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Racial Profiling

Against racial profiling

More racial profiling would lead to more terrorism
Racial Profiling is Ineffective and Harmful
Racial Profiling costs money
For Racial Profiling
Gov. protects civil liberties
Racial Profiling works



More Racial Profiling Would lead to More


Racial Profiling


Increasing Racial Profiling would cause a rise in terrorism

From Three Reasons Racial Profiling Wont End Terrorism by Aziz Huq; Color Lines news,
January 20, 2010
There is no evidence that racial or ethnic profiling decreases the net amount of terrorism. To the
contrary, studies of airline security measures imposed after a wave of hijackings in the 1970s
suggest that it has the perverse effect of increasing terrorism. In one of the best of these studies,
Walter Enders and Todd Sandler found in 1993 that although new mandatory screening
procedures decreased the number of hijackings, they coincided with an increase in other forms of
terrorism, such as kidnappings and attacks on stationary targets.
Racial profiling doesnt stop terrorists
Will Profiling Make a Difference?, by Bruce Schneier, published by the New York Times,
January 4, 2010
That is, a terrorist group can safely probe any profiling system and figure out how to beat the
profile. And once they do, theyre going to get through airport security with the minimum level
of screening every time.
Terrorist organizations adapt to avoid racial profiling
From Increased security checks at U.S. airports slammed as racial profiling by George Bao,
published by Xinhuanet [Jin-haw-net] news; January 3rd, 2010
Abdulmutallab (a Nigerian who attempted to bomb a U.S. passenger aircraft on Dec. 25 2009)
"would not have automatically fit a profile if you were standing next to him in the visa line at
Dulles," Hayden, a former CIA and NSA director, said in the NBC program "Meet The Press"
recently. "One of the things al-Qaida's done is deliberately trying to recruit people who don't fit
the stereotype, who are Western in background or appearance," said Chertoff, a former secretary
of Homeland Security.

Racial profiling is ineffective and harmful

Racial Profiling causes people to live in fear
From Racial Profiling By the ACLU, Published By the ACLU, Copyright 2013
Racial profiling is a practice that presents a great danger to the fundamental principles of our
Constitution. Racial profiling disproportionately targets people of color for investigation and
enforcement, alienating communities from law enforcement, hindering community policing
efforts, and causing law enforcement to lose credibility and trust among the people they are
sworn to protect and serve. We rely on the police to protect us from harm and to promote fairness
and justice in our communities. The despicable practice of racial profiling, however, has led
countless people to live in fear and created a system of law enforcement that casts entire
communities as suspect.
Racial profiling has yet to demonstrate effectiveness

Racial Profiling


From Government report says TSA behavior profiling not working, Published by PBS,
November 14, 2013
The TSA's Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques, or SPOT, involves trained
agents who screen and identify suspicious behavior at airports, then talk with the suspicious
person to determine the threat. The GAO report claims the program's success rate is "the same or
slightly better than chance. [The] TSA has yet to empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the
program despite spending about $900 million on it since 2007," Steve Lord, director of the GAO
investigation, told the AP.
FBI says Racial Profiling should be a hate crime
From Tyler Perry: 'We are still being racially profiled' By Alan Duke, Published by CNN,
April 2, 2012
Racial profiling should be a hate crime investigated by the FBI," filmmaker Tyler Perry wrote
in a Facebook posting in which he described his own tense encounter with police."It was so
hostile," Perry, who is African-American, wrote. "I was so confused. It was happening so fast
that I could easily see how this situation could get out of hand very quickly. I didn't feel safe at
all."Perry, one of America's most successful film and television producers, said "although we
have made significant strides with racial profiling in this country, the world needs to know that
we are still being racially profiled."

