Recommendation Letter

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Thu Phuong Nguyen Thi


English teacher

[Phone number]

English Department, Nguyen Binh Khiem Gifted

Secondary school


March 9, 2015
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing with the highest pleasure to recommend Ms Thien Tran for admission consideration at your high
school. Having worked at the school since 1997, rarely in my observation have I seen such a promising,
conscientious and amiable student as Ms. Thien.
I have known Ms. Thien since she was in grade 8, at which time she was participating in the schools
Advanced English Examination for the selection of the most English-proficient students. What surprised me
more was the fact that, though a Math-oriented student since grade 7, Thien took the challenge to prove her
aptitudes for both the sciences and the languages. With an intense passion for English, Thien was one of the
seven students to represent the school in the citys Academic English Examination. She saw the fruition of her
study when she ranked 5th place among the best 15 candidates of Bien Hoa city.
With so much work for a teacher to contend with, I am pleased to see my students, especially Thien, study with
self-discipline and seriousness. Thien never quails when I present her with a difficult test, but instead delights
in pushing herself out of the comfort zone for new challenges. She tackles linguistic problems with
mathematical creativity, which enables her to figure out word roots, eliminate reading traps, and write essays in
lapidary style.
Besides possessing excellent independent thinking, Thien also proves a leader in group discussion. With sharp
observation, she helps weaker peers in the group catch on without sacrificing the groups overall progress rate.
In debates, she usually pays attention to different ideas proposed, and, though her opponents are many, in the
end she cleverly persuades her friends to her point of view without upsetting their feelings. Her eloquence and
maturity seems rather advanced for her age. A humble student, Thien is always loved by her friends, many of
whom even hail her as an example to aspire to. She also acts as a sister figure to them, offering advice in
effective learning methods and problem-solving skills by drawing from her own experiences.
In short, considering holistically, I believe Ms Thien will become a successful student at your institution. With
little reservation, I am sure that she will thrive in difficulties and challenges, herself already manifesting critical
thinking, indefatigable learning spirit, leadership, excellent communication skills and humility. For all of these
valuable qualities, I recommend her unhesitatingly. Should you have any further questions, please contact me
via the contact details provided above.

Very truly yours,


Thu Phuong Nguyen Thi

English teacher

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