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Lecture 4: Employee Stock Options

Alonso Pea, SDA Professor

Banking and Insurance Department
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Part 1:
Part 2:
Case Study

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Part 1: Introduction

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Stock Options

An employee stock option is a call option on the common
stock of a company, issued as a form of noncash compensation.
Restrictions on the option (such as vesting and limited
transferability) attempt to align the holder's interest with
those of the business' shareholders

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Stock Options

If the company's stock rises, holders of options experience
a direct financial benefit.
This gives employees an incentive to behave in ways that
will boost the company's stock price.

Employee stock options are mostly offered to management

as part of their executive compensation package. They
are also offered to other staff, especially by businesses that
are not yet profitable.

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Stock Options

Employee stock options (ESO) are non-standardized, overthe-counter options that are issued as a private contract
between the employer and employee.
issues vested or non-vested ESOs to an employee which
are struck at a particular price, often the company's current
stock price.

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Stock Options

Depending on the vesting schedule and the maturity of the
options, the employee may elect to exercise the options
before maturity, obligating the company to sell the
employee its stock at whatever stock price was used as the
strike price.

At that point, the employee may either sell the stock or hold
on to it in the hope of further price appreciation.

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Stock Options

Differences with exchange-traded options

Strike: The strike price is non-standardized and is often the
current price of the company stock at the time of issue.
Alternatively, a formula may be used, such as sampling the
lowest closing price over a 30-day window on either side of
the grant date. Often, an employee may have ESOs struck at
different times and different strike prices.

Quantity: Standardized stock options typically have 100

shares per contract. ESOs usually have some nonstandardized amount.

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Stock Options

Vesting: Often the number of shares available to be

exercised at the strike price will increase as time passes
according to some vesting schedule. Vesting only occurs
during the duration of the employment.
Duration: ESOs often have a maturity that far exceeds the
maturity of standardized options. It is not unusual for ESOs to
have a maturity of 10 years from date of issue, while
standardized options usually have a maximum maturity of
about 30 months.

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Stock Options

Non-transferable: With few exceptions, ESOs are generally

not transferable and must either be exercised or allowed to
expire worthless on termination of employment.
Over the counter: Unlike exchange traded options, ESOs
are considered a private contract between the employer and
employee. As such, those two parties are responsible for
arranging the clearing and settlement of any transactions that
result from the contract.

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Stock Options

In addition, the employee is subjected to the credit risk of the

company. If for any reason the company is unable to deliver
the stock against the option contract upon exercise, the
employee may have limited recourse. For exchange-trade
options, the fulfillment of the option contract is guaranteed by
the credit of the exchange.

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Stock Options

Tax issues: There are a variety of differences in the tax

treatment of ESOs having to do with their use as
compensation. These vary by country of issue but in general,
ESOs are tax-disadvantaged with respect to standardized

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Stock Options

The value of an ESOs closely follows the valuation
techniques used for standardized options. The same models
used in valuing standardized options, such as BlackScholes and the binomial model, are also used for ESOs.

Often, the only inputs to the pricing model that cannot be

readily determined is the estimate of future realized volatility
on the underlying, and the appropriate interest rate to use.

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Part 2: Case Study

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer*

Helvetia Holding, a pharmaceutical company located in Boston,

Massachusetts, spent nine months identifying the scientist it
wanted to head corporate-wide research and development
activities, but the candidate was also being pursued by Zentrum
Inc., an equally important U.S. pharmaceutical company located
just minutes away. Knowing that Zentrum was offering an
outright salary of $550,000, Helvetia countered with a total
compensation package worth $600,000: $400,000 in outright
salary and $200,000 worth of stock options.

* These selections are from: John Marthinsen, Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of
Financial Derivatives (2nd Edition), Addison Wesley; 2 edition, 2008. Chapter 2.
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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Imagine the surprise of Helvetia's human resources chief if

the scientist turned down Helvetia's offer, because she found
Zentrum's deal to be financially more attractive.
You might ask:
"How can two people put such different values on something
so seemingly cut and dried as an option's price?"

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

To understand the answer to this question, let's roll back the

clock to the day before Helvetia made its employment offer. It
is highly likely that the director of human resources
understood very well the benefits, costs, risks, and returns of
call options, but he had no idea how to value them.
For that he relied on Helvetia's treasury department. Imagine
that the following conversation between Daniel Weiss,
Helvetia's human resources chief, and Tom Benson,
Helvetia's assistant treasurer, took place the day before the
offer was made.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: Tom, thank you for coming on such short

notice, but I need to know, as quickly as possible, the market
price of a call option on a Helvetia share. Can you help me,
and how long do you think it will take you to figure this out?
Tom Benson: I'd be glad to help, Daniel, and once we agree
on a few details, it will take me only a minute or so to enter
the information into my computer and figure out the market
price of the option, but first I need some information from
you. The price of any option depends on six major factors:
current share price, the exercise (or strike) price, maturity,
expected share price volatility, risk-free interest rate, and
expected dividends . . .

