Gray Matter

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Version 3.

Gray Matter
A play in two acts
By Josh Weckesser

Characters (in no specific order):

Thomas Moore

A tentative dreamer

Daniel Payne

His best friend

Lisa Simmons

His other best friend

Allison Smith

His girlfriend

Seth Lyons

A survivor

Paul Deters

Seths best friend

Cindy Rainard

Popular girl

Kim Kutledge

Her lackey


English Teacher

5m / 4w

Gray Matter

[at rise THOMAS stands center, he is obvious of everything
around him, even believing that the voice of McCONNAL is his
own. ALLISON is directly behind him on his left (SL) looking
lovingly at his back. McCONNAL (with a dictionary) is behind
THOMAS and on his right (SR). DANIEL and LISA are down
left in a comfortable embrace. SETH and PAUL are positioned
near each other, possibly sitting, as are CINDY and KIM. This is a
tableau with THOMAS at its center the other characters are
arranged subtly, as to not draw attention away from THOMAS]
McCONNAL: [behind THOMAS; with dictionary] Love. Noun. A feeling of strong
attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent
kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness. Whatever you do in your
life, do it with love.
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] My English teacher told me that on the last day of my
senior year in high school. He always was a bit melodramatic. He believed that
all of his students would change the world one day. He believed that everything
they did was on a grand epic scale. He believedwell, everything. [beat] He
gave us Dum Dums on that last day too saying
McCONNAL: [behind THOMAS] Ignorance is enjoyable for a while, then you just end
up with a wet stick.
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Ireally dont know what that means. Mr.
McConnal, what a man. There is something about the closing of a book that is
final, the story ends. [McCONNAL closes dictionary; exit] Bam! For good or
bad, right or wrong. When Mr. McConnal closed that book four years of my life
came to a sudden end. What did I get out of it? An education for sure, both in
and out of the classroom. I always thought it was a little ironic that Mr.
McConnal chose the word love on that last day.
DANIEL: [to LISA] I love you.



THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Love. Its a word that cant be described by words.
Now I cant say Ive loved too much in my life. I love the feeling of a pillow
under my head after a long day. I love cold ice cream going down my throat on a
hot summer night. But thats all different than the way I loved my friends.
LISA: [to Daniel] I love you, too.
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] It was my friends that taught me what love is. All of
what love is. Mr. McConnal didnt have a chance. But I am getting ahead of
[enter McCONNAL with book]
McCONNAL: Hey there, Tommy Boy!
THOMAS: [surprised] Mr. McConnal?
McCONNAL: Who else?
THOMAS: Thomas.
THOMAS: I insist on being called Thomas.
McCONNAL: In that case, call me Chuck.
THOMAS: [hesitant] Okay, Chuck.
McCONNAL: Naw, I was just kidding. Chuck isnt even my first name.
THOMAS: Then what is Mr. McConnal?
McCONNAL: Wouldnt you like to know?
THOMAS: Yes, I would.
McCONNAL: Well tough beans, kid. Youre just a freshman.
THOMAS: Thats age discrimination!
McCONNAL: I didnt say you were an uneducated freshman.
THOMAS: Its an unconfirmed stereotype that all freshmen are uneducated.
[enter CINDY and KIM; cross]
McCONNAL: Well, what about them?
THOMAS: Okay, so there may be some basis for the stereotype.
McCONNAL: I knew it.
THOMAS: Knew what?
[exit CINDY and KIM]


Gray Matter

McCONNAL: Youre one of those people.

THOMAS: Which people, Mr. McConnal?
McCONNAL: Those youths who think theyre better than everyone else. Youre always
reading about them in the magazines these days.
THOMAS: I do not!
McCONNAL: [ominous] Dont lie to me.
THOMAS: So maybe a little.
McCONNAL: Uh-huh. [beat] So do you know what love is?
McCONNAL: Sorry, I never have been very good at segues. Youd think a decade of
teaching and Id learn something. But I guess you cant teach an old dog new
THOMAS: What are you talking about?
McCONNAL: Love is a humbling experience.
THOMAS: Is it?
McCONNAL: Youd better believe it. You suddenly realize that for as great as you
think you are, hint hint, youd be willing to give it all up for someone or
something else.
THOMAS: Do you know this from personal experience?
McCONNAL: I sure do. I love teaching and I love my students. I also love giving out
Fs, but dont tell anyone, itll ruin my reputation. [joking] As you know, a
persons reputation is important in high school.
THOMAS: I know, Mr. McConnal.
McCONNAL: I have a meeting Im late for, but I wanted to find a reason to give you
this. [hands THOMAS book]
THOMAS: [taking book] What is it?
McCONNAL: Love Story, but Erich Segal.
THOMAS: Love Story?
McCONNAL: Read it. I think youll like it. The title says it all.
THOMAS: Its a love story?



McCONNAL: Yeah. See, I knew you were an educated underclassman. But I need to
get going, Thermos. [exit]
[enter LISA opposite]
THOMAS: Thermos? How long have you known me? Thomas. My name is Thomas!
LISA: I know.
THOMAS: [turning] What?
LIAS: That your name is Thomas.
THOMAS: Oh, do shut up.
LISA: [kisses him on the cheek] You know you love me.
THOMAS: Tell me again why arent we dating?
LISA: Because youre a freshman.
THOMAS: So are you!
LISA: Everyone knows that women act older than men.
THOMAS: With the exception of you.
LISA: I know, I act better.
THOMAS: Are you sure youre a freshman? That was pretty sophomoric.
LISA: Very funny. [beat] Dont you have somewhere to be?
THOMAS: Sure, but class is over and I have this book to read.
LISA: [taking book] What is it?
THOMAS: Love Story.
LISA: [giving book back; uninterested] Oh.
LISA: Love?
THOMAS: [shrugs] Mr. McConnal gave it to me.
LISA: Why?
THOMAS: I think its supposed to teach me to be humble.
LISA: Thats a bunch of crap.
THOMAS: Being humble?
LISA: No, love.
THOMAS: You dont believe in love?


Gray Matter

LISA: Not like that. Romantic love? No. Theres nothing to it. Just people who are too
afraid to live life alone.
THOMAS: Were you planning on living alone?
LISA: [haughtily] I was planning on living with as many men as possible.
[enter CINDY and KIM]
THOMAS: [joking] Youre such a slut.
LISA: I am not. [pointing at CINDY; almost whispering] She is.
CINDY: [turning; to LISA] What was that?
KIM: [impatient] Cindy Rainard.
CINDY: [brushing her off] Oh, Kim, you go on. Ill catch up to you or something.
[KIM snorts; exit]
CINDY: So what was that?
LISA: [embarrassed] Oh nothing.
CINDY: [fake smile] No. Tell meOh, Thomas. [touches his chest] Its so nice to see
THOMAS: [uninterested] Hello, Cindy.
CINDY: My, youre looking fine today.
THOMAS: [monotone] Why thank you, Cindy. You too.
CINDY: [giggles] Thats so sweet of you to notice, Thomas. [LISA makes gagging
noise] What have we here?
THOMAS: [monotone] A book. You dont recognize one?
CINDY: Oh Thomas. [takes book] Love Story. Youre such a dear.
THOMAS: [sarcasm] Well, as much as Id love to continue this witty banter with you
Cindy, I really must be going.
CINDY: Too bad.
THOMAS: [dryly] Yes, quite. [to LISA] Ill see you later Lisa. [exit THOMAS]
LISA: Okay, bye.
CINDY: [all smiles] Well, that was nice. [drops book]
LISA: [outraged] What is your problem?
LISA: Yes, you!



CINDY: Oh, nothing. That is a funny question coming from you.

CINDY: [mocking] Yes, you.
LISA: WauhIHe wont fall for that!
CINDY: [innocent] Who?
LISA: Are you dense? [pause; CINDY smiles] Thomas!
CINDY: Oh, Thomas. Hes okay, but not my type.
LISA: Not your type? Not your type? Well no shit hes not your type! He has half a
CINDY: Oh, you are such a small person.
[enter SETH and PAUL]
SETH: [to PAUL] So what have you got in your pocket?
PAUL: What are you talking about?
[CINDY turns to LISA with a pointed look]
SETH: Havent you ever read The Hobbit?
PAUL: Umno.
CINDY: Hi guys.
[SETH and PAUL exchange looks]
SETH: Uh hi.
CINDY: I like your hat. [searching for his name] Paul.
PAUL: This old thing? [SETH punches him in the arm] Ow, whatd you do that for?
[SETH makes obvious motion, indicating CINDY]
CINDY: [giggles] Oh you boys are too cute.
[LISA makes disgusted noise; exit]
PAUL: Really?
CINDY: Would I lie to you?
SETH: Whats with her?
SETH: Lisa.
CINDY: Oh [venomously] her. [sugar and spice] You dont need to worry your silly
head about her. Shes nothing.


Gray Matter

SETH: Nothing? Shes a human being.

CINDY: If you want to split hairs. [smiles at SETH] Do you really want to disagree with
SETH: [remembering himself] No, no, of course not.
PAUL: Hey, Cindy, its Friday.
PAUL: Would you like to do something with me?
CINDY: [nodding to SETH] What about him?
PAUL: Oh, well he
SETH: Hes coming with you. Id never miss the chance to talk to you, Cindy.
CINDY: Thats sweet of you boys, but Im busy. [turns; exit]
[SETH and PAUL stare after]
PAUL: [confused] What just happened?
SETH: Do you think weve been had?
PAUL: By her? But look at what she was wearing!
SETH: Could you be more sexist?
PAUL: Dont tell me you didnt notice.
SETH: Do I look blind to you? Of course I noticed.
PAUL: Well I dont mind being had by her anytime she pleases.
SETH: Whys that?
PAUL: You cant tell me you dont want her.
SETH: Sure, but its only physical.
PAUL: And?
SETH: What do you have in your pocket?
PAUL: What does
SETH: Answer me.
PAUL: [examines pockets] Thirteen, twenty-eight and my house keys. Why?
SETH: Id just want more.
PAUL: Like twenty bucks?
SETH: No! Something less physical.
PAUL: Like?



SETH: Love.
PAUL: Shut your face.
SETH: You dont
PAUL: Shut up! Not another word!
PAUL: It is with noble intentions like [mocking] love that we commit the bloodiest
acts upon each other.
SETH: [softly] Who said that?
[PAUL points violently at himself; enter THOMAS]
SETH: Hello, Thomas.
THOMAS: Hey, guys. Whats going on? Is Cindy here?
PAUL: No, she just left.
THOMAS: Good. [beat] Did she leave my book?
PAUL: [picking book up] This book?
PAUL: [reading] Love Story. [pause] Are you gay?
THOMAS: I know youd like me to be. Now give me my book back.
PAUL: Why?
SETH: [sighing] Because it belongs to him, Paul.
PAUL: [to SETH] Whos side are you on?
SETH: Its not a matter of sides.
THOMAS: Thats right. Now give it back.
PAUL: [mocking] Give it back, give it back. [throws book past THOMAS offstage]
There it is. Come on, Seth. If we hurry we can catch her.
SETH: So now you want me along.
[exit PAUL and SETH]
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] I never did know what to make of Seth and Paul.
That cap of Pauls was so ugly on him. I think Paul wore it because he was afraid
that if he tried to look good people would still think he was ugly. And Seth. Seth
was half crazy anyway. He once told me


Gray Matter

SETH: [behind THOMAS] You know, Thomas, youre a good guy. Its a shame I cant
like you, it really is. But the problem is you have no passion, no passion for
anything. And I just cant like a guy without passion, it makes me wonder if hes
THOMAS: He was wrong, of course. [doubtful] He had to be, right? How could I be
without passion? Seth just didnt understand me. The whole Paul and Allison
thing an [directly to audience] But here I am thinking you know everything
again. [beat] I mean, how could he understand me? He always thought he was so
much better than everyone else around him. Both he and Paul, like two selfrighteous pigeons.
[enter PAUL searching followed by SETH]
SETH: Give up, Paul What are you still doing here?
THOMAS: [holding up Love Story as a shield] Reading.
[PAUL snorts; starts looking around]
SETH: Youre aware its Friday, right?
SETH: Schools out?
SETH: You know you could go home, right? Maybe spend some time with your
THOMAS: [sighing] Yes.
SETH: But youre sitting here reading?
THOMAS: I thought I had already made that clear.
SETH: [somewhat loud] Well alright. [THOMAS gives SETH a disgusted look, closes
his book and exit; SETH sees PAUL] Paul, give it up! We lost her!
PAUL: No we havent.
SETH: Yes we have.
PAUL: What makes you say that?
SETH: Look around you. [pause] Look a little harder. [pause] Recognize that chair?
SETH: How about this table?