Racial Profiling Costs Money

Racial Profiling costs money
From Racial Profliling costs Arizona County $22 Million. By Susanna Capelouto, Published
By CNN, January 3, 2014
Sheriff Joe Arpaio's apparent use of racial and ethnic profiling will cost Maricopa County,
Arizona, at least $22 million, according to the county.
Racial profiling costs too much
From Arizona sheriffs racial profiling policies will cost taxpayers $21 million, Published by
the RT, January 03, 2014
Arizona taxpayers are expected to pay roughly $21 million in order to implement changes
stemming from a court ruling that found local law enforcement racially profiled Latino residents
during traffic and immigration stops.

David Harris - professor of law at University of Toledo College of Law, considered a leading
authority on the issue of racial profiling; has testified twice in the U.S. Senate and before many
state legislative bodies on the issue.

Racial Profiling


The Thomson Corporation - established in 1989 it is one of the worlds largest information
companies and also is a publishing company.
overseeing its use through statistical analysis, regular training and communicating with law
enforcement agencies.
Alan Duke, Political Science and Government WGST Radio/Jacor Broadcasting-Atlanta
RT, previously known as Russia Today, is an international multilingual Russian-based television
network. It is registered as an autonomous nonprofit organization funded by the federal budget of
Russia through the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian
University of Chicago Law School - is the graduate school of law at the University of Chicago.
It is consistently one of the highest-rated law schools in the U.S.
The Public Broadcasting Service was founded in 1970 and since then has continued to deliver
unbiased news made available to Americans through donations and grants.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency
that works for Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates how the
federal government spends taxpayer dollars.
George Bao- George Bao, Director of Sales and Marketing, is among the first group of
journalists in China to be trained by American professors to write news stories in English
following the Cultural Revolution. After graduating from the School of Chinese Social Science
Academy with a Master's degree in journalism, he was sent by China's official news agency,
Xinhua, to Washington, DC in 1984 as a correspondent to cover the United States
Aziz Huq- Aziz Huq earned his BA summa cum laude in International Studies and French from
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1996 and his law degree from Columbia Law
School in 2001, where he was awarded the John Ordronaux Prize.
Bruce Schneier is a security technologist
The ACLU is our nation's guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and
communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and
laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.

Racial Profiling (For)

Gov. protects civil liberties
The Federal Govt is making sure biometric databases arent abused for racial profiling or
improper police tactics.

Racial Profiling


U.S. Department of Homeland Security Annual Performance Report Fiscal Years 2012 2014,
Department of Homeland Security, 2011,
In FY 2014, ERO will reach out to all Federal agencies and law enforcement partners that use
IDENT/IAFIS[Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) and the FBIs Integrated
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)] interoperability. CIRCA[Comprehensive
Identification and Removal of Criminal Aliens] , alongside the DHS Office for Civil Rights and
Civil Liberties will proactively ensure that IDENT/IAFIS [fingerprint and biometric databases]
interoperability is not utilized for improper policing tactics (i.e., racial profiling), by actively
The Office of civil rights exists to protect civil liberties(INH)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Annual Performance Report Fiscal Years 2012 2014,
Department of Homeland Security, 2011,
The mission of the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) is to protect civil rights
and civil liberties, to support DHS by providing policy advice on the full range of civil rights and
civil liberties issues, and to serve as an information and communication channel with the public
regarding all aspects of these issues.
The Civil rights officer is required to publicize how to contact in case of abuses
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Annual Performance Report Fiscal Years 2012 2014,
Department of Homeland Security, 2011,
Section 705 of the Homeland Security Act provides that the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil
Liberties shall: Review and assess information alleging abuses of civil rights, civil liberties, and
racial and ethnic profiling by employees and officials of the Department; and make public
through the internet, radio, television, or newspaper advertisements information on the
responsibility and function of, and how to contact, the Officer.
Racial Profiling is constitutional
Profiling and the Constitution, written by Carson Holloway, published by The Witherspoon
Institute, December 14th, 2011
In such a circumstance, it would be a dereliction of duty for those charged with public safety not
to weigh such information and to investigate accordingly. Whether and how to do so is a
judgment of prudence that belongs in the first instance to those entrusted with the nations
security. The Constitution does not utterly forbid such exercises of executive discretion.

