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Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors.

Offensive language is not

Alert: Welcome to
. Chao don ban den voi
NO webcam, LARGE, RED and NEON font during class.
- ESE Code of Conduct:
- ESE Schedule:


Alert: WARNING: The owner of this room and their admins have and do frequently use the
power to remove (bounce) members at their discretion to keep an orderly room as they see
fit. If this is unacceptable to you, please visit one of our many other rooms.
huyxuanvo2002: bua nay hoc thi

co Tieumy

da ke chuyen.

Tranvueger: Th
Tranvueger: n
old_cat_54: D hc vy s ko b Tu ha nhp ma
Alert: ====SECURITY BULLETIN!=======
Using utilites from third parties such as button holders, remote typers, etc ... are at risk of
having their passwords stolen!
Many of these utilities contain trojans that report your nickname and password to the
program's creator. We encourage everyone to change their password reguarly, and to uncheck
the save password checkbox on the login screen.
If you do this, you will have to enter your password every time you log in, but it is a small
price to pay to keep your account and password protected.
kevintran9: ban nao co' cac bai truoc cua co tieumy thi upload len room duoc

ko cac ban?
Tieumy_: 3. Verbals: Gerunds, Infinitives, Participles

3. Verbals: Gerunds, Infinitives, Participles



xxx_Hugo_xxx: hello Co tieumy

chungbio82: hello co tieumy

Hi C Tieumy

contubot_nd: Em chao
miss_chjk: hii
contubot_nd: Da.

co TM and everyone



Sony_girl: kkkkkkkk
miss_chjk: vng

Verbal is a word that is made from a verb; it never used

alone as the action verbs in sentences: instead, they function

miss_chjk: hiii
contubot_nd: Tranvu
coirieng_31: da con vang

loi co

ghe bi gay roi co tieumy
khoai_tay_06: phant ich
coirieng_31: ng t l mt t ch hnh ng?
TruongDN2012: xua nay em van nghi vay, te that
miss_chjk: yes

There are three of these in English: gerund , infinitive,

Tieumy_: A. Gerund:
Tieumy_: A verb form that place of a noun in a sentence. The
gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle;
it's created from the -ing form to the base form of the verb.
Running, speaking, parking

contubot_nd: rule
TruongDN2012: I see
Sony_girl: vi truoc phu
contubot_nd: role
miss_chjk: i see

am la 1 nguyen am, nen double

hello co M

Sony_girl: hello co Ni
ni_nguyen42: gerund

Like other noun, gerunds act as subjects and objects in


ni_nguyen42: hello all

ni_nguyen42: chao co tieu mi
ni_nguyen42: hi sony
mohajuu: chao co tieumi
ni_nguyen42: chao anh old cat

JUMPING is fun. (subject) He liked SKIING. (Object)

Tieumy_: SLEEPING sometimes serves as an escape from


Cc Bn nn copy li lm ti liu ring cho mnh , sau ny cn xem

li cho d nh
nothing_tolose: Yes . em dang ghi am lai

-When a noun or pronoun precedes a gerund, use the

possible case of the noun or pronoun.
Tieumy_: Jane's sleeping sometimes serves as an escape from

old_cat_54: 's
TruongDN2012: Tieumi's book
old_cat_54: TM's bk
miss_chjk: Tieumy 's book
nothing_tolose: Tieumy's book.
old_cat_54: book

TM's book

Sony_girl: school's bus.

Snow Cloud: school bus
miss_chjk: school 's bus
old_cat_54: choolbus
chungbio82: school's bus
contubot_nd: the bus of the school
nothing_tolose: bus of school
contubot_nd: of the school bus
TruongDN2012: TruongDN2012's Bus
miss_chjk: oki
miss_chjk: xe
TruongDN2012: Bus
chungbio82: the schoolbus
miss_chjk: vng
TruongDN2012: Vi sao co?
miss_chjk: Why ?
tuyethai: chao co TieuMy
miss_chjk: vng
miss_chjk: hiii vng
chungbio82: ngon hon va hay hon, pro
tuyethai: chao moi nguoi
contubot_nd: the house key
kevintran9: the house's car
nothing_tolose: car key
TruongDN2012: car key
seawave_4: house's key
Snow Cloud: car key
emdep_emkieu_qn15: house's key
thuynguyen113: key car
kimono_mono: the car key
contubot_nd: the car key
miss_chjk: the carkey
kevintran9: the house's key
nothing_tolose: house key
chungbio82: carkey
boyviet_nolove: the car key
emdep_emkieu_qn15: key car
kevintran9: da
emdep_emkieu_qn15: car key



car key

chungbio82: the housekey
contubot_nd: ok
miss_chjk: okey
TruongDN2012: dong vat duoc khong
kevintran9: da
old_cat_54: 's ch dnh cho ngi
kevintran9: the housekey
kevintran9: the carkey


Ex: Jane's sleeping sometimes serves as an escape from


chungbio82: co oi ha noun viet lien hay viet roi?

xxx_Hugo_xxx: cai duoi cua con bo noi nhu nao co tieumy?
taichinh_ktkt: the housekey
contubot_nd: tuc tu cua gioi tu
contubot_nd: Ok
kimono_mono: tuc tu gian tiep la gi a
kimono_mono: ?
thanh tan: Her joy is helping the homeless and the helpless.

present particle or gerund

thanh tan: niem


co cam on.

Helping is

chy u ri thanh tan c hi ka

vui cua ba ay la giup do nhung nguoi khong nha va nguoi bo

kytv2012: co
kimono_mono: khong
luuluu91: k
TruongDN2012: no
taylorswift146: hi all
TruongDN2012: yes
taylorswift146: hi co Tieu
taylorswift146: hi ca nha
TruongDN2012: Co
thanh tan: co


lKhuong lNgo: hi be' taylor

TruongDN2012: I am from Vietnam
taylorswift146: hi chu'
mohajuu: danggip do
TruongDN2012: dang giup
lKhuong lNgo:
taylorswift146: ???
miss_chjk: v gia c
thanh tan: nguoi khong nha
miss_chjk: khuyt tt
old_cat_54: disable
boyviet_nolove: ng ri c c
boyviet_nolove: lon qu c
contubot_nd: ok
kimono_mono: yes

ging tip i

Snow Cloud: day tiep di co

Snow Cloud: chut ha giai thich
nothing_tolose: jump up
TruongDN2012: Tiep di co
TruongDN2012: Cu di thang
binhan_1: bi ny tun trc c ging ri
Trivia_ESE: binhan, giang roi bay gio gia?ng la.i thi`
binhan_1: d khng
Trivia_ESE: vay thi` em ngoi nghe va` ho.c ddi
kimono_mono: co oi, cho con hoi tuc tu gian tiep
kimono_mono: va tuc tu truc tiep la gi a?
kimono_mono: vi bai truoc con chua hoc a
kimono_mono: da

co van dde gi kohng em?

cac ban ddat cau hoi trong ba`i co TM ddang gia?ng,

ddoi cuoi gio roi hoi nhung chuyen kha'c

TruongDN2012: Yes
kimono_mono: neu dc thi
kimono_mono: ^^
nothing_tolose: Da. nghe

cuoi gio co giang lai cung duoc a


c ang nghe c

coirieng_31: co TM di an
contubot_nd: em thuong

Co di an sang di

coirieng_31: thuong

sang di
co TM nhut'

co TM qua



Em cung nho co qua chung

luuluu91: kk
binhan_1: c

c th phn tch cu ny khng : Walking in the park the other

day, I saw a bird building a nest.
Snow Cloud: thanks co

No question

kimono_mono: yes
contubot_nd: They delayed deploying this project last week.
contubot_nd: deploying day la gerund dung k co^?
huyxuanvo2002: She liked MY calling her before I came over.

phai ko co TM
nothing_tolose: yes

calling la gerund

SITTING IN HIS OFFICE, the President called the Vicepresident. participle phrase
Tieumy_: C. A participle
Tieumy_: . A participle is a verb that ends in -ing: coming (present
participle) or ed, d, t, en, n (past participal) in irregular verb. It
function as an adjective, describing or modifying nouns.

old_cat_54: phn t
SUV29: can i speak

to someone there on mic - my first time can someone

help me my english not very well ,what i do

The BEATEN man hobbled into the woods.



the dancing monkey entertains us

Sony_girl: adj
old_cat_54: adj
TruongDN2012: A

participle is a verb that ends in -ing: co nghia dung sau ING

ha co?