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

. . . I came prepared with most of this information, but I

need to know from you the maturity and strike price.
Daniel Weiss: All right. Helvetia's current share price is $50,
so could you tell me the price of a five-year call option that
has a $50 strike price?
Tom Benson: Fine, then you want to price a five-year, atthe-money call option. That's all I needed to know. Let me
just summarize in the next table the six variables we will be
using in our calculations, just to make sure that what I am
entering into my computer is transparent to you.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Black Scholes input data:

Current share price: $50
Strike price: $50
Maturity: 5 years
Volatility: 35%
Risk free interest rate: 4.75%
Dividends: $0

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Cse Study

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Helvetia Holding job offer


Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: Just for comparison sake, could you tell me

the price of a 10-year call option with the same $50 strike
Tom Benson: With a 10-year maturity, an at-the-money call
option should have a market price of $27.84.
Daniel Weiss: OK. Give me just a second to write down this
information. That was much easier than I thought it would
be. Thanks for your help, Tom.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Armed with this knowledge, Daniel Weiss could now make his
offer to Jennifer Smith, a research professor at M.I.T. and head of
R&D at BioPharm Associates in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Weiss
figured that, if an at-the-money, five-year stock option was worth
$19.49, and he wanted to compensate Smith with $200,000 worth
of stock option benefits, then the compensation package should
include 10,262 stock options To ease the math and sweeten the
deal, Weiss rounded the offer at 10,500 call options. The next
morning, he called Jennifer Smith and made his offer. As he
explained the offer to her, Weiss stressed that Smith would get
raises each year and additional stock options in proportion to her

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

It took Smith only a day to come to the conclusion that

Helvetia's offer was not as financially attractive as Zentrum's
offer, and by the time she called Daniel Weiss, she had
already accepted Zentrum's contract. Weiss was staggered.
He was so sure she would accept his offer that he had
already notified the CEO to include her name in Helvetia's
organization chart. How could Helvetia's offer of over
$600,000 not be as attractive "financially" as a competing
offer for $550,000?
Weiss asked Smith if he could call her later that day. . .

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: Dr. Smith, we are very disappointed to have lost

you to our competitor. Are you sure there is nothing we can do
to change your mind?
Jennifer Smith: Thank you, Daniel, but no. I've accepted the
Zentrum offer, and I'm happy with my decision.
Daniel Weiss: I have Tom Benson on the line with me, just so
he can help me piece together what went wrong. You will
remember that Mr. Benson helped me value your stock options.
Did I tell you that we used the Black-Scholes formula to do our

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Tom Benson: Hello, Dr. Smith. Thank you for allowing me to

be a part of this conversation. I'm as interested as Mr. Weiss
in understanding how you arrived at your decision.
Jennifer Smith: I realize you both must think I'm crazyespecially when Nobel prizes were given to the gentlemen
who discovered and developed the Black-Scholes formula, but
all I can say is that what the formula says Helvetia's options
should be worth is not what I feel they are worth to me. Here's
how I arrived at my conclusion

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Jennifer Smith: First, let me preface my remarks by admitting

that I had some help making up my mind. After our call
yesterday, Daniel, I phoned an old friend, John, who is now
teaching at a nearby college. John and I met last night for
dinner, and he sorted out some of the technical details for me.
The first question I asked him was if there was any way I
could lock-in immediately the $200,000 of stock option
compensation that Helvetia was offering.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: That sounds logical enough. What was his

Jennifer Smith: He explained that my call options gave me
the right to buy Helvetia shares for $50 any time after the
three-year vesting period. One way to lock in the value of the
options would be to sell short the Helvetia shares-which I
now understand means that I would have to borrow shares,
sell them at the current market price, and agree to pay them
back in the future.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: I've heard of short selling but never really

understood what it meant. Usually, when I think of someone
making a profit, I think in terms of buying something today
and then selling it in the future at a higher price. What you
would be doing is just the opposite: selling Helvetia shares
today and then buying them in five years at the price
guaranteed by your stock options. It's sort of like closing the
loop-selling now and then buying later.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Jennifer Smith: Exactly! But once I sold the shares short

and collected the proceeds, I'd have to invest the funds in a
safe asset (like a U.S. government bond). My Helvetia
options had five-year maturities, so I based all of my
calculations on investing the funds until maturity.

Daniel Weiss: But, Dr. Smith, would it be legal or ethical to

sell short Helvetia's shares in this way?

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Jennifer Smith: Imagine my surprise when I found out that,

even if I wanted to, I could not sell short the Helvetia shares.
Apparently, there are rules in the United Sates that put tight
restrictions on short sales of stocks by employees.

