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Greenpeace was created in 1971, Brac was created in 1972, Human Rights watch was created in

1978, APOPO was created in 1997, Aflatoun was created in 2005 and IBOD was created in 2014.
Do you know what they have in common? Them all are NGOs, or non-governmental organizations.
We all know that a NGO is neither a part of the government nor a profit- business. In the reality is that
true? To answer this question, I will explain the origin of NGOs, some examples and finally some
critiques that they receive.
Lets begin with the origin.
NGOs began to appear since human rights have been violated. The boom of NGOs was in the 70s
when neoliberalism and capitalism began to grow. We could say that NGOs are an outcome of
damage caused by neoliberalism. So, to stop the bad consequences of companies and the
liberalization, common citizens decided to organize themselves. There are many examples of this.
For instance Greenpeace is a Non-Governmental environmental Organization created in 1971 which
purpose is to protect the environment, the oceans, the animals, and all related to the nature.
Greenpeace is known for its direct actions. Greenpeace uses impressive campaigns, one is a
billboard with the picture of Barack Obama saying: Im sorry we could have stopped catastrophic
climate change we didnt. that kind of campaigns criticize unaware people.
Other NGO is APOPO, this African organization trains giant rats to detect landmines and
tuberculosis. As you know tuberculosis is a deathly sickness, and thanks to this organization,
tuberculosis is detected to implement a treatment in poor countries.
Aflatoun (Child Savings International) is a non-governmental organization focusing on educating
children about their rights and responsibilities and managing financial resources through social and
financial education. Its Headquarter is in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
And the last Organization that I want to mention is IBOD, IBOD means International Business
Organization for development, its members are Neider Devia, Juan Carlos Ramirez, Jaime Rojas,
Enzo Rico and me. We began getting together in the tables of the 31 block, we realized that we cant
just complaint about everything, about education problems, health systems problems. In fact, we are
driving force for change. We notice that one of the student problems is the lack of arguments to
support ideas. That was how we began in 2014. We took some debates about current problems such
as GMOs (Genetically modified organisms), Fracking, and others; also we invited people (even from
schools) to have a discussion with us taking into account the topic and its negatives and positives
aspects. After that we made an international business forum, and international business congress.
And right now we are preparing another forum, but it is related with capital market, I invite you to
participate of this event; it will take place the April 21 in the main auditorium of academy. Also we plan
to make other congress, but we are recollecting information about people preferences, to get as many
people as possible.
Finally, some people complaint about NGOs because, one of them are seeking profit-benefits. As I s

NGO is the outcome of globalization, neoliberalism and capitalism; it is the people answer, because
NGOs are created by common citizens, who have a purpose in common, such as help people,
environment or whatever that need help.

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