PAUL: Whats your point?

SETH: [taking his hat] Do you recognize this hat?
PAUL: [jumping for it] Give it back!
SETH: [stopping] Huh, dost my ears deceive me?
PAUL: [coldly] Give me my hat back, Seth. [SETH does]
SETH: Were back in the lounge.
PAUL: [adjusting the hat on his head] Huh?
SETH: Were back where we started. I dont think were going to find her.
PAUL: If we came in a full circle then maybe she did, too.
SETH: I somehow doubt that.
PAUL: Why?
SETH: [exasperated] She most likely had a destination. Its not like she was running
from us.
PAUL: [sagely] Thats good.
SETH: [frustrated motion] Paul. Remember what I was telling you before?
PAUL: About being in high school?
SETH: Yes.
PAUL: You said, [mockingly joking] Paul, were in high school now. We dont have to
worry about that junior high kickball at recess crap. Not that we had recess in
junior high or anything, but still. Then you said, Were men now. Men. Its
about time we found ourselves some women! It was all very inspiring. I almost
cried. Made me want to go out and join the football team and impregnate a
SETH: [sarcastic] Ha, ha. Very funny. But what I wanted to say was that Cindy isnt
quite the type of woman I was thinking about.
PAUL: Type?
SETH: Shes out of yo-our league.
PAUL: You were going to say your.
SETH: I was not.
PAUL: Yes you were.
SETH: Was not.


Gray Matter

PAUL: Was so.

SETH: Was not.
PAUL: Was so.
SETH: Was not.
PAUL: Was so.
SETH: Was not.
PAUL: Was so.
SETH: Waswait, this is
PAUL: Was so.
SETH: Paul!
PAUL: What?
SETH: Shut up. Jesus.
PAUL: Jesus has nothing to do with it.
SETH: Since when do you care what Jesus has to do with anything?
PAUL: This is a purely mortal affair.
SETH: The gods love nothing better than to put their holy hands all over those.
[enter KIM]
PAUL: [muttering] Youre still wrong.
SETH: What was that?
PAUL: Nothing. Hi, Kim.
KIM: [looking up from notebook; surprised] Oh. [meekly] Hi.
PAUL: How are you doing today?
KIM: [cautiously] Good
PAUL: Why are you still here?
KIM: [shrugging] No reason.
PAUL: What have you got there?
KIM: Paper.
PAUL: [to SETH] Boy, she sure is a talker, eh?
SETH: Not really.
PAUL: [to KIM] What are you doing with the paper?
KIM: Writing on it.



PAUL: Writing what?

SETH: Paul, lay off, man.
PAUL: [whispering to SETH] Its about time we get ourselves some women.
[KIM, noticing that PAUL is distracted exits]
SETH: I was joking.
PAUL: I took you seriously.
SETH: Then stop.
PAUL: You dont mean that. [looking around] Hey Kim, come back!
[exit PAUL followed by SETH; enter DANIEL looking out of
place, he sits down on a chair and taps his feet or wiggles his
thumbs; enter CINDY opposite who stops and regards DANIEL as
a biologist would regard a frog; DANIEL does not notice her; enter
DANIEL: Excuse me. [KIM winces and walks past; to himself] Friendly bunch they got
up here.
[CINDY motions KIM over]
CINDY: Kim, did you just see that?
KIM: You mean the new kid?
CINDY: That is a man, Kim.
KIM: Man? I thought all males our age were boys.
CINDY: They are but did you see him?
KIM: Yes. He tried to talk to me.
CINDY: Definitely a man.
KIM: Didnt you say the other day
CINDY: I know what I said.
KIM: How do you know that hes a man?
CINDY: Look at him. Hes put together right.
KIM: [grudgingly] Hes cute
CINDY: [almost offended] Cute?
KIM: [fishing] Really cute?


Gray Matter

CINDY: Its more than that. Look at the way hes sitting, back strait, head up. Hes out
of his element, he just moved here and he doesnt know a soul yet he isnt
shrinking from the world, hes staring it right in the face. Hes
KIM: He stared me right in the face.
CINDY: [turning to KIM] What?
KIM: [meekly] Nothing.
CINDY: All of these men today, I cant stand them. They dont know how to treat a
woman if they saw one. Women dont want this equality bullshit; they want
doors opened for them and pretty golden things. They want to know that their
man is strong and proud and that hed humble himself only for her, and only when
theyre alone. Whoever thought itd be a great idea to dominate men in public
was an idiot; it crushes their spirit and makes them worthless for most things.
Women today are too busy squeezing their mans balls and telling him to turn his
head and cough.
KIM: Wait, so women?
CINDY: They dont know how to treat themselves.
KIM: [doubtful] Oh really now?
CINDY: Yes. Take Lisa Simmons for example.
KIM: Is she?
CINDY: The one with Thomas Moore all the time.
KIM: Okay.
CINDY: Shes probably the worst one I know of. She has Thomas wrapped around her
little finger but she wont humble herself enough to admit she likes him.
KIM: Maybe theyre just friends.
CINDY: [totally surprised] Friends?
KIM: [backing down] Yeah?
CINDY: Do you really think a man and a woman can be just friends?
[enter THOMAS]
PAUL: [offstage] Hey Cindy!
CINDY: Thats Paul, its time for us to be going.
KIM: Whats so wrong with him?



CINDY: Lets go, Kim. [exit CINDY followed by KIM]

[enter PAUL]
PAUL: Cindy, what are youwhered she go? Thomas, have you seen Cindy?
THOMAS: Cindy Rainard?
PAUL: Is there another?
THOMAS: Thankfully, I have not yet seen her. [smiling] Its been over three months
since Ive seen her. Thank you for reminding me, Paul.
PAUL: Uh sure. So you havent seen her?
PAUL: Thanks. [exit in front of DANIEL]
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Look at him go. Poor Paul, poor Paul Deters. There
was a whole school affair after it happened. I felt kinda bad myself because I
guess we had been kinda friends but didnt see as much of Paul, or Seth even,
after Daniel came to town. Daniel was the one that taught me what friends could
be, and what friends could endure. I had no idea what was in store for me when
Daniel came to town.
DANIEL: Hello?
THOMAS: Oh, hello.
DANIEL: [extending his hand] Names Daniel. Iuhjust moved here.
THOMAS: [regards hand for a moment; takes it] Im Thomas Moore. More of what,
you ask? More than you want to know.
DANIEL: [forces laughter] Sure. [pause] Is everyone around here a bad comedian?
THOMAS: Well maybe, but none like me.
DANIEL: I would hope so. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance Thomas more than
I want to know.
THOMAS: So how long have you been here?
DANIEL: [smiling] Long enough to feel out of place.
THOMAS: Well, Daniel?
DANIEL: Payne.
THOMAS: Well, Daniel Payne, Ill ignore your accent if you ignore my bad jokes.
DANIEL: Yankee, youve got yourself a deal.


Gray Matter

[enter ALLISON]
ALLISON: Thomas, I need to talk to you.
THOMAS: Ah, Allison, Id like you to
ALLISON: In a moment. [to DANIEL] Excuse us.
THOMAS: Allison, whats wrong?
ALLISON: Where were you last night?
THOMAS: At home, doing my homework.
ALLSION: You werent out with Lisa?
ALLISON: I kept trying to call but I couldnt get though.
THOMAS: I dont know what to tell you. I would have answered had the phone rang.
ALLISON: [hugging him] You know I couldnt stand to lose you.
THOMAS: Lose me? [pushing her to arms length] What are you talking about?
[LISA crosses upstage, seen only by THOMAS]
ALLISON: Oh nothing. You know I adore you, dont you?
THOMAS: Yes, Allison, of course. I [DANIEL coughs loudly] I want you to meet
Daniel Payne. Daniel, this is my girlfriend, Allison Smith.
DANIEL: [kisses her hand; THOMAS gives DANIEL a hard look] Its a pleasure to
make your acquaintance.
ALLISON: [blushing] Oh my, well, um, yes, uh Same to you.
DANIEL: Its a fine looking woman youve got here, Yankee.
THOMAS: Shes not that fine-looking.
ALLSION: Now Thomas, [nervous laugh] dont be mean. [whispering] You know how I
hate it hate it when you make fun of me in public.
THOMAS: [clearing this throat; looking to where LISA made her exit] Yes, well, I must
be going.
ALLSION: Going? Where? Why?
THOMAS: I have, uh, things to do. Daniel is new to the area, you could show him
ALLISON: [doubtful] Sure
THOMAS: Right. Right. It was nice meeting you Daniel. Im sure Ill see you around.



DANIEL: I hope so.

THOMAS: Okay then. [claps them on the back] Enjoy. [exit]
DANIEL: So you and Thomas
ALLSION: Almost a year now.
DANIEL: [surprised] A year?
ALLSION: Yeah, Im lucky to have him.
DANIEL: I have this girl back in Georgia, weve been dating for two months and when I
told her I was leaving I felt like Id only known her for half that time. We were
just getting close when I moved I guess I could say I had a girl back in
Georgia. Here I was thinking two months was the big time.
[enter SETH limping]
SETH: Hey Allison?
SETH: Have you seen Paul?
ALLISON: What, cant spend a day without your boyfriend?
SETH: [monotone] Ha, ha, very funny. As usual, Allison, youve left me rolling on the
floor. [beat] Its no wonder Paul
DANIEL: What does Paul look like?
SETH: Who are you?
DANIEL: Daniel Payne, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance. [offers his hand]
SETH: [looks at the hand] You a friend of hers?
ALLISON: He just met me, Seth.
SETH: [shakes his hand] In that case, good to meet you, too. [motioning to ALLISON]
You have to watch this one; she has fangs. Well hidden though, kill you with
kindness and all that.
ALLISON: [warningly] Seth
SETH: [overlapping] Pauls about this tall and is always wearing a Dodgers hat.


Gray Matter

DANIEL: Oh, that guy. Yeah, he just walked by, that way, seemed to be in an awful big
SETH: Great. Thank you, Daniel. Nice to meet you. And watch yourself. [moves to
ALLISON: Seth, whered you get that ridiculous limp? Is this another ploy for
SETH: [not turning back] Hit by a car this summer.
ALLISON: [genuinely surprised] What?
[SETH exits]
DANIEL: [joking] Maybe he could get a handicapped parking space. Wouldnt have to
limp so far.
ALLISON: I wonder if hes serious [to DANIEL] Whatd you do that for?
DANIEL: Do what for?
ALLISON: Help him out. You gotta know he swings the other way.
ALLISON: You know, against the hinges? [pause] Never mind, just take my word on it.
DANIEL: Careful, you dont want to throw your word around like that. If youre wrong
it wont be worth anything after.
ALLISON: I think Ill take my chances.
[enter LISA followed by THOMAS]
THOMAS: Hey Lisa, what are you up to?
LISA: Jesus, Thomas, you scared me.
THOMAS: Oh, Im sorry. I didnt mean to.
LISA: No, its okay.
THOMAS: So what are you doing?
LISA: Going home.
THOMAS: You want a ride?
LISA: No, its a nice enough day. I think Ill walk.
THOMAS: Its kind far.



