keys to highlight the
Sample field then press the ENTER key. Select the type appropriate to the sample
to be tested. Depending on your selection, you will then need to enter its dimensions.

Standard Cylinder
Select the diameter from the options presented (50, 75, 100, 150 or 200
Enter the sample height
Enter the sample weight

Standard Cube
Select the width from the options presented (50, 75, 100, 150 or 200 mm)
Enter the sample height
Enter the sample weight

Non Standard Cylinder

Enter the sample diameter
Enter the sample height
Enter the sample weight

Non Standard Cube

Enter the sample width
Enter the sample height
Enter the sample weight

Beam Block
Enter the sample width
Enter the sample height
Enter the sample weight

Capped Cylinder
Enter the sample diameter
Enter the sample height
Enter the sample weight

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3.2 Test Control Operations

3.2.1 Automatic Test Mode
To start a test in Automatic mode please press the AUTO key, this will then give you
a screen to check the test details. Move the arrow keys to highlight Proceed then
press the ENTER key. You can terminate a test at any time after it has started by
pressing the ABORT key. Taring Stage

The first stage in a new concrete test is known as the Taring stage, where any loads
present on the frame before the actual control can be eliminated.

Taring is divided into 3 stages:

1. Initial Platen Up The oil valve is closed and the fast pump starts until the load
reaches a configurable small level Pump-Off (Chapter 4)

Platen Down
The fast pump stops and the oil valve opens to allow the
platen to drop. This phase lasts for up to a configurable Tare Period (Chapter 4)
at the end of which the load is cleared by the program.


Tared Platen Up The oil valve is closed and the fast pump starts again
increasing the load. The fast pumps then stops at the same level as before but
the loading continues to be applied under the instruments control until a
configurable Base level (Chapter 4) has been achieved.

When the test is started a new screen appears containing status fields from the Main
Screen described in Chapter 2 that will allow you to follow the completion of this
Taring stage.

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Page 16 Ramping Control

The next stage in a test is known as the Ramping stage, where load is continuously
applied at an increasing Rate previously configured. This rate is under electronic
control See Chapter 5 for performance fine tuning.
During this stage, a deviation error between applied and measured load is
continuously calculated and displayed (if enabled). The instrument also holds the
maximum load it detects. Stopping The Test

For Compression and Flexural tests, the instrument also detects any drop in loading
that match the Stop conditions previously configured. When these are met, the test is
completed and its results stored.
For Fine Time tests, when the Target loading level is reached for the current time
stage, the instrument will maintain that load for the period specified. After that, it
continues with the next stage until all stages are finished. The test is then completed
and its results stored
Please refer to section 3.3 for a description of the test results.

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3.2.2 Manual Test Mode

To start a test in Manual mode please press the MAN key, this will then give you a
screen to check the test details. Move the arrow keys to highlight Proceed then
press the ENTER key. You can terminate a test at any time after it has started by
pressing the ABORT key. Taring Stage

The first stage in a new concrete test is known as the Taring stage, where any loads
present on the frame before the actual control can be eliminated.

Taring is divided into 2 stages:

1. Initial Platen Up Press the key 6 to close the oil valve. Then press the key 5 to
start the fast pump. When the load reaches a configurable small level Pump-Off
(Chapter 4) you must press those keys again to proceed to the next stage.

Platen Down
Wait for a little time to allow the transducer reading to settle.
When ready, press the key 0 to carry out the actual taring. The test can then
proceed under complete manual control.

When the test is started a new screen appears containing status fields from the Main
Screen described in Chapter 2 that will allow you to follow the completion of this
Taring stage.

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VJT6000 Series User Guide

Page 18 Ramping Control

The next stage in a test is known as the Ramping stage. You must apply the load
manually using the Speed Control pot. Try to increase this load at the Rate previously
During this stage, a deviation error between applied and measured load is
continuously calculated and displayed (if enabled). The instrument also holds the
maximum load it detects. Stopping the Test
For Compression and Flexural tests, the instrument also detects any drop in loading
that match the Stop conditions previously configured. When these are met, the test is
completed and its results stored.
For Fine Time tests, when the Target loading level is reached for the current time
stage, the instrument will maintain that load for the period specified. After that, it
continues with the next stage until all stages are finished. The test is then completed
and its results stored
Please refer to section 3.3 for a description of the test results.

