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Assignment # 1

Case Study
Speech Coaching

Submitted To:
Mr. Amin Rajani
Course Instructor: Organizational Behavior

Submitted By:
Syed Junaid Ali
ID: 13856

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------3
2. Question # 1 & Answer----------------------------------------------4
3. Question # 2 & Answer----------------------------------------------5
4. Question # 3 & Answer----------------------------------------------7
5. Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------8
6. End Notes---------------------------------------------------------------9

The given case study is regarding significance of speech coach in today's
world, where electronic communication advancement has been done but still

the face to face to interaction with clients or an audience couldn't be

It's not only about theatre actors or singers to have speech coach training
also it's about a CEO of a company or a labor to have this training. The
speech coach enables a person to project him in a way that he never knew
about it. Many highly respectable managers round the world give a huge
importance to a speech coach since they taught that it enables them to
connect with their clients emotionally and understanding and interpreting
their needs efficiently. Also gives them an edge and boost while
communicating with the client.
In the today's modern world of communication Speech Coaching Therapy has
a role to play weather you are convincing your boss or an actor presenting
his taught through effective dialogues.

Question #1 What do you think explains the growth of speech

coaches in business?
A speech coach is an expert who helps progress presentation skills in a
variety of methods. A speech coach may work with one client on overcoming
an anxiety of public speaking and with another client by focusing on a
When you hire a speech coach, you may have several different motives.
Perhaps you are a very eloquent speaker or businessmen but seem very rigid
and uncomfortable behind the dais, a speech coach can help you with your
body postures to develop the whole presentation. A speech coach can help
you too in developing interviewing skills or effectively handling a frightening
press conference or handing a large group of subordinates under your
command. Most of the training is oriented around speech; the speech coach
guides you how to communicate with excitement, how to use variation
effectively and how you can use your body language while addressing.
A speech coach can have a noteworthy impact on your career. He can help
you form yourself as an impressive and influential presence, which can help
you if you're running for a political office or if seeking a job or promotion. A
speech coach has the potential to help you achieve a high level of success in
interacting with your audience. Once your coaching is through, you should
become more polished, confident, organized, focused and be able to project
that to others.
Good communicators had an easier time captivating investors with their
verbal and nonverbal skills than do those with less polish. Some
entrepreneurs are such poor communicators that they never get past the
first meeting with the investor in contrast good entrepreneur can give you a
30-second elevator pitch that portrays his or her business. Sadly, many fail
to do that in the way of an hours meeting. Coaches, who may charge you
$100 an hour for one on one supervision to more than $10,000 a day for
groups, work with clients on content and delivery, organization,
pronunciation, timing, how to enter a presentation with assurance and
refining a message around vital words. They draw attention to defects like
targeting through presentations as well as rising inflections that make every
statement sound like a question from, like a valley girl. They encourage

people to speak in sound bites, use short sentences and pause so listeners
can get what has been said.
In the given case study too most of the managers give a huge importance to
speech coach as they think that it enables to give them an edge and boost in
todays world of business while communicating with either their internal or
external clients.

Question #2 Do you think hiring a speech coach is a good

investment for managers to make?
A speech coach can provide individual awareness that is focused on your
precise development needs. Coaching can be personal, fast results oriented
and need not put too great a strain on your bank account. You should view
hiring a speech coach as an investment in your professional development.
You will come away with refinement, polish, encouragement, sophisticated
feedback, better presentation skills, confidence in new situations and a new
dimension added to your communication portfolio.
Speech coaches may charge by the hour or by the project. A good speech
coach will be able to quickly locate areas where you can achieve results fast
and improve. You can aid the process by taking the time to self-analyze
yourself and converse where you believe you can improve before you meet
with your coach. This will allow the coach to plan in advance and as a result
save them time and your money.
Some people are sensitive about their accents. Through a series of drills, a
speech coach can make necessary modifications in pronunciation but more
importantly they show that accents are part of a person's personality and not
necessarily an obstruction to audience understanding. Plus surprising
language constructions often evoke humor.
Even though business owners may be experts in their fields that do not
automatically translate into being able to market them verbally. Many agree
that speaking concisely and in a compelling way lend credibility. While poor
communication skills are not essentially deadly, they can make it more
challenging to win over probable investors, potential clients, employees and
business partners.

