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TUMNI yearly summary -2014

Telling people about Jesus, salvation, Resurrection & His second coming

Greetings in the name of our

Lord and Savior Jesus.
We want to introduce Tell the untold Mission, Nepal
and Intel. This mission was fully dedicated to people
who untold about Jesus and needy people of God. We
have opportunities in many areas of the ministry.
Nepal's largest communities are Hinduism, Buddhism
and other Hindu cults. People here practice idol
worship and make sacrifices of animals to blood
themselves free from sin. The worship of evil spirits is very common in Nepal. Because of that many
people are in darkness. So we started to tell about Jesus, salvation, Resurrection and His second coming
among the unreached places of tribal and backward people of Nepal.

"Come to me, all who are

weary and heavy-laden,
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Gospel for Untold Nations

This mission was established Our Mission focuses on evangelism in Nepal and India (Matt 28: 18-20)
and we have many areas for ministry opportunities. Our community ministry Focuses on: church
planting, leadership development training, Missionary work, seminar and conferences, children's
ministries inside and outside the orphanage, women's ministry, prayer ministry and working among
tribal and backward people of Nepal and India. As a result God is doing wonderful work here and we
are wining the new souls and we are able to reach among the unreached place of people.

Flash Back -2014

Activities and Programs
Leadership training and sending the missionaries for untold people
Reach, teach and multiply. This is the great method to reach among the untold people of world. In
the Book Matthew, we find the Jesus saying to reach people, teach and multiply for the His glory. In

this year we did many trainings and seminars among our lay leaders and after this training they
teach their trainers. From this way people able to understand and we able to teach all of them.

Word Light Educational Project

We started the World Light Educational Project among the Hindu and Buddhist children of Nepal. We
are trying to reach among the untold people of mountain area of Nepal. God is helping us to bring good
news among these people.

Praise the Lord for this wonderful educational project among the tribal and backward children of Nepal. We
are so blessed, children are started to know about the Jesus and learn the action songs of Jesus. God is doing
wonderful work among the children from the WORLD LIGHT EDUCATIONAL PROJECT. Our
educational project helping to our vision to tell about the Jesus among the untold people of world.

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing,

-Proverbs 28:27, NIV

School Bags Distribution program

God loves the Children. Children are innocent and clean heart like God. So Jesus said Kingdom of
God for those who like children. TUMNI is praying and taking great burden heart for the untold and
needy children. So we are helping to their study by School Bags Distribution Program.

He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not
what it means to know me? declares the LORD.
- Jeremiah 22:16, NIV

Gods Love and warm care by Blankets Distribution

God is good. God loved the world so He gave His only begotten son for the world. They may save
in the name of Jesus. They shall not perish but have a eternal life forever and ever. Many people
still cold in their heart not only financially but in heart. SO TUMNI Showed the warm love of God
by blankets distribution. We did the two time in different area of Nepal and India.

Sharing Love and providing the stationary Materials

This God is an awesome God. We are so glad and thankful with our
God. Because many children are in Nepal they are going to school
but they have not any tools for study. God was showing to us those
children life and their passion in their study. So we prayed to Lord
and we able to provide the stationary materials for 170 children
those who are from the backward and remote area. All the children
from the Buddhist and Hindus Children. This is one of way to share
the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." -Matthew 19:14

TUMNI feeding programs-2014

People are struggling for food and they are working for food and they want to eat good food. But many
people are unable to do get it. Word of God says that People can't live only by bread. But people can live
by the word of God which comes from the mouth of God. So we did many feeding program among the
children, young and old people. This year we did feeding program in seven areas where many people able
to hear the gospel and we feed not only physically but spiritually too.

when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed,
because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.
-Luke 14:13-14, ESV

TUMNI Film Ministry in Nepal and India

Film ministry is effective way to understand the whole picture of Lord Jesus Christ. We are
showing the Movie in different languages. So people are able to understand about the Jesus.
TUMNI is showing among the youth, children and all people. We have movies for children, youth
and all people too.

We are so glad and blessed by the Film ministry in Nepal and India. Film Ministry is such an
important and playing the vital role to share good news of Jesus among the different Kinds of
tribes, caste, languages and multi ethnic people.
We have Film ministry team and we are using the laptops, generator, projector, micro phone,
amplifier etc. we are showing the movies 3 times in a week. We are able to preach the more than
10,000 people in a year.

TUMNI Bible Distribution

Thank God for His love and care for wonderful people of God. This End of the year of 2014, TUMNI
family are praying for Bible distribution and feeding program among the poor and needy believers
those who unable to buy the bibles. Word of God says that everything will lost and dust in the word
but the word of God is same and nothing will happen forever's and it will fulfill what says it.
In the Nepal, Many people still have not bible and they have desire to read word of God but
they are unable to buy it. Because many people are still struggling for hand to mouth.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. - Matthew 24:35

TUMNI Evangelism, Gospels, Fellowship and Churches in Nepal and India

Thank God this year our team reached among the RAUTE and BADI tribes people. Our TUMNI
team meets them and share about the Jesus. Badi tribes are lives in the far west of Nepal and
Raute tribes lives in forest of Dang and surkhet.

