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The office of Merryvale and Sons Ltd is in the centre of Bristol. For nearly two
hundred years they have bought wine from all over the world and sold it in Great
Britain. The office is old and quiet. On January 20th, last year, a young man stood at
the window and looked out into the street. It was raining and cold and nearly dark.
The young mans name was Harvey Saunders. His job was to buy port wine from
Portugal, but at that moment he was not busy at all. He was thinking about his
summer holidays. Then the telephone rang. Harvey did not know it, but when he put
out his hand and picked it up he was taking the first step on a long and dangerous
Mr Harvey Saunders? said a voice.
I have a call for you from Lima, Peru. It must be Alan, Harvey thought. His brother
Alan worked in Peru. Just a moment youre through Lima, go ahead.
Alan, hello! Well, is anything wrong?
No, of course not! Im fine, were all fine. His brothers voice was clear and Harvey
could hear him perfectly. Look Harvey, can you take your holiday next month, in
Next month? Yes, I suppose so. But why?
Come and see us here in Peru! Ive made a lot of money and wed be very glad to see
Yes, but
No buts! If they dont need you in the office, you must come. Ill send you the
money. And I have a splendid idea. You, er, you speak Portuguese, dont you?
Yes, I do, but
Good, I thought so! Then come through Brazil. Go to Paris and take the Concorde to
Rio de Janeiro. Theres an architect in Rio who has some information and some
photographs for me. You can bring them to Lima. Ill send you all the details. OK?
But look Alan, wont it be very expensive?
Sorry, I cant hear you. I must go, Ive no time to talk. Youll get my letter in a week
or so.
Alan rang off; and Harvey sat down and tried to remember everything he knew about
I True or False
Tick the true statement and correct the false ones
1. Merryvale and Sons Ltd have bought spices from all over the world and sold
it in Great Britain.
2. It was raining and cold and nearly dark.
3. Harvey worked in Peru.
4. Harvey could not hear his brother well.
5. Harvey spoke Russian.
6. An architect in Rio has some information and some photographs for Alan.

II Answer the Questions


Where is the office of Merryvale and Sons Ltd.?

What have they dealt with for nearly two hundred years?
What was the weather like that day?
What was the name of a young man?
What was he thinking about?
Who called him on the phone?


Three weeks later, on Wednesday afternoon, Harvey landed at Galeao International
Airport in Rio de Janeiro. It was 3.30 pm and very hot. He collected his new and very
expensive suitcase, went through Customs and Immigration, and changed some
money into cruzeiros. Then he found a taxi and said to the driver, Hotel California,
Copacabana. The driver looked at his watch and said something. Harvey often went
to Portugal for Merryvale and Sons. He spoke Portuguese quite well, but he did not
understand the driver. Was it Portuguese? Harvey was not sure, but he thought the
man understood him quite well, so he got in.
The taxi driver turned on the radio, which played very loud dance music, and
drove out of the airport at about 120 kilometres an hour. Harvey shut his eyes, put his
hands in front of his face, and thought about dear, quiet, peaceful Bristol. Five
minutes later he looked through the window for the first time. He saw small houses
and huge skyscrapers, mountains and the sea, gardens, flowers and hundreds of cars.
The traffic was very noisy and very fast. They went through a red traffic light without
stopping and raced between two big buses. The driver laughed, and Harvey shut his
eyes again. They traveled 20 kilometres in fifteen minutes and when they arrived at
the Hotel California Harvey felt like a very old man.
The receptionist was polite and friendly.
Senhor Saunders? Welcome. Is it your fist time in Brazil? How long will you be
Two nights.
But you mustnt leave before the Carnival! It begins on Friday. I hope you can stay.
Everybody loves the Carnival. Well, enjoy your visit. Sign here please Room 308.
Harvey went to his room, had a wash and said to himself, After that journey, I
need a drink, before I unpack.
He left his suitcase on the bed and went to the bar. He ordered a dry Martini. It
was wonderful. He had another. Ah, that was better. The barman suggested a Cuba
Libre. It was delicious, so he had one more, then another Martini. He talked to two
German engineers, and then to some Japanese businessmen. He was not hungry,
though he did eat some strange fruit with a Brazilian name, like little oranges. He
enjoyed the evening very much indeed, and when he went to his room it was late. He
had a shower and got into bed.
Ah, thats nice, and tomorrow Ill phone Alans architect and look at the city.
Just before he closed his eyes he thought, Good heavens, I havent opened my
case yet. Oh well, it doesnt matter.
He went to sleep.

I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

Harvey landed at the airport in Rio de Janeiro.

Harvey often went to Spain for Merryvale and Sons Ltd.
The radio played very loud dance music.
There was not traffic in the streets.
The receptionist was polite and friendly.
Harvey opened his suitcase as soon as he entered the room.

II Answer the Questions


When did Harvey arrive in Rio de Janeiro?

What was the weather like?
What language did Harvey speak also?
What did Harvey see through the taxi window?
What was the traffic like in Rio?
How did Harvey feel when he arrived at the hotel?


Harvey woke early next morning. At first he did not know where he was. Then he
remembered. Of course, he was in Brazil, and over there he went to the window
was the famous Copacabana Beach! It certainly looked magnificent. He opened the
window. The noise of the traffic in the Avenida Atlantica was terrible. He shut the
window again and thought, Perhaps I can go for a swim I must unpack my
It was difficult to open the case. What was wrong? He was sure he had the
right key, but it didnt work. He pulled and pushed the bag and then it opened
Brown and white shoes? I havent got any brown and white shoes. A light green suit?
That isnt mine. This isnt my suitcase!
Clearly the bag belonged to somebody else. But who? He loked in the bag
again. Only clothes then at the bottom a leather toilet case, and a large brown
envelope with Jos Costa written on it. No address. He looked inside and sat down
suddenly. It was full of money! Hundreds, no, thousands of dollars!
There must be $20000 here. Then he saw a passport with the money, took it out and
opened it. Xavier Silveira, Brazilian, engineer, date of birth Still no address. He
looked in the bag again but there was nothing else. He picked up the toilet case
without much hope. People did not usually have their name and address on their
toothbrush! The case felt very heavy. An electric razor? He opened it and suddenly
felt cold. Inside he found not a razor, not soap, scissors or brushes, but a pistol and
two boxes of cartridges.
Harvey put it down quickly, stood up and looked at his face in the mirror. It
was as white as his handkerchief. He did not know anything about Brazil. Perhaps