The BEATEN man hobbled into the woods. khong hieu cau thi du
nay, co Tieumy noi lai.
emdep_emkieu_qn15: c oi sau ed, t, d, en , n
emdep_emkieu_qn15: l sao dy c
emdep_emkieu_qn15: em ko hieu a



miss_chjk: vng
miss_chjk: yes
emdep_emkieu_qn15: da
miss_chjk: write - wrote
huyxuanvo2002: SITTING

- written
IN HIS OFFICE, the President called the Vicepresident. participle phrase.Vy SITTING ng vai tr l adj ha co TM
TruongDN2012: Gian lai phan nay di co
TruongDN2012: em chua hieu

burn/ burnt/ burnt

boyviet_nolove: describing or modifying nouns.

bongbanhbeo: em v sau nn nghe ko hu lm
emdep_emkieu_qn15: d
emdep_emkieu_qn15: D
emdep_emkieu_qn15: dA

???? l g vy c

lay/ laid/ laid

emdep_emkieu_qn15: DA
Sony_girl: The dacing monkey.

Dancing minh co the goi la gerund nhung dong

vai tro la adjective khong co Tieumy?

em hiu a

rise/ rose/ risen

old_cat_54: ko phi u Sony

demenphanrang: phong nay day gi ko hieu
Sony_girl: khong hieu, thi ngoi nghe se hieu
old_cat_54: ang dy Grammar Bn


huyxuanvo2002: ok
huyxuanvo2002: em hieu roi co
miss_chjk: Adj
hangover_HM: adi
contubot_nd: Noun
Sony_girl: da.
Sony_girl: dzay Gerund chi dung' dau cau ha co
miss_chjk: Phan biet nhu vay de lam gi a
luuluu91: k phi ch ng u cu
Sony_girl: da co Tieumy cho them thi du di a.
miss_chjk: yes
old_cat_54: Dacing l present participle
luuluu91: m l ch lm danh t phi khng
Sony_girl: da.
kimono_mono: ca tuc tu nua
Sony_girl: da.
miss_chjk: mua vui
miss_chjk: vng :x
seawave_4: ban sony doi mau chu di
miss_chjk: Gerund is Noun
Snow Cloud: gerund la subject and object
miss_chjk: ADJ
miss_chjk: yes
kimono_mono: yes


da camon co Tieumy
da roi.
da duoc roi co Tieumy.
co Tieumy day tiep.

Sony_girl: cam on co Tieumy

miss_chjk: C TM i, phn bit

h c

2 ci ny lm g ? hiu cu trc ca cu

Her joy is helping the homeless and the helpless. Helping is

present particle or gerund co cam on
nothing_tolose: OK roi co
thanh tan:

mnh ko down skype, mong c gio thng cm v cho

mnh hc hi

boyviet_nolove: describing or modifying

emdep_emkieu_qn15: miss hoi kia c oi
miss_chjk: chjk
miss_chjk: hiii
miss_chjk: okey
miss_chjk: i understood
boyviet_nolove: ok c
miss_chjk: vng
miss_chjk: tks c TM
Sony_girl: da
tu4nanhy3u: sao ko nghe dc a
thanh tan: Her joy is helping the

present particle or gerund


C. The infinitive:

thanh tan:

nouns. la g c i

homeless and the helpless. Helping is

co cam on.

hangover_HM: vb
miss_chjk: Noun
TruongDN2012: noun
tu4nanhy3u: chu u
miss_chjk: S or O
boyviet_nolove: s o
miss_chjk: yes
boyviet_nolove: yes
Snow Cloud: nguyen

the co to



miss_chjk: Nim vui ca c y l gip nhng ngi v

Snow Cloud: nguye^n the^~ co "to"
emdep_emkieu_qn15: s vui mng cu c y l c th gip

gia c v

nhng ngi
khng nh v khng c ai gip ..(phi khng a)
Sony_girl: So thich cua co ay la giup do nguoi vo gia cu va nguoi khong co hy
thanh tan: niem vui cua ba ay la giup do nhung nguoi khong nha va nhung
nguoi bo vo.
miss_chjk: yes
miss_chjk: ang gip
miss_chjk: okey
Sony_girl: Helping la Noun, nen la Gerund dung khong co Tieumy?
miss_chjk: vng
thanh tan: su giup do co a.
miss_chjk: yes
changeordie: yes
boyviet_nolove: yes
tu4nanhy3u: uh
miss_chjk: Helping i trc TOBE nn l Verb
thanh tan: vay no co le la gerund.
miss_chjk: Nim vui ca c y l ang gip
TruongDN2012: Su giup do
tuyethai: su giup do
changeordie: Her joy is helping the homeless and the helpless. Helping is
present particle or gerund.
miss_chjk: i
Sony_girl: Hieu roi co
miss_chjk: vng
miss_chjk: s gip

Tieumy oi

helping the homeless and the helpless.

Sony_girl: cam on co Tieumy.

betty_1986: hi co TM ane erybody
miss_chjk: vng
thanh tan: ok
miss_chjk: yes
Sony_girl: da.
thanh tan: thanks.
miss_chjk: yes
thanh tan: I see .
seawave_qb: Her joy is helping the
miss_chjk: ok
Snow Cloud: Helping the homeless

homeless and the helpless.

and the helpless is her joy.

k12111993: can u
miss_chjk: hiii
miss_chjk: k
luuluu91: kk
betty_1986: voice

turn up your voice

to ty co^ oi

k12111993: please
Sony_girl: kkkkkkk
TruongDN2012: Noi nhieu,
lKhuong lNgo:
nhatrang1965: co rot
miss_chjk: ADJ
lKhuong lNgo: ko rot
tuyethai: nghe ma

em cam on nhieu

mic ha co

Sony_girl: nghe ok.
luuluu91: nghe m
miss_chjk: yes
nothing_tolose: yes

C. The infinitive:

miss_chjk: okey
nothing_tolose: Nguyen mau
boyviet_nolove: ng t nguyn mu
miss_chjk: To + Verb
newcomer_hue: co tieumy dang day phan nao vay
seawave_qb: to infinitive = ng t nguyn th


The infinitive: is base form of a verb with to. Usually it

also functions as a NOUN, although it can be an ADIECTIVE or
ADVERB, and act as the subj. or obj. as well.

Sony_girl: dong tu o
Sony_girl: kkkkkkkk
miss_chjk: hiii

nguyen the?

miss_chjk: C i dy nt ri
miss_chjk: hii
boyviet_nolove: dich lun c

nh !

The infinitive: is base form of a verb with to. Usually it

also functions as a NOUN, although it can be an ADJECTIVE or
ADVERB, and act as the subj. or obj. as well.
Tieumy_: TO JUMP is fun. (noun/subject of is ) He likes TO SKI
(noun/object of like)

seawave_qb: N
miss_chjk: yes

She had a suggestion TO OFFER There are no good

movie TO SEE

hangover_HM: Tinh tu dung trc or co dung sau dtu

huyxuanvo2002: adj dung sau minh dich nhu the
miss_chjk: yess
miss_chjk: yu cu

nao co

miss_chjk: yu cu
thanh tan: cung cap
trtvy: ch nh
miss_chjk: cung cp

1 de nghi


kimono_mono: cung cap

changeordie: co ta da dua

ra 1 de nghi

dde nghi. , khong phai yeu cau

Trivia_ESE: yes

nothing_tolose: dua
miss_chjk: okey
miss_chjk: yes


We are looking TO BUY a car.(adv modify the verb

Tieumy_: The man lies to save his neck.
Tieumy_: The man lies TO SAVE his neck. (adv modify the verb
Tieumy_: The couple was happy TO LEAVE

