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Stage One Question and Answer Log Vol.

Date of issue: 13 June 2014

Guggenheim Helsinki
Design Competition





Do you have to be an architect to submit a design for the

Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition? Can you be an
artist or draftsman?

In Stage One of the competition, the competitor at a

minimum shall be a person who has a professional
degree in architecture or the right to practice as an
architect in the country where he/she is qualified or in
the country where he/she currently resides or practices.


I wish to ask if, in order to enter the competition, is it

required to be a registered architect?

Please see response to Q1.


Is there any limit to the number of submissions from an

architectural firm? If there are some branches of an office,
is it possible to submit ideas from each?

If the firm is acting as a lead consultant, they may only

submit one entry per office branch.


We only can import the Kantakartta_site_plan.dwg, not the

rest of the dwgs which we have downloaded. Our drawing
system is VectorWorks 2008, so it is possible that the
AutoCad drawings are from a more recent version. Is it
possible for you to use AutoCad 2008, or to send these
drawings in pdf-format, so we translate them in our

We have updated the Downloads section of the website

with other formats.


I am interested in the competition. I would like to ask

whether I am eligible to enter the competition if I have
obtained a masters degree in architecture but I am not yet
a registered architect.

Please see response to Q1.


I was just wondering whether as a Part 1 architectural

assistant, I would be eligible to take part in this
competition? I have a Bachelors degree from a RIBA
certified University in the UK (University of Kent) and was
wondering whether this is acceptable?

Please see response to Q1.


Please can you reissue all CAD files to be openable with

either: ArchiCad 17 (.pln file format) or MicroStation (.dgn
file format), for releases as early as 2010?

Please see response to Q4.


I've download all the documents regarding the

participation on this competition, and i just want to
confirm what is the final site for the museum? The pdf file
sinki_a3) shows the past site, is that correct? And the new
site location is Makasiiniterminaali, that is anounced in the
other pdfs?

Please refer to Page 64-5 of the Competition Conditions

for the current site location and boundaries.


What is the registration process for this competition? Do

we need to register now and pay an entry fee or do we
just make a submission by September 10th?

Please register on the competition website to receive the

registration number you will need to submit your design
by 10th September 2014. There is no entry fee for this



I have read the conditions but I could not find any tuition
cost to participate on the competition, is there any at all?

The competition is free to enter. There are no registration

or entry costs.


Stage One Question and Answer Log


We are curious about eligibility of entrants. Since this

competition mentions as blind, will there be any case of
disqualified participants?

Entrants who do not meet the minimum eligibility

requirements (as stated on Page 72 of the Competition
Conditions document), will be not be considered for this



I earned my bachelor's degree at the Polytechnic of Milan

a year ago: I would like to know if my university degree in
architecture is enough to participate in stage one of the

Please see response to Q1.



The3D CAD models you've provided via Dropbox in the

"CAD 3-D Site Plan" folder, seem to have difficulties with
some 3D modelling programs. Is it possible for you toalso
provide the ".3ds"versions of the drawings so that various
design and modelling programs can open these without
having any problems?

Please see response to Q4.



We are a consultant company of building structures. We

want to know if we can participate with more than one
company in the competition: Guggenheim Helsinki.

A company may be a member of more than one team,

but can only be the lead member of one team. The
same individual within a company should not participate
in more than one entry. This is to prevent a conflict of
interest at the second stage of the competition.



I am wondering if Architectural Graduates (MArch, BArch

etc) are eligible to enter for stage one of the competition
prior to registration/licensure for architects.

Please see response to Q1.



Could you please give further information on what you

consider a 'professional degree in architecture'. Is a master
in Architecture from a European school sufficient or do you
necessarily need to be a registered architect in your

Please see response to Q1.



Can you please clarify if the latest digital technology

should be incorporated into the design of the construction
and development of the museum or in the visionary
design of the competition presentation (Four A1-size

This refers to the design, construction and development

of the museum.