RAUTE Tribes called the uncivilized tribes and they still live in forest and they are living wild life. They are only around 600 populations in Nepal.

BADI tribes are still uneducated and poverty. BADI people well known by the sexual or prostitute. They have traditionally sale
their own sisters, daughters and mothers for sex to other people. We were share the gospel and give some educational
materials, soap, tooth pastes and teeth brushes for children. These people are more than 10,000 populations in Nepal.

Sharing good news of Jesus door to door, personal and mass evangelism programs
Open Ester program in Nepal
This year, Kathmandu valley churches are gathered in open mass program or Ester program in
open area at KTM. Many people able to know the Jesus is still alive and He was resurrection form
Death. Many people are donating the blood also. From this way many people able to know Jesus.

TUMNI Gospels and Evangelism

And He said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
-Mark 16:15
Many people are still unknown about Jesus and They have no peace and joy in their heart and they are
dying without Jesus. These are some photos of sharing the about the Jesus among the many nations.

TUMNI Missionaries and leaders started to preach the gospel among the different kinds of tribal, ethnic, and many untold
nations. They are sharing the good news to people with hard work. Many times walked in several hours, many time crossing the
rivers, by cycle, many up and down with big mountains to reach among the people of God. We used the many languages'
booklets, New Testament Bibles, many Road Drama, sang to gospels' songs and film ministry too. We are using our youth, lay
leaders and our Missionaries to tell about the Jesus among the Untold People of Nepal and India.

TUMNI Fellowships and churches in Nepal and India

Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!

-Psalms 126:5
Nepal and India are Hindu countries. We are working and sharing the Love of Jesus among the
idolatry people. Many people are fear of their own idol God. They play with evil spirits and believes
in witchcraft etc. But God is destroying the theses evils things through the power of the Holy spirit
in our Services and many people are getting freedom from the demonic bandage.

"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by
my Father in heaven.
-Matthew 18:19

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony
to all nations, and then the end will come.

-Matthew 24:14

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and
in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
-Acts 1:8

TUMNI churches are in Kathmandu, Nawalparasi, Nuwakot, Dhading, Palpa, Gulmi and Bihar (India) etc. We have 15 churches, 7
house churches now. We are praying and preparing many missionaries and leaders to reach among the untold people.

Is it not to share your food with the

hungry and to provide the poor
wanderer with shelterwhen you see
the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn
away from your own flesh and blood? Isaiah 58:7

Message from the Founder/ President of TUMNI

Dear Brother and Sister, I am writing this in behalf of our Mission. We have 15 Churches and
7 house churches in different districts of Nepal and India.
During my ministry I have learned many things; there have been many mountain top
experiences and there also have been some valleys. We continue to do whatever we can do.
We are able to reach among the many untold people of God in this moment. We have did not
finished our race. We have to do more
and more for glory of God. We are
praying to send more missionaries and
established more churches in every
untold area of world. We are making to
aim plant more 10 church a years and
also preach the many thousands of
people in a year. Still we have many
challenges and need but we believed
that nothing is impossible to our God.
We will get the victory from the all the
darkness of world. We will win the
many lost souls of God in Nepal and

Recent Prayers Need

Please pray for Alive water project in February month.
Required: US$ 250 x 3 Hand Pumps= US$ 750 and we have 320US$ and we need more
US$430 for this project.
Please pray for to buy Motorbike for travel in ministry with in May.

Required: we need US$ 1,700 Hero Honda Motorbike,

we have US$ 150 and we need more US$ 1,550 for it.
Please pray for our church land. We are praying to buy
church land in this year. In future, we are praying to make
church and orphan home both there.
Required: we need US$ 5,500 for church land or orphan
home land.
Pray we can support our missionaries for their family and
ministry at a minimum of $50.00 per month in US dollars.
Pray for our future planning to begin an orphanages care
Pray so that we can do more social services among the tribal,
backward and needy people.

Pray so that we can plant more churches in Nepal and build 100 churches by 2025.

Contact us
Mail Address:
Email: or
Skype: santoshb.k.

Financial Support:
If you are willing to send an offering on a monthly basis or a onetime gift, you are welcome to
send us a Western Union Money Transfer or a bank to bank wire.
You can send your offering via western union money transfer, money or our bank
account number
First Name : Santosh
Last Name : Bishwakarma (B.K.)
Address: pragatinagar-2, Nawalparasi District, Lumbini Zone, Nepal
Bank Holders name: Santosh B.K.
Name of the Bank: Himalayan Bank Limited
Branch office address: Kawasoti, Nawalparasi, Nepal
Swift Code No. : HIMANPKA
Account Number: 03805299870013

Vote of thanks to all of you!!!

Glory to God who given us wonderful and great responsibilities for us to tell about Him and find the all lost
souls of the world. And we are so thankful to all our mission partners, friends, co-workers and our entire
TUMNI (Tell the Untold Mission, Nepal and Intel.) churches those who are praying hard, working hard,
supporting, helping and encouraging us though being their hard condition, many different circumstances.
God may bless you all the time!!!!!

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