MrDam: n
thanh tan: adv
luuluu91: adv
TruongDN2012: adv
contubot_nd: Adv
nothing_tolose: avd
trtvy: adv
miss_chjk: N
kimono_mono: adv
kytv2012: adv
miss_chjk: yes
Sony_girl: vi no bo tuc cho happy.
trtvy: do dung sau tinh tu

The kids were ready TO GO.

nothing_tolose: adv bo nghia cho

miss_chjk: adv
Sony_girl: adv
TruongDN2012: adv
Snow Cloud: adv
TruongDN2012: ready
miss_chjk: cho avd
Snow Cloud: adv
TruongDN2012: adj
khoai_tay_06: adj
miss_chjk: adv
nothing_tolose: trang tu
kimono_mono: adj
contubot_nd: adj
luuluu91: adj
changeordie: adj
contubot_nd: sau tobe la` adj
Snow Cloud: la adv
betty_1986: kh gh c i

V , Adj



em doc trong sach,noi la mot so dong tu theo sau bat buoc la

gerund,roi infinitive,va mot so doi khi ca hai


cho_nhau_niem_tin: E
betty_1986: da copy


boyviet_nolove: ok ~
miss_chjk: oky
nhatrang1965: em copy het ,tung
cho_nhau_niem_tin: DA CHUA
luuluu91: ok r
dihocchu: da
seawave_qb: yes

bai do co

It can be difficult to know whether a gerund or an

infinitive should follow a verb. It's helpful by memorizing the
lists of specific verbs they can be followed by one but not the



boyviet_nolove: c i dch lun vi h

cho_nhau_niem_tin: DICH DI CO
nhatrang1965: em co copy roi co
contubot_nd: yes
betty_1986: da copy again cho e voi

Trivia_ESE: ddua cho Sweet nhe


nhung con dung cho ca hai luon thi sao co

oh cai ddo'

old_cat_54: D Trivia
miss_chjk: hiii
miss_chjk: vng

gip c


my trc cun

To admit (nhan/thua nhan) To avoid (huy bo/tranh) To

appreciate (cam kich/danh gia) To consider (xem/coi nhu.quan
tam) To delay (tri hoan/cham tre) To deny (tu choi) To discuss
(ban cai/thao luan) To dislike ( o ua/thich) To enjoy (thich
thu/khoai) To finish (xong/ket thuc) To keep (giu/giu lai) To
mind (do du, ban tam) To imagine (tuong tuong/hinh dung)


up len mediafire may ban, cho minh down voi


To miss (thieu/bo xot) To practice (thuc hanh/luyen

tap)To prefer (dua ra/de^` bat) To postpone (hoa~n lai) To quit

(bo~/ro*`i/buo^ng) To recall (nho*`/go*.i lai) To recommend

(gioi thieu.tien cu) To regret (tiec/an han) To resent (oan
gian/phan uat) To resist (cuo~ng lai/chiu dung duoc) To
suggest (de nghi) To stop (ngung/cham dut) To like (thich)
Trivia_ESE: To begin (bat dau) To start (bat dau) To try (co gang) To
intend (co y dinh) To plan (hoach dinh) To like (thich) To
continue (tiep tuc) To hate (ghet) To love (ye^u) To remember
zlz Aqua Blue zlz:


To admit (nhan/thua nhan) To avoid (huy bo/tranh) To

appreciate (cam kich/danh gia) To consider (xem/coi nhu.quan
tam) To delay (tri hoan/cham tre) To deny (tu choi) To discuss
(ban cai/thao luan) To dislike ( o ua/thich) To enjoy (thich
thu/khoai) To finish (xong/ket thuc) To keep (giu/giu lai) To
mind (do du, ban tam) To imagine (tuong tuong/hinh dung)
Trivia_ESE: To miss (thieu/bo xot) To practice (thuc hanh/luyen
tap)To prefer (dua ra/de^` bat) To postpone (hoa~n lai) To quit
(bo~/ro*`i/buo^ng) To recall (nho*`/go*.i lai) To recommend
(gioi thieu.tien cu) To regret (tiec/an han) To resent (oan
gian/phan uat) To resist (cuo~ng lai/chiu dung duoc) To
suggest (de nghi) To stop (ngung/cham dut) To like (thich)
Trivia_ESE: To begin (bat dau) To start (bat dau) To try (co gang) To
intend (co y dinh) To plan (hoach dinh) To like (thich) To
continue (tiep tuc) To hate (ghet) To love (ye^u) To remember


ch oem chut
eko co

Cac em copy cai nay ve giu dde hoc nhe

contubot_nd: They delayed deploying this project

miss_chjk: oke
old_cat_54: VN c bn bng ny cc nh sch
khoai_tay_06: Da
betty_1986: theo sau la gi co?
cho_nhau_niem_tin: vn an cap thi cai gi cugn co
nhatrang1965: theo sao la gerund
cho_nhau_niem_tin: kkkkkkkkk
cho_nhau_niem_tin: VN IN LAU AH CO

last week.

RIDING THE BLACK STALLION terrified Hugh (gerund


TruongDN2012: n
pachitboy: Good morning
luuluu91: noun
pachitboy: hello all
seawave_qb: N, O
lKhuong lNgo: n
nothing_tolose: yes

co TMy

TO SLEEP ALL NIGHT was his only wish (infinitive phrase)


miss_chjk: N
MrDam: n
TruongDN2012: N
Sony_girl: Noun
boyviet_nolove: n
contubot_nd: Noun
nothing_tolose: N
contubot_nd: Noun->


SITTING IN HIS OFFICE, the President called the Vicepresident. participle phrase

miss_chjk: adj
seawave_qb: Adj
MrDam: adj
contubot_nd: Adv
nothing_tolose: adj
contubot_nd: da
contubot_nd: adj
contubot_nd: em nham`

I stopped TO SMOKE


co a

I stopped SMOKING.

miss_chjk: Ti dng li ht thuc

boyviet_nolove: g
miss_chjk: Ti dng vic ht thuc
quocvuongspk07: dung han luon
nhatrang1965: stop theo sao cai
contubot_nd: Ngung viec khac de hut thuoc
nhatrang1965: stop la theo sao ca hai

I hate having cold feet.

I hate to have cold feet.

thanh tan: no
contubot_nd: co
nhatrang1965: co co list cua dong tu di theo sao
emdep_emkieu_qn15: khng c list c hai c oi
thanh tan: I remember seeing him . I remember

ca hai khong co
to see him.

She admitted (know) very little about that subject.

contubot_nd: knowing
contubot_nd: Have admit in list
Sony_girl: to know
TruongDN2012: knowing
quocvuongspk07: to know
Sony_girl: knowing
contubot_nd: They delayed deploying this project last
betty_1986: co oi ,co trong nay la To ha co?
contubot_nd: cau nay` dung k co^
contubot_nd: deploying tren la Gerund dung k co?
contubot_nd: co' a
seawave_qb: c


John avoided speak) to the teacher about it.

thuynguyen113: co
kienlua_RSC: co
Sony_girl: speaking
MrDam: speaking

thuynguyen113: speaking
kienlua_RSC: speaking
contubot_nd: speaking
emdep_emkieu_qn15: speaking

I appreciate receivE) your answer promptly.

MrDam: receiving
contubot_nd: receving
kienlua_RSC: receiving
Sony_girl: receiving
quocvuongspk07: receiving
emdep_emkieu_qn15: raceiving

For a while, we considered not go) with them.

Sony_girl: not going

MrDam: going
contubot_nd: not going
changeordie: going
kienlua_RSC: going
quocvuongspk07: not to go
Snow Cloud: going
kienlua_RSC: co^ oi
emdep_emkieu_qn15: going
kienlua_RSC: co khi nao co
kienlua_RSC: ?

trong list ma theo sau la V1

He delayed write) the letter as long as possible.

MrDam: writing
emdep_emkieu_qn15: writing
kienlua_RSC: writing
quocvuongspk07: writing
Snow Cloud: writing
Sony_girl: wirtting

Those men deny know) anything at all about it.

Sony_girl: knowing
quocvuongspk07: knowing
MrDam: knowing
kienlua_RSC: knowing
emdep_emkieu_qn15: knowing
thanh tan: nua
quocvuongspk07: nua
Snow Cloud: them di co
thuynguyen113: co

Most people enjoy (write) letters to ther friends

thanh tan: cai nay quan trong

quocvuongspk07: writing
MrDam: writing
Sony_girl: writing
emdep_emkieu_qn15: writing
Snow Cloud: writing

Tom avoids (study) his lessons as long as possible.

