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Sa Aking Mga Kabat

Kapagka ang baya'y sadyng umiibig

Sa kanyng salitng kaloob ng langit,
Sanglang kalayaan nasa ring masapit
Katulad ng ibong nasa himpapawid.
Pagka't ang salita'y isang kahatulan
Sa bayan, sa nayo't mga kaharin,
At ang isng tao'y katulad, kabagay
Ng alin mang likha noong kalayan.
Ang hindi magmahal sa kanyang salit
Mahigit sa hayop at malansng isd,
Kay ang marapat pagyamaning kus
Na tulad sa inng tunay na nagpal.
Ang wikang Tagalog tulad din sa Latin
Sa Ingls, Kastil at salitang anghel,
Sapagka't ang Poong maalam tumingn
Ang siyang naggawad, nagbigay sa atin.
Ang salita nati'y huwad din sa iba
Na may alfabeto at sariling letra,
Na kaya nawal'y dinatnan ng sigw
Ang lunday sa law nong dakong una.

Ang Sa Aking Mga Kabata ay isang tula na nakasulat sa wikang Tagalog tungkol sa pag-ibig ng
isang tao sa kanyang katutubong wika. Madalas na pinapalagay na ginawa ito ni Jose Rizal, ang
Pambansang Bayani ng Pilipinas at sinasabing naisulat niya noong 1869 sa gulang na walong
taon at unang tulang ginawa ni Rizal.
Bagaman, may ilang mga dalubhasa sa kasaysayan na nagsasabing walang patotoo na si Rizal
ang may-akda ng tula at panlilinlang ito. Pinaghihinalaan ang mga makatang sina Gabriel Beato
Francisco o Herminigildo Cruz ang tunay na may-akda.

Countries that belongs to Southeast Asia


East Timor,

Main article: Musical instrument classification
There are many different methods of classifying musical instruments. Various methods examine
aspects such as the physical properties of the instrument (material, color, shape, etc.), the use for
the instrument, the means by which music is produced with the instrument, the range of the
instrument, and the instrument's place in an orchestra or other ensemble. Most methods are
specific to a geographic area or cultural group and were developed to serve the unique
classification requirements of the group.[112] The problem with these specialized classification
schemes is that they tend to break down once they are applied outside of their original area. For
example, a system based on instrument use would fail if a culture invented a new use for the
same instrument. Scholars recognize Hornbostel-Sachs as the only system that applies to any
culture and, more important, provides only possible classification for each instrument.[113][114]

Ancient systems
An ancient system named the Natya Shastra, written by the sage Bharata Muni and dating from
between 200 BC and 200 AD, divides instruments into four main classification groups:
instruments where the sound is produced by vibrating strings; percussion instruments with skin
heads; instruments where the sound is produced by vibrating columns of air; and "solid", or nonskin, percussion instruments.[113] This system was adapted to some degree in 12th-century
Europe by Johannes de Muris, who used the terms tensibilia (stringed instruments), inflatibilia
(wind instruments), and percussibilia (all percussion instruments).[115] In 1880, Victor-Charles
Mahillon adapted the Natya Shastra and assigned Greek labels to the four classifications:
chordophones (stringed instruments), membranophones (skin-head percussion instruments),
aerophones (wind instruments), and autophones (non-skin percussion instruments).[113]


Erich von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs adopted Mahillon's scheme and published an extensive
new scheme for classification in Zeitschrift fr Ethnologie in 1914. Hornbostel and Sachs used
most of Mahillon's system, but replaced the term autophone with idiophone.[113]
The original Hornbostel-Sachs system classified instruments into four main groups:

Idiophones, which produce sound by vibrating the primary body of the instrument itself;
they are sorted into concussion, percussion, shaken, scraped, split, and plucked
idiophones, such as claves, xylophone, guiro, slit drum, mbira, and rattle.[116]
Membranophones, which produce sound by a vibrating a stretched membrane; they may
be drums (further sorted by the shape of the shell), which are struck by hand, with a stick,
or rubbed, but kazoos and other instruments that use a stretched membrane for the
primary sound (not simply to modify sound produced in another way) are also considered
Chordophones, which produce sound by vibrating one or more strings; they are sorted
into according to the relationship between the string(s) and the sounding board or
chamber. For example, if the strings are laid out parallel to the sounding board and there
is no neck, the instrument is a zither whether it is plucked like an autoharp or struck with
hammers like a piano. If the instrument has strings parallel to the sounding board or
chamber and the strings extend past the board with a neck, then the instrument is a lute,
whether the sound chamber is constructed of wood like a guitar or uses a membrane like
a banjo.[118]
Aerophones, which produce a sound by with a vibrating column of air; they are sorted
into free aerophones such as a bullroarer or whip, which move freely through the air;
flutes, which cause the air to pass over a sharp edge; reed instruments, which use a
vibrating reed; and lip-vibrated aerophones such as trumpets, for which the lips
themselves function as vibrating reeds.[119]

