Pete 324 Quiz 1s

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Petroleum Engineering 324 Well Testing

Quiz 01 Introduction
[22 January 2015]

A. Answer by True or False

1. F

Dry gas system is the only system for pressure transient analysis.

2. F

Formation volume factor = fluid volume at standard conditions / fluid volume at reservoir

3. F

Oil viscosity will reach maximum value at bubble point pressure

4. F

Solution Gas-Oil Ratio will reach minimum value at bubble point pressure.

5. F

Oil formation volume factor will reach minimum value at bubble point pressure

6. F

0.003 0.1 RB/STB is typical value of Oil Formation Volume Factor

7. F

Porosity and thickness are the results of pressure transient analysis interpretation

8. T One of the objective of pressure transient testing is to estimate reservoir pressure

9. T Fluid viscosity depends on temperature
10. F

Permeability cant be estimated using the data from well testing

B. Fill in the blank

1. List the objectives of well testing:
a. Evaluate reservoir pressure (initial or average pressure)
b. Evaluate reservoir fluid (fluid samples collected for lab study)
c. Estimate reservoir properties
d. Estimate reservoir volumetric
2. List the input data for pressure transient analysis:
a. BOTTOMHOLE pressure data
b. SURFACE flowrate data
c. Fluid properties
d. Reservoir properties
3. The oilfield unit of viscosity is cp while for solution gas-oil ratio (Rs) is scf/stb
4. Three main types of well, those are:
a. Exploration Well
b. Delineation / Step-out Well
c. Production Well

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