Sony_girl: studying
emdep_emkieu_qn15: studing
quocvuongspk07: studing
MrDam: studing
kienlua_RSC: studing
quocvuongspk07: stuying



Davis finished (write) the report about o'clock

contubot_nd: studing day la

Sony_girl: writing
quocvuongspk07: writing
contubot_nd: to write
MrDam: writing
Sony_girl: writing
kienlua_RSC: to write
emdep_emkieu_qn15: writing
changeordie: writing
kienlua_RSC: sao vay co
contubot_nd: k co trong list

adv ma co

seawave_qb: yes
seawave_qb: c m
kienlua_RSC: co trong list
contubot_nd: writing day
contubot_nd: k phai la noun
contubot_nd: la adv ma co
kienlua_RSC: nhung minh dung
contubot_nd: infinitive
nothing_tolose: INF

to write ko duoc ha co

Have you ever considered (try) something different?

Sony_girl: trying
quocvuongspk07: trying
emdep_emkieu_qn15: trying
contubot_nd: Tieumy_: Davis finished (write)
seawave_qb: c m
contubot_nd: nhung k phai gerund ma co
contubot_nd: funtion la adv
kienlua_RSC: co trong list
pharuyen: hello all
contubot_nd: Gerund la Noun a
contubot_nd: nhung writing o day

la adv

kienlua_RSC: da
contubot_nd: modify verb "finished"
seawave_qb: c cch no suy lun
nothing_tolose: la duoc roi khoi

nh nhng ng t ny khng c?

writing o dday kohng the nao la` ADV dduoc

contubot_nd: Da.
Sony_girl: contubot cu nho
khoai_tay_06: linh hoat
contubot_nd: em hieu roi a
nothing_tolose: N

the report about o'clock

la sau finish o trong list thi verb them ing

cam on co va cac ban nhieu, em hay bi confuse cai nay


Have you ever considered (try) something different?



kienlua_RSC: trying
tuyethai: trying
TruongDN2012: trying
seawave_qb: trying
betty_1986: co oi noi lai

cho e hieu cai dc k?

Are you going to suggest (travel) by train or not?

quocvuongspk07: travelling
Sony_girl: traveling
changeordie: traveling
seawave_qb: traveling
betty_1986: nhung tu co cho nay de lam gi?
TruongDN2012: traveling
kienlua_RSC: traveling
luuluu91: traveling
Sony_girl: travelling
tuyethai: travelling
kytv2012: travelling
Sony_girl: double
seawave_qb: travelling
namnguyen2809: moi vo ko hieu gi` het tron
thuynguyen113: travelling
TruongDN2012: travelling
nhatrang1965: ll
Sony_girl: da double l
luuluu91: ng lut ll
kienlua_RSC: double
seawave_qb: double
thuynguyen113: double
nothing_tolose: double l
TruongDN2012: double l
tuyethai: double

Are you going to suggest (travel) by train or not?

thanh tan: stress1

thuynguyen113: ok

oh nho' bai` cu~

luuluu91: cha hc
nothing_tolose: chua hoc
huyxuanvo2002: noi lun di co
kevintran9: chua hoc a
huyxuanvo2002: chua hoc
nhatrang1965: nhung dac biet cho L
kienlua_RSC: thoi noi luon tau hoa? do co oi
changeordie: trong am
Sony_girl: luat gi ma it' thi them cho nhieu,

do co Tieumy?
thanh tan: beginning

va nhieu roi thi khong can them

Are you going to suggest (travel) by train or not?

tuyethai: kg
seawave_qb: ko
nothing_tolose: ko
nhatrang1965: KHONG
Sony_girl: no

betty_1986: k co
quocvuongspk07: k
Sony_girl: traveling
nothing_tolose: traveling
luuluu91: k
changeordie: no
TruongDN2012: no
betty_1986: traveling
tuyethai: kg biet
betty_1986: haha
vay khoi double
emdep_emkieu_qn15: c po khi no double
contubot_nd: Anh-Anh
nhatrang1965: hay qua

h c


betty_1986: MY
emdep_emkieu_qn15: c i khi no
kienlua_RSC: hehe
Sony_girl: nguoi Vn xai ca 2
TruongDN2012: Tai toi nguoi Viet
Sony_girl: hihihi

double a...

nothing_tolose: Neu toi la nguoi VietNam thij sai ca 2
luuluu91: kkk
tuyethai: tai co giao day tui la nguoi My
Sony_girl: kkkkkkkkk
nhatrang1965: cam on co,bua nay em moi hieu
emdep_emkieu_qn15: trong nhng t no m double vy
Sony_girl: da
nothing_tolose: Thanks a lot co TM

Are you going to suggest (travel) by train or not?

nhatrang1965: cho em cu
Sony_girl: traveling
TruongDN2012: traveling
seawave_qb: traveling

lon xon nay hoai,bua nay co day em moi biet

Are you going to suggest (travel) by train or not?



I would appreciate (bear) from you as soon as possible.

Sony_girl: ua? 2 cau giong

quocvuongspk07: bearing
betty_1986: to bear
thuynguyen113: bearing
kienlua_RSC: bearing
changeordie: bearing
Sony_girl: bearing
nhatrang1965: em tra sach

nhau co Tieumy.

nay noi nay ,sach khac thi noi khac ,ma em khong
biet ro la theo anh va my

Did the students practice (use) the words in sentences?



quocvuongspk07: using
kienlua_RSC: using

Would you mind (wait) for 15 or 20 minutes?

quocvuongspk07: waiting
Sony_girl: waiting
nickdovangtimxanh: waiting
nhimzzz20: waiting
changeordie: waiting

Why do you always put off (write) to your friends?


betty_1986: khi nao dung TO?

Sony_girl: writing
nickdovangtimxanh: writing
seawave_qb: to
nickdovangtimxanh: put off la gi


Those men deny (know) anything at all about it.

Sony_girl: knowing
kienlua_RSC: knowing
nhimzzz20: hoan
nickdovangtimxanh: da
tuyethai: knowing
contubot_nd: put off = delay
nhimzzz20: knowing
contubot_nd: hoan~ li
nickdovangtimxanh: knowing
seawave_qb: knowing
hanhung88: postpone

Those men deny (know) anything at all about ir.

Tieumy_: We could resist (tell) them the whole story.

TruongDN2012: THoi
nothing_tolose: stop
Sony_girl: telling
nhimzzz20: telling
huyxuanvo2002: phan tich cau di co
seawave_qb: telling
emdep_emkieu_qn15: c oi cho em hoi

khi no mnh double ln a...nhng t no

TruongDN2012: Danh cho phan khac di co, co list roi

emdep_emkieu_qn15: plan c double ko c
TruongDN2012: co
emdep_emkieu_qn15: c h.....uh thanks truong nh
emdep_emkieu_qn15: v c oi
huyxuanvo2002: phan tich duoc moi hieu chu co
quockute_py1991: d
emdep_emkieu_qn15: planning h c


The dog was too frightened to go to him.

Sony_girl: frightened-p
anhanh030291: P
nhimzzz20: go-i
kevintran9: P
seawave_qb: p
yen_nguyen_83: was
nothing_tolose: to go

lKhuong lNgo: going p

Sony_girl: to go-inf
anhanh030291: frightened
Sony_girl: frightened, to g
tuyethai: to goSony_girl: go
TruongDN2012: i


Snow Cloud: frightened

yen_nguyen_83: go
emdep_emkieu_qn15: to go
seawave_qb: to go
contubot_nd: To Go
thanh tan: frightened , to go
nothing_tolose: To GO
Sony_girl: frightened, to go
huyxuanvo2002: frightened
huyxuanvo2002: to go

The dog was too frightened to go to him.