LISA: You should hear my grandfather. Did you know he walked naked though
minefields to school? Up hill both ways, of course.
[they laugh]
THOMAS: Of course. So do you have any big plans for this Friday night?
LISA: Nope.
THOMAS: Me neither.
LISA: Yeah.
THOMAS: Well, you have a good weekend then.
LISA: [tenderly] I will. You too, Thomas. [exit]
THOMAS: Yeah, see ya later. [LISA exits; THOMAS speaks to audience] Daniel and I
became fast friends. To me he was the same as Lisa except [changes his mind
about what he was going to say] except Daniel and I connected on a male
level, or something. There was an inherent equality about the two of us that no
one else could quite touch. Ive never had another friend like him, when youre
young friendship is so easy and so strong and so lasting. A day could be forever,
and I had been thinking that Id invite him to family barbeques when we were
forty. But I think we lost that brotherhood when he met Lisa. [exit]
[enter CINDY followed by PAUL]
PAUL: Cindy?
CINDY: [exasperated] Yes Paul?
PAUL: How are you?
CINDY: [sighing] You just asked me that.
PAUL: I know, Im double checking. Your comfort is my main goal.
CINDY: What?
PAUL: You comfort is my
CINDY: I heard what you said, but whyd you say it?
PAUL: Because it is.
CINDY: [almost to herself] Really now?
PAUL: Why of course, from the moment I saw you
[enter SETH limping]


Gray Matter

SETH: Paul, there you are, ICindy.

CINDY: Seth, its so nice to see you.
PAUL: [icy] Hello, Seth.
SETH: Paul isnt giving you any trouble is he?
CINDY: Why no. He was just telling me he lives to please me.
PAUL: Um I meant to
SETH: [overlapping] You know Paul and I go way back, and I got to thinking the other
day that he doesnt quite know how to treat a good-looking woman like yourself
PAUL: [spluttering] Wha? You limping son of a [moves towards SETH]
CINDY: [enjoying their fighting] Boys, boys.
SETH: [sidestepping PAUL] Cindy, I know its Friday night and Im sure you have
plans, but what are you doing tonight?
CINDY: Would you believe it? Im free.
PAUL: Im free, too.
SETH: [overlapping] What do you say I take you out to dinner? Maybe a movie after?
CINDY: But what about him?
PAUL: Yeah, I was
SETH: Pauls a busy guy, Im sure he has lots that he could be doing. Isnt that right,
PAUL: No, Seth, thats not right. Im not doing anything, but Id love to do something
with you, Cindy. Without this asshole.
CINDY: Lets go shopping.
PAUL: All three of us?
CINDY: Yes, silly. On you.
SETH: Im up for it.
[exit CINDY followed by SETH and PAUL glaring at each other]
DANIEL: [offstage] Yankee!
THOMAS: [offstage] What?
[enter DANIEL pulling THOMAS]
DANIEL: Come here. I want to show you something.



THOMAS: And what would that be, Daniel?

DANIEL: [pointing] Did you see that one?
THOMAS: That one what?
DANIEL: I suppose those would be a better way of saying it.
THOMAS: Daniel, good god.
DANIEL: Boy, you yankees sure know how to grow em.
THOMAS: [chuckling] Grow?
DANIEL: Sure, in Georgia wed water the ladies twice a day until they got to the age of
twenty-one. Then we figured they was old enough to get water for themselves.
THOMAS: [deadpan] Daniel, are you aware youre full of shit?
DANIEL: To the brim, Yankee. Its a blessing, I was born full.
THOMAS: Wait a second. [points] Her?
DANIEL: Ah, you did see her. Aint she somethin?
THOMAS: Thats Cindy Rainard, Daniel.
DANIEL: Cindy, you said?
THOMAS: Youre right about her being something. But that something isnt too
DANIEL: Ah, so ya dated her.
THOMAS: Good god, no. Id rather be covered in honey, tied to a tree and left for the
fire ants.
DANIEL: [laughing] Fire ants?
THOMAS: Its a gruesome way to die. Mexico? Never mind, what Im saying is keep
away from her, Daniel.
DANIEL: [incredulous] Of her? You must be joking, she sure seems to have everything
in the right place.
THOMAS: Everything but her heart. [beat] Lets talk about something else. Whatd you
think of my girlfriend?
DANIEL: [obviously lying] Oh, shes.nice.
THOMAS: You dont have to placate me.
DANIEL: I really think I should.
THOMAS: No, tell me, what do you think of her?


Gray Matter

DANIEL: Shes a bitch.

THOMAS: Daniel! Shes the
DANIEL: [throwing his hands in the air] I warned you. My mother told me that if I
didnt have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. Good ol southern
values, and now look at me, you come twisting my arm and here I am saying bad
things about people, and I even warned you, Yankee. That means Im done lest I
sin again. [beat] So do you think you could introduce me to this Cindy
[searching for name] Rainard?
THOMAS: No, Daniel, I dont think I could. If you want to throw yourself on that pike,
be my guest, but Im not going to brace it for you.
DANIEL: Were a pretty honest pair arent we, you and I?
THOMAS: [smiling] You could say that.
DANIEL: Then I will. And speaking of honesty, take a look at this. [DANIEL
withdraws a letter]
THOMAS: What is it?
DANIEL: [teasing] Its a letter.
THOMAS: I can see that. Who from?
DANIEL: Victoria Goodwin.
THOMAS: Whos that?
DANIEL: My girlfriend.
THOMAS: You never mentioned her before.
DANIEL: I hadnt thought of her before.
THOMAS: [reading the letter] Sure seems like shes been thinking of you.
THOMAS: What is this? A love poem?
THOMAS: Thats really sweet.
DANIEL: Thats what I was thinking. And I had been worried that Id lose her when I
moved here.
THOMAS: So things have been going pretty well?



DANIEL: You know what they say; distance makes the heart grow fonder.
THOMAS: [looking up from the letter at DANIEL] And often makes the eyes wander.
DANIEL: [shying from THOMAS look] That too.
[enter LISA]
LISA: Thomas!
[THOMAS jumps to his feet]
THOMAS: Lisa! [THOMAS thrusts the letter behind him to DANIEL. DANIEL looks
at it for a second and when THOMAS starts to shake it franticly he takes it and
puts it away] How are you?
LISA: [smiling] Id complain but itd only make me feel worse. Besides, I have a bet
with myself.
THOMAS: Whats that?
LISA: [looking THOMAS all over] Where is it?
THOMAS: Where is what?
LISA: [finding Love Story in his back pocket pulls it out and holds it up to the light] Ah
ha! I should have bet with someone else.
LISA: [moving the book away from his grasp] What is this? You still carry this around?
THOMAS: [defensively] Mr. McConn
LISA: [joking; mocking] Mr. McConnal gave it to me. I like it so I carry it around.
Youre like Linus with his blanket.
THOMAS: [taking the book back] Hey, its a good book.
DANIEL: What is?
[LISA notices DANIEL for the first time]
THOMAS: Love Story by Erich Segal.
DANIEL: Really? I love that book. Did you cry at the end?
THOMAS: [pitifully romantic] I still do.
DANIEL: Thats what I thought. Youre a pansy, Yankee.
THOMAS: Wait just a
LISA: Thomas, who is this?
THOMAS: I havent introduced you before? Lisa, this is Daniel. Daniel, this is Lisa.


Gray Matter

DANIEL: [kissing her hand] Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

LISA: [blushing] Arent you the new kid?
DANIEL: [innuendo] Oh, I wouldnt use the word kid. And Ive been here long
enough to know Thomas is about as full of shit as I am.
LISA: Thomas has been telling me so much about you.
DANIEL: All good I hope.
[THOMAS laughs]
LISA: [coyly] Mostly good things.
THOMAS: Dont believe a word of it, Daniel. You know the most Id do for you is
throw you a towel if you were drowning.
DANIEL: Yeah, Thomas is a good guy. The best Ive met here. [hits THOMAS hard on
the back] Isnt that right?
THOMAS: One of the best youll meet anywhere. And dont you forget it.
LISA: [waving THOMAS off] Sure. So, Daniel, where are you from?
DANIEL: Georgia.
LISA: That would explain the accent.
DANIEL: Oh, Ive been working on that. Im trying to get rid of it.
LISA: Dont. Its cute.
DANIEL: Why, thank you.
LISA: I have an uncle that lives in Georgia. His name is
DANIEL: Georgias a big place.
LISA: Huh?
DANIEL: Georgias a big place. As much as Id like to, I dont know everyone that has
ever lived there.
LISA: No, of course not. You must get that a lot. But maybe you know him.
DANIEL: Maybe. And maybe he was the guy that threw a rock though my window last
year. I wouldnt want to think less of you because of your relations.
LISA: Why is that?
DANIEL: Because youre so pretty. [to THOMAS] Did you water this one three times a
day, Yankee?
THOMAS: More than that.



LISA: Oh, would you look at the time. Thomas, could you give me a ride home?
THOMAS: [smiling] Id love to.
DANIEL: Leaving so soon?
LISA: Its 4:30.
DANIEL: Yeah, but its Friday.
LISA: Hey Thomas, go get your car, Ill catch up to you.
THOMAS: Umokay.
LISA: Go on.
THOMAS: Okay. See ya, Daniel
DANIEL: Yeah Yankee.
[exit THOMAS]
LISA: My parents like me to come home after school before I go out and do anything.
DANIEL: So how about I call you at home, then?
LISA: Do you have my number?
DANIEL: That was my subtle way of asking for it.
LISA: Is everyone that subtle in Georgia?
DANIEL: [laughing] No, usually theyre a lot more blunt about it.
LISA: [getting a pen] Do you have something I can write on?
DANIEL: [presents the back of the envelope] Here you go.
LISA: [writes her number down] And here you go. Now I really must be going, it was
very nice meeting you. [exit]
[enter PAUL]
DANIEL: The pleasure was all mine. [to himself] I told my mother moving here was a
bad idea. I told her I wouldnt like it, that Id never make any new friends with
these people. But things are looking up. Shit, Im going to have to tell her I was
wrong. I hate that. [DANIEL looks at the envelope in his hand and rips it in half,
keeping the part with the number and throwing the rest of it away. He moves to
exit past PAUL] Wonderful day, isnt it? Wonderful day! [takes off PAULs hat
and ruffles his hair] YEAH! [exit]
PAUL: [adjusting the hat on his head; loudly] You shouldnt mess with a mans hat! Its
inconsiderate and rude!


Gray Matter

[enter ALLISON searching; approaches PAUL from behind]

PAUL: [starts] Allison. [slight pause] Hi. How are you?
PAUL: Good, thats good... Im glad to hear it.
ALLISON: And yourself?
PAUL: Oh, Im fine.
ALLISON: Thats nice.
PAUL: [in a rush] So how are you and Thomas?
ALLISON: Were doing good.
PAUL: [nodding[ Good. Good. [quickly] Does he treat you better than I did?
ALLISON: [pleading] Paul
PAUL: No really. I want to know.
ALLISON: I guess its just that hes more understanding.
PAUL: I understand.
ALLISON: Dont be cruel.
PAUL: I didnt mean to. I never meant to, either. Sometimes I say things before I think
about them. But every time I think of you Ioh here he comes. Ill see you later,
Allison. [exit]
ALLISON: Paul [turning] Thomas, were have you been?
[enter THOMAS]
THOMAS: Outside.
ALLISON: Ive been looking all over for you.
ALLISON: Thomas, its Friday.
THOMAS: I know.
ALLISON: [fishing] So werent you going to do something with your beautiful
girlfriend this beautiful, and romantic, Friday night?



