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We start on the apps title screen, the words 'TOUCH SCREEN

TO ENTER' are flashing at the bottom. The user touches the



The jam jars sweep into the white space. We wait as the user
makes their decision.

The user picks the influenza jar. The jar shakes.

As the jar settles text appears saying 'YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE

The user taps the screen. The camera goes to the top of the
jar and we unscrew the lid and go inside the Jar.

Influenza (or Flu as it's more commonly known) is a serious virus
that can make people very ill.

The influenza sneezes. The jar disappears.

Flu is transmitted through the air
and in bodily fluids.

We zoom out. The camera moves to the right and we can see
both the influenza cells and the Body cells.


It affects the body cells in our respiratory system.

Most of the influenza cells and Body cells disappear only

leaving one influenza cell and one body cell. The buttons
representing the move forward/backward options are

Press the buttons to move forward
or repeat this section.

The influenza moves towards the body cell.

When the influenza virus enters the body it will bind
to the body cells in the nasal passages and bind itself to them.
It does this using its receptors. Tap the screen to see the influenza cell
come into contact with the body cell.

The user taps the screen. The virus shrinks. We see the
influenza bind itself to the body cell using the spiky parts
of its body. It enters the cell.

The virus enters the cell as something
called a coated vesicle. Once inside, it uncoats itself.

We watch the influenza uncoat itself inside the cell.

Now only the DNA of the influenza

virus is left. This is known as

RNA. This RNA is transported to the
nucleus of the cell.

The virus moves into the nucleus.

Within the nucleus, the genetic material makes lots of copies of the
influenza virus.

We see lots of uncoated virus appear.

The virus also reprogrammes the
cells ribosomes to make virus
proteins, which are then transported
to the cell membrane. These are the
receptors of the virus.

The virus moves out of the nucleus.

The virus leaves the cell and
its proteins attach, so it's ready
to bind with, and infect more cells.

We watch the virus leave the cell and gain it's receptors.
It moves into the white space and lots of others follow it.

The symbols are highlighted, the same as before.


Press the buttons to move

forward or repeat this section.

A title reading 'Quiz' appears and moves up the screen.

A question appears and then the answers do, the voiceover

reads them out.

How is flu transmitted?
A) By touching other people
B) Through the air
C) By blinking

The user touches the screen and picks the correct answer
which is B. Correct appears on the screen. Points are added
to the players Jam Jar.

Another question appears.

Which cells are effected by flu?
A) Body Cells
B) Red Blood Cells
C) White Blood Cells

The user touches the screen and picks the correct answer
which is A. Correct appears on the screen. Points are added
to the players Jam Jar.

The Jam Jar is full to the top. The player has unlocked a

new Jar and it appears large on the screen. Text appears

saying 'You have unlocked a new Jam Jar!'

Another question appears.

What does flu do inside the body?
A) Just stay there
B) Throw a party
C) Bind to cells using receptors

The user touches the screen and picks B which is an

incorrect answer. Incorrect appears on the screen. Text
appears which the voiceover reads out.

That answer was incorrect. When flu
gets inside the body it binds to cells
using receptors.

The influenza appears on the screen.

Now the quiz is over its time
to put the Influenza back into the
jar! Touch the screen and guide the
virus into the jar.

The user touches the screen and slides the flu back into the jar.

Flu transmission can be prevented by washing

your hands. There is also a vaccination if you are at risk of

getting flu, which helps protect your body from infection.

As the voiceover is explaining the lid is screwed back on

the jam jar and influenza struggles against the glass.

The flu is put back into the white space.

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