Tieumy_: n


frightened-p. to go- inf.


thanh tan: a
TruongDN2012: adj
kytv2012: I
anhanh030291: p
quockute_py1991: inf
kytv2012: P
anhanh030291: P
namvt: adj
contubot_nd: frightedned
changeordie: p

Sony_girl: p
Snow Cloud: adj

seawave_4: p



quockute_py1991: g
anhanh030291: P
huyxuanvo2002: p
thanh tan: p

The dog was too frightened to go to him.

seawave_4: p/i
Snow Cloud: p
seawave_qb: [
contubot_nd: Infinitive
Sony_girl: participle

quockute_py1991: p
yen_nguyen_83: Infinitive
seawave_4: p
anhanh030291: P
seawave_qb: p
quockute_py1991: p
quockute_py1991: p
hangover_HM: pp
nothing_tolose: P
thanh tan: a
contubot_nd: adv
luuluu91: adj
TruongDN2012: adj
seawave_qb: adj







quockute_py1991: n
thuynguyen113: adj
changeordie: adj
anhanh030291: Adj'
Snow Cloud: adj
hangover_HM: adj
huyxuanvo2002: adj
quockute_py1991: ah
quockute_py1991: adj

The dog was too frightened to go to him.

quockute_py1991: d
kytv2012: adj
contubot_nd: past pasticiple



Sony_girl: to


to go
Tieumy_: g


Tieumy_: p

TruongDN2012: =>
Snow Cloud: i
seawave_qb: i
lKhuong lNgo: i
anhanh030291: n
huyxuanvo2002: i
hangover_HM: i
luuluu91: i
kytv2012: I

to go => adv => i


The dog was too frightened to go to him.

seawave_qb: The dog was too frightened

anhanh030291: N
anhanh030291: noun
luuluu91: adv
Sony_girl: adv
changeordie: adv
thanh tan: adv
hangover_HM: n,o
anhanh030291: n
seawave_qb: n
kytv2012: adv
emdep_emkieu_qn15: adv
nothing_tolose: trang tu
vietnampro: VI CO DONG TU ROI
anhanh030291: k biet
anhanh030291: ^^
thanh tan: modify a
Sony_girl: vi bo tu cho frightened
MrDam: modify adj
TruongDN2012: bo nghia cho adj
Snow Cloud: bo nghia cho tinh tu
vietnampro: CO DONG TU WAS
luuluu91: modify adj
Sony_girl: bo nghia cho adj
quockute_py1991: danh tu

The dog was too frightened to go to him.

quockute_py1991: nham
TruongDN2012: frightened
quockute_py1991: d
Snow Cloud: frightened
Sony_girl: bo nghia cho frightened
luuluu91: frightened
contubot_nd: modify frightened
anhanh030291: sao k fai N vay cp
anhanh030291: co
seawave_qb: yes
vietnampro: mau sac
anhanh030291: yws
anhanh030291: da
anhanh030291: hehe
anhanh030291: da
anhanh030291: tiep tuc di co
quockute_py1991: r
quockute_py1991: d
Sony_girl: da dong y.
luuluu91: d r
vietnampro: yes
huyxuanvo2002: ro roi co
TruongDN2012: yes
nothing_tolose: yes
Tranvueger: mnh vit l Frightened going to

to go to him.

THAI , THOI GIAN , Mua sac

him c k C

Walking rapidly is good for you.

Snow Cloud:


luuluu91: regund
Sony_girl: verbal la walking-g
TruongDN2012: g
quockute_py1991: ge
MrDam: walking
emdep_emkieu_qn15: walking
Snow Cloud: walking
tuyethai: walking
contubot_nd: Verbal: Walking-- Gerund
quockute_py1991: no la noun
emdep_emkieu_qn15: gerund
changeordie: g
vietnampro: walking la danh tu
kytv2012: wroking - G
tuyethai: G
quockute_py1991: s
changeordie: n
Sony_girl: Noun.
nothing_tolose: N
contubot_nd: Subject
anhanh030291: frightened => P, adj

Walking rapidly is good for you.

quockute_py1991: th
MrDam: nhanh
TruongDN2012: adv
emdep_emkieu_qn15: nhanh chng
Snow Cloud: nhanh chong
contubot_nd: adv
vietnampro: trang tu
kytv2012: abv
emdep_emkieu_qn15: v
anhanh030291: To go => I, adv
huyxuanvo2002: adv
keiran_rayner: trang tu
keiran_rayner: adv
quockute_py1991: d
contubot_nd: adj
Sony_girl: adj
vietnampro: tot
keiran_rayner: adj
TruongDN2012: adj
quockute_py1991: tt
Sony_girl: good is adj
kytv2012: adj
nothing_tolose: adj
seawave_qb: adv
Sony_girl: kkkkkkkk
luuluu91: adj
Snow Cloud: adj
quockute_py1991: c ch
nothing_tolose: hihi
Sony_girl: adj
luuluu91: kkk
kienlua_RSC: adj
luuluu91: adj

keiran_rayner: adj
changeordie: adj

Walking rapidly is good for you.

quockute_py1991: d
anhanh030291: walking -> G
nothing_tolose: adj
seawave_qb: adj
anhanh030291: adj
Sony_girl: for you la adv
vietnampro: trang tu
TruongDN2012: adv
keiran_rayner: adv
vietnampro: adv
seawave_qb: adv
Snow Cloud: object
Tranvueger: Mnh vit To walk rapidly
nothing_tolose: object

is good for you c k C

contubot_nd: analyze the sentence thch qu

anhanh030291: Walking => G, Noun
vietnampro: giong co nghe hay qua
Tranvueger: To inf cng l N m anhanh
anhanh030291: thi mh biet roi
anhanh030291: nhung ma walking la G ma

walking is fun
Tieumy_: to walk is fun

Tranvueger: Ti v lc mnh t cu mnh k bit dng t no

keiran_rayner: 1
TruongDN2012: 1
Sony_girl: Walking is fun.
nothing_tolose: walking is fun
keiran_rayner: walking is fun
anhanh030291: walking
luuluu91: 1
quockute_py1991: cau 1
seawave_qb: walking
kytv2012: 1
tuyethai: walking is fun
emdep_emkieu_qn15: 1
Snow Cloud: Walking is fun.
contubot_nd: v c bi ht Walking on the sun
seawave_qb: v phi nhn ging
anhanh030291: e k biet
Sony_girl: tai vi nguoi ta hay noi la Walking is fun hon la
anhanh030291: ^^
emdep_emkieu_qn15: khng phi din t mt ch
Sony_girl: kkkkkk
Snow Cloud: nghe hay hon
nothing_tolose: N dung dau cau
Sony_girl: vi thuong dung` hon
quockute_py1991: dung roi no dien

to walk


cai kia la bi dong

ta muc dich

to walk.



anhanh030291: To walk la Noun do nothing

kytv2012: 2
keiran_rayner: 2
Sony_girl: walking giong hon
lucio101010: walking
keiran_rayner: walking
Snow Cloud: walking
tuyethai: Walking
contubot_nd: Walking a
seawave_qb: 2
TruongDN2012: 2
huyxuanvo2002: walking
nothing_tolose: thanks
vietnampro: yes
quockute_py1991: d
vietnampro: nghe feel hon
seawave_qb: hnh nh khi nim VERBAL l
TruongDN2012: Vi minh sap tro thanh Tien Sy

mt lun n tin s phi ko c?


How to drive

quockute_py1991: l sao c
contubot_nd: English Sharing hay hon
Snow Cloud: yes
contubot_nd: da
quockute_py1991: sao k c
quockute_py1991: vn ng m
vietnampro: minh ko hieu van hoa

To succeed is not easy.

vietnampro: nen chap nhan la no ky di

anhanh030291: to succeed
Sony_girl: verbal la to succeed-inf.
quockute_py1991: oh
quockute_py1991: thank nha
louisquang: Success is not easy
seawave_qb: N
Snow Cloud: n
TruongDN2012: s
contubot_nd: Noun
kytv2012: n
emdep_emkieu_qn15: n
tuyethai: to succeed-Inf_N
anhanh030291: to succ.. >> I , N
changeordie: n
Sony_girl: inf nghe hay hon
kytv2012: to hay hon
kytv2012: vi co hanh dong
louisquang: OK
tuyethai: De thanh cong thi kg de dang
Snow Cloud: yes

To succeed in life is very important for her.

tuyethai: da
vietnampro: nhan manh
caykeogiay01: em chao co

The excited puppy nearly bowled the child over.