Daniel Weiss: Ah, yes. Now I remember discussing this issue

with our corporate counsel. If my memory is correct, Section
16-C of the 1934 U.S. Securities and Exchange Act prohibits
officers and directors from selling shares in their companies if
they do not already own the securities. There could also be
insider-trading issues

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Jennifer Smith: Yes, that's true, but Daniel, my main point

is that even if I could short the Helvetia shares, I figured that
the most I could lock in-assuming Helvetia shares rose in
value, which I'm sure they will-would be only about
$137,100, and to do that, I'd have to wait five years! Here's
how I did my calculations.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Jennifer Smith: If I sold short 10,500 Helvetia shares at $50

per share, I'd receive $525,000, which then I could invest for
five years. Currently, a five-year U.S. government bond
yields 4.75%, so $525,000 invested at a compound annual
rate of 4.75% would grow to $662,109 in five years. At the
end of the five years, if Helvetia's share price rose above
$50, I would exercise my options, spend $525,000 to buy
back and return the 10,500 shares that I borrowed, and have
$137,109 remaining.

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Cse Study

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Helvetia Holding job offer


Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: Dr. Smith, you have been very thorough, patient,
and generous with your time, but, some time today, I'm going to
have to explain to my boss how we lost you, so please answer for
me just one question. How was it possible for Helvetia to offer you
over $50,000 more than Zentrum but for you to feel that the
Zentrum offer was financially more attractive? Is it just because
Zentrum was offering you a sure thing, and we were offering you a
degree of uncertainty? Did you consider that the uncertainty of our
offer also contained the opportunity to strike it rich and become a

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Jennifer Smith: I can assure you that becoming a millionaire

didn't escape my attention, but the fundamental problem I had with
Helvetia's offer, was that the price you put on the options was not
equal to the value I put on them. Even after figuring in the
advantage I would have over anyone outside the company with
regard to timing the exercise of my options, your offer came up

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: We-and by "we" I mean Mr. Benson and I-did

not put an arbitrary price on the options. We used the BlackScholes formula, which is used by virtually everyone. I have
always thought that it was considered widely to be an
unbiased and highly accurate way of valuing options.
Jennifer Smith: My second major question last night to John
was: "What is this Black-Scholes formula, and how is it coming
up with an option price that seems so out of whack with my
instincts?" Its precision alone was unnerving. Any formula

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

that says an option should be worth exactly $19.49 made me

skeptical-or should I say, nervous. As a scientist, I knew that the
Black-Scholes formula had to be based on a set of .. I also knew
that, in the course of one evening, I had no chance of
understanding all the intricacies of option pricing models, so I took
a simpler and more direct route. All I wanted to know was whether
the assumptions behind the Black-Scholes formula made Helvetia's
options look more desirable or less desirable to me. It was a simple
plus and minus evaluation, and at the end, I asked myself whether
the difference was large enough to nullify the $50,000 advantage of
Helvetia's offer. For me, the Helvetia offer came up short, so I
accepted the Zentrum offer.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: I find it amazing that you did all this work in one
evening. Now, I am doubly disappointed that you will not be
working with us.
Jennifer Smith: Here's what I discovered from John. The
Black-Scholes formula was designed for tradable, short-term
options rather than non-tradable, nontransferable, long-term
options, like Helvetia was offering me. John said that you
probably based your option prices on past market statistics,
plugged the six important parameters into the Black-Scholes
formula, and assumed that these factors would remain constant
over the maturity of my options.

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: Yes. That is exactly what we did.

Jennifer Smith: Well, I figured that, with just slight
modifications in your assumptions and their constancy over
time, my options could be worth either far more or far less
than the Black-Scholes formula estimated.
Daniel Weiss: I understand. You questioned not only the
factors we entered into the formula but also their stability
over time, and because of this risk, you turned down our

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Jennifer Smith: Take volatility, for instance. I now

understand why volatility is important to option pricing, but
we have just come out of a tumultuous economic and
political period. This increased volatility raised the BlackScholes price of the options you offered me, but curiously, it
lowered their value to me.
Daniel Weiss: What is your prediction about the future?

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Jennifer Smith: Looking forward, I anticipate calmer conditionswhich mean lower volatility-and my expectations have a bizarre,
reverse effect on the price of Helvetia's options. It lowers their
Black-Scholes price but raises their value to me. Sorry, Daniel
and Tom, but I don't see how increased volatility and uncertainty
help me. For me to place a higher value on Helvetia options, I
would need to believe that they would grow at a steady positive
rate, so I could exercise them in three to five years at a profit.
Increased volatility is a threat to me, because the period of time
when I would be allowed and want to exercise them might
coincide with a gigantic dip in the share price. Who knows?

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Cse Study

Helvetia Holding job offer

Daniel Weiss: Dr. Smith, on behalf of Mr. Benson and me, I

want to thank you for your time, openness, and honesty.
This conversation has been a real eye-opener for me, but it
may take some time for me to digest it all.
Jennifer Smith: It was my pleasure. I'm sure I would have
enjoyed working at Helvetia.

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