After reading the tender document, I did not manage to

find if you are considering an indemnity fee for those 6
teams that would pass to Phase two, and else if there are
rewards besides the First Prize.

The winner of the competition will receive 100,000. The

five runner-ups will each receive 55,000. This is detailed
in the Competition Conditions document on Page 72.



Is there any registration fee? Or is it free to enter?

Please see response to Q10.



I can't see where I can upload our projects on the site, do

we need to send our designs via this email address?

Hard copies of your submission should be posted to

Helsinki. The postal address will be provided to
registered competitors at a later date. Submissions
should also be emailed to



If two architects from different architecture firms wish to

enter together, would it still be possible for us to joinas a
group without representing our separate firms? If possible,
how should be best fill in the section of Company Name?

Yes, you may enter as individuals, separate from your

firms. However in this case, you must not also be
responsible for an entry from within your firm. Any one
individual may only be involved in one entry. Please
leave the Company Name section of the registration
form blank, or enter "N/A", if it does not apply to you.


Stage One Question and Answer Log


Drawings are not able to open in 2009 Autocad program,

even in 2012 it didn't work. Please upload a version that
may used by a majority of the architects.

Please see response to Q4.



I'm an Egyptian Architect who graduated from

governmental engineering college, architecture section,
am I able to participate in the contest?

Please see response to Q1.



Can the CAD file can be issued with the site boundary

This will be updated.



I have a Bachelor of Architecture degree (5 years course).

Can I participate in this competition?

Please see response to Q1.



I am a recent graduate. I have my course completion

certificate with me, but it will take few months to get my
degree certificate. Can I participate?

Please see response to Q1.



I would appreciate if you could confirm whether or not this

competition is open to none-registered architects (such as
Architectural designer / designer).

Please see response to Q1.



I notice in the downloads packs that it stated that only

Architects can enter, and I would just like to confirm this. I
am a first year architecture student in London, but would
really like to enter the competition as a student. If I did
enter would my submission be accepted for the

Please see response to Q1.



We can clearly see the limits for the competition site in the
PDF document downloaded from the website, but those
limits don't appear on any of the DWG documents. Would
it be possible to get an update of the DWG with those
limits, at least the outer ones, from which it could be
possible for us to consider the restrictions lanes of 10m
and 15m?

Please see response to Q24.



"The City of Helsinki and the State of Finland are

expected to deliberate on whether to proceed with the
construction and development of the museum after the
competition concludes." It would be great if you explain
this sentence in detail and show me some possible cases.

This statement is factual.



Is it possible for a company to submit more than 1 entry?

No, this is not possible. Each company, or individual,

may only submit one entry.



I would like to ask if it is possible to provide Auto-CAD

drawings in a lower format or dxf format. My office in
Japan currently runs on AutoCAD 2012, and unfortunately
we cannot open the drawings.

Please see response to Q4.



After we downloaded the DWG files from your website we

do not see in any of these files the property line being
clearly marked. Is it possible to upload another DWG file
where the property line is clearly marked?

Please see response to Q24.



Is the due date September 10th at 12:00 the time when the
proposal has to arrive in your office or when it has to be

This will be clarified at a later stage.


Stage One Question and Answer Log


I am interested in this competition and would like to

participate as an individual. I have a 5-year professional
degree in Architecture from an accredited university and 6
solid years of work experience working in the field. I am
currently working toward my architectural licensure. Can I
still participate as a designer?

Please see response to Q1.



The Competition Conditions" and the Revised Proposal

2013" indicate that the area assigned for the project is
the one next to Thtitornin vuori park. However, the
document Concept and Development specifies the
Guggenheim area as the one in front of the Ministery of
Foreign Affairs, next to the Katajanokka park. Could you

Please see response to Q8.



I am architectural design staff in Korea. I work in a Korean

architecture company but I don't have alicence. Do I need
an architecture licence to register and participate?

Please see response to Q1.



