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A Proposal For:

Sample Proposal
Communication and Enrollment of Core Benefits
Communication and Enrollment of Supplemental Plans
Supplemental Benefit Plans Recommendations

Program Implemented By:

Bill Judge and Associates, Inc.

In Partnership With:
Agency Name
May 19, 2009



Your Needs and Goals

Our Solution

Our Enrollment Recommendation

Page 16

The Impact Difference

Key Benefits to You


Page 15

Why Supplemental Benefits?

Supplemental Benefit Recommendation
Section 125 Administration Recommendation


Page 4

BJA-Impact Enrollment Solutions

The WECARE Enrollment System
The Impact Enrollment Process
Projected Enrollment Timeline

Our Supplemental Benefits/FSA Recommendation

Page 3

Sample Enrollment Form

Sample Benefit Statement
Sample Reports
Carrier Proposals

Separate Attachments

The Human Resources Challenge
Today, as a Human Resources / Benefits Department manager, you face many
challenges. You have the same or greater responsibilities, but you are asked to
execute them with fewer resources.
That means you may have benefit communications, benefit package
improvement, and/or open enrollment needs that you just cant find the time or
money to accomplish. Here are some examples.
Benefit Communications Needs

You may need to better communicate the scope of benefits you offer.
You may need to educate your employees on the importance and need
for benefits.
You may need to generate employee appreciation of your benefit costs
and values.

Benefits Package Improvement Needs

You may need to fill gaps in your current benefit programs.

You may want to enhance your benefit plans where there are limitations.
You may want to improve participation in selected benefits.

Open Enrollment Needs

You may want to streamline your open enrollment process. Or improve

the process without adding staff.
You may want to consolidate multiple open enrollment periods. Or you
may want to free up staff time during open enrollment to focus on other
important benefit activities.

A Solution For You

Outsource your open enrollment to a professional enrollment


Add supplemental insurance plans to complement your existing

benefit plans.


Outsource Your Enrollment to BJA-Impact Enrollment Solutions

We recommend that you outsource your benefits enrollment to BJA-Impact
Enrollment Solutions. We will plan, communicate, and implement a benefits
enrollment event that will meet your needs, goals, and requirements.
Count on Us to Deliver Enrollment Excellence
You can count on BJA-Impact Enrollment Solutions to deliver an outstanding
enrollment. We have over 17 years of experience in the worksite market. We
have enrolled hundreds of employers nationwide, with more than 500,000
Rely on Us to Customize Our Process to Your Business
We understand that your business is unique with its own individual purpose,
culture, financial situation and needs. We work hard to understand your
individual requirements, and to customize our entire process to your particular
business needs and goals.
Depend on Us to Understand Your Operational Requirements
Our objective is to see all your employees, to deliver benefit education and
awareness, and to enroll them in their benefits. However, we also make
absolutely sure we are sensitive to your production and operating
Trust Us to Make the Process Educational / Comfortable for Employees
Our process allows all your employees to have the opportunity to learn about
and enroll in their benefits in a comfortable, educational, informative setting. To
accomplish this goal, we use trained, professional, salaried benefit
counselors. The counselors are not commissioned sales people.


Enrollment Services

Core and supplemental benefit enrollments

National enrollment capabilities
Professional, salaried benefit counselors
Personalized, individual meetings
Laptop-based electronic enrollments
Group meeting presentations
Call center operation
Internet enrollments

Employee Communications

Pre-enrollment communications
Customized enrollment materials
Personal communication of health and life benefits
Personal communication of retirement benefits
Personal communication of Flexible Spending Accounts
Custom Enrollment Forms
Personalized Benefit Statements

Enrollment System (WECARE Software)

Customizable, proprietary laptop communications/enrollment system

One of the few independent systems in the industry
Customized with employer plans, rates, formulas
Customized to reflect employer benefit messages
Benefit plan presentations and employee decision tools
Carrier-independent platform allows wider product choice
Compliant Enrollment Forms and Benefit Statements

Data and Reporting Services

Electronic Data Management

Data accepted in a wide variety of formats
Data formatted and mapped to WECARE system in-house
Employee personal and benefit data verified and/or updated onsite
Enrollment data collected and stored in WECARE
Final Master Database created for distribution to employer
Wide range of enrollment reports available through the system


The WECARE Benefit Communications and Enrollment System is a processdriven, custom-tailored, laptop-based enrollment software system. Its a
proprietary system, which provides an effective process for communicating and
enrolling employee benefits. Here are the main features of the system .
Developed In-House and Carrier-Independent

We developed the system and can tailor it in-house to meet your needs
We are not tied to or owned by an insurance carrier
The system can accommodate multiple carriers and multiple products
You choose the plans that best fit your organization and people