Sony_girl: verbal la excited-p

anhanh030291: bowled
emdep_emkieu_qn15: excited-p
Sony_girl: participle
luuluu91: p
TruongDN2012: p
tuyethai: p
MrDam: adj
luuluu91: adj
TruongDN2012: adj
changeordie: adj
tuyethai: adj
Snow Cloud: adj
Sony_girl: adj
quockute_py1991: adj
anhanh030291: adj
emdep_emkieu_qn15: adj
anhanh030291: bowled la v
seawave_qb: The excited puppy

nearly bowled the child over.

co cho em hoi xiu

ss TM

anhanh030291: the exicted
vungoc2902: hi all

puppy nearly la chu tu ha co

seawave_qb: The excited puppy nearly
vungoc2902: hi caykeo
contubot_nd: adv
TruongDN2012: adv
vungoc2902: adv
thuytien_10: adv
anhanh030291: adv
tuyethai: adv
changeordie: adv
kytv2012: Phan tich cau tiep di Co TM

The brace keeps the tree from falling.

anhanh030291: falling
contubot_nd: Falling: Gerund
anhanh030291: N
TruongDN2012: g
anhanh030291: Falling > g, N
TruongDN2012: g, obj
changeordie: g
changeordie: Ob
Snow Cloud: pre obj
anhanh030291: k fai la dtu ha
anhanh030291: danh tu

= p - phrase?



anhanh030291: dong tu gia

anhanh030291: P > adj
anhanh030291: hieu
anhanh030291: em hieu
anhanh030291: ^^
dihocchu: da ko
tuyethai: hihi
tuyethai: ghet qua

ko hiu c

That is the most important thing to remember.

anhanh030291: to remember
MrDam: to remember
contubot_nd: To rmmber
anhanh030291: I
louisquang: inf
tuyethai: to remenber
emdep_emkieu_qn15: adj
contubot_nd: infinitive
anhanh030291: Adv
TruongDN2012: to remember - adj - i
emdep_emkieu_qn15: adj
contubot_nd: adv
contubot_nd: adj
changeordie: adj
huyxuanvo2002: post lai cau di co
anhanh030291: to remember > I, adj
seawave_qb: adv

Diving is a popular Olympic sport.

contubot_nd: Diving : Gerund

MrDam: diving
TruongDN2012: Diving - g
Snow Cloud: diving
huyxuanvo2002: post lai cau remember

may ban

keo ko hieu
caykeogiay01: chac ko hoc duoc
tuyethai: diving, G, N
caykeogiay01: bye co
anhanh030291: N
caykeogiay01: bye all
anhanh030291: bye keo

His goal is to climb Mt. Everest

contubot_nd: Co oi cho phan tch

anhanh030291: to climb
contubot_nd: Verbal: To climb
seawave_qb: to climb
contubot_nd: l tro
Snow Cloud: tinh tu
TruongDN2012: adj
anhanh030291: to climb . I , adj
changeordie: i
TruongDN2012: adj, i

c cu i

contubot_nd: D tt c cc cu
TruongDN2012: n, i
anhanh030291: y ban la cau nao cung
TruongDN2012: noun
louisquang: adj
seawave_qb: i - adj
TruongDN2012: noun
contubot_nd: adjective
TruongDN2012: noun, i

fan tich het

louisquang: adj
contubot_nd: noun
huyxuanvo2002: adj
nothing_tolose: adj
Snow Cloud: s
louisquang: object



seawave_qb: His goal is to climb Mt. Everest

contubot_nd: Da. phan tch cc cu co post ak
contubot_nd: chc nng cc t trong cu
anhanh030291: to climb la object complement//

Knowing is half the battle

anhanh030291: knowing g, m
seawave_qb: g
MrDam: knowing, g
anhanh030291: g,n
TruongDN2012: N, g
tuyethai: knowing, G, N
TruongDN2012: Obj, g
louisquang: hieu biet la 1 nua cua chien
contubot_nd: Knowing: gerund, is : Verb

tobe, half: adj..


His annoying comments made me angry.

seawave_qb: g, n, o
louisquang: gerund N
TruongDN2012: g
thanhngoc673: hi c tieu mi and everyone
contubot_nd: noun
thuytien_10: p
louisquang: N
thanhngoc673: p
louisquang: ln
tuyethai: annoying, P, adj
TruongDN2012: adj
anhanh030291: annoying P , adj
contubot_nd: present participle
anhanh030291: sao lai vay co
louisquang: sao n ging gerund q
anhanh030291: em k hieu

louisquang: annoying
contubot_nd: because modify comment
emdep_emkieu_qn15: g ch c n thui
emdep_emkieu_qn15: con p th adj
emdep_emkieu_qn15: ny c ghi ri
contubot_nd: ok
louisquang: s s
louisquang: d
anhanh030291: co noi lai lan nua
louisquang: hiu khon

Jumping is fun
the jumping monkey entertains us

anhanh030291: sa
anhanh030291: da
louisquang: gerund
louisquang: jumping monkey->pp
louisquang: OK
louisquang: yes
louisquang: yes
anhanh030291: da
anhanh030291: qua good
anhanh030291: ^^

We need to clean air to breathe.

anhanh030291: to clean
emdep_emkieu_qn15: to breathe
contubot_nd: To clean, To breathe
tuyethai: to clean
emdep_emkieu_qn15: la adj
Snow Cloud: to breathe
tuyethai: to breath
anhanh030291: to breathe
tuyethai: I
contubot_nd: To clean: adv
emdep_emkieu_qn15: adv
vietnampro: lam sach
TruongDN2012: to clean, adv, i
MrDam: adv
thuytien_10: adj

We need to clean air to breathe.

tuyethai: adv
anhanh030291: to clean, adj
kytv2012: adv
changeordie: adj
anhanh030291: adj
huyxuanvo2002: adj
contubot_nd: adv
emdep_emkieu_qn15: adv
tuyethai: bo nghia cho tu need
Snow Cloud: adv
anhanh030291: con tu air thi sao
anhanh030291: da k



I clean my room

vietnampro: dong tu la need roi ma

anhanh030291: ok
huyxuanvo2002: to clean ko bo ngia cho air duoc
anhanh030291: nhung co tu need roi ma co
thanh tan: n duoc khong co modify cho need
louisquang: breath : inf
seawave_qb: We need to clean air to breathe.
anhanh030291: da
louisquang: breath inf,adj ?

ha co

We need to clean air to breathe.

TruongDN2012: to breathe, adj, i

contubot_nd: To breathe: adjective
kytv2012: adj
anhanh030291: adj
tuyethai: adj
To Mo Tay May:

h h ng ri
chc l bn anh anh tng cu l "We need clean air to


anhanh030291: k co
To Mo Tay May: d cm n c
vietnampro: to clean air no la

cum danh tu

To Mo Tay May

He was annoyed because he had to wait so long.

vietnampro: mot cum

vietnampro: 1 cum danh tu
anhanh030291: annoyed
louisquang: inf
tuyethai: annoyed
anhanh030291: to wait
louisquang: wait
nothing_tolose: annoyed , to wait
contubot_nd: annoyed, To wait
MrDam: annoyed, to wait
anhanh030291: annoyed adj
emdep_emkieu_qn15: p
MrDam: adj
emdep_emkieu_qn15: adj
nothing_tolose: adj
contubot_nd: adj
changeordie: annoyed adj
louisquang: pp
thanngaht: tadj
nothing_tolose: vi sau be
tuyethai: adj
seawave_qb: adj
Snow Cloud: adj
TruongDN2012: adj
changeordie: p
louisquang: pp

He was annoyed because he had to wait so long.