everybody had a gun, like the Wild West? But two names, twenty thousand dollars
and a gun that could not be an ordinary man.
I must find him. Perhaps the airline office will know where he is.
He telephoned. No reply. Of course! It was only 6.30 in the morning. Come
on, Harvey, this isnt Bristol. When in Rome So he went for a swim in Mr Costas
(or Mr Silveiras) bathing trunks. Afterwards he lay on Copacabana Beach for half an
hour thinking, and watching the little boys playing football, and two lovely girls
running in and out of the sea. Then he had breakfast more fruit and a lot of coffee.
At nine oclock he telephoned again.
Air France? Flight AF 085 from Paris yesterday. Was there a Mr Silveira on the
plane, please?
One moment sir no, sorry, no Silveira on AF 085.
Did Mr Costa, Jose Costa, arrive on that flight?
Cosciuszko, Costain, ah yes, Costa. Miss Isabella da Costa. She flew to Buenos Aires
last night. Is that your friend?
No, it isnt, hes a man. Jose Costa.
No, I dont think ah yes, here he is, at the end of the list.
Do you know his address in Rio de Janeiro, please?
Yes, here it is. Apartment 4, 18 Rua Tiradentes, Lagoa. Thats near Ipanema Beach,
do you know it?
I can find it, said Harvey, as he put down the phone.
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

Harvey woke late next morning.

It was difficult to open the case.
The envelope was full of money.
Harvey watched the little boys playing volleyball on the beach.
Isabela da Costa flew to Buenos Aires last week.
Jose Costa lived near Ipanema Beach.

II Answer the Questions


How did Harvey feel when he woke up next morning?

What did he have to do?
What did he see when he managed to open the suitcase?
What did he find in the suitcase?
Where did he go?
Who did he call to find out the address?


In the taxi to Lagoa Harvey was thinking hard. Who was Costa/Silveira? Why did he
have a gun? Where did he get all the money? Then he heard the driver shout:

Senhor, there is Corcovado, and Christ the Kind. He is wonderful, dont you think
Harvey looked at the enormous figure on the mountain top and, worried or
not, he had to agree.
Yes, he is magnificent. How big is he?
The driver waved a hand. Who knows? Two hundred metres, three hundred
metres? Wonderful, wonderful!
Soon they came to the Rua Tiradentes and stopped outside number 18. It was a
new block of twelve apartments. The driver laughed.
Very nice house! Nice friends, eh?
Harvey paid him, took the bag and rang the bell of number 4. No answer. He
rang again. A small window in the door opened, and he could see an eye.
Yes? It was a womans voice.
I am looking for Senhor Jose Costa.
He is not here, the woman said, and shut the little window. Oh no, thought Harvey,
you cant do that, and rang the bell again and again and again. The window
I told you, he is not here, The voice was angry.
Yes, I know, but his bag I have his bag, and I think he has mine.
The window shut, and the door opened. Come in, said the voice.
Ah, thank you Harvey stopped, with his mouth open. His heart turned over.
Three or four hours passed. The sun rose and set. He could hear the sea. In front of
him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.
Come in, I said. Her voice was not angry now.
Who I Im sorry, er Senhora Costa?
My name is Marta Costa. Jose Costa is my brother. Is that his bag?
I yes I think
Then that is your bag? She pointed to the table.
Harvey swallowed, stood up straight, and said loudly, Yes it is. Marta, will
you have dinner with me tonight?
She looked at him for several seconds but did not say anything. Her face was
serious and her eyes were dark. Then she said:
I cant do that. I dont know you. Brazilian girls cant just do what they want to, they
If you want to, you can. Will you? Please?
Iperhaps I Oh, its so difficult. You see, my brother
Where is he?
He went to look for you at your hotel. Hell be here soon. In fact I can hear his car.
Good. Ill give him the bag. Hell give me mine, and Ill ask him if I can take you out
Oh, you dont understand, it may be impossible. But, she touched his hand and
smiled, thank you anyway.
Understand? said Harvey, as his heart sang, I understand very well. You are the
loveliest, most exciting girl
He stopped, because at that moment they heard the front door open.
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones


In front of him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.
Her face was angry and her eyes were dark.
Marta Costa is Jose Costas mother.
Jose Costa took Harveys briefcase by mistake.
Jose Costa went to look for Harvey at his hotel.
Harvey fell in love with Marta as soon as saw her.

II Answer the Questions


What was Harvey thinking about in the taxi?

Who opened the door?
How did Harvey feel when he saw the young girl?
What was the girls name?
Who was she?
What did Harvey think?


A man came in, looking hot and unfriendly. He was about as old as Harvey but with
long hair and a moustache.
Marta? Who is this? he said roughly.
This is Mr Saunders, Jose. He arrived by the same plane as you yesterday. He has
brought your bag. The airline gave it to him by mistake.
Costas face changed completely. He went quickly to the bag and looked
inside, then smiled brilliantly and put out his hand.
Ah, my dear Mr Saunders, how kind of you, please pardon me. These airlines, they
are impossible. They can fly you at two thousand kilometers and hour but they still
give you the wrong luggage. But everythings all right now. Tell me, how did you
find me?
Harvey looked at Marta. Her face was unhappy.
I opened the bag and saw your name on an envelope, he replied.
Costas face changed again. You looked inside my bag. Tell me, were you
surprised by what you saw?
I well no, what you have in your bag is your own business, said Harvey
Dont be embarrassed, Senhor Saunders. I will explain. I work for the
Government in a programme called Proalcohol. We are trying to make petrol out of
plant sugar-cane trees, anything. We work a long way from the city and the banks,
so I carry money. And since I carry money, I carry a gun.
I see. How interesting. Harvey did not like Jose Costa, and he did not believe
him either. Money for a Brazilian Government Research Department? By Concorde
from Paris? Does he think Im stupid? thought Harvey, but he only said:
Im glad I found you so soon. Im sure you were worried. It has been a
pleasure to make you acquaintance. Ive just invited your sister to have dinner with
me. Would you like to come too?
It was very difficult to ask this question, but Harvey did not see how he could
avoid it. Costa smiled.