Fully Customized to Your Organization

The system is customized with your benefits, rates, and formulas

The system calculates both existing and new benefits
Benefit calculations are personalized for each individual employee
Benefit presentations and employee decision tools are customized

Built for High-Impact Communication

We construct the system to educate your employees on their benefits

Our goal is to build employee benefit awareness and appreciation
We specialize in expertly communicating your benefits value message
We communicate your messages consistently and accurately

Streamlines Enrollment Process

Simplified system design allows efficient and effective enrollments

Employees can easily follow the progress of the enrollment interview
All benefits are communicated and enrolled within 18 to 20 minutes

Captures and Stores Enrollment Data

We verify / update employee personal and benefit data

The system captures all employee benefit elections coverages and
You receive final enrollment data back for the initial payroll deduction


This section of the proposal describes what takes place during the actual faceto-face interview with an employee. Heres what our benefit counselors do

Verify Employee

The Benefit Communications and Enrollment Process

Conduct One-to-One Meetings

To be efficient and effective, our benefit communications and enrollment

process requires face-to-face meetings with all benefit-eligible
employees at your facilities during working hours. Our trained,
professional, salaried benefit counselors conduct the meetings.

Verify Employee Data

We use our WECARE software to verify and update personal and benefit
data for each employee in the employer database.

At the end of the enrollment, we return to you a clean, up-to-date,

personally-verified employee database.

Communicate and Enroll Core Benefits

The WECARE System can enroll the full range of your core benefits
medical, dental, life, disability, Flexible Spending Accounts and others.

Counselors can present your plans, options, costs, do paycheck

modeling, run what-if scenarios, and use interactive decision tools to
help your employees make more informed benefit choices.

Plan participation improves because counselors understand benefits

and can personalize them to your employees.

Communicate and Enroll Supplemental Benefits

We use the WECARE System to introduce new supplemental benefits,

explain personal options, calculate costs and rates, and prepare
applications for employees electing coverage.

You get an enhanced benefit package because you are adding valuable
supplemental benefits your employees want and need, at no cost to your

Collect Other Key Information

If required, the WECARE System allows us to collect other critical pieces

of information you may need for your records, such as:

Who is insured under each benefit plan

Data for life plans
Primary Care Physician (PCP) names and numbers
Coordination of Benefits information

Deliver Election Forms, Benefit Statements, and Value Message

Based on their elections, we create a personalized Benefit Election Form

for each employee.

We also produce a Total Compensation Statement including

calculations of the value of time off and pre-tax benefits, and hidden
paycheck. This is the benefits value message.

We also deliver other benefit messages you may require. This may
include discussions of medical costs rising, retirement benefits, etc.


Our goal is to implement an efficient and effective benefit communications and
enrollment process for your organization. To achieve this goal, we follow a welldefined, time-proven five-step plan. This chart gives you a broad overview of the
key steps involved.
The following pages describe, in more detail, each step in the enrollment
process. As you can see in the diagram, we start the process by developing a
customized strategy for your enrollment, and end by reporting the enrollment
results to you and other involved parties.


The first element in our benefit communication and enrollment process is to
develop a campaign plan that is tailored to your goals, objectives, and
Devise Enrollment Strategy

Determine the type of enrollment structure that will match your goals,
timing, culture, demographics, and special operating requirements.
This begins with one-to-one meetings, but can be supported by other
methods as well.


Benefit Plans

The next step in the process is to work with you and your staff to
determine which benefits will be communicated and enrolled. These
benefits can include core, supplemental, financial, and other benefits.


We collect information on all the benefits to be enrolled including

descriptions, plan options, coverage levels, employee costs, employer
costs, and payroll frequency. We also determine benefit availability by
employee class.


We request a test file of employee demographic and benefit data that we

can use to structure the WECARE Enrollment System. This test file
ensures that we begin the enrollment process with accurate data from
your HRIS.

BJA-Impact Enrollment Solutions will help develop a range of enrollment
communications vehicles in cooperation with you, the carriers, and others
(TPA) as required. These vehicles may include




Posters and

Email and/or


Leader Meetings
of all Core


Benefit Election

Insurance Plan

Personal Benefit

Here are some examples of enrollment communications. They are (1) a flyer
announcing the timing of the Open Enrollment Period, (2) a customized
Benefits Enrollment Form, and (3) a personalized Benefit Statement.


