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My First S3D Movie - 75 Mins -Sample Budget Page 1

Top Sheet
Acct # Description Page # Adjustments Days Total
1100 Story and Other Rights 2 Rs.931,000.00
1200 Producer 3 Rs.2,460,000.00
1300 Director 4 Rs.1,715,000.00
1400 Cast 5 Rs.2,560,000.00
1500 Travel and Living 6 Rs.1,660,000.00
1600 Miscellaneous 6 Rs.200,000.00
1900 Fringe Benefits 6 Rs.810,000.00
TOTAL ABOVE-THE-LINE Rs.10,336,000.00

2000 Production Staff 7 Rs.1,299,750.00

2100 Extra Talent 8 Rs.17,000.00
2200 Art Direction 9 Rs.262,000.00
2300 Set Construction 10 Rs.300,000.00
2400 Set Striking 10 Rs.30,000.00
2500 Set Operations 11 Rs.99,700.00
2700 Set Dressing 13 Rs.21,500.00
2800 Property 14 Rs.271,000.00
2900 Men's Wardrobe 15 Rs.91,000.00
3000 Women's Wardrobe 16 Rs.80,000.00
3100 Makeup and Hairdressing 17 Rs.61,000.00
3200 Electrical, Rigging, and Operations 18 Rs.298,500.00
3300 Camera Operations 19 Rs.12,932,830.00
3400 Sound Operations 20 Rs.63,000.00
3500 Transportation 21 Rs.1,850,000.00
3600 Location 22 Rs.470,000.00
3700 Production Film and Lab 23 Rs.13,080,000.00

5000 Editing 27 Rs.1,805,000.00

5100 Music 28 Rs.485,000.00
5200 Post Production Sound 29 Rs.2,290,000.00
5300 Post Production Film and Lab 30 Rs.2,830,000.00
5400 Main and End Titles 31 Rs.150,000.00

6500 Publicity 32
6700 Insurance 33 Rs.2,020,000.00
6800 General Overhead 34 Rs.840,000.00
7500 Fees, Charges, and Misc. 34 Rs.400,000.00

TOTAL ABOVE-THE-LINE Rs.10,336,000.00

TOTAL BELOW-THE-LINE Rs.42,047,280.00


Contingency [5%] Rs.2,619,164.00
Overhead Rs.1,000,000.00
Completion Bond [3%] Rs.5,238,328.00

GRAND TOTAL Rs.61,240,772.00

Movie Title Page 9

Art Direction
Acct # Description Amount No. Rate
2200 Art Direction
2201 Production Designer Rs.50,000.00 1 Rs.50,000.00

2211 Art Director Rs.50,000.00 1 Rs.50,000.00

2215 Assistant Art Director Rs.25,000.00 1 Rs.25,000.00

2217 Set Construction Coordinator Rs.15,000.00 1 Rs.15,000.00

2219 Set Designers and Draftsman Rs.10,000.00 2 Rs.20,000.00

2221 Model Makers Rs.4,000.00 2 Rs.8,000.00

2231 Sketch Artists Rs.2,000.00 2 Rs.4,000.00

2261 Materials Rs.70,000.00 Rs.70,000.00

2271 Purchases Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

Total for 2200 Rs.262,000.00

Movie Title Page 18

Camera Operations
Acct # Description Amount No.Days Rate
3300 Camera Operations
3301 Director of Photography Rs.50,000.00 1 Rs.50,000.00

3311 Camera Operator(s) Rs.10,000.00 2 Rs.20,000.00

3321 Camera Assistant(s) Rs.5,000.00 2 Rs.10,000.00

3341 Still Photographer Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

3351 Camera Package Rs.20,000.00 25 Rs.500,000.00

Stereoscopic HDV 3D CAMERA
3352 SYSTEM (per week basis) Rs.170,000.00 25 Rs.680,000.00
3353 (SBS ) Rs.4,813,655.00 Rs.4,813,655.00
3354 CONTROLLER Rs.64,295.00 25 Rs.1,607,375.00
3355 (per week basis) Rs.931,700.00 25 Rs.3,726,800.00
3356 PROCESSOR Rs.330,000.00 25 Rs.1,320,000.00