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3.3 Storing, Viewing and Printing Results

Your VJT6000 series instrument is capable of storing the results of up to 200 tests in
its non volatile memory. The information in a test result includes:


The identification number for a test, configured as

described in Chapter 3.
Date and Time When the test was carried out
Test Mode
Automatic or Manual as appropriate
Test Type
Compression, Flexural or Fine Time, as appropriate
Test Result
Successful, Aborted or Overload
Peak Load
The maximum measured load during the test
Base Load
The load at which Ramping started
Tared Load
The load removed during the Taring stage
Sample Type
Standard Cylinder, Standard Cube, Non Standard
Cylinder, Non Standard Cube or Beam Block
Sample Area
Cross sectional (width x Depth)
Sample Density Weight / Volume (Area x Height)
Peak Stress
Peak Load / Area measured during the test.

For Compression or Flexural Tests

Pace Rate
The increase in loading used during the test
Failure Band
The Stop criteria used during the test
For Fine Time Tests
Last Stage
Pace Rate
Target Level
Holding Time

Index (1 to 5) when the sample failed

The increase in loading used during that stage
The loading achieved during that stage
The period during which the load was maintained.

Each test is referenced by a number 1 to 200 according to its position in the memory,
where 1 is the most recent test.
The results are always stored when a test ends, either successfully or not. They are
available for as long as the logs are not erased. When the logs are full, the oldest
logged results are replaced with new data. You can also erase all logs using the
Advanced Options described in Chapter 5.

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3.3.1 Detailed Results

Press the key 2 to view most of the results described above. Please note that some of
them are not available because of screen space limitations, but all can eventually be
accessed when sent to a Printer or PC serial port.

At the top of the screen you will see the field Page / Pages. This gives you an
indication of how many logs are stored. Use the AUTO key to view previous test
results, or the MAN key to return to newer ones.
Pressing the ENTER key presents the option to produce a printout of detailed results
for the logged set currently displayed. You must connect a Printer or a PC to the serial
port of your instrument as described in Chapter 6 of this manual.
Press the ABORT key to return to the main screen.

3.3.2 Summary Results

Press the key 3 to view the most important data items from the results information
described above.

At the top of the screen you will see the field Page / Pages This gives you an
indication of how many logs are stored. Use the AUTO key to view previous test
results, or the MAN key to return to newer ones.
Pressing the ENTER key presents the option to produce a printout of summary results
either for the logged set currently displayed or for ALL stored results held in the
instruments memory. You must connect a Printer or a PC to the serial port of your
instrument as described in Chapter 6.
Press the ABORT key to return to the main screen.

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4. Calibration and Setup

This chapter shows you how to set up your VJT6000 Series
instrument in order for it to run efficiently.
From the Main Screen (Chapter 2) press the Setup key 7 then select the
CALIBRATION mode to access these options. You will need to enter a valid passcode
in order to be allowed. This passcode is given when the instrument is delivered and
should be stored in a safe place.

4.1 Transducer Calibration

Note your VJT6000 Series instrument processes the electronic
signals received from the transducers according to the Amplification
and Filtering parameters defined in Chapter 5

4.1.1 Zero and Span Adjustments

1. First select the transducer LOW range, HIGH range or FLEXURAL range by
positioning the cursor next to the channel identification line and then pressing the
ENTER key until the required one is shown.
2. Next, move the arrow keys to select the Scale field. This will be factory set with
the low range at 400.0 and the high range at 2000, 3000 or 4000 kN depending
on the machine capacity, but can be altered if necessary by pressing the ENTER
key and inputting the required value.

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3. Select and activate the CLEAR option to start new a new calibration. You will be
warned about the implications of clearing calibration data previously stored. You
can then choose to proceed or not.

4. Make sure that the solenoid valve is closed, the fast pump is off and no load is
currently being applied with speed pot set to give a steady oil flow rate. When the
readings are stable, and the platen is off the seating position (not in contact with
upper ball seating), select the ZERO option. The transducer reading should now
show 0, and the field labelled Zero will display the offset measured at this time,
please write this down for future reference.
5. Now start the fast pump to close the daylight and then switch off the fast pump
once the contact is made with the upper ball seating. Slowly apply the load until
the Full Scale level has been reached. Maintain the load using the Speed Control
pot so that the readings are stable, and then select the GAIN option. The
transducer reading should now show the same value as that configured on the
Scale entry (step 2 above),
Again write down the value against the label marked gain.
6. Open the oil valve to release the loading. The first stage of a transducer
calibration is now complete

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4.1.2 Linearisation Adjustments

The VJT6000 series instrument allows you to define an interpolation table of up to 10
points for each channel to correct small variations in transducer linearity throughout
the complete measuring range.
Each table entry consists of an Expected reading and the corresponding Measured
value. You move between entries by using the arrow keys, Select a field for editing by
pressing the ENTER key. Note that not all entries need to be used.
1. Please enter the first field (Expected) according to the measurements to be
carried out at each stage.
2. Apply the load manually until the Expected loading is achieved.
3. Enter the Measured field. You can either:
Make a note of the transducer reading displayed at the bottom of the screen
and copy it into the Measured Column, or
Press the key DP to let VJT6000 series instrument do this automatically for
you. Note that this will only work if the transducer reading is within +/- 5% of
the expected value, otherwise the instrument rejects the option.
4. Continue with all table entries as above. Press the ABORT key to end the
adjustments and return to the previous screen.

