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Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors.

Offensive language is not

Alert: Welcome to English Sharing & Learning (ESL)
** Please DO NOT use large, red, white, or neon fonts. ** NO webcam, kissing icons, cap locks, or
spamming. ** FREE ESL LESSONS **

xuanmaix: hiiihi
ngoc diep_8: Hello SP
sner01: sroom
ESL_BOT: hi sis ND lau qua' moi gap
ESL_BOT: hi Epi va cac ban moi vao
sner01: cla
ngoc diep_8: Okia Ms HC


It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins

sner01: cla
sner01: sroom
ngoc diep_8: Ms HC khoe hum?
emdep_emkieu_qn15: e cho thy v mi
Frank Tung: hoc doc thi 12 di
ESL_BOT: lolzzz bi sac.
ESL_BOT: hc ok, sis khoe kg
sner01: o^n
sner01: n
ngoc diep_8: kkkkkkkkkkkk th nh tru
Frank Tung: ..n
sner01: old


It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins

thuyvan1290: try your best!

ngoc diep_8: ND khoe. Thanks
sner01: o^n
ESL_BOT: lolzzzz
Live Truly: haha


ngoc diep_8: kkkkkkkkkkkk

Frank Tung: n v thng em
little lotus: lol
ESL_BOT: omg.. cu' te ghe hoa`i
ngoc diep_8: m v thng em na
sner01: n
M_SeaHawks_T: hilo HC

sis Giot

tieng Anh sang

It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins

Live Truly: haha

Frank Tung: ok
xuanmaix: da em co gioi dau ma biet
xuanmaix: hihi
ESL_BOT: nghe chua duoc... sang hihihi
ESL_BOT: ui' troi`
Frank Tung: nhe nhang
ESL_BOT: bay gio nghe qua' sang luon
Frank Tung: tha long
sner01: tags
sner01: tag
sner01: ta(g)s
sner01: tag
ngoc diep_8: lol
ESL_Instructor_ESL: Please DO NOT use large, red, white, or neon fonts. NO webcam, cap locks, or
sner01: ts

It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins

ESL_BOT: giang roi, viet roi, luyen nhieu

I_Apologize_I: ending sound mnh c l
ESL_BOT: lop Epi cung noi hoai
I_Apologize_I: d
sner01: hooks
sner01: k

lan roi
"z" hay "s" vy Sner

sner01: ks
sner01: tt
epioxi: hahaha
Frank Tung: thay

epi day ngu am cho dong co di

Frank Tung:
Frank Tung: giot le
sner01: welcomenote
sner01: to
sner01: book
sner01: book
sner01: boo mark
sner01: book
mam_thuj: nghe giong mc wen wa
ngoc diep_8: mc ci qu

It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins


mamthui: chac hay i room R nhiu

ESL_BOT: tieng Anh sang trong duoc noi boi nhung

ESL_Instructor_ESL: Free ESL lessons
mam_thuj: hehe
mam_thuj: au coa'
ngoc diep_8: hihihi Ms HC
sner01: sits
sner01: sis
sner01: each
sner01: d
little lotus: ok
I_Apologize_I: bng tn
little lotus: bang tn
ngoc diep_8: ph hiu?
quangkps89: ke^u la phu hie^u do"
Isabella_2001: bai nay con thay o foxnews
xuanmaix: ban

nguoi dda`i cac


It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the

school year begins

ngoc diep_8: Hi Isa

tetua99: ngi duwois hc m cng tot m hi
Isabella_2001: hi ss ND
Isabella_2001: Link:

little lotus: cho 1on
lane ca: cho b con c bc
lane ca: ch bc anh ch em
keyboard_2: cho bn lane
xuanmaix: kep sach
tudau123: chao thy
lane ca: hello bn phm
tudau123: e add thy i
gamowaxaky: du trang
sner01: my kids
little lotus: da

It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins

ESL_Instructor_ESL: American English Vowel Sounds:

xuanmaix: thay phai dung tu` " tang toc' len"
lane ca: nexttt
Live Truly: to khi nao doc /tu/ khi no doc /t/ thy ?
Live Truly: "to"
epioxi: ngam ke.o a
epioxi: Sure
nothing_tolose: Can you say sure
sner01: yes
sner01: sure
sner01: as
sner01: ash
xuanmaix: z
sner01: az
sner01: e^`
sner01: ash
sner01: x
sner01: sh
redbug91412: cai nao cung
gamowaxaky: x con nt
tudau123: kh tht
leonre6: x_,,
gamowaxaky: x con
redbug91412: co'

la xi` ma

nt i tiu


moi nghe sner noi

sner01: xi`

co thay dang noi kia

NguyenLinh80: xao
sner01: as
Live Truly: haha
NguyenLinh80: xo
leonre6: x
gamowaxaky: cong
leonre6: a-x
leonre6: ax-x
sner01: z
sner01: s
sner01: zzz
leonre6: z
sner01: z
sner01: s
sner01: az(xi`)

li chi vy?