3371 Special Equipment Rs.10,000.00 20 Rs.200,000.00

Total for 3300 Rs.12,932,830.00

Movie Title Page 5

Acct # Description Amount Units Rate
1400 Cast
1401 Stars Rs.2,500,000.00 Rs.2,500,000.00

1441 Day Players Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

1481 Overtime
Allowance Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

1485 Other Charges Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

Total for 1400 Rs.2,560,000.00

Movie Title Page 4

Acct # Description Amount Units Rate
1300 Director
1301 Director(s) Rs.1,000,000.00 Rs.1,000,000.00

1302 Assistant Director(s) Rs.30,000.00 3 Rs.90,000.00

1305 Second Unit Director(s) Rs.10,000.00 3 Rs.30,000.00

1306 Stereoscopic Advisor for Director Rs.500,000.00 Rs.500,000.00

1311 Casting Director Rs.10,000.00 2 Rs.20,000.00

1315 Casting Assistant(s) Rs.5,000.00 2 Rs.10,000.00

1341 Location Casting Rs.10,000.00 2 Rs.20,000.00

1351 Personal Assistant(s) Rs.15,000.00 1 Rs.15,000.00

1385 Other Charges Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

Total for 1300 Rs.1,715,000.00

Movie Title Page 23

Acct # Description Amount Units X Rate

5000 Editing
5001 Editor Rs.500,000.00 Rs.500,000.00

5011 Assistant Editor(s) Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

5021 ADR Editor Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

5025 Sound Effects Editor Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

5031 Music Editor Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

5055 Projection Location Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

5061 Cutting Rooms Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

5063 Stereoscopic 3D editing Rs.1,000,000.00 Rs.1,000,000.00

5065 Equipment Rentals Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

5071 Purchases Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

5077 Coding Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

Movie Title Page 17

Acct # Description Amount No Days Rate
3200 Electrical
3201 Gaffer Rs.10,000.00 1 Rs.10,000.00

3221 Electrical Operations - Labor Rs.5,000.00 2 Rs.10,000.00

3231 Generator - Rentals Rs.5,000.00 2 25 Rs.250,000.00

3245 Local Electrical Operators Rs.1,500.00 Rs.1,500.00

3251 Electrical Equipment Rs.1,000.00 Rs.1,000.00

3271 Repairs Rs.1,000.00 Rs.1,000.00

3277 Fuel (Generators) Rs.15,000.00 Rs.15,000.00

3279 Purchases Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

3285 Other Charges Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

Total for 3200 Rs.298,500.00

Movie Title Page 8

Extra Talent
Acct # Description Amount No Rate
2100 Extra Talent

2103 Extras Rs.100.00 10 17 Rs.17,000.00


Total for 2100 Rs.17,000.00

Movie Title Page 22

Production Film and Lab

Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
3700 Production Film and Lab
3701 Picture Negative Rs.30,000.00 400 Rs.12,000,000.00

3711 Film Processing Rs.200,000.00 Rs.200,000.00

Includes video preparation

3715 Normal Developing Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

AVID-style transfer

3731 Special Laboratory Work Rs.500,000.00 Rs.500,000.00

3741 Stills - Negative and Lab Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

3751 Sound Transfer Dailies Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

3753 Labor Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

3785 Other Charges Rs.200,000.00 Rs.200,000.00

Total for 3700 Rs.13,080,000.00

Movie Title Page 28

Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate

6700 Insurance
6701 Cast Insurance Rs.300,000.00 Rs.300,000.00

6702 Negative Insurance Rs.300,000.00 Rs.300,000.00

6703 Errors and Omissions Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

6704 Faulty Raw Stock and Camera Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

6705 Liability Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

6706 Worker's Compensation Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

6707 Local Insurance Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

6708 Miscellaneous Equipment Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

Insurance for all Stereoscopic

6709 Equipment Rs.1,000,000.00 Rs.1,000,000.00

Total for 6700 Rs.2,020,000.00

Movie Title Page 21

Acct # Description Amount No Days Rate
3600 Location
3601 Location Manager(s) Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