THOMAS: Yes Allison, I was. I told you this earlier in the day. I also told you that Id
call you later tonight when I was ready to go out and do something. I just
[enter LISA]
LISA: Thomas, there you are. I thought youd be waiting outside. Ready to go?
ALLISON: [melodramatic look of hurt] Oh, I see how it is. I do. [exit]
THOMAS: No, Allison, you dont see. Allison! [sighs]
LISA: What was that about?
THOMAS: Dont ask cause Id rather not get into it.
LISA: If you say so. Hey, do you think I could borrow that book?
THOMAS: Love Story?
LISA: Yeah, Ill give it back right after Im done with it.
THOMAS: But I thought you didnt
LISA: I know what I said. A girl can change her mind, cant see?
THOMAS: Sure. But youre one of the girls that never do.
LISA: Well maybe Im changing.
THOMAS: Maybe.
LISA: So can I borrow it?
THOMAS: Yeah, of course.
LISA: So you ready to go?
THOMAS: Yeah, just give me a second. The cars unlocked.
LISA: Okay. [exit]
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Im not sure when it was that Allison became friends
with Cindy Rainard but that was our undoing. Im sure of it. I swear nothing
ever good came from Cindy Rainard, just like nothing ever good came from the
plague or pet rocks or the French. There is one thing about Cindy that I
remember above all else. One time she came to me and said
CINDY: [behind THOMAS] Look Thomas, theres no one around so I want to tell you
this so youll know and so I know that I told you. Please dont tell anyone this,
Id like to keep it between you and I. A private matter. The best things in this
world are secrets and the best secrets are those in which you know all of the
people who know. Its an unspoken bond. Besides, if you do tell anyone, they


Gray Matter

wont believe you. [pause] I respect you, Thomas. I know you dont believe it,
but its true. Youre solid Thomas, like a rock in a waterfall; all around you is
chaos and change but you remain self-assured and confident. Its unfortunate that
youre solid in your hatred for me. Youve never betrayed yourself and I want
you to know that Ive noticed. Thats all I have to say. [beat] That and if you
ever change your mind about me, give me a call.
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] I felt sorry for her after that. I was going to go after
her and tell her that I didnt really hate her, that there was nothing particularly
worth despising about her as I person, but that I just couldnt. She had always
used people, not known them or been friends with them, but just used them. I
could never understand it and maybe because I couldnt understand was why I
hated it. But the remorse only lasted for a moment, I let her walk away and I
dont regret it. After I just felt dirty. Like Cindys respect was something to be
loathed. [pause] Even now II dont really like thinking about it. [exit]
[enter KIM]
KIM: Cindy!
CINDY: [offstage] What?
KIM: Cindy, I wrote a poem last night.
[enter CINDY]
CINDY: Oh did you now?
KIM: [nodding] I did.
CINDY: I didnt know you wrote poetry.
KIM: Yes you do. I told you the day that I met you that I was a poet.
CINDY: You expect me to remember the day that we met?
KIM: [meekly] I do.
CINDY: [taken aback by the frankness] Well I [coughs]
KIM: [backing down] Yeah, Cindy, Ive been trying to write some poetry for sometime
CINDY: Oh how romantic.
KIM: I never thought of it that way.
CINDY: Who is it that you wanted to write this poetry for?



KIM: Myself.
CINDY: Did I say romantic? Thats very selfish of you, Kim.
KIM: Whys this?
CINDY: Good poetry is always written for someone else.
KIM: I never felt
CINDY: Oh who cares how you feel? Im telling you facts, which, as we know, have
very little to do with feelings. A poem that is unshared is like a painting that the
painter burns after finishing it so that he will be the only one to ever lay eyes on
it. A terrible waste. If you keep a poem all locked up within yourself, away from
other people, then its not worth anything.
KIM: Its worth something to me.
CINDY: And who are you worth something to?
KIM: Well me.
CINDY: Are you beginning to see how utterly selfish this all is? The answer to every
question is yourself. You cant be an island any more than a fish could breathe
the air. Man needs other men to survive. Whatever he creates for himself only
becomes valuable when others see the value of it.
KIM: What about a feeling of self-worth? Satisfaction and pride?
CINDY: My dear, pride always comes before a fall. Just think of Socrates.
KIM: Who?
CINDY: Kim, I am shocked and disappointed. Let me hear this poem.
KIM: I dont like reading them aloud.
CINDY: Have you ever read one aloud?
KIM: No.
CINDY: Theres a first time for everything.
KIM: [thrusting paper forward] Would you please just read it?
CINDY: No, I will not.
KIM: Why not?
CINDY: Its for your own good, Kim. This is what friends are for. [exit]
KIM: But no! Friends are supportive, they lend a helping hand. I thought they did,
dont they, Cindy? [exit]


Gray Matter

[during the following sequence DANIEL and LISA do not interact; enter
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Ive been wondering recently about the age old
question that, given the chance, if youd do it all over again. I cant honestly
answer that question. If you did it all over again would you do so with the
knowledge of what would happen? Would have you to live it in the same way, or
could you change things? [beat] Lisa and Daniel, they were happy, even in those
first moments I was scorched by their fire. I was right in the middle from the very
beginning and I never did understand why the came to me for advice.
[enter LISA]
LISA: Thomas!
[enter DANIEL opposite]
DANIEL: Thomas!
LISA: Thomas, youve been holding out on me.
THOMAS: Ive what?
DANIEL: Yankee, why didnt you introduce us before?
THOMAS: It hadnt
LISA: Hes cute.
DANIEL: Shes hot.
THOMAS: I suppose?
LISA: Is he single?
DANIEL: Is she dating anyone?
LISA: How old is he?
DANIEL: Whats her favorite flower?
LISA: Does he have a car?
DANIEL: Whats she do for fun? Bowlingmaybe?
LISA: Whats his middle name? I bet its cute, like Joshua
DANIEL: Is she nice?
LISA: How long have you known him?
DANIEL: What has she said about me?
LISA: Does he like me?



DANIEL: Does she like me?

[pause; THOMAS looks at one then the other]
THOMAS: Well, Im not at liberty to say.
LISA: So he likes me. [grabs THOMAS arm] Right?
DANIEL: I knew it. [grabs other arm] Whos she dating?
THOMAS: [shakes hands off] I dont know why youre coming to me for advice. And
about this? You know how my love life is going.
DANIEL: Youre right, Yankee. I can get my own girl. [exit]
THOMAS: Thats what Im afraid of.
LISA: [turns THOMAS back to her] But I need to know, Thomas?
THOMAS: Need to know what?
LISA: If he likes me.
THOMAS: Its all written. Everything happens for a reason, right?
LISA: I guess so. [beat] Do you think were supposed to happen?
THOMAS: [taking it to mean himself and LISA] You mean you and [realizing his
mistake] you and Daniel?
LISA: Yes.
THOMAS: Why dont you ask him?
LISA: Because Im scared.
THOMAS: Scared? The great Lisa Simmons is scared of a man? A man from Georgia
no less.
LISA: Shut up.
THOMAS: [tenderly] Why dont you give it a shot? I think youve got a good chance.
[enter ALLISON]
LISA: Really Thomas? [kisses him on the cheek] Thanks a bunch. [exit]
THOMAS: [to himself; lackluster] Yeah, Im here to help.
ALLISON: [angrily] Thomas Moore!
THOMAS: [turning; joking] Yes, mother?
ALLISON: What was that all about?
THOMAS: What was what all about?


Gray Matter

ALLISON: You mean she didnt just kiss you?

THOMAS: Well yes, but
THOMAS: No, dammit, Allison, you dont see! [ALLISON is taken aback] Lisa and I
are just good friends
ALLISON: Ill say.
THOMAS: [ignoring her] Weve been friends forever. The best of friends but only
friends. Shes like my sister.
ALLISON: You dont have a sister.
THOMAS: Thats not my point.
ALLISON: Then how do you know what its like to have a sister?
THOMAS: I uh I just do.
ALLISON: Bullshit.
THOMAS: Shes just my friend. Like Daniel or Seth or Paul even.
ALLISON: They arent women.
THOMAS: [dryly] I know that.
ALLISON: I just get so sick of sharing you with other women.
THOMAS: Share me?
ALLISON: Yeah, I try not to jealous, I do, but sometimes I just see you and
[THOMAS kisses her; pause]
THOMAS: You know youre number one on my list?
ALLISON: [fishing] Do I?
THOMAS: [thinking the storm has blown over] Of course you do.
ALLISON: Prove it.
THOMAS: Allison, you cant ask me to give all of my friends up, especially Lisa for
you. You cant be asking me that.
ALLISON: You dont have to, then just give me up.
THOMAS: Thats an ultimatum.
ALLISON: No its not. All good relationships require sacrifice and if you arent willing
to sacrifice for this relationship then what does that say about it?



THOMAS: Youre taking that in totally the wrong way. You cant choose what I
sacrifice for the relationship, if you did then I wouldnt be a part of it anymore.
Im not going to take either of those options. I dont want to give you up, Allison.
[pause; THOMAS becomes uncomfortable]
ALLISON: Thomas, do you love me? [pause] Thomas? [slight pause] Do you love me?
[pause] Thomas, can you hear me?
THOMAS: [softly] I can hear you.
ALLISON: Do you love me? [pause] Thomas?
THOMAS: [softly] No.
ALLISON: [angrily] No? No!
THOMAS: [matching her intensity] Thats what I said, isnt it?
ALLISON: [cold fury] You . you [slaps him; turns; exits]
THOMAS: [recovers slowly from slap; takes a deep breath; pained] Allison, you dont
see, you dont see at all. Allison! Hey, Allison! [exit]
[curtain; end of act one]


Gray Matter

[at rise THOMAS stands center, he is obvious of everything
around him, even believing that the voice of McCONNAL is his
own. McCONNAL is behind THOMAS and on his right]

McCONNAL: [behind THOMAS] To friends who are more than friends and family that
is more than a name.
THOMAS: That was Mr. McConnals toast at every meal hed eat with my family. I
grew up with Mr. McConnal. He had long been an old friend of the family and,
as he had no family himself to speak of, he spent a great deal of time with mine. I
never thought it was odd that I called him Mr. McConnal growing up. I finally
found out his first name at his funeral. Thomas. Sometimes I cant shake the
feeling that he gave me his name. All my family, which I guess was his family,
too, called him Mr. McConnal. I guess when he joined there already was a
Thomas. Hed shrug it off
McCONNAL: Ive given everything to teaching. Whats in a name?
THOMAS: Thinking about it now I feel that its a little, maybe more than a little; sad
that this man gave even his name to children who will never understand or
appreciate what he did for them. I appreciated him, I had lived all my life with
his little truisms and the first day I entered his classroom I was ready to learn what
he had to teach me. At that point Id been waiting most of my life to sit in one of
his classes. He didnt let me down, he was a wonderful teacher; the best Ive ever
had. I know people say good things about the university and the professors, but it
was at the university that I discovered cocaine and most likely because of the
cocaine that I only spent a year and a half there. Whats a year compared to a
lifetime? One time I asked Mr. McConnal, right before he started the last class of
his I ever sat in, if it was all worth it, all the sacrifices hed made. He gave me a
queer smile, as if he thought I knew the answer to the question before Id asked it.
He thought I was testing him and he said to me
McCONNAL: Ive done it all for love, Thomas. I didnt sacrifice a thing. [exit]