Sachs later added a fifth category, electrophones, such as theremins, which produce sound by
electronic means.[109] Within each category are many subgroups. The system has been criticised
and revised over the years, but remains widely used by ethnomusicologists and

Andre Schaeffner, a curator at the Muse de l'Homme, disagreed with the Hornbostel-Sachs
system and developed his own system in 1932. Schaeffner believed that the pure physics of a
musical instrument, rather than its specific construction or playing method, should always
determine its classification. (Hornbostel-Sachs, for example, divide aerophones on the basis of
sound production, but membranophones on the basis of the shape of the instrument). His system
divided instruments into two categories: instruments with solid, vibrating bodies and instruments
containing vibrating air.[121]

Main article: Instrument range

Musical instruments are also often classified by their musical range in comparison with other
instruments in the same family. This exercise is useful when placing instruments in context of an
orchestra or other ensemble.
These terms are named after singing voice classifications:

Soprano instruments: flute, violin, soprano saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, oboe, piccolo
Alto instruments: alto saxophone, french horn, english horn, viola, alto horn
Tenor instruments: trombone, tenor saxophone, guitar, tenor drum
Baritone instruments: bassoon, baritone saxophone, bass clarinet, cello, baritone horn,
Bass instruments: double bass, bass guitar, bass saxophone, tuba, bass drum

Some instruments fall into more than one category: for example, the cello may be considered
tenor, baritone or bass, depending on how its music fits into the ensemble, and the trombone may
be alto, tenor, baritone, or bass and the French horn, bass, baritone, tenor, or alto, depending on
the range it is played in. Many instruments have their range as part of their name: soprano
saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone horn, alto flute, bass guitar, etc. Additional adjectives
describe instruments above the soprano range or below the bass, for example: sopranino
saxophone, contrabass clarinet. When used in the name of an instrument, these terms are relative,
describing the instrument's range in comparison to other instruments of its family and not in
comparison to the human voice range or instruments of other families. For example, a bass flute's
range is from C3 to F6, while a bass clarinet plays about one octave lower.

The materials used in making musical instruments vary greatly by culture and application. Many
of the materials have special significance owing to their source or rarity. Some cultures worked
substances from the human body into their instruments. In ancient Mexico, for example, the
material drums were made from might contain actual human body parts obtained from sacrificial
offerings. In New Guinea, drum makers would mix human blood into the adhesive used to attach
the membrane.[122] Mulberry trees are held in high regard in China owing to their mythological
significanceinstrument makers would hence use them to make zithers. The Yakuts believe that
making drums from trees struck by lightning gives them a special connection to nature. [123]
Musical instrument construction is a specialized trade that requires years of training, practice,
and sometimes an apprenticeship. Most makers of musical instruments specialize in one genre of
instruments; for example, a luthier makes only stringed instruments. Some make only one type of
instrument such as a piano. Whatever the instrument constructed, the instrument maker must
consider materials, construction technique, and decoration, creating a balanced instrument that is
both functional and aesthetically pleasing.[124] Some builders are focused on a more artistic
approach and develop experimental musical instruments, often meant for individual playing
styles developed by the builder himself.


