ResearchHypothesisand DefiningVariables

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ResearchHypothesisand DefiningVariables
2. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS simply an educated guess or hunch that can be
supported by theory and previous research. A wise guess that is formulated and
temporarily adopted to explain the observed facts covered by the study (Calmorin
and Calmorin,1999). A declarative statement that is tentative in nature. It must
be tested, explained and measured06/09/12 Free template from
3. Two Types ofHypothesis
4. Two Types of Hypothesis Null Hypothesis a denial of an attribute, an existence,
a difference or an effect or relationship expressed in negative statement. Example:
There is no significant difference in the perception of the different groups of
respondents on the effectiveness of the program in terms of its vision06/09/12 Free
template from
5. Two Types of Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis affirms the existence of a
phenomenon, acceptance of the attribute of relationship, effects and differences.
Example: There is a significant difference in the perception of the different groups
of respondents on the effectiveness of the program in terms of its vision.06/09/12
Free template from
6. Characteristicsof Hypotheses
7. Characteristics of HypothesesA good hypothesis has several basic characteristics:
Testable logical directly related to the research problem represents a single
unit or subset of the problem06/09/12 Free template from
8. Characteristics of Hypotheses factually or theoretically based - states a
relationship between variables sets limits of study - stated in a form that can be
accepted or rejected06/09/12 Free template from
9. Sources ofHypothesis
10. Sources of Hypothesis based on observation: Environment on literature on
other empirical data personal experiences06/09/12 Free template from
11. Criteria for Evaluating ResearchHypothesis stated in declarative form be
consistent with known facts, previous researches, and theories statement should
follow from the statement of the research problem06/09/12 Free template from
12. Criteria for Evaluating ResearchHypothesis state the expected relationship
between two or more variables Testable stated clearly and concisely The level

of significance must be indicated when stating the null hypothesis06/09/12 Free

template from
13. Example of a Research Hypothesis: The following hypothesis were tested at
0.05 level of significance There is no significant gain between the pre-test and
post-test scores of students exposed to Computer-Aided Instruction in Analytic
Geometry There is no significant gain between the pre-test and post-test score of
the students exposed to Classroom Information System in Analytic Geometry.
There is no significant difference in the performance of students exposed to
Computer-Aided Instruction and Classroom Information System.06/09/12 Free
template from
15. RESEARCH VARIABLES are qualities, properties or characteristics of person,
things or situations that change or vary.06/09/12 Free template from
16. Characteristics of Variables Identify the concepts to be studied Variables are
measurable Variables are usually specific in focus06/09/12 Free template from
17. DifferentClassification ofVariables
18. Different Classification of Variables 1. According to possible number of values
Dichotomous Variables variables that take only two values Example: Religion
(catholic or non-catholic) Nature of employment (part-time or full-time)
Sex/Gender (Male or Female) Polytomous Variables variables that take more than
two values Example: Nationality (Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Americans, and
Malaysians) 06/09/12 Free template from
19. Different Classification ofVariables2. Independent or Dependent Independent
Variable known as the presumed cause it is the antecedent it is the variable
predicted from06/09/12 Free template from
20. Different Classification ofVariables2. Independent or Dependent Dependent
Variable known as the presumed effect it is the consequent it is the variable
predicted to06/09/12 Free template from
21. SAMPLE: An experimenter might compare the effectiveness of four types of
antidepressants. The variable is "type of antidepressant." When a variable is
manipulated by an experimenter, it is called an independent variable. The
experiment seeks to determine the effect of the independent variable on relief from
depression. In this example, relief from depression is called a dependent
variable.06/09/12 Free template from