3611 Police / Fire Personnel Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00


3621 Meals Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

3631 Site Rentals Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

3641 Travel / Accommodations Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

3645 Courtesy Payments Rs.40,000.00 Rs.40,000.00

3651 Custom Fees, Duties, etc. Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

3653 Film Shipment Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

3661 Location Scouting Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

3671 Location Contact Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

3683 Loss and Damage Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

Total for Rs.470,000.00

Movie Title Page 16

Make Up and Hair Dressing

Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
3100 Makeup and Hairdressing
3101 Makeup Supervisor Rs.1,000.00 1 25 Rs.25,000.00

3103 Second Makeup Artist Rs.200.00 3 25 Rs.15,000.00

3107 Hair Stylist Rs.300.00 2 25 Rs.15,000.00

3131 Purchases Rs.3,000.00 Rs.3,000.00

3141 Rentals Rs.3,000.00 Rs.3,000.00

Total for 3100 Rs.61,000.00

Movie Title Page 14

Men's Wardrobe
Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
2900 Men's Wardrobe
2901 Costume Designer Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

2903 Wardrobe Supervisor Rs.2,000.00 2 Rs.4,000.00

2931 Wardrobe Rentals Rs.2,000.00 25 Rs.50,000.00

2921 Wardrobe Purchases Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

2941 Wardrobe Cleaning Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

2981 Wardrobe Damages Rs.2,000.00 Rs.2,000.00

Total for 2900 Rs.91,000.00

Movie Title Page 24

Acct # Description Amount No Days Rate

5100 Music
5101 Composer/Conductor Rs.300,000.00 Rs.300,000.00

5111 Musicians Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

5115 Copyists Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

5117 Lyricist Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

5121 Coaches, Vocal Instructor Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

5131 Singers, Chorus Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

5141 Labor, Moving Instruments Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

5151 Synchronization License Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

5153 Recording Rights Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

5161 Music Fees Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

Total for 5100 Rs.485,000.00

Movie Title Page 29

Acct # Description Amount Units X Rate

6800 General Overhead
6801 Corporate Expense Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

6811 Office Rentals Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

6821 Furniture/Equipment Rentals Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

6835 Office Supplies Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

6841 Telephone and Telegraph Rs.40,000.00 Rs.40,000.00

6851 Printing and Copying Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

6855 Postage and Delivery Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

6861 Entertainment Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

6871 Additional Allowances Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

6885 Other Charges Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

6886 Overhead for Stereoscopy Rs.500,000.00 Rs.500,000.00

Total for 6800 Rs.840,000.00

Acct # Description Amount Units X Rate

7500 Fees, Charges, and Misc.
7501 Legal Fee Rs.200,000.00

7511 Tax Accounting Rs.200,000.00

Total for 7500 Rs.400,000.00

Movie Title Page 26

Acct # Description Amount Units Days Rate

5300 Post Production Film and Lab
5301 Reprints - One Light Color Rs.900,000.00 Rs.900,000.00

5305 Black and White Reversal Prints Rs.300,000.00 Rs.300,000.00

5311 Negative Cutting Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

5331 Protective Master Positives Rs.400,000.00 Rs.400,000.00

5335 Inter Negatives Rs.200,000.00 Rs.200,000.00

5351 Optical Negative - Processing/Print Rs.200,000.00 Rs.200,000.00

5383 Shipping Charges Rs.500,000.00 Rs.500,000.00

5385 Other Charges Rs.300,000.00 Rs.300,000.00

Total for 5300 Rs.2,830,000.00

Movie Title Page 25

Acct # Description Amount Units Days Rate

5200 Post Production Sound
5201 Transfer Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

5211 ADR Facilities Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

5215 Foley Facilities Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

5217 Scoring Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

5221 Music Dub Down Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

5251 Dubbing Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

5257 Magnetic Stock Rs.10,000.00 200 Rs.2,000,000.00

5261 Music and Effects (Foreign) Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

5275 Rentals Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

Total for 5200 Rs.2,290,000.00

Movie Title Page 3

Acct # Description Amount No. Rate
1200 Producer
1201 Producer(s) Rs.800,000.00 1 Rs.800,000.00
Living Allowance Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