THOMAS: [reflectively] I think thats the only time in my life Ive ever heard him call
me Thomas. [exit]
[enter LISA followed a moment later by DANIEL]
DANIEL: So, uh . Lisa?
LISA: [turning] Yes?
DANIEL: I was wondering if you were seeing anyone.
DANIEL: You and Thomas arent?
LISA: Thomas? Me and Thomas? [laughs; cuts if off; deadpan] No.
LISA: Thomas and I are friends.
DANIEL: Today is Friday.
LISA: [laughing] All day.
DANIEL: Do you have any plans for tonight?
LISA: [doubtful] I was going to get some pizza with Thomas.
DANIEL: Do you mind if I tag along?
LISA: Oh no, not at all.
DANIEL: [smiling] Great.
LISA: I was just wondering if Thomas need to come along.
DANIEL: If you had plans with him
LISA: Im sure hell understand. Thats what Thomas does.
DANIEL: In that case
LISA: Exactly, lets go.
[exit DANIEL and LISA arm in arm; enter THOMAS with Love
Story he sits and begins to read]
THOMAS: [reading] That she was beautiful. And brilliant. [pause; then to himself]
And lovely to talk to and lovely to look at, as if all the poets in all the word
could not capture her beauty. Her smile lights up the room as if by magic and


Gray Matter

makes my heart skip a beat. I am in love with her and she so deeply in love with
me [pause; deep breath] If only I could tell her.
[enter LISA]
LISA: Hello, Thomas.
THOMAS: Well look who it is.
LISA: The great and fearless Lisa Simmons.
THOMAS: Who doesnt call her friends when shes supposed to.
LISA: Huh?
THOMAS: What happened to pizza the other day?
LISA: Oh Thomas, look I
THOMAS: On the plus side I got to read this again. [holds up Love Story] This time I
was crying before I started.
LISA: [laughing; overlapping] And how many times have you read that?
THOMAS: One hundred and twenty seven.
LISA: Exactly?
THOMAS: Exactly. Anyway, I wanted you to come out with me because there was
something I wanted to talk to you about.
LISA: Oh I have news, Thomas! I know youll forgive me once I tell you. Youll just
have to.
THOMAS: [melancholy] I have some news of my own.
LISA: Oh mine first. Mine first.
THOMAS: If you insist. Anything for you.
LISA: Thank you, youre such a dear, Thomas. [takes a deep breath] Daniel and I are
going out.
THOMAS: [shocked] What?
LISA: Daniel Payne is my boyfriend.
THOMAS: From Georgia?
LISA: Yes.
THOMAS: The best friend Ive had besides ever?
LISA: Yes.
THOMAS: Oh my god.



LISA: I like the sound of that, my boyfriend. Its got a nice ring to it, doesnt it
Thomas? [pause] Why do you look so pale?
THOMAS: [firmly] I dont look pale.
LISA: You do. You look ill. Maybe you should go home. [joking] I dont want you
getting me sick.
THOMAS: [fiercely] Im fine.
LISA: You sure?
LISA: Oh, can you believe it Thomas?
THOMAS: No, I cant.
LISA: Believe it. Believe it. Its wonderfully true.
THOMAS: Im sure it is.
LISA: So what was your news?
THOMAS: My ahmy news?
LISA: Yeah, you said you had wanted to talk to me about something over pizza.
THOMAS: Oh, I ah, have to be going soon. Its not worth getting into.
LISA: Tell me.
THOMAS: [mockingly proper] On the tail of such joyous news it would be scandalous,
LISA: I love it when you talk dirty to me.
THOMAS: Dont tease me.
LISA: I live to tease. So I cant stand it when other people do it to me, so tell me.
THOMAS: Oh alright. Knock that off.
LISA: So what is it?
THOMAS: Allison and I broke up.
LISA: What? Why?
THOMAS: Because of yoour differences.
LISA: Like what?
THOMAS: [forcing a laugh] For one she didnt like Erich Segal.


Gray Matter

LISA: Oh come on. What are you always telling me about love being a serious matter?
THOMAS: [forceful; awkwardly loud] We arent talking about love! [calms] Were
talking about the end of my relationship with Allison Smith. I did not love her
because love is
LISA: What is love, Thomas?
THOMAS: I dont know, but I hope its beautiful. It means never having to say youre
sorry. Something. Im sorry about it. What Allison and I had was not beautiful.
LISA: Why not?
THOMAS: Leave it be. I dont want to talk about it. I did my crying, I read my book.
Im over it.
LISA: Youre lying.
THOMAS: Yes, I am. But I dont want to talk about it anymore.
LISA: Thomas, are you sure youre okay? Theres still no color in your face.
THOMAS: I told you before Im fine. I just want to have some time alone, to sort things
LISA: Okay, Ill talk to you later then. [moves to exit]
THOMAS: And tell Danyour boyfriend to give me a call. I havent heard from him in
a bit.
LISA: Ill do that.
THOMAS: Thank you.
[exit LISA; during this sequence SETH and PAUL do not interact;
enter SETH limping]
SETH: Thomas.
[enter PAUL opposite]
PAUL: Thomas.
SETH & PAUL: Thomas!
THOMAS: [annoyed] What?
SETH: I need to talk to you.
PAUL: [shyly] I want to ask you something.
SETH: Do you



PAUL: Could you

THOMAS: [annoyed] What?
SETH: Its about Paul.
PAUL: Its about Seth.
SETH & PAUL: And Cindy.
SETH: I kinda like her, but I think Paul does too.
PAUL: And as much as I like her I didnt want it to interrupt our friendship.
THOMAS: Thats wonderful for you guys. [pause; THOMAS looks at one then the
other] And you want my advice?
THOMAS: Remember, Im not a professional, but my advice is to have nothing to do
with Cindy Rainard at all.
SETH: What?
PAUL: Is that all?
THOMAS: Thats all I can tell you. Your friendship should be more important. [to
himself] Friendship should be more important. Why didnt I realize that before?
SETH: Maybe hes right. I have known Paul for a long time. Yeah. [exit]
PAUL: Shows what he knows. He couldnt even keep Allison! [exit opposite; enter
THOMAS: Ah, my two favorite people.
DANIEL: Lisa, guess what day it is.
LISA: I give up.
DANIEL: Its Friday.
LISA: All day.
THOMAS: Hey guys.
THOMAS: Daniel, I was
DANIEL: [to LISA] I have a gift for you.
THOMAS: Well, Lisa, Ive been thinking


Gray Matter

LISA: [to DANIEL] What is it?

[THOMAS sighs and exits]
DANIEL: A poem.
LISA: Really? For me? You shouldnt have. Did you write it?
DANIEL: Um no. Shakespeare did. [hands LISA paper] But its a good poem.
LISA: [hands paper back] Read it to me.
DANIEL: Ive never read a poem aloud
LISA: For me. Please?
DANIEL: [after a moment] Okay, here goes. [clears throat]
Those lips that Loves own hand did make
Breathed fourth the sound that said, I hate
To me that languished for her sake.
But when she saw my woeful state,
Strait into her heart did mercy come,
Chiding that tongue that ever sweet
Was used in giving gentle doom,
And taught it thus anew to greet:
I hate, she altered with an end
That followed it as gentle day
Doth follow night, who, like a fiend
From heaven to hell is flown away.
I hate, and from hate away she threw
And save my life saying, not you.
LISA: Oh Daniel, that was beautiful.
DANIEL: Mr. McConnal read that to us the other day in English. I couldnt help but
think of you.
LISA: That is really sweet of you.
DANIEL: I try.
LISA: [flirting] What else do you try to do?
DANIEL: Impress you with my overpowering masculinity.
LISA: I hate to tell you this, Romeo, but you fail.
DANIEL: So what are you doing tonight?
LISA: Something with you.
DANIEL: Ooooh, razor-sharp wit.



LISA: And a body to match.

DANIEL: At least your modest.
LISA: [coyly] Among other things?
DANIEL: Like what?
LISA: I can punt a football twenty yards.
DANIEL: [sarcastic] Look at me, Im shaking.
LISA: Thats not bad, it is? For a girl?
DANIEL: [laughing] Yes.
LISA: I guess that means I need another skill.
DANIEL: Yeah, you arent doing too well with this whole modest thing.
LISA: [suggestive] How about kissing?
DANIEL: [baiting] Ha! You? Ill believe that when I [LISA kisses him passionately;
DANIEL coughs] Okay, Ill believe it.
LISA: [smugly] Thats what I thought.
DANIEL: You know what I learned in science class today?
LISA: Whats that?
DANIEL: Once is never enough to properly test a hypothesis. [DANIEL kisses LISA for
longer than before]
LISA: Youre right. This warrants some more in-depth study.
DANIEL: You know; I could get used to this.
LISA: What?
LISA: Daniel! We had a perfectly wonderful mood going there and you just ruined it.
That was so corny.
DANIEL: Yes, but its sweet.
LISA: [grudgingly] Yes, it was.
DANIEL: So you were doing something with me tonight then?
LISA: Right.
DANIEL: Then what are you waiting for? Lets go.
[exit DANIEL and LISA]


Gray Matter

[enter CINDY, ALLISON and KIM]

KIM: [gesturing] Its it obvious?
CINDY: Simply because something is plainly true today doesnt mean it cant be
changed tomorrow.
KIM: But havent you seen them together?
CINDY: Of course I have. It makes me sick.
KIM: All their flirting?
KIM: But you
CINDY: I know what I do. Kim.
KIM: Then why do you care?
ALLISON: Because its Lisa Simmons. Becausebecause.
CINDY: [nodding in approval] Exactly.
KIM: Whats she ever done to you?
CINDY: What does that matter?
KIM: So youre going to steal Daniel, Daniel Payne, her boyfriend from her?
CINDY: I wouldnt use the word steal.
KIM: Then break them up?
KIM: Thats sick.
CINDY: [shrugs] Alls fair in love and war.
KIM: And which one is this?
CINDY: Both. [beat] Look Kim, its simple, really. Mens hearts are fickle, theyre like
the greyhounds at the race track. Once one of them catches that bunny on the
track theyll never race again. They only want what they cant have and once
they have it they dont want it anymore. He doesnt really want Lisa, hes just
afraid, you know? And once we show him theres something else out there hell
be making the decision, not us. I cant be held responsible for the actions of
ALLISON: [at the same time as CINDY] Both. She stole my Thomas.
KIM: Your Thomas? What give you the ability to claim him?



ALLISON: He loves me.

KIM: Is that all it takes to make someone a slave?
[ALLISON sniffs]
CINDY: Of course thats all it takes. Just look at Marc Antony and Cleopatra.
KIM: So what do you have against her?
CINDY: [sighing] Since you insist on knowing. Basically her relationship with Thomas.
KIM: What?
CINDY: Oh, Kim. Its okay. Just do not question that which you cannot understand.
KIM: Whats the matter with you?
CINDY: With me? Why theres nothing the matter with me. I have never once in my
life spent an evening at home just praying the phone would ring, not caring who
was on the other end. Ive never idly sighed in the hallway as a dreamy guy
walked past me and wished upon a star that maybe hed smile at me the next day.
Ive never pined away over a man in my life. I use them the same way that theyd
use us, given the chance, and you say theres something the matter with me? Oh
Kim, grow up.
KIM: Cindy, weve been friends for along time and I want to tell you, as a friend, that
this is crazy. Its demented! No one does things like this, for obvious reasons,
just look at yourselves.
[CINDY and ALLISON examine each other]
CINDY: Shes well dressed.
KIM: [sighs] Are you really going to do this?
[CINDY nods]
KIM: Then Ill have no part in it. [exit]
ALLISON: Whats with her?
CINDY: She writes poetry. [ALLISON says nothing, confused] Theyre always the
melodramatic type. Fighting the good fight and taking a stand. They do it all
now, when theyre young, and grow up to be cynics. Were lucky, were cynics
now. Well grow up to be realists.
PAUL: [offstage] Cindy?


Gray Matter

ALLISON: [meaning PAUL] What happens to deluded people now?