22. Conclusion In general, the independent variable is manipulated by the

experimenter and its effects on the dependent variable are measured.06/09/12
Free template from
23. SITUATION Can blueberries slow down aging? A study indicates that
antioxidants found in blueberries may slow down the process of aging. In this study,
19-month old rats (equivalent to 60-year old humans) were fed either their standard
diet or a diet supplemented by either blueberry, strawberry, or spinach powder.
After eight weeks, the rats were given memory and motor tests. Although all
supplemented rats showed improvement, those supplemented with blue berry
powder showed the most notable improvement.06/09/12 Free template from
24. QUESTION1. What is the independent variable?3. What are the dependent
variables?06/09/12 Free template from
25. ANSWER. . .1. What is the independent variable? (diet: blueberries or no
blueberries)4. What are the dependent variables? (memory test and motor skills
test)06/09/12 Free template from
26. Different Classification of Variables3. Quantitative or Qualitative Qualitative
Variables - variables that express characteristics or properties - express a qualitative
attribute - Ex. hair color, eye color, religion, favorite movie, gender, age, socioeconomic status of respondents Quantitative Variables - variables that express
amount and those numerical in nature Ex. height, weight, and shoe size.06/09/12
Free template from
27. Sample: In the study on the effect of diet the independent variable = type of
supplement: none, strawberry, blueberry, and spinach. The variable "type of
supplement" is a qualitative variable the dependent variable "memory test" is a
quantitative variable memory performance can be measured on a quantitative
scale.06/09/12 Free template from
28. Different Classification ofVariables4. Continuous or Categorical Categorical
Variables/Discrete Variables qualitative in nature variables with no infinite set of
values within the category. Qualitative variables are always considered categorical
variables ALL OR NONE (ex. Age, sex, blood type) Continuous Variables infinite
in nature can take an ordered set of values within a certain range Reflect a rank
order06/09/12 Free template from
29. Sample: Discrete Variables number of children in a household Your possible
answer may be??? Answer = 1, 2, 3, 4 Continuous Variables Time Possible
time? What time is it? Answer = 9:00am or 9:00:36am or 9:00:36:3706/09/12 Free
template from
30. Other Kinds ofVariables

31. Other Kinds of Variables Extraneous or exogenous variables not the direct
interest of the researcher and should be controlled in order that the hypothesis can
be validly tested.06/09/12 Free template from
32. Extraneous or exogenous variables are variables other than the independent
variable that may bear any effect on the behavior of the subject being studied.
How to control: variable is kept the same for all subjects in the research, or they
balance the variables in a group.06/09/12 Free template from
33. Sample: An experiment, in which a salesperson sells clothing on a door-to-door
basis. The independent variable is the salesperson the dependent variable is
the clothing sales The extraneous variables are the salespersons gender, age, or
price.06/09/12 Free template from
34. Other Kinds of Variables Abstract Variables These are factors that have
different values which are quantitatively measured and statistically tested to prove
the hypotheses. 06/09/12 Free template from
35. Other Kinds of Variables Active Variables the researcher creates and /or
manipulates commonly used in experimental studies. Can ONLY be an
independent variable06/09/12 Free template from
36. Other Kinds of Variables Attribute Variables pre-existing characteristics of the
subjects which the researcher simply observes and measures. It can be an
independent and dependent variable Cannot be manipulated by the researcher
Ex. Intelligence, sex, attitude06/09/12 Free template from
37. Definition ofVariables
38. Definition of Variables Conceptual definition A universal definition of a term
understood by people. Operational definition The researchers own definition of
terms as used in his/her study. It is concrete and measurable, based on observable
characteristics of what is being defined within the context of the study.06/09/12
Free template from
39. Variable Conceptual Operational Definition Definition (as used in the study)A
professional An individual who Any individual with practices a particular four years
of College profession educationCourtesy Civility, politeness The use of polite words
and expressions when06/09/12 greeting elders and Free template from authorities
41. 1. MAKE A HYPOTHESIS OF YOUR STUDY.3. After formulating the research
hypothesis, the group should identify the variables in their study and give its
operational and conceptual definition.3. Expected output will be submitted and

presented to the class the following meeting.06/09/12 Free template from

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