Did she say yes? he asked. Harvey looked at Marta but she did not look at
Not exactly. I thought I should ask you first.
Costa laughed. Ah, Mr Saunders, you are certainly a gentleman. Marta
decides what to do for herself. It has nothing to do with me. I suppose
He never finished what he was saying, and Harvey never remembered clearly
what happened for the next few minutes. The door opened. A voice shouted Police!
Stand still! Four or five men came in very quickly. Jose Costa moved like lightning
to the bag and the gun appeared in his hand. There was a very loud explosion, and
Harvey saw Jose drop the gun and fall down. Marta screamed and Harvey ran to help
Dont move, I said! shouted the voice, but Harvey did not stop. He had to help this
wonderful girl and keep her safe. As he put out his arms to hold here there was a loud
bang behind his ear and his legs stopped working. He looked straight into Martas
eyes and thought, God, shes beautiful. Someone has just hit me on the head. Then
he fell down into the darkness.
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

The man who came in looked nice and friendly.

Jose Costa works for the Government.
Jose Costa and Harvey quarreled about their luggage.
The police came in slowly.
Harvey fainted because he was wounded.
Jose Costa was shot by the police.

II Answer the Questions


How did the man look like?

Who was the man who returned?
How did Jose Costa explain the money and the gun in his bag?
Who arrived then?
Who was shot?
What happened to Harvey?


Harvey opened his eyes and groaned. His head hurt terribly. Before he could do
anything someone threw a cup of cold water in his face and put a towel in his hand.
Come on, Mr Englishman. Captain Pimental wants to talk to you.
He was in a room with some policemen. They all had guns and did not look at
all friendly. Two of them took him along a corridor, up some stairs and into an office.
Behind a desk sat a big, strong man with a large, hooked nose and hard eyes. He
looked even less friendly than the policemen.
You are English and your name is Sanders. It was not a question.

Not Sanders, Saunders. My name is Saunders.

What is the difference? The diff I, er, well, I suppose can I sit down please?
Harvey stuttered.
Criminals do not sit down in my office. You will stand.
Harvey felt terrible, but this was too much. Criminals? What do you mean?
Im not a criminal. Im an ordinary English tourist.
Tourist? the Captain sneered. Tourist, you say? And what is an ordinary English
tourist doing with a suitcase full of money and guns?
Harvey told his story. Captain Pimental listened very carefully. Then he gave
some orders quickly: Look at his bag. Ring Cubillas in Lima. Speak to the airline.
Bring the girl. He opened a drawer in his desk and took out something small and
Do you know what this is, Mr Saunders? It was a small stone statue of a man with a
tall crown on his head. It was rather dirty.
Is it a souvenir? Harvey asked.
Ha, a souvenir! The Captain smiled. Yes, I think you could say that. How much do
you think its worth?
Im sorry, I have no idea. Twenty or thirty dollars? It is quite old.
It is very old indeed. It was made before the Europeans came to South America. If
you sold that in New York you could get $100 000 for it. It was made by the Incas, at
Macchu Picchu, in Peru.
He stopped as Marta came in with a policeman. She looked terrified, lost and
helpless, Harvey thought, but still beautiful.
Marta! Are you all right? he said.
Yes, I think so.
You know this girls brother, Mr Saunders? the Captain said.
Ive met him but I dont know him. He works for Proalcohol.
That is lucky for you. Jose Costa is not a good man. And he does not work for
Proalcohol. He deals in these. He pointed to the statue. And these. He took a gold
bracelet from his pocket. And these. He put some rough, coloured stones on the
desk. They are jewels from Minas Gerais, from Bolivia, from Colombia. It is a
profitable business.
The Captain stood up.
In New York and London, in Tokyo and Hamburg, there are rich men who want
these things so badly that they will pay criminals like Costa to steal them from the
countries where they belong. We call them The Syndicate. Costa works for them.
Hes a thief and probably a murderer.
No! Marta cried. No, not that!
The Captain looked at her, then at Harvey. Maybe not. Its true, he is a
beginner. He sat down again. If your story is true, Mr Saunders, you can help me,
you can help Brazil, and you can help this woman. She is in serious trouble. Are you,
er involved with her?
Harvey hesitated, then decided. Yes, I am. I would like to help her.
Everybody looked at him, but he saw only Marta. He went on, And you, Captain,
and Brazil, if I can.
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones


Harvey woke up in his hotel room.

Harvey was in a room with some policemen.
Captains name was Carrera.
Harvey said that he was an ordinary English tourist.
Jose Costa is a criminal.
Harvey refused to help Brazil.

II Answer the Questions


Where was Harvey when he woke up?

Who wanted to talk to him?
What did Captain Pimental show to Harvey?
How did the statue look like?
Who Jose Costa turned out to be?
What did Harvey agree to do in the end and why?


For a moment the Captain said nothing. Then he spoke.
Sit down.
Thank you, Captain, Ill stand. Im not sure that you believe me yet. What do you
want me to do?
The Captain smiled. I want you to become Jose Costa. Take his bag, take his
clothes and his passport, take his flat and, he nodded at Marta, take his sister with
you, and wait. The Syndicates men will contact you. Your Portuguese is good
enough to convince them. They will be strangers, so they wont know Costa. Or if
they do, you can say he is in hospital. Which, I am happy to say, is true. You will go
where they tell you, and we will follow you. And when the time comes he hit the
desk with his hand We will have them.
And if I do not agree?
If you do not agree, senhor, she will go to prison. And so will you, until we have
checked your story. It might take weeks, perhaps months, and life in our prison is
not easy.
Well, thats clear enough, thought Harvey. And I shall be with Marta. For that I
will do anything.
All right, Captain. I agree. He went to Marta and took her hand. Come on, sister.
Lets go home.