4.1.3 Printing Out the Results

Select the PRINT option to obtain a hardcopy of the calibration results described
above. You must connect a Printer or a PC to the serial port of your instrument as
described in Chapter 6.

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4.2 VJT6000 Series Equipment

There are a number of features, which can be configured to suit your installation
requirements or preferences. To access these options from the Main Screen (Chapter
2), press the Setup key 7, select the EQUIPMENT mode and then select the test

Peak Hold
Select YES to freeze the display of the maximum load detected
during a test, or NO if this is not required. Note that this option affects only the
display on the Main Screen.

Query Abort Select YES to make sure that a warning is given whenever a test is
aborted (pressing the ABORT key) manually. This can help to prevent ending a
test inadvertently.

Show Proceed
Select YES to make sure that a confirmation is given before a
test can proceed. This can help to verify all conditions.

Error Band Enter the percentage error measured while a test is running that
will fill the error box shown on the Main Screen (Chapter 2) Usually this is 5%, but
note that entering a value of 0 will effectively prevent the box from being shown.

Switchover Enter the loading level at which the instrument will automatically
switch from the LOW to the HIGH transducer ranges. This is applicable to
Compression Tests only (default value is 400.0).

To prevent the frame being damaged by applying a large loading,
you can define a level above which the instrument automatically shuts down,
opens the oil valve and releases all loads.
(default value is set to the machine capacity, ex. 2000 kN)

Min Failure Enter the minimum value that must be reached before a test can
fail, this can help prevent spurious errors on the sample.

You can define text to appear as Headers and Footers in all
printouts available (Test Results and Transducer Calibration). Enter for example a
description or your Companys name, Customer details, etc.

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4.3 Logged Data Management

The following options are available.

4.3.1 Clearing The Logs

This will erase the non volatile memory, removing the results of any previous tests
carried out by your VJT6000 series instrument.
A warning will be presented first, to avoid erasing data inadvertently. You can choose
to proceed or to cancel the request.

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5. Advanced Options
This chapter shows you how to tune your VJT6000 Series
instrument in order to operate effectively.
From the Main Screen (Chapter 2) press the Engineering key 9 to access these
options. You will need to enter a valid passcode in order to be allowed. This passcode
is given when the instrument is delivered and should be stored in a safe place. Select
the category you require from the menu then press the ENTER key.

5.1 Raw Data Setup

Select each of the transducers to be programmed choosing the NEXT option as
appropriate. The display will show the current input reading (in Raw Divisions) so that
any changes you make can instantly be observed.

1. Filter
This is a value that determines how many readings are taken to
average out noisy lines. It is set to a default value of 20 which is recommended for
most cases, changes should not be made without prior consultation. The
maximum filter value is 100 and minimum is 20.
2. Amplifier This is the gain to be applied to the signal received from the
transducer. It is set to a default value of 32 which is recommended for most cases,
changes should not be made without prior consultation. Other values that may be
accepted are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 64. Apply Full Scale load and observe that the raw
reading covers the expected range.
The programmed values are also included in the Channel Calibration printouts
described on Chapter 4.

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5.2 Automatic Control Tuning

Your VJT6000 series instrument uses an advanced program during Automatic Tests
execution to maintain the applied load close to the Ramping rate selected when the
test is initially setup.
This special program is controlled by a number of parameters set by default to values
that have been determined reasonable for most concrete crushing frames. However,
to cover variations introduced by different manufacturing batches, those parameters
are made available to you to change if necessary.
Changing these parameters will affect the operation of your
instrument and should only be altered if really necessary.
You must ensure that only reasonable values are entered. You may
find it necessary to consult your supplier for advice.

