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OTHER TOPIC CHOICE RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider beginning by selecting 1 secondary

and 1 primary source on your topic. As you search for works, keep a running list of potentially useful
sources to help you create your Working Works Cited page. Try to find sources that present a contrasting
view or interpretation of your topic also.
Make sure you write an IB-appropriate title. Your research question can be
woven into your title, although it does not have to be. Title is centered 1/3 of the way down the page,
with name, candidate ID number, class at bottom right of page. Dont forget headings and page numbers.
Your thesis statement should be the answer to your research question. Your thesis
statement can evolve over the course of writing this, but it should still cover the same topic. You cannot
write a good thesis statement until you have taken substantial notes from your sources. Your thesis
statement will not appear in your IA until the Conclusion.
I do not want you to list any source at the end of your paper that you do not cite
at least once. I am looking for a minimum of 6 sources. IB insists that some of these be primary; I
require a minimum of 2 primary sources. You also need a number of solid secondary sources. You are
going to have to discuss value and limitations of sources, so choose carefully. I expect you will discard
and add sources over time. Also, be careful of Internet sources. NO ENCYCLOPEDIAS, (including
etc.) OR THE LIKE. If you do not have/remember the correct format for a Works Cited page, you can
make a copy of mine or get one from the school library.
In case you have forgotten how to do these, I am giving you some examples.
You have 50 due the first check (along with all your Works Cited cards), and 80 due the second time. You
must code them according to the system I use. This means that each WC card gets a source number in the
top right corner, and all the notecards from that source get the same number. DO NOT NUMBER YOUR
you do need to include after the source number is the page number from the text. For WC cards, you also
want to write down the location where you found the source and its call number so you can find it later if
you need to. If it is an Internet source, you must write down every date you visit the site.
When you write out notecards, you must do it this way: include one idea/quotation/note per
notecard. You may think you are wasting cards this way - you are not. It will help you set up your
outline, and you get to 80 cards much faster this way. You can certainly go over 80 cards. Write in your
own words; otherwise, you are copying and must use quotation marks. Be careful about using someone
elses words - colleges call it plagiarism and you can get expelled for it.
You will code your cards to your outline topics and subtopics (A1, A2, B1, etc.) in the top left of
every card. I recommend writing in pencil in case you change your outline. When I do the second
notecard check, they will have to be in the same order as and coded to your outline. When you turn in
cards, rubberband them together and put your name on the blank side of the last card.
Your outline format is prescribed for you. You may use numbers and lowercase letters or
dashes to mark your points. You should NOT write in sentences; all outline points should be
phrases/fragments. Your outline will probably change until you write your final paper, and the papers
format will follow it.

A. Plan of the Investigation

- research question (as a question!!!!)/ previewed arguments
- methods used in the investigation --> steps you took to narrow your topic and conduct
your research (you can actually use 1st person here, but only here)
B. Summary of Evidence
- factual notes on the subject from the sources; citations required
- illustrations/documents should be included in an appendix (just like Extended Essays)
- organized into subpoints, based on your outline
C. Evaluation of Sources
- origins, purpose, value, limitations of 2 sources required; citations encouraged
- read sources thoroughly and draw conclusions
- investigate your authors background, their education, life experience, etc. This should be cited.
D. Analysis
- importance of the investigation in its historical context
- pull/link pieces of evidence together to support thesis; citations required (maybe fewer)
- give different historical interpretations/viewpoints (historiography)
- must include citations
E. Conclusion
- clearly stated; major points pulled together to prove thesis
- thesis statement stated for the first time
F. List of Sources
- Works Cited
- Chicago Manual of Style (
- if you have works that you read but dont actually cite, create a Works Consulted list
INTERNAL CITATIONS: Use Chicago Manual of Style format. This uses footnotes. These do not
count against your word count.
First, gender identity played a fundamental ordering role in French society. Second, gender issues were
central to how the war experience was understood by those who lived through it. 1
ORGANIZATION OF PAPER: This will follow the outline exactly. Note the marks for each section
and the word count below. The word count is suggested; I will not penalize you for adding to one area
and subtracting from somewhere else, although I will undoubtedly tell you if you have excessive content
or are lacking.
A. Plan of the Investigation
B. Summary of Evidence
C. Evaluation of Sources
D. Analysis
E. Conclusion
F. List of Sources

3 marks
6 marks
5 marks
6 marks
3 marks
2 marks
25 marks

100-150 words
500-600 words
250-400 words
500-650 words
150-200 words
does not go into word count
1500-2000 words

IB says that you will be penalized in section F for writing less than 1500 words and more than 2000 in
sections A-E.


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