Years later, when Harvey remembered his journey to South America, it was the last
few days after he had met Marta that he remembered best of all. But if anyone said to
him, What did you do? he could only say, I fell in love. And there was the
As they left the police station they heard music in the streets, even louder than
the traffic.
The Carnival hasnt started yet, has it? Harvey said.

No, not yet. But everybody is getting ready. Its very important to them. Theres
dancing, music and singing, all day and all night. Perhaps Marta stopped. No, not
perhaps. We shall dance, you and I.
Well, they certainly danced. The Carnival started next morning. It was like the
explosion of an enormous bomb, an atom bomb, a musical hydrogen bomb. Harvey
had never seen, had never imagined anything like it. They went to see a parade on the
Avenida Presidente Vargas. It was unbelievable. Noise, music, colour, thousands and
thousands of people laughing and shouting and dancing and cheering. It seemed
endless. They went to a party at a Sporting Club. The music was fantastic. People
danced alone or together, on tables, on the stairs, on the roof of a garage, everywhere.
There was a bar and there was plenty to eat. They ate and talked and drank and talked.
Harvey was surprised by one thing, and asked Marta:
Everybody is drinking, but nobody is drunk. Why?
Drink? Drunk? Who wants that? Listen to the music!
They went to another part of the city, to some of Martas friends. There were
fireworks. Someone asked him afterwards, When did you sleep? and Harvey said, I
dont think we did. They hardly ever thought about the police, or about Jose, or the
Syndicate. They only thought about each other, and the music. Somewhere, some
time, Harvey said:
Marta, you know, I love you.
Me too.
It was enough.
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

Harvey agreed to impersonate Jose Costa.

Harvey couldnt speak Portuguese.
Jose Costa was dead.
Years later Harvey did not remember his journey to South America at all.
When they left the police station, they heard music in the streets.
The Carnival started next morning.

II Answer the Questions


Who did Harvey have to become?

Where was the real Mr Costa?
What was the city preparing for?
What did Harvey remember about his journey to South America?
What did Harvey promise to Marta?
What was the Carnival like?


When the Syndicate telephoned, Marta answered. Harvey heard her say. Yes, hes
here, just a moment. He kissed her and took the phone.

Costa? Do you know who we are?
Good. Then listen. Tomorrow you will go to Brasilia. Go to the Brasilia Palace, the
hotel by the lake. We have reserved a room for you. The day after, visit the Palace of
Dawn, between ten and eleven in the morning. That is all.
I understand.
The other man hung up, and Harvey turned towards Marta. Well, my love.
Were going to Brasilia. Where is it, and how do we get there?
Oh, Harvey, youre mad. It is not far, only about 1 000 kilometres. The best way to
go is by bus.
Bus? Harvey was astonished.
Yes, everyone travels by bus in Brazil. Theyre very comfortable and cheap. But we
couldnt get to Brasilia in one day. Well go by air. I must pack.

The flight to Brasilia took two and a half hours. Before they landed, they
looked out of the window of the plane at the brown, empty country and at the new city
lying below them. Harvey was very interested.
It looks like I think it looks like he began to say.
An aeroplane, Marta said.
Yes, thats right. Have you seen it before?
Yes, I have, but everyone knows about it. Its very modern, she said proudly.
When was it built?
Only in 1956. But its not finished yet.

Harvey did not like Brasilia. He was not sure why, but it did not feel comfortable. The
hotel was very good and very friendly, and the buildings were new and exciting and
spectacular, but
I like old cities, he told Marta.
Then you will like Macchu Picchu, if we ever go there.
The next morning they went to the Alvorada Palace, the Palace of Dawn.
Marta told him it was the official house of the President. It was a long, low building.
The front was all glass, with a flat roof on sixteen graceful columns. In front of the
palace were gardens and two large ponds. In the righthand pond, on a platform, was a
statue of two women doing their hair. The air was clear, the sky was blue, the sun was
brilliant. They went in.
Sign the book please, said the man at the door. At the last moment, Harvey
remembered that his name was Costa. He wrote it in the book.
Senhor Costa? I have something for you.
The man gave Harvey a large envelope. He looked inside and found a bundle
of Brazilian money, about 200 000 cruzeiros, and some papers. There was a typed list
of names in Latin, together with some official papers in German. Harvey could not
understand any of them. The same name was on all the papers EXCELSIOR
Is that all? he asked.
All? The man looked surprised. Isnt there enough?

Yes, but Harvey did not know what to say.

The Professor will meet you on the plane. And now excuse me, Im busy. The man
turned away, as a large party of tourists came in. Harvey looked at Marta.
What plane? he asked, and what professor? Do you know anything about a
Professor? And what do we do now?
Marta was not at all worried. What can we do? Weve done what they told us,
havent we? I am sure well hear from them again.
Shes right, Harvey thought and she was. When they returned to the hotel
after lunch, there on the bed lay some books Flowers of the Amazon, A Botanist in
Brazil, South American Orchids and two airline tickets by VASP from Brasilia to
Manaus, for the following day. Harvey was impressed, and a little scared.
Whoever they are, he said to Marta, theyre very well organized. But she was
singing a song from the Carnival, and did not listen to him.
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

Harvey and Marta are going to Brasilia.

Harvey liked Brasilia a lot.
The Palace of Dawn was the official house of the President.
The man at the door gave Harvey a large envelope.
There was only a bundle of money in the envelope.
Harvey and Marta were to fly to Manaus the following day.

II Answer the Questions


Where did Marta and Harvey have to go?

