Yuk Gae Jang 육개장

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Yuk Gae Jang

Beef Soup


This soup is one of my favorite Korean dishesit is the perfect combination of

spicy, comforting, and healthy. What can be more delicious?
1. Many Korean grocery stores sell a special cut of beef made especially for yuk
gaejang, or for making beef stock. I strongly recommend using this if your
grocery has it. If not, using brisket and a mixture of beef bones will work just
2. I like to use red chili flakes on their own in this recipe, as opposed to a
mixture of chili paste and flakes. The paste can leave the broth tasting impure
and sweet.
3. Using a lot of fresh, green onion is a key flavor component to this recipe.
Halve the white portions length-wise because the white part is often too thick.
4. My favorite part of this soup is the egg, so I use 3. If you dont love eggs as
much as I do, feel free to use 1.
5. Use ferndrake root, also called boiled royal fern. This can be found in the
refrigerated section. Yuk gaejang is not yukgaejang without this delicious root.
6. You can either use mung sprouts or kongna-mool (bean sprouts).
7. This may sound like cheating but if you have it, feel free to sprinkle in a little
beef da-shi-da (Korean beef stock powder) towards the end of cooking. Its fine
if you dont have it or cant find it, but it adds a nice extra bump of flavor.
I continue to be so grateful to everyone who stumbled upon my blog, and even
more grateful for the amazing comments youve left me (either here or in
person). I am very humbled. I have so much to learn, and I love sharing my trial
and errors with you so that you dont make the same mistakes I make when
trying out new recipes.

2-3 lbs brisket or yuk gaejang beef cut
a little less than 1 gallon water
1/2 onion
4 tbsp red chili pepper flakes/powder (gochukaru)
2 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp chili oil (or sesame oil)
1 tbsp vegetable or canola oil
3 tbsp minced garlic
3 tbsp soy sauce

2 tsp coarse sea salt

1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 lb bean sprouts
1/2 lb boiled royal fern (ferndrake root)
1 bunch (~12-14 stalks) green onion
3 eggs, beaten with 1/2 tsp coarse sea salt
1 tsp beef dashida *optional but a nice boost if you have it
1. Bring the meat and water to a rapid boil on high heat for 5~10 minutes.
When you see all the impurities and foam rise to the surface, take the
pot off the heat. Drain the water and rinse the meat and pot quickly with
cold, clean water. Add the meat back to the pot and refill with another
gallon of water and bring to a boilthe water should be clear.
2. Simmer the beef on medium-heat for at least one hour, and add the
onion after an hour. If possible, simmer for 2-3 hours, while keeping a
vigilant eye on the water level and replacing water as it evaporates.
3. While the beef is simmering, mix the marinade ingredients together in a
bowl: red chili pepper flakes, sesame oil, chili oil, vegetable oil, garlic,
soy sauce, sea salt, and pepper. Set aside.
4. Wash and clean the sprouts, and rinse the ferndrake root several times
with cold water. Drain, and set aside.
5. Wash and cut green onions into thirds, set aside.
6. When the broth is ready, carefully remove the cooked beef and onion
pieces. If you are very careful, you can strain and reserve your broth
while removing any impurities, but this is not necessary. You should be
left with around 10-11 cups of broth after all the cooking and
evaporating. Place the broth back into the pot.
7. Let the meat cool, and then once it is easy to handle, shred the beef into
spaghetti-width size pieces and place into a big bowl.
8. To the shredded beef, add the ferndrake root, sprouts, and white part
only of the green onion pieces. Pour the marinade into the mixture and
using your hands, toss all of the ingredients together.
9. Once the mixture is well-mixed, bring the broth to a boil. Carefully add
the marinade mixture to the pot and simmer on medium for 30 minutes.
10. Add the rest of the green onions and simmer for 5 more minutes. At this
point, you may add the beef stock powder dashida desired.
11. Slowly add in the beaten eggs. Be careful not to over stir, or else the
broth will be very cloudy. Stir in one clockwise motion when pouring in
the egg so that its well-distributed, as the eggs will cook instantly as
soon as it hits the broth. Wait 5 seconds and stir just once more
clockwise around the pot, and then turn off the heat.
12. Taste and season with salt and pepper, if necessary.
13. Enjoy with a bowl of steaming white rice.

Mempraktekan Kimchi Ala Indonesia

Kimch-ku (koleksi pribadi)

Sedih rasanya melihat salah satu teman kita sesama kompasioner

yang belum berhasil membuat Kimchi ini, padahal jika kita benar benar
teliti dalam hal bahan yang telah Mama Syasya uraikan mengenai
resep Kimchi Indonesia sudah sangat jelas dan tidak rumit, hanya
dibutuhkan kesabaran saja untuk memotong bahan bahannya menjdi
ukuran yang kecil kecil seperti korek api.
Untuk itu dipostingan kali ini apa apa yang telah Mama Syasya uraikan
berusaha untuk dicoba sesuai dengan kemampuan yang saya bisa.
Sawi putih yang ukuran besar 1 buah
2 btg daun bawang (dipotong menyerong tipis tipis, saya memakai
1 /2 bh bawang bombay (dirajang ukuran sedang)
1/2 bh wortel ukuran sedang (dipotong seperti korek api)
1 ruas jahe (dipotong seperti korek api)
2 sdm kecap ikan
1 sdm gula putih
garam secukupnya
Bumbu yang digerus
10 siung bawang putih
250 gram cabe keriting digerus sampai bijinya halus)
Royco (rasa apa saja)
Cara membuat
1. Sawi putih di lepaskan sehelai demi sehelai, cuci dalam air yang
mengalir lalu direndam dengan air garam sampai menutupi permukaan
selama kurang lebih empat jam (karena membuatnya pulang kantor,

saya rendam semalaman)

Rendaman sawi putih dalam air garam (koleksi pribadi)

2. Sementara itu masukan dalam wadah sayuran yang telah dipotong

potong (bawang bombay, daun bawang, wortel, dan jahe).