Brahma (Beomcheon), Joseon dynasty (13921910), Unidentified artist (late 16th century),
Korea, Hanging scroll, ink and color on hemp (21.57)
Dholaka, late 19th century, India, Wood, skin, brass, cord (89.4.165)
Drum model with four frogs, Dongson culture, 300 B.C.200 A.D. Vietnam Bronze
Drum, mid-20th century, Carved by Omas, New Guinea, Papua Province, Asmat people,
Pomatsj River, Sauwa village, Wood, lizard skin, paint, fiber (1978.412.962)
Ghanti, second half of 19th century, North India, Brass (89.4.154)
A Lady Playing the Tanpura, ca. 1735, India (Rajasthan, Kishangarh), Ink, opaque and
transparent watercolor, and gold on paper (1996.100.1)
Mayuri (peacock), 19th century, India, Wood, parchment, metal, feathers (89.4.163)
Mrdangam, 20th century, India, Wood, leather, tuning paste (1986.467.18)
Pandharpuri tambura, 19th century, India, Gourd, wood, bone, ivory (1994.498)
Sankh, 19th century, Kerala State, India, Shell (spyrum turbonella), brass, wax (1986.12)
Sarangi, 19th century, Gujarat, India, Wood, metal, parchment, horsehair, mother-of-pearl,
ivory, paint(89.4.200)
Sarangi, ca. 1900, India, Wood, ivory, parchment, metal (1982.143.2)
Sarangi, late 19th century, North India, Wood, parchment, ivory, gut, metal (46.34.43)
Sitar, 1997, Made by Murari Adhikari, Calcutta, India, Teak, ebony, metal, bone, various
materials (1999.399)
Sitar, late 19th century, India, Wood, ivory, metal (89.4.1586)
Sursanga, 19th century, India, Wood, pearl, ivory (46.34.79)
Tambura, 20th century, India, Gourd, wood, bone, ivory, steel (1986.470a)
Tanjore tambura (male), early 19th century, India, Gourd, wood, metal, bone (2008.141.2a,b)
Top of a bell in the form of a demon king or guardian, Eastern Javanese period, ca. second
half of 12thearly 13th century, Indonesia (Java), Bronze (1987.142.17)

Inertia Examples

One's body movement to the side when a car makes a sharp turn.
Tightening of seat belts in a car when it stops quickly.
A ball rolling down a hill will continue to roll unless friction or another force stops it.
Men in space find it more difficult to stop moving because of a lack of gravity acting
against them.
If pulled quickly, a tablecloth can be removed from underneath of dishes. The dishes
have the tendency to remain still as long as the friction from the movement of the
tablecloth is not too great.
Shaking a bottle of ketchup. When bringing the bottom down, the suddenly stopping it,
inertia is what causes the ketchup to come out of the bottle.

dietary Fats and Diabetes[Harvard school of public health]

The types of fats in your diet can also affect the development of diabetes. Good fats, such
as the polyunsaturated fats found in liquid vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds can help ward
off type 2 diabetes. (26) Trans fats do just the opposite. (31,40) Eating omega-3 fats
from fish does not protect against diabetes, even though there is much evidence that
these marine omega-3 fats help prevent heart disease. (43) If you already have diabetes,
eating fish can help protect you against a heart attack or dying from heart disease.

Analysis of solar panel orientation in low

altitude satellites
The computation of the optimal orientation of solar panels which are fixed to the body of the
satellite, from the point of view of average power, is presented. In practical cases, some of the
parameters which determine the optimal orientation vary during the lifetime of the satellite. In
these cases we compute a worst case optimum, which maximizes the average power in the worst
case situation. Finally, an application of these procedures to an Earth observation satellite is

Published in:
Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:34 , Issue: 2 )
Probable Increased Risk of Prostate Cancer[Harvard]
A diet high in calcium has been implicated as a probable risk factor for prostate cancer.
(17) In a Harvard study of male health professionals, men who drank two or more
glasses of milk a day were almost twice as likely to develop advanced prostate cancer as
those who didnt drink milk at all. (18) The association appears to be with calcium itself,
rather than with dairy products in general: A more recent analysis of the Harvard study
participants found that men with the highest calcium intakeat least 2,000 milligrams
a dayhad nearly double the risk of developing fatal prostate cancer as those who had
the lowest intake (less than 500 milligrams per day). (19)

Characteristics of Polynomials
By Julie Rook, eHow Contributor
Characteristics of Polynomials

A polynomial is a finite sum of terms where each term contains only variables with
nonnegative integer exponents and constant coefficients. Integers are numbers that can be
written without a fraction or a decimal. Numbers such as 1, 63 and 1145 are integers,
whereas 45.33 is not. For example, the following equation is considered a polynomial:
3x^2 + 6x - 10. As polynomials are an important part of learning algebra, learning the
characteristics of polynomials will help algebra students to add and multiply p


Each part of a polynomial is called a "term." The terms in the example from the
Introduction (3x^2 + 6x - 10) are 3x^2, 6x and -10. Terms in polynomials cannot include
fraction or negative powers. For example, the square root of the variable x cannot be a
polynomial term, since the square root of x is x^1/2.

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