TruongDN2012: p
emdep_emkieu_qn15: to wait ->adv
seawave_qb: p - adj
kytv2012: P
louisquang: past participle
lonesomedove_5: hello giao
lonesomedove_5: va ca nha
tuyethai: hello thay Lone
anhanh030291: to wait I, adv
kytv2012: I
kytv2012: adv
changeordie: i
thanngaht: adv
MrDam: adv
contubot_nd: adv
vietnampro: trang tu
anhanh030291: hi thay
seawave_qb: i - adv
tuyethai: I, adv
contubot_nd: hello thay` lone
louisquang: Inf
nothing_tolose: I
louisquang: adj

He was annoyed because he had to wait so long.

louisquang: adj
thanngaht: adv
TruongDN2012: N
thanh tan: n
changeordie: adv
nothing_tolose: adv
MrDam: adv
anhanh030291: adv
vietnampro: tinh tu
TruongDN2012: noun
tuyethai: adv
louisquang: sao c mnh
seawave_qb: n
vietnampro: ko
anhanh030291: dc
vietnampro: trang tu la
vietnampro: dung roi
vietnampro: trang tu la
seawave_qb: had to
anhanh030291: ok

he had

Louis adj vy

tu chi thoi gain noi chon

tu chi thoi gian , noi chon

to wait so long.

anhanh030291: To wait, I N
contubot_nd: ok
contubot_nd: that's right

he had to

wait so long.

anhanh030291: a ta co su cho doi rat lau

seawave_qb: cu ny kh, hiu ty theo ng
anhanh030291: ds
anhanh030291: da

cnh ha c?

thanngaht: main group

contubot_nd: ok
tuyethai: qua lau
thanngaht: qua lau
anhanh030291: qua dai
emdep_emkieu_qn15: qu lu
contubot_nd: so: adv
TruongDN2012: nhieu long
kimono_mono: trang tu
kytv2012: adv
nothing_tolose: adj
vietnampro: trang tu
kevintran9: long : adj
anhanh030291: adv
kimono_mono: adv
anhanh030291: long adj
hangover_HM: so, adv
contubot_nd: Long: adv, too
Snow Cloud: adj
TruongDN2012: adv
thanngaht: adv
xlOlx_DAO SY THUI_xlOlx: adj
kimono_mono: adv
hangover_HM: long, adj
thanngaht: bo nghia cho dong


wai long
Tieumy_: wait long

kevintran9: adv
kimono_mono: adv
TruongDN2012: adv
Snow Cloud: adv
anhanh030291: adv

wait so long

kevintran9: adv
hangover_HM: long, adv
anhanh030291: adv
kimono_mono: adv
Snow Cloud: adv
anhanh030291: so : adv
hangover_HM: so, adv
vietnampro: co phan tich
vietnampro: ky~

ky qua

He was annoyed because he had to wait so long.

vietnampro: cu xem so long la mot cum tu di

anhanh030291: vay cau dung la
Snow Cloud: yes
TruongDN2012: Bay gio phan tich dung roi
anhanh030291: HE WAS annoyed because he had
seawave_qb: cu ny hay wa'

My friend Rose loves to dance.

kimono_mono: g
anhanh030291: co 1 verbal
luuluu91: to dance
TruongDN2012: i, adv


WAIT so long

anhanh030291: to dance
louisquang: adj
kytv2012: adv
Snow Cloud: n
kimono_mono: n
seawave_qb: i - n
anhanh030291: N
thanngaht: adj
kimono_mono: n
dihocchu: n
louisquang: N
luuluu91: N
tuyethai: N
contubot_nd: adjective: How
contubot_nd: Noun: What
kimono_mono: what
tuyethai: what
luuluu91: what
hangover_HM: How : adj
TruongDN2012: what
Snow Cloud: what
vietnampro: what?
thanngaht: what
anhanh030291: N tra loi cho cau
TruongDN2012: i, noun


My friend Rose loves to dance.\

anhanh030291: ADJ tra loi cho cau HOW

thanngaht: n
hangover_HM: what, noun
emdep_emkieu_qn15: thch ci g thch nhay
emdep_emkieu_qn15: n
kimono_mono: yes
luuluu91: yes
vietnampro: yes
TruongDN2012: yes
MrDam: yes
Snow Cloud: yes
seawave_qb: yes

She likes my calling her before I came over.

anhanh030291: calling
MrDam: calling
kimono_mono: calling
TruongDN2012: gerund
thanngaht: calling
kimono_mono: gerund
anhanh030291: F
anhanh030291: G
thanngaht: f
kimono_mono: G

To swim is my greatest love


My friend Rose loves dancing cng duoc

To Mo Tay May: Ti nghip c c

nothing_tolose: gan het gio roi

phone m cng lo ging bi

MrDam: to swim
anhanh030291: to swim
Snow Cloud: s
TruongDN2012: p adj
dihocchu: swim
anhanh030291: N
MrDam: n
kimono_mono: G
emdep_emkieu_qn15: to swim s
kimono_mono: yes
seawave_qb: i - n - S
vietnampro: boi loi la cai thoi ua

kimono_mono: to lose
contubot_nd: Infinitive
thanngaht: to lose
kimono_mono: I
dihocchu: to lose
TruongDN2012: i, adj
kimono_mono: adv
dihocchu: N
thanngaht: V
louisquang: adj
contubot_nd: To lose: adj
anhanh030291: to lose
Snow Cloud: adv
anhanh030291: adj
seawave_qb: i - adj
kimono_mono: adv
emdep_emkieu_qn15: to lose
kimono_mono: no
kytv2012: adj
tuyethai: no


He doesn't have anything to lose.

Snow Cloud:

thich nhat

He doesn't have anything to lose


Late fall sometimes brings freezing rain.

anhanh030291: freezing
duchuy2012: freezing
tuyethai: freezing
contubot_nd: Freezing:
contubot_nd: Noun
contubot_nd: Gerund
louisquang: frezzing participle adj
thanngaht: freeizng
duchuy2012: adv
tuyethai: p
Snow Cloud: adv
tuyethai: adj
anhanh030291: P adj
louisquang: gerund(ING) [N]; participle
contubot_nd: adj
contubot_nd: ok

(adj) ; Infinitive (N,Adj,adv)

What can you do beside (type).


Con nhieu bai tap ko co?

da lat hoang hon11: typing

contubot_nd: typing
tuyethai: typing
changeordie: typing
TruongDN2012: gerund
anhanh030291: G
contubot_nd: Gund
thanngaht: G
kimono_mono: G
anhanh030291: N
tuyethai: G
da lat hoang hon11: gerund
changeordie: Gerund
emdep_emkieu_qn15: g
tuyethai: N
duchuy2012: n
changeordie: Ob
contubot_nd: Object
kimono_mono: N
TruongDN2012: obj
da lat hoang hon11: objec
da lat hoang hon11: t
contubot_nd: yes
contubot_nd: that's right
anhanh030291: vay N co dung

k co

I have no objection to (hear) your story again.

contubot_nd: Da.
kimono_mono: N dung ma
contubot_nd: To hear
kimono_mono: hear
tranvanquang2010: to hear
tuyethai: to hear
da lat hoang hon11: hearing
thanngaht: hear
TruongDN2012: hear
da lat hoang hon11: to hearing
anhanh030291: to hear
huyxuanvo2002: hearing
da lat hoang hon11: to hearing
TruongDN2012: co "to" ma co
louisquang: to hear
louisquang: muc tieu
da lat hoang hon11: chong doi
duchuy2012: phan hoi
da lat hoang hon11: toi khong co

lan nua

chong doi viec nghe lai cau chuyen cua ban

thanngaht: Phan doi

leminh-1968: ti ko phan i
tranvanquang2010: ti khng phn i nghe li cu chuyn ca bn
tuyethai: phan doi
contubot_nd: Toi k co vt dng no nghe li cu chuyn ca bn
da lat hoang hon11: to hearing your story
TruongDN2012: Ignor
kimono_mono: toi khong phan doi nghe ban ke lai cau chuyen
seawave_qb: I have no objection to (hear) your story again.