How far was Brasilia?
Where did they go the next morning?
How did the Alvorada Palace look like?
What did the man at the door give to Harvey?
Where would Marta and Harvey go the following day


Next morning, as they were getting into a taxi for the airport, there was a disturbance
in the hotel entrance. An extraordinary figure appeared, shouting Costa! Wait for
me! It was a huge man, tremendously fat, wearing a khaki shirt and shorts with
enormous boots, and a gaucho hat with a silver badge. He was carrying several bags
and a bundle of what appeared to be fishing rods. He ran down the steps shouting My
God! You nearly went without me!, and threw his things into the taxi. He was very
hot and his clothes were dirty. He had blue eyes, ginger hair, crooked teeth and bad
breath. He put out his hand and said, with a German accent,
Rustemeier. Get in.
But .. Are you Professor ?

Yes, yes, Rustemeier, yes. Come along. You have my books? Please, senhorita
He put out a hand towards Marta, who moved quickly away from him and got in the
taxi. Harvey followed her. Rustemeier got in the front and told the driver to start.
On the way to the airport he spoke to them over his shoulder. He seemed to
know a lot about them, and clearly believed that they knew about him. He was noisy
and cheerful.
Yes, sorry we didnt meet before, I was out of town, you know. Im glad you
enjoyed the Carnival. Now its back to work, unfortunately. He broke off and told the
driver, very sharply, to go faster. The driver bit his lip but said nothing, and did as he
was told. There are a lot of beautiful things for you at Manaus. Were waiting for a
boat to Belem. Flowers, plants, seeds, orchids. Excellent! Some boxes of skins and
feathers. Some of them come from Iquitos in Peru, some down the Rio Negre. You
will take them to Belem and put them on a ship for Hamburg. Its a pity we have to
move them all again, but there are no boats from the Amazon to the Elbe.
This amused him, and he roared with laughter. Ha, ha, ha, no boats to the
Elbe. Not this week anyway, ha, ha! Suddenly he turned right round and looked
straight at them both. He was not laughing at all.
Some of my specimens come from the Putumayo. Do you know what
happened there?
Harvey had no idea. But Marta knew.
Terrible things happened there, eighty years ago. It was when they forced the
Indians to collect rubber. Thousands and thousands of people died in the jungle. They
called it Inferno Verde, the Green Hell.
Thats right. The Professor paused. Perhaps they didnt do their jobs
properly. And I tell you, these rivers and these forests can still be dangerous for
people who do not do what they are told. He turned round again. Harvey looked at
Marta. She looked unhappy and frightened. He pressed his knee against hers and she
squeezed his arm, but she did not smile.
The VASP Boeing 727 to Manaus was full, and to Harveys relief the
Professors seat was not near theirs. They flew above the clouds most of the way, but
during the journey the sky cleared in the west, and Harvey looked down at the
immense emptiness of the Mato Grosso.
I wonder what there is down there, he said to Marta.
Not much. Not now, anyway. Perhaps there was, once upon a time. They say
that it was once under the sea, and that the lost city of Atlantis was there, on an island.
But nobody knows.
She sounded miserable. Harvey said quietly, Marta darling, everything will
be all right. And it wont take long to go down the river to Belem. Then we shall be
free to do what we want.
Marta smiled sadly. I hope youre right.

At Manaus the Professor was met by an Indian driving a truck. They all
squeezed into the cab. There was not much room. The Professor laughed a lot and sat
very close to Marta, making jokes and putting his hand on her knee. His breath smelt
awful. Harvey decided he would very much like something unpleasant to happen to
the Professor, as soon as possible.
They did not go into the city, but drove from the airport out along a road
through the jungle, to a large, dirty, wooden house in a clearing. Several sheds, built

of rusty corrugated iron, stood near it. There was a sign outside saying Insituto
Botanico. The Professor laughed.
This is my ranch. They used to grow rubber here. Come and meet my
His cowboys were a group of men who were sitting smoking in the shade.
They were of different ages, different sizes and different colours, but the had two
things in common. They all carried guns and, without exception, looked completely
villainous. The Professor took Harvey and Marta into the house, shouting Manuela,
Manuela! A tall woman of about forty, with a stern face and a majestic figure, came
to greet them.
Costa and his sister. Said the Professor, Show them to their rooms and lets
The woman ignored Marta, but looked very keenly at Harvey. Then she picked
up his bag, took his arm with her other hand, and said:
Come with me, young man.
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

Harvey and Marta went to the airport by bus.

They almost left without Professor Rustemeier.
They will have to wait for a boat to Belem at Manaus.
The rivers and forests of Putumayo can still be dangerous.
When they arrived at Manaus, they went to the center of the city.
A group of pleasant men met them at Professors ranch.

II Answer the Questions

1. Who did they meet on their way out of the hotel?
2. How did the Professor look like?
3. What happened at the Putumayo eighty years ago?
4. What did people believe was in Mato Grosso a long time ago?
5. Where did the Professor take them?
6. Who were the cowboys?


Dinner was very good, and they drank excellent German wine. Manuela had dressed
herself very elegantly, with a lot of perfume. She talked only to Harvey, asking him
about Portugal.
Do you know Coimbra? Tell me about Oporto. Do you often go to Lisbon?
She would not leave him alone. The Professor did not seem to mind. He talked
to Marta about jungle flowers. After some time he became quite friendly, and said to
them both:
Im a good botanist, you know, and I love the plants and flowers. In fact, I
much prefer them to our other exports, but he sighed loudly theyre not nearly so

He explained the system. We are dealers in things from the tropics, flowers,
butterflies, anything. I have many collectors working for me. They come here all the
time, from many different places. Nobody asks questions. Why should they? Of
course he winked they bring other, er items, and we ship them out, too, but ha
ha, not so many documents for them! We always send a man with them, in case
anything goes wrong. He takes them as his personal property. Thats your job, from
here. At Belem, theyll be put on board a ship for Hamburg, and you will hand over
the documents to another agent. At least, thats the plan at present. It may change.
Soon after that, Marta and Harvey said they were tired and went to bed.
Manuela went with them so they had no chance to talk. For one alarming moment,
Harvey thought Manuela was going to follow him into his bedroom, but he said
Good night and shut the door behind him. He did not sleep well. One thing was
worrying him badly. What did the Professor and his men think about Marta? Why
hadnt they asked her any questions? What job did they think she was supposed to do?
Struggling with these questions, he fell asleep.

