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CU Dems E-board Meeting Notes Friday, April 17, 2015


***Thanks to Zo Ryan for taking notes!
Week in Review
Fight for 15
Letter to the Editor by (CHECK THE NY TIMES). Lots of media
Environmental stuff
Sign up to table on the 25th
Days on Campus
This Sunday 1:10-2:25 PM
Broadway entrance of Lerner
2 45-minute shifts
SGB town hall dinner
7:30pm this Wednesday
Location: TBD, probs not Earl Hall
SGB budget has not been started
Darius to talk to David about last year
Chicano Caucus event
April 30th
Cool speakers & snacks!
Seth Flaxman (Turbovote)
Wants to come to a board meeting
2nd or 3rd weekend of May
John Jay Society Event
This weeks GBM
Food/Lobby Trip Recap
Constitutional Review
LBC - Ben
Open Planning Meeting
April 29th
Keep reaching out to people to run!
Applications are due on the April 26th at 11:59 and should be sent to the Dems
Constitutional Review
PARTHA - Defined special election procedure in case of a resignation (currently
there are no rules)
Voter eligibility: need to have attended 3 meetings in the semester,
2 meetings in the semester and the previous semester, lobby or campaign trip in
the previous semester or current semester. 2 semesters spans over the summer.

If someone resigns over the summer, the election would be

announced the first meeting, and the election would take the third week of the
Extend the amount of time for special elections to 2 weeks after a
vacancy. There is already an emergency appointment provision for Lead Activist,
Treasurer, and Secretary. No campaigning obviously
Partha will email the wording as soon as he has internet access
VOTE: To be reviewed in Constitutional Review
Yes: 10
No: 0
Abstain: 1
SHOSH- Board review program. Board members have to commit to either a
certain number of events or a completing a project in order to see which
members/positions of board are actually being effective.
Should not actually be an amendment, but perhaps a system with
accountability (trial run next yera)
SHOSH - review language for lead activist and their autonomy
Lead minutes are unnescessary
But there should be transparency in planning process
Tabled until there is specific language
Needs to be sent out by Sunday 19th by 11:59
Discussed again Sunday April 2
Give members a few more days to email in constitutional amendments
Due Tuesday, April 21st at 11:59 PM

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