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TQ3. Equality and Diversity (Ass. Crit. 1.3, 1.4)

Level 3 (300-400 words)
Identify issues of equality and diversity with
your current or future learners and ways to
promote inclusion. Identify other points of
referral available to meet the potential
needs of learners.

Level 4 (350-500 words)

Discuss issues of equality and diversity with
your current or future learners and ways to
promote inclusion. Review other points of
referral available to meet the potential
needs of learners.

The task must include

An explanation of what is meant by each of the key terms in the assessment question i.e.
'equality', 'diversity' and 'inclusion'. You must show that you understand each term and how
each relates to teaching and learning (implications for planning etc.)
EQUALITY relates to ensuring equal access to learning opportunities. (You don't have to
go into detail about equal opportunities and related legislation as this was covered in the
second theory assessment - although it would be good if you acknowledge that issues of
equality are covered by governmental legislation and organisational codes of practice.)

A discussion of the implications and issues associated with equality. Obviously you can't
discuss the concept of equality without discussing learner DIVERSITY -the reason that
equality is such an important issue within teaching and learning is that there are such a
broad range of learners to be accommodated.

You should discuss the 'diversity' of learners you may encounter in your teaching, how you
would assess/identify the differences and subsequent needs/requirements, and how you
would plan accordingly what reasonable adjustments' could you make to ensure equal
access to learning for all?

If you have correctly considered issues of equality and taken into account learner diversity
then you will have identified how to ensure INCLUSION for all. By including all learner
types, you should identify that you are making sure that no individual feels excluded or
discriminated against - and are taking an inclusive approach and PERSONALISING the
learning experience. By actively promoting and considering issues of equality, diversity and
inclusion you will ensure a learner-centred approach which will meet the needs of individual

To fully demonstrate your understanding of these key areas you should give some examples
of potential barriers to learning and how they can be overcome (functional skills, learning
difficulties, physical disabilities, language, finance etc.)You might also include the role
initial assessment plays here - and how identified equality issues must be catered for in
planning and preparation (differentiation, resources, facilities etc.) and could stress the
importance of actively promoting issues of equality, diversity and inclusion amongst your

learners and how you might do this. As tutors, it is also important that you
challenge/question your own prejudices and system of values and beliefs etc. before you
take action.

Make sure you don't forget the final part of the assessment question relating to
'referrals'. How much support can be provided/embedded within your own teaching
context and when you would refer a learner or an issue related to equality, diversity and
inclusion to a third party and why? Should include examples of where you can refer
learners for additional support - skills for life (literacy/numeracy/ICT etc.), disability
support (additional equipment/resources?) etc.

Reminder - To satisfy the level 4 requirements you must include evidence of wider reading and
research (not just from the internet!) supported by Harvard referencing and a suitable
Bibliography. This shouldn't be difficult for this question as so much has been researched and
written about equality, diversity and inclusion! I recommend reference to the Tomlinson and
Kennedy reports as they are a good place to start and help to reinforce the importance of
considering these issues within adult education.

Explain How You Could Promote Inclusion, Equality And Diversity With Your Current/Future
Learners. Identify Other Points Of Referral Available To Meet The Potential Needs Of

Equality and Diversity is a term used in to define and champion equality, diversity and
human rights in everyday living. It promotes and encourages equality of opportunity
for all, giving every individual the chance to achieve their potential in inclusive
practices and environments; that are free from prejudice and discrimination.
The Equality Act 2006 states it is a lawful requirement for all public authorities to
promote equality in their policies, guidelines and practices, thus having an impact on
other organisations meeting their legal duties when working with one another, to
promote equality whilst also doing so themselves.
All individuals have the right to be treated with respect and dignity, as everyone is an
individual with different needs, abilities and experiences. As a Youth Worker in
Charge I practice and promote Inclusion, Equality and Diversity for all by implementing
my own responsibilities as a worker in charge by carrying out constructive and
effective individual and group work with young people, which involves promoting

Diversity and value the differences in people by providing a safe, welcoming and
inclusive workplace culture, where individuals are valued, respected and listened to.
Equality of opportunity to access and benefit from professional and personal
development activities.
Support and guidance on challenging discrimination, prejudice, bullying, harassment
or victimisation
A range of friendly and flexible working practices that are accessible to all staff
regardless of their sexual orientation, race, gender, gender identity, disability, age,
religion or belief, community background.
During the PTLLS course enrolment forms, discussions, assessments and individual
learning plans ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged or subjected to unfair
discrimination on any grounds in relation to accessing appropriate methods and
resources. Diversity monitoring and data collection also helps us to identify areas that

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