Next morning he woke early, badly bitten by mosquitoes. Outside his door
was a man in a long chair who opened one eye as Harvey came out. Theyre
watching me, Harvey thought.
After breakfast the Professor had a phone call. The boat from Iquitos was
arriving at noon. So youll leave tomorrow, he told Harvey. Im sorry your stay was
so short. Come, we must get ready. Soon the Professors men were loading boxes
and crates onto two trucks. Some of the boxes were big and strong, others were quite
light and small, and uncovered.
Those hold the live plants. The Professor said. They are very delicate, you
must always see that they are handled very carefully. Numbers 16, 17, 18 and 19 are
rather special. Underneath them, in the soil, are some little, er objects. You
understand? The customs do not often inspect these plants, in case they damage them.
Very kind of them, eh? He roared with laughter. Are we ready? Then lets go.
They drove into the city, past the extraordinary Opera House, clean, brightly
painted, and empty. The Professor pointed. How about that, eh? Our Covent Garden.
Caruso sang there, you know. He laughed again. But only once!
Harvey looked at Marta, then asked,
Will there be time for us to see the city at all? We havent been here before.
Perhaps we could look around and come back later? And Id like to go to a Post
This was certainly true. Harvey badly wanted to contact the police, somehow,
to confirm where he was, and to send a message to his brother in Lima. But
Rustemeier looked furious.
Post Office! Youre not going to any Post Office! You stay with me, both of
you. This is work, not a holiday!
The boat was the Isabelita, a small, very dirty steamer about thirty metres
long, with a tall black funnel. On the deck there were sacks, boxes, piles of bananas,
some live chickens and a pig in a wire pen. The boat was tied up to a sort of wooden
island, which was connected to the river bank by ropes and bridges. This was one of
Manauss floating docks which were necessary, the Professor explained, because of
the way the river rose and fell. Signs on the banks showed the height of previous

Theres a lot of water in South America, said the Professor, and about half
of it comes past here. The river changes all the time. It can rise or fall ten metres very
quickly, sometimes even more.
They went into the Captains cabin, which was quite large, surpisingly clean,
and dreadfully hot. On the wall was a metal plaque which said, John Brown of
Clydenbank 1909. The room was full of people. Captain Pereira was small and quiet,
with sad, tired eyes. He seemed to know the Professor quite well, and greeted Harvey
and Marta most politely. He did not introduce anyone else. After they had drunk a can
of beer together, he said to Marta:
Perhaps you would wait here, Senhorita, and in a minute my steward will
show you your cabin.
For the next two hours Harvey worked very hard, carrying boxes, checking
lists, signing receipts and guarantees, writing down the Professors instructions for
handling the plants. There were thirty or forty other boxes from Iquitos and Leticia,
further up the river. Eventually they went back to the Captains cabin for another beer.
Marta was not there.
Wheres my sister? Harvey asked.
Oh, shell be in her cabin. Now senhores, these papers
There was a lot more signing of documents, involving a customs officer, a man in the
uniform of the Brazilian Air Force, and a policeman who gave no indication
whatever that he was aware of anything unusual in the situation. Harvey was then
informed that he was the legal owner of the entire shipment, and would be personally
responsible for transferring it to the cargo ship Forscher at Belem, where he would
receive further instructions. They drank another beer and the Brazilian officials left.
Come along, the Professor said, Ill show you where you will sleep on the
way. Its not bad. He showed Harvey into a small cabin. Here are all you papers, on
the desk. You sister is next door, Ill get her.
He went out. Suddenly Harvey had a bad shock. There in the corner was his
suitcase the leather suitcase, not so new now, which had got him into this situation.
He knew he had left it at the Professors Institute. What was it doing here? As he
stared at it, amazed, the door shut behind him. Before he could move, it was locked
from the outside. He was a prisoner!
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

Professor is a dealer in tropical flowers and butterflies.

Harvey was worrying about Marta.
When he woke next morning, he was badly bitten by mosquitoes.
They drove into the city past the National Theatre.
The boat was large and expensive-looking.
Harvey was locked in his cabin feeling like a prisoner.

II Answer the Questions

1. What is the Professor expert on?
2. What was their system of work?
3. What was in the boxes and crates that were loaded onto trucks?
4. Who sang once in the Opera House?

5. What did the boat look like?

6. What happened when Harvey went into his cabin?


Harvey ran to the door and pulled it, but it did not move. He heard the Professors
Costa? Can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you. For Gods sake open this
Mr Costa, be quiet and listen to me. You have an important job to do, and Im taking
some precautions, that is all. Your sister will stay with us. Dont worry, she is quite
well. When you have done what you have to do, she will rejoin you.
At that moment there were banks and rumbles from below, as the engines
began to turn. Bye-bye now, said the Professor cheerfully. Have a good trip. They
say the food is quite good on this ship. Read the books Ive left you. Well meet again
one day, maybe. Ha, ha. Maybe.
In rage and frustration Harvey kicked the door, and nearly broke his foot.
Then he looked in his suitcase. It was all there his clothes, the Professors books,
even the money except one thing. The gun had gone. Harvey swore. He wanted to
break something. He felt even more desperate when he heard shouts, rattles and
splashes, and the ship began to move. His cabin faced out across the wide river, so he
could not see the dock. The ship backed slowly into the middle of the river, then set
off downstream. You must cool down and think, Harvey said to himself. But he had
only one thought for the moment and that was They dont trust me.
After about half an hour the door was unlocked and Captain Pereira came in
with two men. One was carrying an iron crowbar, the other a metal cargo-hook,
brightly polished and very sharp. The Captain was now wearing a gun.
Mr Costa? I am sorry about this, but I have my orders. You are free to move
all over the ship. If you need help to look after your plants, ask me. Do not do
anything stupid, my men know how to take care of themselves. If you wish to leave
us, no-one will stop you. You will have a long swim, and then you will die in the
jungle. In the meantime, perhaps you will have your meals with me. Indeed, I hope
you enjoy the trip. It is not very interesting.