CINDY: They never grow up. Come on, lets go. [exit CINDY and ALLISON]
[enter THOMAS and PAUL opposite each other]
PAUL: Hey Thomas, have you seen Cindy?
THOMAS: Cindy? What do you
PAUL: Just, have you seen her?
THOMAS: Yeah. [points]
PAUL: Thanks. [exit]
[enter SETH]
SETH: Thomas have you [THOMAS points] Oh, thanks. [exit]
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Things went on that way for a while. Theres a point
in time in high school in which the routine becomes so routine that time seems to
drag on forever, as if itll never end. I think thats why people remember that
time of their life so much, because something about seeing the same people and
doing the same things every day slows down time enough for people to age, to
mature into the adults that theyre supposed to be. Its a strange sort of ritual here
in America. I think Id prefer the spirit quest or maybe circumcision and some
wine. Why do we have to learn while were young? Why cant we just grow up
and learn when were older? Why cant we just fucking live forever? Maybe this
could be why some people retire and look like theyre older than the sea, because
doing everything in the exact same way everyday is the thief of time. If we could
live forever it wouldnt matter, we could recover from the mistakes weve made
and even though weve lost so much time our whole lives wouldnt be a loss,
because wed have all of this time in front of you. Life just becomes so automatic
that you arent aware enough to hold on to the moment. In high school youre
lucky though, after four years you get a nice slap in the face that is graduation. It
was something we had seen coming for four years and were powerless to stop, so
we continued on as best we knew how; which was basically sticking our heads up
our asses as far as they could go.
[enter DANIEL; during this sequence DANIEL and LISA do not interact]
DANIEL: Thomas!



THOMAS: Daniel, good to see you, I was

[enter LISA]
LISA: Thomas!
DANIEL: Shes so wonderful.
LISA: Hes so nice to me.
THOMAS: I take it you guys are having a good time together.
DANIEL: You can say that again.
LISA: Its hard to believe weve been dating for so long.
DANIEL: The other day she was doing this thing with my ear, wow.
LISA: I just melt under his touch. Im wet all the time.
THOMAS: [sarcastic] Thanks for sharing.
DANIEL: I cant get enough of her.
LISA: I want to be with him every moment.
DANIEL & LISA: I think Im in love.
LISA: Hes perfect.
THOMAS: Careful now, Lisa, the higher you raise him up
DANIEL: Shes flawless.
THOMAS: the further she can fall. You hear me, Daniel?
DANIEL: Yeah, I hear ya, Yankee. [DANIEL and LISA notice each other] Hey Lisa, its
[THOMAS tries to step between them; fails]
LISA: All day.
DANIEL: You busy tonight?
LISA: Id like to be.
DANIEL: Then why dont you come over to my place?
LISA: Id love to. What would we do.
DANIEL: Ill make you dinner and well see what pops up.
LISA: Sounds wonderful.
[exit DANIEL and LISA; enter PAUL]


Gray Matter

THOMAS: [moving to follow] Guys? Do you think I could [stops himself and waves
a dismissive hand at them; turns suddenly to find PAUL right behind him] Paul,
you startled me.
PAUL: I didnt mean to. I was just looking for Cindy. Have you seen her?
THOMAS: Paul, didnt you hear what I said
PAUL: [calmly] I know what you said, Thomas.
THOMAS: [sadly] No Paul, I havent seen her.
PAUL: [icy; suspicious] Okay. Thanks. [exit]
THOMAS: Paul, whats going on? [speaking to audience] I should have known then
what was going to happen; I could see it in his eyes. Im no clairvoyant or
anything, but there are some things that are plain to read on a mans face. I guess
I was just used to Paul being closed to me that I figured there was nothing I could
do. Seth blamed it on Cindy, but I think that was one of those moments when the
opinions of anyone else are shut away and Paul looked himself square in the face
and made a decision. I believe he tried to explain it to me once. He had said
PAUL: [behind THOMAS] You know why I wear this hat, Thomas? I know itd old and
dirty, but its mine. Its mine in way more real and more tangible than anything
else Ive ever owned. My dad, when he was still around, took me to a Dodgers
game; a father-son bonding experience. The Dodgers won so he bought me this
hat. Ive worn it almost everyday since. Ive lost it once or twice but someone
always brought it back to me. Thats why I know its mine, like my hand is mine
or the stars and stripes are Americas. People associate this hat with me.
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Then I asked him, Dont you think you hide behind
it? And he told me
PAUL: [behind THOMAS] You just dont get it, do you?
THOMAS: [half a moment behind PAUL] You just dont get it, do you? [speaking to
audience] I think that was that last time he truly opened up to me. After that there
was simply the cold admittance that he had once known me very well and things
had changed since then. For the worse. Thinking back it was plain to see, and
what I wouldnt give. [to himself] What I wouldnt give. [exit]



[enter LISA; enter KIM opposite]

KIM: Lisa, theres something I need to tell you.
LISA: Oh, hello Kim.
KIM: Hello, Lisa. Its about Cindy.
LISA: Whats about Cindy?
KIM: What I need to tell you.
LISA: You need to tell me something?
KIM: [almost yelling] Yes!
LISA: Calm down, Kim. Its okay. Tell me what it is.
KIM: Cindy is going to break you and Daniel up. [LISA says nothing, waiting] She told
me so herself.
LISA: Cindy Rainard?
KIM: Yes. She has this convoluted idea that youve always been a thorn in her side and
this is going to be her vengeance.
LISA: [testing the word] Vengeance.
KIM: Yeah, you know, eye for an eye sort of a thing.
LISA: Arent you and Cindy friends?
KIM: You could say that.
LISA: Then
KIM: I wouldnt.
LISA: [softly] Oh.
KIM: Im trying to reach out here, do some good. All Im saying is watch yourself or
watch him or watch Cindy or something. You cant let her win this one. You just
LISA: Kim, I know this is going to sound sort of rude, but youre full of shit. Daniel and
I are in love, he hasnt said anything yet, but I know. We have tender and caring
and strong feelings for each other and I find it insulting that you think a tramp like
Cindy Rainard could do anything to jeopardize what weve been building and will
continue to build long after weve forgotten about you and her. You cant trifle
with love.


Gray Matter

KIM: [softly] Cindy is more than you think she is.

LISA: What?
KIM: [louder] Cindy is more than you think she is.
LISA: And you would know?
KIM: I would.
LISA: Shes a whore.
KIM: Theres a reason for that.
LISA: Because she likes sex.
KIM: More than that.
LISA: Like what?
KIM: Just dont say I didnt warn you.
LISA: [sarcastic] Thanks, Kim, thanks. Ill be sure to keep that in mind. [moves to exit]
KIM: Wait, wait! [LISA turns] I want to break something [pause; LISA moves to exit]
even if it means myself.
LISA: [turning; shocked] What do you mean?
KIM: I want to break something, anything.
LISA: What does this have to do with me?
KIM: I wanted to tell someone that would care.
LISA: And?
KIM: [lamely] And Im telling you.
LISA: But I dont care.
KIM: [meekly] Thats what I was worried about.
LISA: Why couldnt you tell one of your friends?
KIM: Youre the only one.
LISA: What?
KIM: Youre the only friend I have.
LISA: Again, this is going to be rude, but youre not my friend. I dont even know you.
We just go to school together.
KIM: I still want to break something.
LISA: Why?



KIM: Because when I see that its broken, that it doesnt work anymore, then I know I
changed it. Its a horrible thing to feel completely unimportant. I dont think Ive
ever changed anything in my life.
LISA: Im sure thats an awful way to feel, but I dont think its an excuse to talk about
killing yourself.
KIM: Thats not what I meant. Do you understand what Im saying?
LISA: I dont think so.
KIM: I dont either. I just [beat] Im just trying to warn you about Cindy.
LISA: But you just said
KIM: [sounding like CINDY] I know what I said.
LISA: Uh-huh. Thank you for your concern.
KIM: Youre going to keep your eyes open? [exit LISA] Lisa IIIm a poet. Ill
read you something. Something I wrote, anything. I want to read it to someone.
[enter CINDY]
CINDY: Hello, Kim.
KIM: [surprised] Cindy.
CINDY: What are you doing here?
KIM: Me? Oh nothing.
PAUL: [offstage] Cindy? Is that you?
CINDY: Do me a favor.
KIM: No, I dont think I could. [CINDY is amazed] Yeah, I got to, uh, go somewhere.
Somewhere away from you. [exit KIM; enter PAUL]
CINDY: Paul, we need to talk.
PAUL: [excited] Talk? What about?
PAUL: [brightening] You want to talk about us? Theres an us?
PAUL: Couldnt there be?


Gray Matter

PAUL: Not ever?

PAUL: But, why not?
CINDY: Because that which needs to exist between two people to make a romance work
isnt there between you and I.
CINDY: What?
PAUL: I just
CINDY: Spit it out.
PAUL: CindyI love you.
CINDY: [flabbergasted] What? Youyoulove me?
PAUL: [completely sure] Yes. [backing down] Yes?
CINDY: You dont even know me!
PAUL: Id like to get to know you then. See what else there is to love.
CINDY: So what do you love about me now?
PAUL: Your eyes, your hair, the way you walk. You know, the usual things.
CINDY: Beauty is only skin deep.
PAUL: Whoever said that had never set his eyes on you.
CINDY: [backing away] Do you see a shrink?
PAUL: What does that have to do with it?
CINDY: You should, Paul. Get some help. Youre sick. [beat] Have you ever broken
into my house to steal some of my underwear?
PAUL: [confused; outraged] No!
CINDY: I hear stalkers do that.
PAUL: Stalkers? I am not a stalker!
CINDY: What do you call yourself then?
PAUL: A human being, just like you.
CINDY: No one is just like me, Paul.



CINDY: Youve been following me around for years, even though I make it plain I dont
want you do. You say the strangest things, you know the weirdest things. We
havent really talked in years and now you say you love me?
PAUL: Sometimes it hurts, especially before I go to bed at night. But the more pain
youre willing to take for someone the more you love them, right?
CINDY: [firm; tender] No, Paul.
PAUL: [becoming agitated] No? Thats all I ever hear, no! No, no, no! What, am I not
good enough for you? Am I out of your league?
CINDY: [frightened] I didnt say that, Paul. What I meant was
PAUL: Then what did you say, huh? That Im a loser? [beat] Was I not understanding?
CINDY: Understanding?
PAUL: That was it, wasnt it?
CINDY: No Paul, its just [CINDY realizes she can dominate to interaction playing
off of PAULs heightened emotional state; clears her throat] Not that at all. You
were right; it is only the skin deep beauty that matters these days. Just look at
yourself. Those shoes, that shirt. [tisk] And your hat, Paul? No.
PAUL: [begging her to take it back] My hat?
CINDY: Yes, your hat. Now, if youll excuse me, I need to be somewhere else. [turns;
PAUL: [gently removes his hat and holds it tenderly looking down at it] My hat? [he
glances up to where CINDY made her exit then back to his hat; a change comes
over his face and he lets the hat fall to the ground] Look, Cindy
[pause; enter SETH limping]
SETH: [searching] Paul? Paul, you here? Paul I [sees hat; picks it up; looks around;
worried] Paul? [looks at hat] Shit! Shitshitshit! [shouting] Paul! [exit]
[enter THOMAS who is almost spun around by SETHs exit]
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Like I said, I should have seen it coming. The past
unalterable, like a book youve read a thousand times in which the hero loses,
every time you read it you want it to end differently but it never will. The biggest
problem is that when things have ended the shadow of the way that ending took
place is cast upon every memory you have before, like a family dog that bites you


Gray Matter

after being in your house for ten years. It was at this very turbulent time in my
life that I kept replaying something Lisa had told me when she started dating
Daniel. It was a sort of self-torture slash self-analysis thing. She had said
LISA: [behind THOMAS] Thomas, can you believe it? Me, in love! I cant be in love,
can I? I dont believe in love, do I? I mean, I just met him oh, who gives a
damn? Not me, Thomas, not me. You hear me, Thomas? I dont give a damn! I
am in love with Daniel Payne! There, I said it. What could go wrong?
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] It was a pretty logical argument at the time. Granted
I had just gotten out of a pretty brutal break up, but I figured that Allison and I
didnt work out because I didnt love her. I had agreed with Lisa, she loved him
what could go wrong? You cant trifle with love. The one thing I realized later
was, sure, shed said it, but not to him.
[enter LISA]
LISA: Oh I could just kill him!
THOMAS: Whoa there, kill who?
LISA: Daniel, I could kill [pause] Daniel.
THOMAS: Really now?
LISA: No. Butoh Thomas, what are we going to do? We got into a fight last night. A
real fight. Its not like we havent fought before buthow long have we been
going out now?
THOMAS: Two years. Eight months. Fifteen days. But whos counting?
LISA: Youve always been a good friend.
THOMAS: Sure, it pays well. So tell me what happened.
LISA: We were at the movies and we were going to see that one movie. [distracted] Um,
you know.
THOMAS: The one that I wanted to go see with you guys.
LISA: Yeah.
LISA: Yeah, so anyway he got into line to get our tickets while I went to the bathroom. I
ran into Allison Smith, you know, your ex-girlfriend?