1211 Executive Producer(s) Rs.200,000.00 1 Rs.200,000.00

1221 Co-Producer(s) Rs.600,000.00 1 Rs.600,000.00

1231 Production Executive(s) Rs.200,000.00 2 Rs.400,000.00

1251 Secretaries Rs.100,000.00 2 Rs.100,000.00

1271 Assistant(s) Rs.70,000.00 3 Rs.210,000.00

1285 Other Charges Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

Total for 1200 Rs.2,460,000.00

Movie Title Page 13

Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
2800 Property
2801 Property Master Rs.500.00 14 Rs.7,000.00

2803 Assistant Property Master Rs.1,000.00 14 Rs.14,000.00

2831 Purchases Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

2835 Rentals Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

2849 Ammunition and Explosions Rs.40,000.00 Rs.40,000.00

2883 Loss and Damage Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

2885 Other Charges Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

Total for 2800 Rs.271,000.00

Movie Title Page 10

Set Construction
Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
2300 Set Construction
2301 Set Construction - Payroll Rs.20,000.00 12 Rs.20,000.00

2302 Set Construction - Materials Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

2303 Set Construction - Purchases Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

2304 Set-Construction - Rentals Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

2305 Electric Scaffolding Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

Total for 2300 Rs.300,000.00

2400 Set Striking

2401 Set Striking Rs.300.00 Rs.10.00 10 Rs.30,000.00
10 Workers

Total for 2400 Rs.30,000.00

Movie Title Page 12

Set Dressing
Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
2700 Set Dressing
2701 Set Decorator Rs.300.00 1 13 Rs.3,900.00

2711 On-Set Dresser Rs.100.00 2 13 Rs.2,600.00

2751 Purchases Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

2761 Rentals Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

2783 Repairs and Damages Rs.3,000.00 Rs.3,000.00

2785 Other Charges Rs.2,000.00 Rs.2,000.00

Total for 2700 Rs.21,500.00

Movie Title Page 19

Sound Operation
Acct # Description Amount No Days Rate
3400 Sound Operation
3401 Sound Mixer Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

3411 Boom Person Rs.3,000.00 Rs.3,000.00

3415 Sound Utility Rs.3,000.00 Rs.3,000.00

3417 Playback Operator(s) Rs.2,000.00 Rs.2,000.00

3420 Purchases Rs.4,000.00 Rs.4,000.00

3421 Tape Rs.2,000.00 Rs.2,000.00

3441 Walkie Talkies Rs.200.00 6 25 Rs.30,000.00

3451 Special Equipment Rs.2,000.00 Rs.2,000.00

3452 Playback Rs.2,000.00 Rs.2,000.00

3485 Other Charges Rs.1,000.00 10 Rs.10,000.00

Studio Hire

Total for 3400 Rs.63,000.00

Movie Title Page 7

Production Staff
Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
2000 Production Staff
2001 Production Manager Rs.750.00 4 25 Rs.75,000.00

2005 Unit Production Manager Rs.500.00 3 25 Rs.37,500.00

2011 First Assistant Directors

PREP Rs.200.00 1 25 Rs.5,000.00
SHOOT Rs.400.00 1 25 Rs.10,000.00

2021 Second Assistant Directors Rs.250.00 1 25 Rs.6,250.00

2022 Stereoscopic Script Supervisor Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

2031 Script Supervisors Rs.300.00 1 20 Rs.6,000.00

2032 Technical Advisors Rs.1,000,000.00 1 2 Rs.1,000,000.00

2033 Production Coordinator Rs.500.00 1 25 Rs.7,500.00

2037 Production Assistant(s) Rs.100.00 3 25 Rs.7,500.00

2041 Choreographer(s) Rs.1,000.00 1 2 Rs.2,000.00

2061 Standby First Aid Rs.1,000.00 1 3 Rs.3,000.00

2081 Production Accountant(s) Rs.1,000.00 1 35 Rs.35,000.00

2085 Other Charges Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

Total for 2000 Rs.1,299,750.00

Movie Title Page 2

Story and CopyRights

Acct # Description Amount Units Rate
1100 Story and Other Rights
1101 Story Purchase Rs.100,000.00 1 Rs.100,000.00

