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Assignment: Management information systems for business

Unit 6.17
Credits 20
GLH 80
Related Qualifications

ATHE Level 6 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management

ATHE Level 6 Extended Diploma in Business and Administrative
Management (QCF)

Unit Code: R/505/9234

You work for a business, GoGlobal Limited that wishes to improve its
management information systems and use new technologies to move into
global e-business. The managing director has asked you to do some research
and write two reports covering a variety of different issues relating to
management information systems. In completing your reports, you should
research the use of information technology in global businesses and different
industries. Use examples from your research to illustrate your reports
Task 1
Your first report looks at information systems and their impact on the
business. There are two main sections.
Section 1: Introduction to the role of information systems and
(1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
Section 1 of your report should form an introduction looking at the role of
information systems in business and the global context and at how they can
be used in developing business strategy and e-commerce.
This section of your report should:
describe what is meant by management information systems
explain how businesses use information systems in a global context
examine the role of information systems in developing business
assess how information systems contribute to achieving competitive
explain the unique features of e-commerce
Section 2: Impact on a business of information technology
(1.2, 1.3, 2.4)

Sample Assignment 1 March 2014

The second part of your report should look at the impact that information
systems and technologies can have on a global business. You should:
evaluate the role of information systems and technologies in
transforming businesses
evaluate the role of information systems in global e-business
evaluate the impact of internet technology, e-commerce, and social
media on traditional business models
Remember to use examples from your research to illustrate your work

Sample Assignment 1 March 2014

Task 2
Your second report concentrates more on the implementation of technology
and information systems and how they can be used to improve business
Section 1: Information systems and technology and business
(3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2)
The first section of your report should look at the relationship between
business information and technologies and business performance and
decision making.
You should:
assess the need for and key components of an effective information
technology infrastructure
critically examine the reasons for building effective information systems
evaluate the impact of key emerging information technologies on
business performance
evaluate how key information systems can improve business
analyse the relationship between information systems and decision
Section 2: Building and managing effective information systems
(5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
In this section, you are required to explain how the introduction of
effective, secure information systems can be managed and implemented.
This section should:
explain how to manage information systems projects
assess the challenges to developing global information systems
explain how a business can develop structures for global
information support systems
Section 3: Social, ethical and security issues
(5.4, 5.5, 5.6)
In this section of the report you are required to consider ethical and social
issues that may arise and assess security risks.
You should:
analyse the implications of ethical and social issues for managing
information systems
assess the security risks faced by information systems
evaluate tools and technologies for the protection of information
systems security
Remember to use examples from your research to illustrate your work

Sample Assignment 1 March 2014

Guidelines for assessors

The assignments submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes
and meet the standards specified by each of the assessment criteria for the
unit. The suggested evidence described below is how learners can
demonstrate that they have met the required standards.
Task 1,
Section 1


Suggested evidence

1.1, 2.1, 2.2,


Task 1,
Section 2

1.2, 1.3, 2.4

Task 2,
Section 1

3.1, 3.2, 3.3,

4.1, 4.2

Task 2,
Section 2

5.1, 5.2, 5.3,

Note that throughout, students should present

their work in a suitable business report format
and use examples they have researched to
illustrate their work.
In section 1 of the report learners should
demonstrate their understanding of the role of
information systems in global business. The
assessment criteria include a range of command
verbs and learners need to take account of
these, for example the assessment requires
learners to make a judgement about the
information they provide. Examples of how
information systems and technology is used in
different aspects of the business should be
provided to illustrate the points which are made.
In section 2 of this report learners should show
that they have analysed and evaluated the
information presented in section 1 to clearly
demonstrate the impacts on global businesses of
information systems and technology. The
evaluations must consider the information
provided from different perspectives in order to
make reasoned judgements. The work should be
illustrated with examples from the research.
Again, the report should have suitable business
format throughout and be illustrated with
In section 1 of this second report, students
should consider in depth the need for information
technologies and systems for business
performance and how business performance and
decision making can be improved through the
introduction of key information systems. A range
of high level command verbs are used in the AC
and learners must provide work which fulfils the
stated requirements. Examples of business
performance improvements and impacts on the
business will help to demonstrate achievement of
the LO at the required standard.
In this section, learners should demonstrate their
knowledge of how to build and manage effective,
secure information systems. They should be

Sample Assignment 1 March 2014

Task 2,
Section 3

5.4, 5.5, 5.6

able to identify the major challenges to

developing systems on a global scale.
In this final section, learners need to analyse the
social, ethical and security issues. They should
assess security risks and ethical and social
implications. They should evaluate suitable tools
and technologies for security of information.

Sample Assignment 1 March 2014

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