I am looking for English version site or some sort of ease in

understanding the CAD files. It's little bit inconvenient to
understand the extend of the site through the layers as
well as the site context. I would appreciate if I could have
English version of it.

All available information has been issued.



Building program contradicts the site location compared

to Design competition conditions. Building program gives
detailed analysis of the site in front of ministry of foreign
affairs, whereas the site shown in the design competition
condition is next to Tahititornin vuori park. Please advise,
which is the final site location?

Please see response to Q8.



I would appreciate if I could have an English version of the

CAD file with correct site extents. which would help in
understanding site information.

Please see responses to Q38 and Q24.



Download Material: we have a problem with opening the

dwg documents; Could you kindly issue them in a version
which is not specifically for Autocad or the latest versions
of Archicad?

Please see response to Q4.



Could you provide a list of what is on the dwg documents

as issued?

The titles of the DWG documents indicate what is in the




Site: can you describe the main road, which appears

elevated above ground level, in particular is it possible to
arrange a direct link under the road from the park to the

Please refer to the spot height on the base plan and site
plan as well as the 3D model.



Basement: is it realistically possible to create basement

level[s]? If not why not? Is it a fear of overstepping
budgets? If yes can you advise as to possible depth?

Please see Page 46 and Page 54 of the Competition

Conditions for details on basement levels.



We don't understand where the site of the competition

is.In thebookletCompetition Conditions (page 40) you
show a site that is not the same as the bookletConcept
and Development Study for a Guggenheim Helsinki (page
154). Is this normal? Do we have the choice of site? If not,
which is it?

Please see response to Q8.


Stage One Question and Answer Log


I have a simple question about the stage one submission

materials, "Part B: Four A1-size boards (rigid; lightweight)"
What is the meaning of "rigid; lightweight"? Is this like
foam board? Is it possible to send four A1 boards as paper
roll without any rigid material?

Please use a rigid lightweight material, which could be

foam board, for the A1 Boards. It is not possible to use a
paper roll as these boards will need to be displayed to
the Jury for the purposes of assessment.



I need the the boundaries on the CAD drawings shown in

a red line like the PDF.

Please see response to Q24.



We tried with Archicad on six other CAD-programs and

they all tell "unsupported DXF/DWG file format". It would
be great if you can provide us with the functioning data
files as soon as possible.

Please see answer to Q4.



I have a masters degree in architecture and am young

architect,but I don't have a licence yet in my country. Am I
eligible to enter the competition?

Yes you are eligible to enter. Please also see response to




Is this a call for all over the world?

Yes, this is an open, international competition.



I would like to participate in the Guggenheim competition,

however my education profile is cand.polyt. arch. I'm
educated civil engineer in architecture. My question is can
I still register?

Please see responses to Q1 and Q53.



Are we eligible in participation as a Landscape

Architecture firm?

Please see response to Q1.



Do you require any specific documents in order to register

our entry?

Please refer to the submission requirements on Page 7576 of the Competition Conditions.



The deadline, as the website mentions, is 10 September

2014, Do you have another deadline prior for other
required documents, if any?

No, the single deadline for submissions of all entries is

10 September 2014.



The Competition brief gives the award details, but those

seem after Stage Two. Is there any prize for designs
selected in stage one?

There are no awards after Stage One. There is an award

of 100,000 for the winner and 55,000 for five runnerups, which will be awarded to shortlisted competitors
after Stage Two of the competition.



We failed to find any accurate site dimensions, layout or

boundaries within the downloadable documents provided
on the competition website. As far as we think, the site
boundaries are only shown on an aerial image included in
the competition conditions PDF documents. Can you
kindly provide us with such information, or refer us to
where to find it? An AutoCAD base map file with the
accurate site dimensions would be very helpful and very
much appreciated.

Please see response to Q24.



I am confused about the site place, please tell me is the

site placed onKanava Terminal orMakasiini Terminal?

Please see response to Q4.


Stage One Question and Answer Log

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