The next six days passed like a dream for Harvey. As the Captain had said, it
was not very interesting. The river was very wide, and they stayed a long distance
from the shore, for three very good reasons, said the Captain. The water is deeper,
there are no mosquitoes out here, and you, I hope, will choose to stay on board. But
the view is not very good. It is better to see the Amazon from the air. That is really
something. Five million square kilometers of forest, containing one third of all the
trees in the world.
Stay on board? said Harvey angrily, Of course I shall stay on board. I am
earning my money, just like you.
The Captain just smiled politely, but he seemed to become more friendly from
then on. There certainly was not much to see a few small cargo ships and one day a
Shell tanker. There was one of the paddle steamers that still work on the Amazon

which reminded Harvey of New Orleans and the Mississippi, Indian canoes in the
distance, floating trees and vegetation, flocks of birds, sometimes porpoises jumping
around them. In the early morning, especially, the river was quite still and very
Captain Pereira, Harvey found, was a cultivated and knowledgeable man. He
told Harvey (who pretended that he knew nothing about history) about the opening up
of Brazil, and the dangers of putting all your eggs in one basket.
People made millions out of sugar, out of coffee, then out of rubber. Then the
price dropped and poof! They were finished. In future, I hope it will be better.
He talked about the exploration of the Amazon, the fights with Indians, the
courage and determination of the explorers. Personally, Harvey had always thought
that the developers of Brazil were ruthless bandits who wanted to make a quick
fortune, but the Captain did not agree. He told Harvey about Candido Rondon, who
founded the Indian Protection Service in 1910, and whose motto was Die if
necessary, but never kill. Mostly, however, he talked about the river, which he loved.
It is the biggest river on earth, not the longest the Mississippi is longer but
the Amazon is by far the biggest. 6480 kilometres long, and I know it all. I tell you,
nowhere in the world is there such power. The first European who came down the
Amazon was one of Pizzarros men, called Orellana, and he came all the way from
Ecuador to the Atlantic because he couldnt get back upstream. The same thing can
happen today if the Indians who live on rafts are washed down the river, they often
never come back. At Monte Alegre the river is one and a half kilometers wide, a
hundred metres deep, and the speed of the current is six knots. That could generate
electricity for the whole of South America.
But though he liked the Captain, and was fascinated by his stories, Harvey was
not happy. He thought of Marta with longing and sadness. Would he ever see her
again? He thought about the handover of the Isabelitas cargo at Belem. What then?
Would he be safe? How could he protect himself? Suppose the police did not know
where he was? The Belem police might not even know he existed Captain Pimental
in Rio was a long way away.
Captain Pimental, he thought. He doesnt seem to have done much. I
suppose if he was English he would be called Sergeant Pepper. And then, in a flash,
Harvey had his idea. He went below and there in the hold, among the bananas and the
bags of nuts and the flowers, he found what he wanted. It was a sack full of small, red,
dried seeds in narrow pods. He filled a plastic bag and took it to his cabin. Then he
went to look for something in the engineers store-cupboard, and soon found that, too.
Then he worked alone for an hour in his cabin. That night, he slept a little better.
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

Harvey felt desperate without his gun.

Harvey was unlocked about two hours later.
Harvey was free to leave the ship anytime.
The journey was not interesting.
The Captain was a cultivated and knowledgeable man.
Harvey did not think about Marta.

II Answer the Questions

1. Why did the Professor decide to keep Marta with them?
2. What was the trip like?
3. Why did they travel a long distance from the shore?
4. What could be seen from the ship?
5. What did Captain Pereira talk about?
6. What did Harvey think about?


Two days later, in the early morning, they arrived at Belem. Here the river was so
wide that it was just like the sea. As they approached the port slowly, through a crowd
of small fishing boats with brightly coloured sails, there was a heavy rainstorm, with
thunder and lightning, and everyone got very wet. Captain Pereira, who had obviously
done it many times before, tied up his boat as if he was parking a car.
And now, he said to Harvey, I want a bath and a big breakfast. Im going to
the Hotel Tropicana. Will you join me? Dont worry, your colleagues will find us
before long.
They walked to the hotel. Harvey thought Belem was very European. It made
him think of Portugal. He asked the Captain when he was leaving.
Tomorrow, maybe the day after.
Ill take a room here, then, said Harvey. I have to stay somewhere, and this
seems a pleasant place. The Captain looked doubtful about this idea, but he did not
say anything more so Harvey went to the reception, where he made a booking and
talked to the manager.
After breakfast, in clean clothes, they went back to the ship. A crowd of
people were unloading things and piling them up on the quay. Harvey saw two men in
shorts carrying a pole on their shoulders. One of his large boxes was hanging from it.
Just behind them came a young man with fair hair and a very red face, shouting
For Gods sake, you crazy idiots, be careful! There are flowers in there, not
water pipes.
His accent was American Georgia or Alabama, Harvey thought. The young
man stopped when he saw them, and said loudly:
And where in hell have you playboys been? We had to find everything
Mr Devine, your impatience will get you into trouble, answered Captain
Pereira, as I have told you before. This is Jose Costa.
Nuts, said Devine rudely. Weve got to move. While youve all been having
your hair washed, the Forscher has decided to sail a day early. He turned to Harvey.
You get paid off here and go back to Rio. Got all the papers?
Yes, of course Ive got them.
Get moving then.
Where is my sister?
Oh, shes around. Come on, damn it.
Harvey took a deep breath. Now look here, Devine. Until I see her this deal
stops right here. You broke the agreement you made with me, by taking her hostage
like that.