(Touch) your toes without (bend your knees!

da lat hoang hon11: I have no objection to hearing your

contubot_nd: To Touch
TruongDN2012: touching
kimono_mono: to touch
seawave_qb: touching
tuyethai: touching/ to bend
thanngaht: to touch - bending
tranvanquang2010: touching
da lat hoang hon11: touching
seawave_qb: to bend
duchuy2012: touch
anhanh030291: to touch
tuyethai: vay tho to touch
Snow Cloud: to touch
da lat hoang hon11: touching/ pending
anhanh030291: ra lenh dung touching
seawave_qb: to touch
leminh-1968: touching
anhanh030291: bending
kimono_mono: touch
da lat hoang hon11: nhu vay Touch you toes/ bending
Snow Cloud: touch
leminh-1968: let s touch
thanngaht: touch
contubot_nd: Touch your toes ..
Snow Cloud: touch/bend

(Touch) your toes without (bend your knees! \

leminh-1968: ko c cong goi

contubot_nd: bending
duchuy2012: touch your toes la the gi vay co?
da lat hoang hon11: dung ngon chan
da lat hoang hon11: dung co cong dau goi
TruongDN2012: dung quy ngoi
Snow Cloud: dung co cong dau goi
da lat hoang hon11: em lam duoc
seawave_qb: yes
thuytien_10: tap the duc
Snow Cloud: dc
Zz DaRe 2 Br34K zZ: room lm j ng z ta
contubot_nd: em k
da lat hoang hon11: sang nao cung tap the duc
Zz DaRe 2 Br34K zZ: hng nghe chi ht
tuyethai: em k lam duoc
contubot_nd: without
tuyethai: DL gioi ghe
da lat hoang hon11: nghe ma Dare
TruongDN2012: Con nhieu bai tap

story again.

dong tac do ma co

khong co?

He had difficult in (find) a parking car.

da lat hoang hon11:

da lat hoang hon11: fiding
contubot_nd: finding
thanngaht: finding

TruongDN2012: finding
kimono_mono: finding
tuyethai: finding
da lat hoang hon11: finding
anhanh030291: finding
hangover_HM: in
leminh-1968: finding
Zz DaRe 2 Br34K zZ: d qu thi ko hc
thanngaht: anh ay kho khawn trong viec tim cho do xe
da lat hoang hon11: ong ta khong co kho khan gi trong viec tim cho
Snow Cloud: kho tim cho dau xe
contubot_nd: anh y kh tm dc mot cho de xe
TruongDN2012: Cau ay da kho khan trong viec tim co do xe
changeordie: a ta da kho khan trong viec tim 1 bai do xe
tuyethai: ong ta rat kho de tim cai bai dau xe
leminh-1968: ng ta chat vat tim cho u xe
kimono_mono: ong ay gap kho khan trong viec tim kiem cho do xe
da lat hoang hon11: troi, co kho khan
da lat hoang hon11: doc nham
seawave_qb: anh ta kh tm c ch u xe

He had difficult in (find) a parking car.

da lat hoang hon11:

duchuy2012: cho dau xe
contubot_nd: tm chiec xe
da lat hoang hon11: tim xe
To Mo Tay May: chic xe ang u
hangover_HM: cho dau xe
tuyethai: ong ta gap kho khan de tim ra
huyxuanvo2002: cho dau xe
da lat hoang hon11: ong tim xe hong~ ra


kimono_mono: cho dau

tranvanquang2010: ng
leminh-1968: ok
seawave_qb: hihi...
tuyethai: kkkkkk

cai bai dau xe

y kh khn tm mt bi u xe

Snow Cloud:
leminh-1968: car park
TruongDN2012: nham
tuyethai: kkkkkkk
To Mo Tay May:

mat, nham mui ma dich

bi u xe l parking lot

da lat hoang hon11:

Snow Cloud:

He had difficult in (find) a parking car.

contubot_nd: Ong ay
Snow Cloud: finding
duchuy2012: finding

gp kh khn trong vic tm chic xe u

dau xe



da lat hoang hon11:

TruongDN2012: Yes
contubot_nd: i agree
thanngaht: ok
da lat hoang hon11: yes
tuyethai: dua nao cung lam sai ma co
da lat hoang hon11: hihihihhi tuyethai

Tieu My vui du

I see him (pass) my house every day.

Snow Cloud:
tran_huu: hi sis Tieumy
da lat hoang hon11: passing
kytv2012: By Ms. Tieu My
TruongDN2012: passing
thanngaht: passing
anhanh030291: to pass
tuyethai: passing
huyxuanvo2002: passing
seawave_qb: passing
TruongDN2012: obj
Snow Cloud: g
changeordie: G, ob
seawave_qb: g
emdep_emkieu_qn15: passing
hangover_HM: pasing
thanngaht: G
TruongDN2012: gerunf
emdep_emkieu_qn15: adj
emdep_emkieu_qn15: pp
tranvanquang2010: passing
TruongDN2012: object
hangover_HM: gund
emdep_emkieu_qn15: pp

I see him (pass) my house every day.

contubot_nd: past participle

emdep_emkieu_qn15: adj
huyxuanvo2002: G
tuyethai: no
contubot_nd: Ko
da lat hoang hon11: khong
tuyethai: kg


seawave_qb: ko
kytv2012: P
seawave_4: i
anhanh030291: P
TruongDN2012: adj
da lat hoang hon11:
seawave_qb: adj

pp lam vai tro gi co? em vo tre hong hieu

anhanh030291: passing P, adj

da lat hoang hon11: oh adjective
To Mo Tay May: no meoden
anhanh030291: PP la adj
TruongDN2012: cau nay hay
emdep_emkieu_qn15: c da lat oi hoi contubot c oi
Snow Cloud: adj
contubot_nd: hix
da lat hoang hon11: Participle chi lam tinh tu thoi ha co?
contubot_nd: emdep

I see him (pass) my house every day.

contubot_nd: yes sis dalat

da lat hoang hon11: hello emdep
emdep_emkieu_qn15: da..sao contubot
da lat hoang hon11: thank you contubot

lieu hon

co dalat
da lat hoang hon11: em chua nam vung
lonesomedove_5: da con chao bac dalat
da lat hoang hon11: em hoc tre
tranvanquang2010: ti nhn anh y i qua
meoden: hhe

ngi nh ca ti hng ngy

contubot n hip con gi
nothing_tolose: thnks co buon ngu qua
Snow Cloud: Thanks co Tieu My.
louisquang: d
da lat hoang hon11: chao thay Lone xixon, len day tui
nothing_tolose: luc nay ai pm ngay mai pm lai nha
namnguyen2809: thank co TM
changeordie: cam on co
anhanh030291: bye bye
louisquang: gudbye c My ^^
kimono_mono: da

3. Forms of Verbs:

nothing_tolose: nothing gui bai

kevintran9: thu 5 co tieumy co
louisquang: have a nice day
changeordie: have a nice day!
emdep_emkieu_qn15: thanks c

vao ko a?

tm nhiu

tuyethai: Thanks co Tieu My

tranvanquang2010: Th 2 c?
contubot_nd: Bai` nay` dai` qua'
Tranvueger: Cm n C TM
anhanh030291: Have a nice day
tranvanquang2010: Th my c?
anhanh030291: ^^
TruongDN2012: Chuc co mot ngay
contubot_nd: cm n c TM
kevintran9: cam on co tieumy

binh an, vui ve

em kia`

contubot_nd: Chc c mt ngy tt lnh

tranvanquang2010: Th 5 c?
kimono_mono: cam on co TM nhieu a
kimono_mono: ^^
seawave_qb: th 5 hc g c?
anhanh030291: da
tranvanquang2010: chc c ng ngon
meoden: thu 5 tuan sau hay thu nam toi
hangover_HM: thanks co
anhanh030291: bye bye co
louisquang: <3
leminh-1968: thanks
To Mo Tay May: thank you c Tieu My
namnguyen2809: contubot gui minh` bai`
biily_vn: see you
kimono_mono: bye co
tranvanquang2010: bye co

hom nay nhe ^^

da lat hoang hon11: thank you co TieuMy. You have
duchuy2012: have a good day co tieumy
tuyethai: thu 5 la co TM day conversation
lonesomedove_5: troi sao ma chay le the ta
namnguyen2809: vo muon nen miss dau >.<
emdep_emkieu_qn15: have a good day c tieu my
tuyethai: thu 2, thu 3 moi day grammer
louisquang: c Tieu My phn tch cu hay q ^^

a nice day

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