lll Binh_Yen lll:

leonre6: cht lun
sner01: ash
sner01: tro`
sner01: as
sner01: ash
ESL_Instructor_ESL: Please DO NOT use large, red, white, or neon fonts. NO webcam, cap locks, or
sner01: zs
gamowaxaky: xin ng cong li
xuanmaix: as do*~ hoi
leonre6: zi
xuanmaix: hihi
leonre6: my z zi!
lll Binh_Yen lll:
Happy Fall: kkkkkkkk
xuanmaix: do^i`
keyboard_2: lolz
mouseloverice_99: di
leonre6: gii
Live Truly: tri
Frank Tung: tha long mieng
xuanmaix: do^`i lo*n.
minh hang_0603: hihiiii
Happy Fall: kkkk
Frank Tung: ngon the
mouseloverice_99: di
Frank Tung: =))

di ban

nothing_tolose: Ong
ngoc diep_8: lol
NguyenLinh80: mon

thay nay day vui ghe

cua nguoi Bac

Alice duongx:
lll Binh_Yen lll:
ESL_BOT: do^`i la` ... no`ng no*.n
Happy Fall: kkkkkkkkkkk
Frank Tung: thia cho . mam tom
NguyenLinh80: thy i
Live Truly: haha bot
NguyenLinh80: cho em gi ci tay nh
leonre6: ni vi trm ln l ok!
Frank Tung: =)
Frank Tung: em luyen voi ban ay
Frank Tung: =))
sner01: as a
leonre6: as-a!~
keyboard_2: mamthuj vua di dau day
mam_thuj: bi te
mam_thuj: huu
sner01: tea
leonre6: tea
leonre6: cher
Jiabao: kkkkkk
leonre6: chesse
emdep_emkieu_qn15: thi
sner01: tea
lll Binh_Yen lll: thy
sner01: tea
sner01: tea
GiotLeHanhPhuc: ti
emdep_emkieu_qn15: co m gi
Jiabao: co ai uong green tea khong?
Frank Tung: ban nay kho luyen am lam
Frank Tung: co gang len
leonre6: lemon tea
sner01: tea
mam_thuj: thi
sner01: ti
mam_thuj: thi
Frank Tung: dung co ti
mam_thuj: haha
nothing_tolose: ty
sheara: kkkkkkkkkk
IP_address: hi thay day
Happy Fall: letter"T"
sner01: tea
sner01: teach
sner01: tea
sner01: titi
Happy Fall: chi
Happy Fall: chi
Frank Tung: ;d


vui qua


Happy Fall:
sner01: cher
redbug91412: tang bong
Jiabao: kkkkkkkkkk
sner01: cho*`
Jiabao: kkkkkkkkkk

cho sner vi su kien nhan

Happy Fall:
Happy Fall: kkkkkkkk
sner01: r
sner01: s
Jiabao: kkkkkkkkkkk
gamowaxaky: ui ri
Happy Fall: kkkk
sner01: tea
tomyluoi: t mt dm ban y!
Jiabao: ti cher
heovivu: ban nay trua nay fai hand rise voi Thay Epoxi
sner01: as a teacher
Frank Tung: ban ay da rat co gang ma
ESL_Instructor_ESL: If you would like to become a volunteer in ESL, please send an offline message to
Xoi-Lap-Xuong or ABC2CBA.
Frank Tung: ban luyen am thi 12h tiep tuc luyen thay epioxi
sner01: lose heart
GiotLeHanhPhuc: nhu* la` 1 giao vien
Live Truly: nhu 1 giao vien
gamowaxaky: vi vai tr l 1 gio vin
Frank Tung: when
sner01: as the teacher talking
sner01: khi
sner01: as a
thuyvan1290: nh l 1 gio vin
xuanmaix: plays
little lotus: pleasure
xuanmaix: oh
sner01: sure
sner01: zhure
sner01: zh
sner01: d
sner01: do^`i
sner01: do^`i dao`
lll Binh_Yen lll:
xuanmaix: hihi
clicksz: da dm
clicksz: @@
ESL_Instructor_ESL: American English Vowel Sounds:
thuyvan1290: hix
TruongDN2012: kho qua
xuanmaix: dua giat money
thuyvan1290: co len ban oi
nothing_tolose: Thay giong Hoai LInh qua
Live Truly:
Happy Fall:

thay noi kinh qua

Happy Fall:

It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins


thy ni c nhu th ting nh

tetua99: lol
lll Binh_Yen lll:
Live Truly: haha
Frank Tung: bo di
Frank Tung:
Happy Fall: kkkk
Happy Fall: kkkkkkkkkk
diepphiphi: thay co sung co dan luonnnnnnnnnn
tetua99: thy ni lm e ngh qa ci khc
jenna_92: lol
Live Truly: hahahaa
gamowaxaky: bn ci
Happy Fall: chuon do

cho thy epi cho khe

lll Binh_Yen lll:
Happy Fall: kkkkkkk
gamowaxaky: 1
phanhien91: g m thy
Frank Tung: a u re
epioxi: con ga`mo*` ddo
minh hang_0603: thay vui tinh qua hen!
phanhien91: hi thy epi
xuanmaix: ga` mo` qua' xa' ky~, tuc la

ga` an ky~ lam hong chua hot com nao


xuanmaix: hihi
Happy Fall: hi Mr.Epioxi
epioxi: hi GD va cac ban
xuanmaix: chao thay epi
TruongDN2012: Hi thay Epi

It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins
Harry_VEC: oh
Harry_VEC: hello mamthui
xuanmaix: chop chop chop
sner01: chop
Live Truly: oc b khng
xuanmaix: chem' che'm che'm
sner01: choppy
xuanmaix: xa hoi den chop chop
Happy Fall: cht,x
sner01: chop
sner01: y
sner01: choppy
Harry_VEC: heello mamthui
Harry_VEC: helllo jenna
emdep_emkieu_qn15: thy oi t
jenna_92: hi
jenna_92: you can come back
mam_thuj: hi harry
Harry_VEC: ok
sner01: abruptly
sner01: smoothen it out


are oc sao vy thy

when finish your lunch harry

IP_address: em nghe ma kg hieu gi het

thuyvan1290: troi chay\
Harry_VEC: probably
Zz DaRe 2 Br34K zZ: hello ong cner
Harry_VEC: c m gi
Zz DaRe 2 Br34K zZ: hello room
ESL_Instructor_ESL: Please DO NOT use large, red, white, or neon fonts. NO webcam, cap locks, or

It's that busy time of year when teachers are in countless

meetings, training and in-service days. They are also setting up and
cleaning their classrooms to get ready for students. In my own
classroom, the nametags are on the hooks, the mailboxes and cubbies
are labeled, and a hand-written welcome note together with a
bookmark and a new pencil sits on each child's desk.
As a teacher
and a parent, I get a bird's eye view of how teachers and parents can
team up to provide the best education possible for a child. Here are a
few things I think most teachers would want parents to know as the
school year begins

Happy Fall:


ty, sner

Hkhnk: epi o xi'

Happy Fall: tks thay,bb thay
GiotLeHanhPhuc: thanks thay
jenna_92: ty sner
nhoanhnhieu_t_92: hi epi
Frank Tung: you're wellcome
emdep_emkieu_qn15: hi thay oi
nothing_tolose: Chao thay
Live Truly: hell thay epi
emdep_emkieu_qn15: em cho thy
little lotus: chao thay epi
minh hang_0603: chao thay epioxi
IP_address: chao thay EPI
vannhan24: chao moi nguoi chao thay
vutien252: em thac mac
vutien252: thay oo
Happy Fall: no sound,epi?
choi tui ha?
Frank Tung: long sound u li th
nothing_tolose: Da. co
Frank Tung: ok
IP_address: da nghe
little lotus: co1 a5
lll Binh_Yen lll: ngheeeeeeeeeee
Hkhnk: tui lay cay gy. qua ben Duc
Happy Fall: ok
vutien252: co
Happy Fall: 1
minh hang_0603: yes
nhoanhnhieu_t_92: 1


no thy

cho xem

nothing_tolose: Co HK giu~ qua

Live Truly: co bao nhieu m vy thy ?
emdep_emkieu_qn15: c trang web ban oi
Live Truly: da
Happy Fall:
Hkhnk: hk noi tieng la cruel ma
Zz DaRe 2 Br34K zZ: hi hk
Frank Tung: ok
Zz DaRe 2 Br34K zZ: hi epioxi
Hkhnk: Hi cac ban
kkmod209: hello thy epioxi
nothing_tolose: co HK vey Kind



very nice ...

t/d k/g ch/j

iooo- yoo



Happy Fall: hi Ms. Hk

Zz DaRe 2 Br34K zZ: c lower hands li ko
Hkhnk: bua nao tui record cai class cua Epi roi
Hkhnk: trong luc epi uong cafe

pha't ra

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