Clearly, the enrollment event is the point of impact. All the planning and
preparation leads to the launch and implementation of the enrollment event.
There are several key ingredients necessary for a successful enrollment event.
We must
Conduct Counselor Training
We train the benefit counselors on your benefit plans, your employees, your
facilities, your culture, and your expectations for the enrollment. We conduct
training on the operation and function of the software. We coordinate carrier
and employer visits to the training session (if appropriate).
Launch the Enrollment Event
We adhere strictly to the established schedule that you have approved.
Typically, each employee interview lasts 18 to 20 minutes. Pre-enrollment
communications speed the process, and employees are back to work quickly.
Monitor Enrollment System Operation
We monitor the operation and use of the WECARE Enrollment System during
the enrollment sessions. We make sure that the system is functioning properly
on all the benefit counselors laptops. And our staff is available at all times
during the enrollment to respond to technical / programming issues.
Manage Enrollment Progress
We assign a Case Manager to each enrollment event. It is his/her job to
monitor the progress of the enrollment to ensure that the actual performance
matches the scheduled plan. If not, the Case Manager makes course
corrections to complete the enrollment on time. The Case Manager has the
authority, with your approval, to modify the plan onsite.
Maximize Enrollment-Participation Ratio
It is our mission-critical task to see as many of your employees as possible.
Our goal is to personally interview a minimum of 90% of your workforce. For
you, and us, this means minimum post-enrollment follow-up and maximum
delivery of your benefits message.

We provide for the proper distribution of forms, data, and applications to the
employer, carrier, TPA, etc. We also agree on the process for handling postenrollment insurance changes, new hires, and re-enrollments.

What kind of advanced planning and development time is required to plan,
prepare, and launch a successful enrollment event? Generally, we need
45 to 60 days prior to the enrollment launch.
The chart below displays the blocks of time required for each task in the benefit
communications and enrollment process.


Data / Applications

Master Agreement
Finalize Products
Employee Data
Benefit Information
Master Schedule
Detailed Needs
Event Strategy
Finalize Plan
Determine Structure
Create Program
Test / Review
Produce Materials
Send Announcements
Conduct Meetings
Launch Enrollment
Monitor Progress
Complete Enrollment
Data To Employer
Apps to Carriers
Employer Review
Enrollment Report

Week 1

Week 2
Week 3
Weeks 4 through 8
Weeks 5 through 8
Weeks 9 through 11
Weeks 12-13
Week 15-16

This is a general overview and estimate of the amount of time and the tasks
required to plan and prepare a full core enrollment campaign. Other specific
elements will be added as necessary.


Supplemental insurance products are an integral part of the benefit
communications and enrollment process. They provide excellent value for the
employee and for the employer. Here are some reasons why ...
Benefits to Employees

Supplemental insurance benefits fill benefit gaps and provide additional

security for employees.
Supplemental benefits give employees a convenient way to obtain
needed and desired coverage at the workplace.
Employees enjoy the ease and convenience of paying their premiums
through payroll deduction.
Your employees enjoy lower rates and discounts because of your group
buying power.
Open enrollment offers your employees the opportunity to qualify for
supplemental plans without extensive medical questions or physical
Many supplemental plans are portable. That means employees can
continue coverage if they leave their jobs or retire.

Benefits to Employers

Supplemental benefits are great way to attract and retain employees.

Supplemental products expand employee benefit offerings at no cost to
your organization.
Supplemental insurance plans allow us to deliver enrollment and
technology services at no cost to the organizations we serve.

Supplemental Product Recommendations

Universal Life Insurance with Long Term Care Rider

Critical Illness Insurance
Off-the-Job Accident Insurance
Proposals are provided under separate cover.

BJA-Impact Enrollment Solutions is uniquely qualified to achieve your goals
and meet your requirements during the Benefit Communications and
Enrollment Process. Here are the main reasons why

Our Experience. We have over 17 years experience in the worksite

market and have enrolled hundreds of employers with over 500,000

Our Technology. We are one of the few firms in the market that have
created an enrollment system in-house, and that have the independent
ability and know-how to customize it to meet employer needs.

Our Communications Ability. Our specialty is the effective

communication of benefits using laptop technology. Thats why our
software and services reflect such a strong benefit education and
awareness approach.

Because of our unique capabilities, you get significant benefits when you
outsource your Benefit Communications and Enrollment Process to BJAImpact Enrollment Solutions. The main benefits are .
A Totally Customized Enrollment Process
We customize every aspect of the enrollment to meet your needs. We design a
custom enrollment strategy. We create custom software that reflects your plans
and messages. We develop custom communications and data structures that
match your organization.
A Better Educated and More Aware Workforce
We focus our process on benefit education. We build employee awareness
and appreciation of the costs and values of their benefits. We personalize
calculations, tools, and statements individually for each employee.
An Enhanced Employee Benefits Plan
We add valuable supplemental insurance plans selected specifically to fill
benefit gaps and/or enhance existing plans. These are benefits that your
employees want and need, and that have a high employee acceptance rate.
And you can provide these plans at no cost to you.

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