Being an impressive presenter is more of an acquired skill than a born gift,

enthusiasts say. Techniques that work with a large audience are also effective
one-on-one. Patricia Fripp, a sales presentation skills trainer based in San
Francisco, says that connecting on an emotional level with the audience and
telling people what they will gain, rather than what you will offer, is
important. Lorraine Howell, a coach in Seattle, advises people trying to
modulate their voices to sing in the shower, read to children or record their
Lawrence Dolph managing partner of RFD Insight, a turnaround expert and
growth consultant in Ann Arbor Mich., says that in addition to being
concerned with what they know and how they present it, speakers now must
be telegenic thanks to videoconferencing. It causes you to be assessed as if
you were a television actor, Mr. Dolph said. You need to have good body
postures so you dont look like an unbending and a lot of that not possible
without coaching. Unless you have been brought through some sort of actual
course, you are probably not aware of your speech or body patterns.
When Rebeca Mojica, a Chicago jewelry designer, started her jewelry design
business in Chicago three years ago, she found herself being taken
advantage of by clients who did not respect her time or wanted free private
lessons or discounts. For several months in 2004 and 2005, she hired a
coach to help her take control of conversations. She said she learned to be
matter of fact in dealing with unpleasant situations and even got tips on how
to sit when talking on the phone, with feet planted on the ground and torso
leaning slightly forward. She said coaching taught her how to handle
potentially uncomfortable situations, cut down on wasted time and reduce
I tended to be a people pleaser. Im a nice person, which is great for some
aspects of customer service but not good for others, Ms. Mojica said. When
you want results, you need to take your conversations seriously.
So hiring speech coaches in business is not a bad investment since its guides
your managers to perform more better and earn you more profit in your field.

Question #3 Do you think you would benefit from the help of a

speech coach? Why or why not?
Working with a speech coach only makes sense if it directly benefits you and
your organization.
You could personally profit from working with speech coach if you want to:

Project an executive presence or "own the room" every time you

Prepare a compelling message for an important speech.
Win your audiences attention, respect, and cooperation.
Build rapport with your audiences, whether youre speaking to a small,
informal group or addressing a packed auditorium.
Look and feel more confident while speaking.

And at the same time your organization could get benefit from it too:

Secure funding or help win a major job or contract.


Make a persuasive pitch to funding sources.

Influence the publics perception of your organization.
Win the trust and respect of shareholders and the board of directors

One of the most important leadership skills is being able to communicate

ideas face-to-face. You can learn to be more credible and persuasive with
clients, prospective clients, employees, and in formal speeches before the
public. You can gain more confidence in your ability to think on your feet in
stressful situations. Most people are aware of the old saying: It's not what
you say; it's the way how you say it. The main part of "how you say it" is
learning to control the important "other half" of face to face communication
body language. Little variation can make a huge difference and people can
quickly learn which small changes will help them prove their leadership
qualities more successfully.
Anyone can become considerably more credible in various professional
speaking situations from formal speeches to meetings with employee groups
or peers, from sessions with clients or government groups to media
interviews. You can learn to show what you want and make good decisions
about speaking and other areas of your life. Life becomes more rewarding
when you decide what you want to achieve and learn to make better daily
You will have an associate who will support you, a person you can talk to
about anything. You will have a cheerleader to encourage you. You will have
someone you trust to help you with your accountability and the coach will
help you to become the best that you can be. I believe that if I get a chance
to ever work with him I can achieve my goals through that very easily.

During this case study I came to knew about importance of speech coaching
and how it helps different managers round the world to communicate with
their clients either external or internal. The speech coaching enables you to
portray yourself effectively and efficiently in your professional or even in
your personal life.

End Notes

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