Potongan halus sayuran pelengkap (koleksi pribadi)

3. Masukan bumbu yang sudah digerus ke dalam wadah yang berisi

potongan sayuran kemudian masukan kecap asin dan gula pasir,

sisihkan dan masukan kedalam lemari pendingin (bukan freezer).

Sayuran berbumbu tanpa sawi (koleksi pribadi)

4. Setelah sawi putih yang direndam garam dicuci dan dibersihkan

maka gulung gulung menyerupai gulungan kol dalam siomay,

Gulungan sawi putih (koleksi pribadi)

5, Kemudian masukan campuran bumbu cabai tersebut dan aduk

secara perlahan, rasakan bumbu sesuai selera dan simpan di dalam
lemari es.

Kimchi dalam box siap dimasukan ke dalam lemari pendingin (koleksi pribadi)

Catatan :
1. Maaf ya Mama Syasya, resepnya di ambil dari postingannya
langsung dan ada sedikit pengeditan kalimat sesuai resep yang saya
2. Sengaja tidak memakai cabai bubuk, supaya memudahkan bagi
teman teman yang kesulitan mencari cabai bubuk.
3. Untuk Jahe sengaja tidak digerus (hanya diiris tipis tipis). Selain
supaya ada variasi lain, biasanya jika jahe ditumbuk menimbulkan rasa
4. Bahan yang dipakai diperoleh dari abang gerobak penjual sayur
kecuali kecap ikan,
4. Sebagai perbandingan saya sertakan foto Kimchi yang pernah saya
beli di Lotte Mart Gandaria, kata penjualnya, yang buat ibu ibu Korea

yang tinggal di indonesia.

Doenjang jjigae

This recipe makes about 2 servings

Cooking time: 15 to 20 minutes


1 1/2 ounce onion, diced

1 1/2 ounce potato, diced

1 1/2 ounce zucchini, diced

1 1/2 ounce thinly sliced beef, diced

1 ounce brown mushroom, diced

5 ounce med-firm tofu, cubed

1 Korean green chili pepper or jalapeo, sliced

1/2 teaspoon Korean chili powder (fine)

1 1/2 tablespoon Korean doenjang

1/2 tablespoon Japanese awase miso

2 cup anchovy stock (1 stick iriko dashi with 2 cups water)

Things You'll Need

medium 6 inch Ddukbaegi (Korean earthenware pot)

Cooking Instructions
1. Prepare all of the vegetables, tofu, and beef.

2. Bring water to a simmer and add beef and anchovy dashi granules. When
it comes to a boil, add the doenjang, miso, and all of the other
ingredients and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes over med-high heat.

Gyeran Jjim

Telur Ayam
Air Kaldu Ayam
Saus Ikan
Daun Bawang

3 butir
200 ml
1 1/2 sendok teh
1 sendok teh
2 sendok teh

Cara membuat
aduk telur dan fish sauce, lalu tambahkan air kaldu atau susu plain, aduk rata
kembali. tuang dalam pinggan tahan panas tutup aluminium foil.
siapkan kukusan, setelah mendidih kukus selama 10 menit lalu buka, taburi
wortel dan daun bawang, kukus kembali 5 menit. siap disajikan.

*kalau di jepang namanya cawan mushi

Kayaknya aku pengen bikin gyeran jjim/ cawan mushi, gampang banget soalnya
Kalo mau bikin doenjang jjigae itu susahnya cari bumbu pasta doenjang-nya, apalagi di
kota nggak jelas kayak solo gini.kayaknya bakalan gak ada deh
Kira-kira dimana ya bisa beli bumbu ala korea gtu ??
Kalaupun ada takutnya harganya mahal banget, kira-kira di Lotte mart solo ada gak

ya ??
Mau kesana rasanya ragu-ragu, mana yang belanja orang bermobil, dongkol rasanya
Super indo ada gak ya ? Ya Allah mudah-mudahan ada, aku pengen banget nyoba bikin
masakan korea/jepang dan kalo seumpama nyoba mudah-mudahan rasanya lumayan
Katsudon, unadon, hitsumabushi, takoyaki, teriyaki, tebasaki, soba, okonomiyaki,
tepanyaki, ramen, tenmusu, tenmaki, motsunabe, suppu kare, sushi, shabu-shabu,
sukiyaki adalah makanan jepang yang selalu terpikir dibenakku, kira-kira bisa makan
gak ya ? pengen banget T^T/ T^T/
Kimchi jjigae, doenjang jjige, gyeranjjim, bbudae jjigae, haemultang, samgyetang,
bibimbap, kimbap, bulgogi, samgyeopsal, tteokbokki, tteokgalbi, haesinchim,

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