5.2.1 PID Control

From the main Engineering screen shown at the start of this section, select PID
Control (Proportion Integral Derivative) to access this option, then enter the relevant
sample type that was specified earlier.
Selecting a Sample type as described in Chapter 3 (Standard Cylinder, Non Standard
Cylinder, Standard Cube, Non Standard Cube, Beam Block, Gravel and Capped
Cylinder) automatically selects 1 of 7 settings respectively. For each one of those
settings you can change:

1. Direct
This affects how quickly an error between Applied Load and
Measured load is reduced. This value has been factory set at 40 and should
NOT be changed without prior consultation.
2. Integral
This affects how smoothly small errors between Applied and
Measured loads are reduced. This value has been factory set at 20 and should
NOT be changed without prior consultation.
3. Max Rate
This is the maximum percentage amount by which the pump
speed is adjusted.
4. Zero Output
This is a percentage value representing the range setting to
be used to apply load when a zero error exists between Ramp values and
Measured values.

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5. Taring Speed
This is the percentage speed at which the pump is run during
the taring stage.
6. Start Up Speed
This is the percentage speed at which the pump is run during
the start-up stage.
7. Compens Speed This is only applicable to sample options 6 and 7 (Gravel ACV
and Capped Cylinder). It is used to adjust the speed when changing from a high
flow pump to a low flow pump.
8. Max Output
This is the maximum percentage output speed of the pump.

5.2.2 Equipment
From the main Engineering screen shown at the start of this section, select
Equipment to access this option. By using the arrow keys to highlight the required
category, you can change various aspects of the machines basic set-up as indicated

Selecting the Initialize option will allow the data base to be initialized. By choosing
this option, you can reset your instrument to factory default values. The following
1. The contrast is turned off and must be reset by pressing key 8 then selecting from
the menu presented. All memory logs are erased.
2. Instrument defaults:
Percentage Error:
Peak Hold:
Query Abort:
Show Proceed:
Min Failure:
Max Tare:
Stop Level:
Tare Timeout:
Drop Time:

400 kN
2050 kN
10 kN
8 kN
10 mins
2 secs

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3. Test defaults:

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6 kN/S
10 kN
Standard Cylinder
50 mm
75 mm

4. Transducer Input defaults

These fields are not altered. This means that your Calibration and
Linearisation data is preserved. The only way to change this is by recalibrating

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6. Serial Port Specifications

This chapter describes the commands available via the serial
port that allow a PC to control the instrument or extract test
results data.
The serial port on your VJT6000 series instrument is configured as:
Baud Rate:
Stop Bits
Data Bits
This configuration is fixed and cannot be altered.

6.1 Starting or Stopping a Test

This will be only in Automatic mode, using configuration entered directly via the
screen, as described on Chapter 3.
S0501 (Cr)
C0501 (Cr)


Starts the test
Stops the test

6.2 Reading Test Status

R0501 (Cr)


Prints the current measured load. The
exact format for each transducer input
is described on Chapter 2.

R0502 (Cr)


Prints the maximum (Peak) load detected

during the current test. It follows the same
format as described on Chapter 2.

6.3 Reading Test Results

S0504 (Cr)


Prints results for the last test. The actual
contents are described on Chapter 3.

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7. Hydraulic Set-up & Maintenance

This chapter gives details of the initial oil fill and de-airing
procedure required before the instrument can be used and of
daily maintenance that must be carried out in order to keep
the instrument in good working order.

7.1 Oil Fill And De-airing Procedure

Important Note
Concrete compression machines are oil filled hydraulic devices. Due to
shipping laws the machines are usually supplied drained of oil. The machine
must be refilled with oil prior to operation. The machine requires approximately
7 litres of Tellus 32 hydraulic oil or equivalent.

7.1.1 Filling The Machine With Oil.

ENSURE THE UNIT IS POWERED OFF. Remove the back panel from the machine,
then locate and remove the oil filler plug as shown below.


Fill the oil tank with Tellus 32 hydraulic oil using a funnel and filter until the oil is just
below the top of the indication tube (older machines may have a MAX indication line)
care should be taken to ensure no dirt or grit gets into the tank. Replace the oil filler
cap and proceed to the de-airing instructions.

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7.1.2 De-airing Of The Hydraulic Piston


Loosen the oil supply pipe fitting slightly (about quarter of a turn).
Using the keypad, enter calibration mode of the machine by pushing key 7, followed
by your passcode.
Close the solenoid valve by pressing key 6 once (pressing twice will open again).
With the valve closed the manual pace control will be active.
Carefully operate the PACE control dial to slowly raise the platen until you see oil
emerging from the oil supply pipe fitting. Ensure all of the air has dispersed before
stopping the machine by reducing the pace to zero.
Clean away any excess oil that has emerged from the hole and tighten the fitting with
as much force as possible. It is important that this fitting is very tight.
NOTE: It is normal for air to be trapped in the oil return pipe and this will not
affect the operation of the machine. The machine is now ready for calibration. It
is important that the machine is calibrated in-situ prior to testing.