THOMAS: Weve met.

LISA: She was actually being nice to me.
THOMAS: I wish shed extend the same courtesy to me.
LISA: Yeah, so I couldnt have talked to her for more than five, ten minutes and when I
got back he was with Cindy Rainard, that slut! Cindy Rainard!
THOMAS: [monotone] Cindy Rainard?
LISA: Thats what I said, isnt it? It was disgusting! She was wearing this low cut red
sleeveless shirt and pants so tight Im surprised she could get her fat ass in them.
She had her paws all over him and Daniel was looking at her with that look in his
eyes. He only looks at me that way, Thomas.
LISA: And he kissed her! Kissed her right there in front me! I walked home the whole
way hoping that hed find me, but he was probably enjoying his time with Cindy.
Oh, here he comes. I dont want to talk to him now, Thomas. Please.
THOMAS: [looking back] If you say so, Ill stop him.
LISA: Thanks, youre great. [kisses him on cheek; exit]
[enter DANIEL opposite]
DANIEL: Lisa, Lisa, come back here!
THOMAS: [physically blocks his way] Daniel.
DANIEL: Lisa, I just wanted
THOMAS: Daniel, let her go, man.
DANIEL: Let her go?
THOMAS: Well, what I
DANIEL: And you! You! Where the hell do you get off?
THOMAS: Hold on
DANIEL: Just because you arent happy with yourself doesnt mean you should move in
on my woman! I dont care how long youve known each other.
THOMAS: Back up
DANIEL: And dont think for an instant I didnt see. She kissed you.
THOMAS: Kissed me?


Gray Matter

DANIEL: Kissed you! And I thought you were my friend! I thought you were better
than that! I thought that
DANIEL: Friends dont try to steal friends girls.
THOMAS: I am your friend, Daniel. And Im not trying to steal anyones girl. But Im
her friend to. So as her friend, and as your friend, Im telling you she needs some
space right now. Give it to her.
DANIEL: Space huh? What for? Who from?
THOMAS: From you.
DANIEL: Bullshit.
THOMAS: Daniel!
DANIEL: Im dating her, for Christs sake!
THOMAS: I know, Daniel.
DANIEL: What the hell do you know, Yankee? Why am I even talking to you? [moves
to exit]
THOMAS: [grabs his arm] Because Im your friend. You know what that means, right?
Im trying to help.
THOMAS: Yes, help. Daniel, you have
DANIEL: Then let me go!
DANIEL: Yankee, take your hand off of me.
THOMAS: Im not going to do that.
DANIEL: [warningly] Thomas.
THOMAS: I cant do it.
DANIEL: Yes, you can.
[DANIEL punches THOMAS in the face; THOMAS recoils letting
go of DANIEL; DANIEL moves to leave then notices his hand still
clenched in a fist, he looks at it as if it has betrayed him in
someway and slowly opens it up; DANIEL turns back to



THOMAS just in time for THOMAS to punch him in the stomach;

DANIEL does not react and THOMAS winds up for another
THOMAS: Daniel, Im sorry. [THOMAS swings at DANIELs face and DANIEL easily
slaps the punch away; this happens two or three more times before DANIEL
pushes THOMAS to the ground]
DANIEL: [leaning over THOMAS; pointing his index finger] It shouldnt be this way!
[moves to exit]
THOMAS: [from the ground] I love her! [DANIEL stops; THOMAS gets to his feet;
softly] I love her. [pause] And I love you, too.
DANIEL: [turning] I know, Yankee. Ive always known.
THOMAS: [nodding] Good. I just wanted to tell you. Because, you know, when you
love someone, they should know. You should tell them, right?
DANIEL: I don't think that it is something that needs to be done, Yankee. Telling
someone "I love you" isn't needed. That sort of assurance is for people who doubt
that the other person really loves them. Love is defined by what it does, not by
what people say.
THOMAS: I think you should tell her, Daniel. [moves to exit]
DANIEL: [after a pause] Thomas?
THOMAS: [turning; nursing his lip] Yeah?
DANIEL: Thanks, youve always been a good friend.
THOMAS: [smiling] I do my best. [exit]
DANIEL: You do better than that. [enter LISA past DANIEL] Hey Lisa?
LISA: Yeah?
DANIEL: Its Friday.
LISA: Yeah?
DANIEL: All day?
LISA: Sure. Whatever.
DANIEL: [prompting] All day?
LISA: [turning] What the hell is your point?
DANIEL: Nothing, never mind.


Gray Matter

LISA: [caring] No, what?

DANIEL: Forget it.
LISA: Okay, fine!
DANIEL: [sighing] So what are you doing tonight?
LISA: Going to see a movie with Kim.
DANIEL: Kim Kutledge?
LISA: Yeah.
DANIEL: But I thought.
LISA: You thought wrong. [moves to exit]
DANIEL: [takes her hand] Lisa!
LISA: [shaking free] Dont Daniel. [moves to exit]
DANIEL: I just want to
LISA: [turning] Want to what? Want to work things out? Its too late for that, you
should have worked them out before you started looking for tramps to fuck.
LISA: No buts, Daniel. Were though, its over.
LISA: Enough Daniel, let it go.
LISA: [firmly] No, Daniel.
DANIEL: [angry; advancing] Will you shut up? Theres something I want to say and
youre going to hear it. I love you, Lisa. I love you. More than a spring rain or
the endless blue Georgia sky. And what did you do with my love? You tossed
LISA: [overlapping; pleading] Daniel.
DANIEL: it aside like so much used garbage. Crumpled it up and threw it out the
goddamned window! I used to think that women were the romantic ones, that
they wanted flowers
LISA: [overlapping; pleading] Daniel.



DANIEL: and candy and sweet nothings whispered in their ear. You know what? I
was wrong. You didnt want that, you didnt want me. You never did. [beat;
slower] Tell me its over? Hell, I already knew. [exit]
LISA: Daniel [to herself] Daniel, II love you too [crying] Goddammit, I love you
too. [exit]
[enter THOMAS]
THOMAS: Daniel, there was one more thing that I [looks around; throws arms
up helplessly; enter SETH limping]
SETH: This fucking limp!
THOMAS: [warningly] Seth
SETH: Fuck you, Thomas! Ill curse as much as I goddamned want to. And right now I
fucking want to.
THOMAS: I dont think
SETH: I dont give a damn what you think, Thomas. Pauls dead.
[long pause]
THOMAS: [softly] What?
SETH: [unnaturally loud] Hes dead, gone. Shuffled off his mortal coil, bitten the big
one, kicked his boots up. Hes gone off to meet his maker, if we have a maker,
and Charon is taking him there. [THOMAS is staring at SETH in disbelief;
THOMAS is wrapped up in his own confusion and dont realize SETH is yelling
until half way though the following rant] This limp, its a curse, goddammit.
God damn you, Paul, why didnt you see me, we [beat] No! no, dont damn
Paul. Damn God! [looking up; staggering around] You hear me? Go piss on
yourself! While youre at it, piss on me too. Piss me six feet under and bury me
next to him! Damn you for this limp and for Cindy and for taking him away from
me! I know you hear me; you hear everything. I condemn you! Thats right, you
bastard, with my mortality, with my humanity, I condemn you. Whatever my
soul is worth I point it as a poisoned arrow at your very core. I hope you rot
because of it and fall from your perfect world and bring down all of your perfect
angels and your streets of gold so that they may die and be taken away from you.
[beat] He was beautiful, you know that. He was too beautiful for this world.


Gray Matter

Given time he would have filled it up with his beauty and then there would have
been nothing left for ugly people like me. Thats why you took him, you made a
mistake by putting him here. Youre not infallible, not one bit and maybe my
curses hurt. Damn you for letting me see his beauty before you took it away.
Damn you damn you [SETH lets out a throaty, grief ridden scream until
THOMAS touches him]
THOMAS: [overlapping] Seth. Seth! Calm down, its going to be okay.
SETH: [shrinking from his touch as if it burns] No. Dont touch me. Dont. And dont
you fucking tell me its going to be okay. Okay? Dont do it. [beat] I couldnt
catch him, Thomas. I tried, dammit, I did. But this fucking limp.
THOMAS: Seth, tried to catch who?
SETH: Paul. I found his hat just lying here the other day. It was like he dropped it
there for me to find. I went running all over, as much as I can say what I do is
running, and I finally found him in his car driving away. I tried to catch him, but
this limp. I was waving his hat and making more noise than I thought possible for
anyone to make. He still drove off. This fucking limp, hed still be alive.
THOMAS: You cant blame yourself; it wasnt your fault.
SETH: Im not blaming myself. He died in his car. [pause] Or when he was thrown out
of it or when he hit the ground or whatever. If I had stopped him at least he could
have died with his hat on.
THOMAS: Seth, come here. Its going to be okay.
SETH: [screaming] No! No, no. Its not going to be okay. Its never going to be okay,
Thomas. Pauls dead, hes gone and hes not coming back. Its not okay. [moves
to exit; turns] I love him Thomas, with all my heart. And I never told him. [exit]
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Naturally this news hit a lot of people pretty hard. It
happens when young people know other young people that die. Their sphere of
immortality is shattered for a moment and some of them never recover, spending
the rest of their days staring death in the face. Or perhaps running from the face
of death. Let me, tell you though, as far and as fast as you run youll never outrun
it and youll miss most of what is going on while youre doing it. Seth said
something like that to me after the wake and the funeral and after we found out



that there was going to be a memorial page in the yearbook. Seth had come up to
me and said
SETH: [behind THOMAS] Ive never told anyone this and I never really intended to. I
need to tell someone and Im going to tell you, Thomas, because you watched me
throw away whatever grace I once had. I think God really does exist, Thomas. I
had this dream, the night that Paul died. It was just Paul standing on nothing
talking to me. He even had his hat on.
THOMAS: And then Seth told me what Paul had told him in this dream. I want to
believe that dreams mean something, and this dream means more than any other
dream anyone has ever had. I remember what Seth told me, word for word. So
much that I think I dreamt it myself. Paul had come to him and said
PAUL: [behind THOMAS] Hey Seth, how have you been? Long time; no see. I guess it
hasnt been too long for you, has it? A lot has happened to me. Youre going to
find something out tomorrow that Im hoping will upset you. I didnt mean to
upset you but I hope you care enough to be upset. As much as I dont really
want to say it, I want you to be upset. I know its selfish, so, while Im being
selfish, I want you to understand, too. You know how I usually go for a drive
when Im upset. So I went driving well into the night. The road opened up
before me, strait and narrow and black. It was raining. No, it was more than
raining, it was storming. The road looked so lonely and defiant. It shouted
silently that it wanted a test, it was challenging someone to brave its loneliness so
that it could prove its ability to withstand not only the storm but the vehicle that
was thundering over it as well. Somewhere, in my heart of hearts [pause; beat]
Heart of hearts. Ive never really taken the time to think about it before. It kinda
says that theres a heart inside your heart that you might not know. And what if
[beat] Like I was saying, I knew that I could tame it. I, Paul Deters, for once in
my life, I was going to do something that no one else had done. Even if no one
else knew; even if no one else saw, Id be able to wake up everyday and
remember I had done it. If I was going to wake up everyday, or even another day.
You might think Im crazy, Seth. Thats okay, I kinda think Im crazy myself.
[beat] Im scared of my own heart. Remember what you were always saying