1102 Depth Script Expert Rs.50,000.00 1 Rs.50,000.00

1103 Pre-Visualization Consultant Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

1112 Writer Fee Rs.300,000.00 2 Rs.600,000.00

1121 Secretary Rs.20,000.00 2 Rs.40,000.00

1131 Copy Rights Rs.1,000.00 1 Rs.1,000.00

1141 Research and Clearance Rs.20,000.00 Rs.40,000.00

Total for 1100 Rs.931,000

Movie Title Page 27

Acct # Description Rate

5400 Main and End Titles
5401 Main and End Titles Rs.50,000.00
5402 Stereoscopic Titles Rs.100,000.00

Total for 5400 Rs.150,000.00

Movie Title Page 20

Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
3500 Transportation

3511 Drivers Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

3531 Vehicle Rentals Rs.200,000.00 Rs.200,000.00

Production Van Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00
Camera / Sound Van Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00
Prop / Set Van Rs.30,000.00 Rs.30,000.00

Buffer for S3D Equipment

3532 transportation Rs.1,000,000.00 Rs.1,000,000.00

3581 Fuel Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

3583 Repairs and Maintenance Rs.500,000.00 Rs.500,000.00

3585 Other Charges Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

Total for Rs.1,850,000.00

Movie Title Page 6

Travel & Living

Acct # Description Amount Units Rate
1500 Travel and Living
1501 Travel and Living Expenses Rs.300,000.00 Rs.300,000.00

Stereoscopic Experts Travel &

1502 Living Rs.500,000.00 Rs.500,000.00

1511 Accommodations Rs.700,000.00 Rs.700,000.00

1551 General Allowance Rs.60,000.00 Rs.60,000.00

1585 Other Expense Rs.100,000.00 Rs.100,000.00

Total for 1500 Rs.1,660,000.00

1600 Miscellaneous
1601 Miscellaneous Rs.200,000.00 Rs.200,000.00

Total for 1600 Rs.200,000.00 Rs.200,000.00

1900 Fringe Benefits

1901 Payroll Service Charges Rs.200,000.00 Rs.200,000.00

1999 Fringes
Medicare Rs.500,000.00 Rs.500,000.00
Worker's Comp. Rs.60,000.00 Rs.60,000.00
Clerical Comp. Rs.50,000.00 Rs.50,000.00

Total for 1900 Rs.810,000.00

Grand Total Rs.2,670,000.00

Movie Title Page 15

Women's Wardrobe
Acct # Description Amount No Days Rate
3000 Women's Wardrobe
3001 Costume Designer Rs.15,000.00 1 Rs.15,000.00

3003 Wardrobe Supervisor Rs.1,000.00 1 Rs.1,000.00

3021 Wardrobe Purchases Rs.10,000.00 Rs.10,000.00

3031 Wardrobe Rentals Rs.2,000.00 25 Rs.50,000.00

3041 Wardrobe Cleaning Rs.2,000.00 Rs.2,000.00

3081 Wardrobe Damages Rs.2,000.00 Rs.2,000.00

Total for 3000 Rs.80,000.00

Movie Title Page 11

Set Operations
Acct # Description Amount No. Days Rate
2500 Set Operations
2501 Key Grip Rs.200.00 2 25 Rs.10,000.00

2511 Second Grip Rs.100.00 3 25 Rs.7,500.00

2515 Dolly Grip Rs.100.00 3 15 Rs.4,500.00

2517 Crane Operators Rs.200.00 3 10 Rs.6,000.00

2523 Painters Rs.200.00 10 3 Rs.6,000.00

2531 Craft Service Person(s) Rs.200.00 5 4 Rs.4,000.00

2537 Set Laborer(s) Rs.100.00 4 15 Rs.6,000.00

2541 Grip Equipment - Studio Rs.4,000.00 Rs.4,000.00

2545 Grip Equipment - Location Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

2551 Purchases Rs.5,000.00 Rs.5,000.00

2555 Condor(s) Rs.3,000.00 Rs.3,000.00

2557 Dolly Rental Rs.300.00 15 Rs.4,500.00

2559 Crane Rental Rs.300.00 10 Rs.3,000.00

2561 Camera Platforms Rs.200.00 25 Rs.5,000.00

2565 Car Mounts Rs.300.00 4 Rs.1,200.00

2581 Box Rentals Rs.200.00 25 Rs.5,000.00

2585 Other Charges Rs.20,000.00 Rs.20,000.00

Equipment rentals

Total for 2500 Rs.99,700.00

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