Racial profiling works

Common Sense Profiling Works
Will Profiling Make a Difference?, by Bruce Schneier, published by the New York Times,
January 4, 2010

Racial Profiling


It is the only solution that addresses the problems of the past as well as those of the future. The
problem is the word profiling itself as it conjures up negative connotations. Effective profiling
is based on the analysis of the appearance and behavior of a passenger and an inspection of the
travelers itinerary and passport; it does not and should not be based on race, religion, nationality
or color of skin.
There is a difference between racial profiling on a traditional law enforcement scale and a
larger more countrywide threat scale
From Racial Profiling after September 11: the Department of Justice's 2003 Guidelines, 50
Loyola Law Review By Kevin R. James, published by Loyola Law Review; Spring 2004
In Guidance Regarding the Use of Race by Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, the Civil
Rights Division of the Justice Department offers its views on the proper consideration of race in
law enforcement. The guidelines differentiate between: (1) "traditional law enforcement
activities," in which race cannot be considered in a traffic stop or other investigatory activity
unless it has been reported that the perpetrator of a crime is of a particular race; and (2) "national
security and border integrity" activities, in which race can be considered to the full extent
permitted by the U.S. Constitution and other federal laws.

Fatalities caused by internationally sourced terrorism were 482x the amount of domestic
From Terror Trends: 40 Years' Data on International and Domestic Terrorism by David B.
Muhlhausen, Ph.D. and Jena Baker McNeill, Published by the Heritage Foundation, May 20th,
From 2001 to 2009, international terrorism caused far more fatalities and injuries among
Americans than did domestic terrorism. (See Chart 8.) Domestic terrorist attacks killed eight
people, while international terrorist attacks killed 3,861more than 482 times the number of
domestic terrorist fatalities.

Injuries caused by internationally sourced terrorism were more than 96x the amount of
domestic terrorism
From Terror Trends: 40 Years' Data on International and Domestic Terrorism by David B.
Muhlhausen, Ph.D. and Jena Baker McNeill, Published by the Heritage Foundation, May 20th,
domestic terrorist attacks caused 53 injuries, while international terrorist attacks accounted for
5,107 injuriesmore than 96 times the amount.

Racial Profiling

The amount of religion-motivated is increasing among radical islamists
From The Evolution of Islamic Terrorism: an overview by John Moore, Published by the
Public Broadcasting Service, Copyright 2014
In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., the threat of militant Islamic
terrorism -- rooted in the Middle East and South Asia -- has taken center stage. While these
extremely violent religious extremists represent a minority view, their threat is real. As pointed
out by RAND's Bruce Hoffman, in 1980 two out of 64 groups were categorized as largely
religious in motivation; in 1995 almost half of the identified groups, 26 out of 56, were classified
as religiously motivated; the majority of these espoused Islam as their guiding force.

Philip Baum is editor of Aviation Security International and managing director of Green Light
Limited, a London-based aviation security training and consultancy company.
Susanna Capelouto , News Director for a 17 station public radio network in Georgia.
David B. Muhlhausen is a leading expert on criminal justice programs in The Heritage
Foundations Center for Data Analysis and a Research Fellow in Empirical Policy Analysis at the
think tank, Muhlhausen has a doctorate in public policy a bachelors degree in political science.
Jenna Baker McNeil is a Senior Professional Staff Member at the United States Senate, and has
graduated from the William H. Bowen School of Law
John Moore is a former political-military analyst with the U.S. Department of Defense and
terrorism analyst with the State Department.
Kevin R.Johnson- Kevin R. Johnson is Dean, Mabie-Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law,
and Professor of Chicana/o Studies. A magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, where
he served as an editor of the Harvard Law Review, Dean Johnson earned an A.B. in economics
from UC Berkeley.
Carson Holloway is a political scientist

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