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7.2 Daily Maintenance

The following checks should be carried out on a daily basis to help maintain the
machine in good working order.

7.2.1 General
The machine should be kept in a general state of cleanliness with all debris cleared away
after each batch of tests. The main parts of the digital compression machine that need daily
maintenance are indicated below.
Limit Switch
Hydraulic Oil Filling Cap

Hydraulic Oil Level Indication Tube

Piston Dust Cover

Piston Cover Activating Arm

7.2.2 Piston Dust Cover

The piston dust cover should be checked to make sure the fixing screws are secure,
and that there is no movement of the piston cover in the horizontal plane. Any
movement of the cover could lead to the activating arm not being in the correct
position to activate the limit switch.

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7.2.3 Piston Cover Activating Arm

The piston cover activating arm must be positioned directly underneath the limit switch
actuator. The following photos show the correct positioning for the arm when the
piston is in the start position and also fully raised.

7.2.4 Hydraulic Oil

The hydraulic oil used in the machine must be suitable for the climatic and
environmental conditions of where it is being used, eg Shell Tellus 37. Care should be
taken to keep the level topped up to just below the top of the indication tube as
indicated below. Before filling up with any new oil, always ensure the piston is at its
lowest position and a reasonable time has elapsed since the last test to allow any oil
to return to the tank.
Level too low

Level correct

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8. Troubleshooting
This chapter is a troubleshooting section which identifies the
main components, provides schematics and gives solutions to
some common problems that can occur.

8.1 Identification Hydraulic

Main components as viewed from the rear of the machine:
Fast Pump

Pressurising Pump Motor

Dust Filter
Oil Filler Cap

Pressure Transducer
Mechanical Non-Return Valve

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Main components as viewed from above:

Pressure Relief Valve
Adjuster See Note
Fast Pump

Pump Motor

Relief Valve


Dust Filter
Oil Filler Cap

Pressure Transducer
Mechanical Non-Return Valve

Note: The pressure relief valve is Factory Set at VJ Tech and should NOT be
adjusted without prior consultation with our technical department.

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8.2 Identification - Electrical

Power Terminal Block


ADC Channel 1


ADC Channel 3

ADC Channel 1 is for the internal pressure transducer.

ADC Channel 3 is for an external pressure transducer if required.

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DC Power In
Stepper Motor
AC Power In


Hydraulic RAM
Limit Switch


ADC Channel 1
ADC Channel 3

ADC Channel 1 is for the internal pressure transducer.

ADC Channel 3 is for an external pressure transducer if required.
RS232-1 is interface with customers PC.

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8.3 Common Faults

8.3.1 Fast pump not working
Check the equipment settings to see if the fast pump is still selected. This is done as
follows:Select 9 on the keypad for the engineering functions
Enter passcode supplied with the machine to gain access
Select option 3 which is the equipment setup
This should show if Fast Pump is set to on or off if it is set to off, then use the arrow
keys to turn the option on and then exit out of this.

8.3.2 Loss of calibration data

If calibration data is lost from the VJT6000 series machines, use the calibration data
recorded at installation and follow this procedure:Select the engineering function (key 9)
Enter passcode supplied with the machine to gain access
Select raw data
Low range
filter XX
gain YY
High range
filter XX
gain YY
Where XX and YY are values from the original calibration.
Select the set up function (key 7)
Enter passcode supplied with the machine to gain access
Low range
filter XX
gain YY
High range
filter XX
gain YY
Where XX and YY are values from the original calibration.

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8.3.3 Receiving Test Data From VJT6000 Series To A PC

If problems are experienced with downloading test data, the following procedure
should be followed:
Connect computer serial port to the VJT6000 series machine RS232 port using a
suitable RS232 cable.
Run Terminal.exe program (normally supplied with the Windows operating system)
then configure the communication protocols as shown. The following assumes that
you have connected the instrument to COM1 port of the computer, if this port is not
available you may use other available port:

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From the Transfers menu, select Receive Text File then enter a suitable file name,
for example TEST001.TXT.

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When the test is complete the VJT6000 will transmit the data to the PC.
VJT6000 --- Report Header
VJT6000 Materials Tester

Test Summary

Date (dd/mm/yy)
Time (hh:mm)


Type :
Load at Fail (kN)
Base : (kN)
Rate : kN/s
Tare : (kN)


Sample Area mm2
Density: Kg/m3
Stress at Fail MPa

Standard Cylinder

You may at any time close the file by pressing the STOP button shown at the bottom
of the screen.

Version 1.0

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