Devine laughed disbelievingly. Agreement! Who the hell do you think you
are? You get your orders, the same as anybody else. Who asked you to bring your
goddam sister with you anyway?
Thats my business. Bring her here or I dont hand anything over.
OK, OK, shell be here in half an hour. Now lets move!
He gave instructions to one of his men, who drove off. They went on
unloading. In twenty minutes the car came back and Marta got out. When she saw
Harvey she gave a little cry and ran to him. Harveys heart turned over. He took her
hands, looked into her gentle, passionate eyes, and said:
Marta. Are you all right?
Yes, Im all right.
They havent harmed you?
No, no. But oh, Im so glad youre here.
Well soon be out of this. Now listen. Take that taxi over there and go and get
a room in the centre of the city. Then go here he gave her a card from the
Tropicana Hotel and find the manager. My passport is in his safe. Leave a letter for
me in the safe, telling me where you are. Tell the manager that if anyone but me tries
to get it, anyone at all, he is to call the police. Then go and wait for me in your room.
He turned to Devine and the others. My sister is leaving, in that taxi. If anyone
follows her, the deal is off. Nobody leaves here for ten minutes.
Devines mouth twisted. Some sister, he said nastily.
Marta got in the taxi and left. At least shes safe, thought Harvey, and I shall
be finished soon. But where, oh where are the police?
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

The river at Belem was so wide that it was just like the sea.
Belem looked very European and made Harvey think of Portugal.
The weather was very nice when they arrived at Belem.
After breakfast, Harvey had to unload the crates and pile them on the quay.
Harvey refused to hand over the papers before seeing Marta.
Marta was brought back safe and sound.

II Answer the Questions

1. What was the weather like when the ship arrived at Belem?
2. Where did the Captain and Harvey go?
3. Who did they meet when they returned to the ship?
4. How did Devine look like?
5. How did Harvey manage to get Marta back?
6. What did Harvey say to Marta?


They finished unloading all the boxes for Hamburg in just under two hours.

Right, now the papers, said Devine. Where are they? All you have to do is
endorse them all, and then you sign this declaration releasing them to me. Ill do the
Harvey took them to his cabin. The documents lay on his table in a pile.
Acting as a paperweight, to hold them down, was a large engineers oilcan, with a
long spout and a trigger to shoot out oil under pressure. Harvey sat down and said,
Where do I sign? Devine showed him and he signed everything. Devine said, OK,
thats it picked them up, and checked through them again.
Hey, wait a minute, theres something missing! The licence, the export
licence for all the stuff from Peru. Where is it?
Ah that isnt here. (Where are the police, he thought despairingly. I cant
play for time much longer.)
Not here, you dumb bastard? Devine was choking with rage. What do you
mean, not here?
Ive got it somewhere safe, said Harvey, but dont I get some money first?
He picked up the oilcan casually.
Devine gasped. Money? I dont pay your goddamn wages, you stupid fool.
You dont get much anyway. He bent forward and shouted in Harveys face, Go and
sell you sister round the docks, if you want some pocket money.
It was at that moment that Harvey Saunders, a peaceful and intelligent young
man, forgot himself, forgot the Syndicate, forgot the police, forgot everything. He
stood up and said, in a shaking voice,
Why, you ignorant, foul-mouthed, disgusting swine, Im going to break your
Devines mouth fell open. His two companions looked amazed. Captain
Pereira dropped his cigarette. Good God, thought Harvey, I said that in English.
Quickly he snatched a card from his pocket and shouted: Look at that, youll see!
And as they automatically bent forward to look at it, he lifted the oilcan like a pistol,
and squirt Devine and the two men full in the eyes.
The result was spectacular by any standards. The three men screamed terribly,
dropped everything they held, and hurled themselves backwards, clawing madly at
their eyes. They crashed into one another, fell down, rolled in agony on the floor,
weeping and cursing. Devine beat his face against an open drawer, cutting his cheek
and his chin. One of the men staggered through the door and disappeared, still
screaming. And seconds later, there was an enormous splash. Harvey picked up
Devines gun and pointed it, almost apologetically, at Captain Pereira.
Would you put your gun on the table, Captain, and then get that man pulled
out before the current takes him out to sea?
The Captain moved towards the door, but stopped as another man came in. It
was another Captain, and someone that Harvey knew already.
Captain Pimental! Good morning! I wish youd arrived a little earlier.
Ah, Mr Sanders excuse me, Saunders that was something to see.
The Captain was smiling broadly. We have the man who jumped in the river, and
now well take these bandits too. He put out his hand. Congratulations, senhor. I
dont think you needed our help at all. Tell me, what was in that oilcan?
Water, and a lot of chilli peppers, said Harvey. A sort of home-made
Tabasco sauce. It must have hurt a lot!
Theyll recover, said the Captain unsympathetically, in prison. And now,
can you come to Police Headquarters? We have some paperwork to do.
Yes, of course. But first I must find Marta.

My dear Mr Saunders, she is waiting for you there. Weve been watching you
all the time, you see. Are you surprised? He grinned. Do you not have a saying in
English, the fox sees you when you dont see the fox?
Harvey looked at him and smiled. Thank you, Captain. Tell me, have you
caught them all?
All? The Captain shrugged his shoulders. No, we can never catch them all.
Weve won a battle, but the war goes on. Still, he grinned again, if there were no
criminals, nobody would need policemen, eh? Come along.

A few days later Harvey, holding his famous suitcase in one hand, and Martas
hand in the other, came through the passenger barrier at Lima Airport. His brother
was waiting to meet them.
Harvey! he said. At long last. I got your telegram. It didnt say much.
Where on earth have you been?
Alan, this is Marta. We have quite a lot to tell you.
Alan smiled. Yes, I can see that. But tell me one thing first have you got the
Photographs? asked Harvey blankly.
Yes, the photographs from my architect in Rio. That was the reason you went
there, remember?
Good heavens, yes! said Harvey in amazement. Id quite forgotten
I True or False
Tick the true statements and correct the false ones

The documents lay on the table in Harveys cabin.

Harvey lifted the oilcan like a pistol and squirt the three men full in the eyes.
Harvey was sad when he saw Captain Pimental.
Harvey put only water in the oilcan.
Harvey and Marta were happy to see each other again.
Harvey had quite forgotten about his brothers photographs.

II Answer the Questions

1. Where did Harvey take Devine?
2. Why did he take Devine to his cabin?
3. Which documents were missing?
4. What happened in the cabin?
5. What was in the oil-can?
6. What happened with the photographs for Harveys brother?


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