Gray Matter

about passion and how its the truest of emotions? I was afraid that I didnt
believe in anything like that. I was afraid because my heart trembled at the
thought of anything daring. I refused to be afraid anymore, so I turned down this
lonely road and stepped on the gas. I never knew anything could move so fast. I
felt as if I was standing still and the world was spinning beneath me. This
undefeatable road was moving for me, the whole universe was moving for me. It
was daring and my heart did not tremble. Then it all stopped. And you know
what it was? Youre going to laugh, I know you are, but there was this rabbit.
Yeah, a little white bunny. It was just sitting there on the road, in the rain. It
looked so pitiful, it was all wet and one ear was dropping and it couldnt have
eaten in days. I couldnt stay in control of the car without hitting it. It was at this
moment that I felt the hand of God, or maybe an angel, or maybe it was just a
flight of fancy, asking me which one I was going to choose, him or me. I chose
him. Just looking at him, so lost and alone, he reminded me of me. I didnt
have the heart [pause] the heart to hit him. I suppose thats it. Thats all I really
remember and all Im going to tell you anyhow. I dont know what happens now
and I dont really care. Give Cindy my regards, okay? And tell her I ruled the
universe, if only for a short while, for her. I want you to keep my hat, I know you
found it. I dont really need it where Im going, besides. [motions to the hat on
his head; pause] Youre a good man, Seth Lyons, dont let anyone ever tell you
otherwise. Dont miss me too much; I wont be far.
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] I cried when Seth told me that. It was the first time I
realized Paul was actually dead. When he got done with telling me about the
dream Seth said
SETH: [behind THOMAS] I wonder if this is what theyd call a tragedy.
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] Its a shame I cant really say one way or the other.
[enter CINDY and ALLISON opposite each other]
ALLISON: [excited] Cindy, Cindy!
CINDY: Allison, I uh
ALLISON: Did you hear?



CINDY: Hear what?

ALLISON: We did it! The whole school is abuzz!
CINDY: Lisa and Daniel?
ALLISON: Yes! Yes! What else would I be talking about? I mean to say you did it, it
was your idea and youre the one that did most of the work, but I helped you with
it. Couldnt have been done without me. We had this subversive task and we
accomplished it. I feel like a spy or secret agent or something.
CINDY: Im glad your sense of adventure is in overdrive.
ALLISON: Lets do it again.
CINDY: You arent serious.
ALLISON: Of course Im serious. Ive never been more serious in my life. Destroying
what someone else has made is a lot more fun than actually building something
CINDY: Allison, think about what youre saying.
ALLISON: I have been. From the first moment I heard that they had broken up I was
thinking about it. I guess its okay to tell you now that I didnt really think it
would work. But when I found out that it did, I was horrified. They were so in
love, most likely still are, and we put a wedge between them. Love the most
powerful force in the universe? Not likely. Not likely at all.
CINDY: So youre telling me you want to go break someone else up?
CINDY: Thats just another form of vandalism. Its pointless.
ALLISON: You think what we did was pointless?
CINDY: No, there were personal reasons for that.
ALLISON: And those were?
CINDY: They were, and are, personal. Which means none of your business. [pause]
Allison, I dont think youre aware of what youre asking for.
ALLISON: Of course I am. I want to dominate people, just like you.
CINDY: You want to destroy them.
ALLISON: That too. So are you jealous that I have the guts to do what you dont?
CINDY: It doesnt take courage to kill a man; it takes courage to let him live.


Gray Matter

ALLISON: Oh dont get all Zen on me. You know Im right and just hate to admit it.
CINDY: Ive spent most of my life not saying what I mean and not meaning what I say.
ALLISON: And just what do you
[enter SETH limping]
SETH: [pointing at CINDY] You! [starts advancing]
CINDY: [forcefully pleasant] Why hello Seth, I
SETH: You murderer!
ALLISON: Just what are you
SETH: [to ALLISON] Shut up. [to CINDY] You killed him. You werent in the car with
him but it was you that killed him. He gave his heart to you and you did a tap
dance on it.
ALLISON: What are you
SETH: Shut up!
CINDY: Seth, thats a little unfair of you.
SETH: Unfair? Youre going say its unfair of me? You know whats unfair is that Paul
is never going to see another sunset and its all your fault.
ALLISON: [to CINDY] Whats he talking
SETH: Shut up!
CINDY: I didnt mean
SETH: You didnt mean? My best friend is dead and you didnt mean?
SETH: Are you deaf? Shut the fuck up! In fact, get the hell outta here before I do
something to you that wont feel good in the morning.
ALLISON: What are you
SETH: [yelling] Im fucking threatening you. Get out of here! [exit ALLISON] You
didnt mean. I could say I didnt mean to fail my last math test or I didnt mean to
drop my lunch on the floor, but I cant say that I didnt mean to kill someone.
Mainly because I havent killed anyone. You drove him to it. [exit CINDY] His
blood is on your hands. I hope you cant sleep at night, I hope you cant sleep at
all. I hope he haunts you too! Go ahead and run, I said what I needed to say.
You heard me. [pause] Im sorry, Paul, I think I handled that badly. [exit]



[enter THOMAS]
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] He went on that way for a while. Just walking around
and yelling at everyone. I had really thought hed lost it. They had to take him
out of school for a couple of weeks, he was disrupting the learning environment.
He almost hit Mr. McConnal one time in the hallway. Just as well though, I had
enough problems.
[enter LISA]
LISA: [running into his arms] Oh Thomas.
THOMAS: Whats wrong? What is it?
LISA: Thomas.
THOMAS: [pushing her to arms length] Bad news?
LISA: [whipping tear] Its Daniel.
THOMAS: [somberly] Howd it go?
LISA: Ihewere through.
THOMAS: Youre what?
LISA: We broke up.
THOMAS: But why?
LISA: [shrugging] It wasnt working out, I suppose. Just another high school romance.
THOMAS: I guess, but
LISA: There are no buts, Thomas. There is nothing epic or grand about this, nothing for
Mr. McConnal to sink his teeth into. There is nothing special about this, it
happens every day.
THOMAS: Maybe it shouldnt. You two were happy.
LISA: For a while.
THOMAS: Not long enough, huh? How high up is happiness that falling brings you so
low? I warned you about putting him on a pedestal, about
LISA: I still love him.
THOMAS: Yes, I know.
LISA: I still care for him.
THOMAS: Yes, Lisa, I know.


Gray Matter

LISA: [wipes tear] Thank you, Thomas. [kisses him on the cheek] Youre a good friend.
[turns; exit]
[THOMAS makes a motion as if he is to follow her or say
something, but stops himself; enter SETH]
SETH: Thomas.
THOMAS: Huh? What? Oh, hey Seth.
SETH: Hey.
THOMAS: How are you feeling?
SETH: They wanted to send me to the hospital. When I heard them say that I just kinda
snapped out of it. I feel kinda numb now. I know it hurts somewhere, but thats a
part of myself I just cant touch right now.
THOMAS: What are you doing here?
SETH: I just came to, uh [pause; extends a hand] to thank you.
THOMAS: Thank me?
SETH: Yes.
THOMAS: Well. [takes hand] Youre welcome?
[they hold hands for just a moment too long; an awkward silence arises]
SETH: So what do you have there?
THOMAS: This? Its, uh, Love Story by Erich Segal.
SETH: Hmm, whats it about?
THOMAS: Its a love story.
SETH: [laughing] No shit?
THOMAS: [humorless laugh] Yeah, no shit. [beat] Here, take it. I dont want it
SETH: Really?
THOMAS: Yeah, its a good book, but I dont think I could stomach it right now.
SETH: [taking book] Why not?
THOMAS: I want to say Im sorry.
SETH: What?
THOMAS: [quoting the book] Love means never having to say youre sorry.



SETH: Thats a load of bullshit. Where did you hear that?

THOMAS: [pointing to book] Its in there.
SETH: [examining the book again] Really now? And youre sure its a good book?
SETH: What if you cheat on her or something? Shouldnt you say youre sorry then?
THOMAS: What are you talking about?
SETH: I figure if I cheated on someone Id have to say I was sorry.
THOMAS: No, no, thats not what Im talking about.
SETH: Then what do you want to say youre sorry for?
THOMAS: Ijust[pause] I dont know.
SETH: Then who do you want to say youre sorry to?
THOMAS: [motions to where LISA just left then to SETH before deciding to speak]
Everyone. [pause] Myself, I guess.
SETH: So you want to tell yourself youre sorry for something, but you have no idea
what it is?
SETH: And this is somehow against the meaning of love?
THOMAS: [defeated] Yeah.
SETH: Alright then.
SETH: You know, Thomas, youre a good guy. Its a shame I cant like you, it really is.
But the problem is you have no passion, no passion for anything. And I just cant
like a guy without passion; it makes me wonder if hes real.
[THOMAS nods; SETH moves to exit]
THOMAS: Hey Seth?
SETH: [turning] Yeah?
THOMAS: What did you come to thank me for?
SETH: You dont know? [pause] Thats funny, I would have thought youd know. [exit]
[pause; during the following speech the cast enters and arranges a
similar tableau that was seen at the opening of the show yet this
time the emotions are those of longing and despair. LISA and


Gray Matter

DANIEL should be turned back to back, SETH somehow

mourning over PAUL and so on]
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] It was then I couldnt help but remember that line in
Aladdin, Jafar says it at the end, Its all unraveling fast now, boy. And thats
exactly how I felt. Not just that everything had unraveled but also that I was
living in some melodramatic cartoon. That Id go to sleep one day and wake up
freshman year, get a chance to set things right. I think I would do it again, given
the chance to change things. Ive been wanting to go back and change things for
most of my life. [beat] Freshman year, I remember how I felt then. I felt the
youthful enthusiasm that life would begin at any moment and when it did I would
rule the world. [slight pause] Why? Because it would be poetic and just. And
Mr. McConnal had told me so. That man was a prophet. [softly] A goddamned
prophet. Hed tell me
McCONNAL: [behind THOMAS] Tombo, nothing you do is unimportant.
THOMAS: [speaking to audience] And he was right. I wanted to tell him that he had
used a double negative, but Im sure he would have come up with some witty
retort that would have made me feel silly for bringing it up. He never did tell me
that life begins in high school or college or some mystical date ordained by the
fates, but that its always going on around you and all you have to do is grab on.
But Im sure he knew and he would have told me if I asked. He would have been
right then too, because he was always right. Except for once, and that was his
gem, his most favorite.
McCONNAL: [behind THOMAS; moving forward] Love. Noun. A feeling of strong
attachment induced by that which delights or commands [hands dictionary to
THOMAS: [taking the dictionary; continuing] admiration; preeminent kindness or
devotion to another; affection; tenderness. Whatever you do in your life, do it
with love. [THOMAS looks over at McCONNAL in a gaze over time;
McCONNAL gives a slight smile and a slight nod then turns to exit leaving
THOMAS with the macabre tableau; THOMAS waits for him to leave then turns



to observe the frozen people around him] After everything thats happened, I
dont know if thats such good advice. [slams book closed]
[end of act two]
[end of play]


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